HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-10-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION
Time of Meeting: 5:30 P.M.
Date of Meeting: October 17, 2005
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Chairman Comstock called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Pacheco, Hubbard, Lyons, Cooper,
and George
Staff Members Present:
Ken Price, Recreation Director
Sue Spickard, Recreation Services Manager
Scott Bradstreet, Park Planner
Liz Ketabian, Park Planner
Gian Lauro, Recreation Area Manager
Kyle Lancaster, Parks Superintendent
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Craig, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting
held on June 20, 2005, were approved.
AYES: Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Lyons, Cooper and George
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioners Hubbard and Pacheco
Parks and Recreation Commission - 2 - October 17,2005
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pacheco, the Agenda for
October 17, 2005, was approved.
AYES: Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Pacheco, Hubbard, Lyons,
Cooper, and George
NOES: None
Chairman Comstock explained that Item #2 would be pulled from the Consent Calendar and
voted on separately.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Hubbard, AB #1005-2 was pulled from the
Consent Calendar..
AYES: Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Pacheco, Hubbard, Lyons,
Cooper, and George
NOES: None
To receive, accept and file the Summary Report of the June 20, 2005 Parks and
Recreation Commission meeting.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Hubbard, AB #1005-1 was approved.
AYES: Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Pacheco, Hubbard, Lyons,
Cooper, and George
NOES: None
Liz Ketabian, Park Planner, updated the Parks and Recreation Commission on National Public
Lands Day. She explained that a $500 donation was received from Toyota-Lexus Carlsbad in
support of National Public Lands Day and described how the donation was used.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Craig, AB #1005-2, to receive a donation of
$500 cash in support of the September 1, 2005 National Public Lands
Day-Lake Calavera Clean Up and recommend acceptance by the City
AYES: Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Pacheco, Hubbard, Lyons,
Cooper, and George
NOES: None
Parks and Recreation Commission -3- October 17,2005
Ken Price, Recreation Director, explained that the City Council received a request to name the
Dog Park facility at Hidden Canyon Community Park in memory of Ann D. L'Heureux. He
added that after consideration, the City Council, in accordance with Council Policy #48,
directed that the Parks and Recreation Commission to consider the request. He added that
Mrs. L'Heureux was the person who made the dog park a reality as well as a person who
worked hard to make the community stronger.
He reviewed some of the criteria of Council Policy #48 and described how Mrs. L'Heureux
played a significant role in the community.
Hap L'Heureux, 1731 Calavo Court, Carlsbad, explained that one of his wife's goals was to
have a dog park in the quadrant. He said she made of list of other locations where a dog park
could be included. He asked the Parks and Recreation Commission to keep the concept alive
as it was well received in the community. Mr. L'Heureux ended by thanking the Commission for
the honor on behalf of his wife and requested that the park be named in her honor.
Chairman Comstock asked staff to find the original letter in which Mrs. L'Heureux requested
the dog park be established so that it could be posted at the site.
Susan Furioli, 4629 Buckingham Lane, Carlsbad, shared a video with the Commission. She
said that the one person who was responsible for the dog park was Ann L'Heureux and that
the park should be named after her.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Craig, AB #1005-3, to accept and file the
staff report.
AYES: Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Pacheco, Hubbard, Lyons,
Cooper, and George
NOES: None
Ken Price explained that staff would be presenting a proposed Master Plan Amendment for
consideration for Pine Avenue Community Park. He explained that staff wanted to take
advantage of using the existing contract work for expansion of the project. He added that staff
was directed to pursue alternatives for use of the Pine Avenue Community Park. He stated that
this resulted in 3 or 4 options and alternatives which he discussed with the City Manager's
office. Mr. Price explained that the purpose of the item was to get the Parks and Recreation
Commission's input on the alternatives and to have citizens speak at the public hearing.
He mentioned that the City Attorney's office advised staff that they could not expand the
existing contract because it was such a large project and there would be some liability issues
but that a public hearing could be held at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to
obtain further input. He described how the people in the neighborhood were notified of the
meeting and added that phone calls and letters were received from the public. Mr. Price
Parks and Recreation Commission -4- October 17,2005
emphasized that staff had not yet decided what was going to happen at the park and that there
were still three other alternatives that could be proposed.
Scott Bradstreet, Park Planner, summarized the background of the project. He described the
public hearings that were held and explained that staff heard the need for open play time and
an additional baseball field. He explained that City Council approved the Master Plan and an
ornamental garden in January 2003. He displayed what was approved. He described the multi-
use field and the ornamental garden in detail.
Mr. Bradstreet pointed out that additional lots were purchased. He added that City Council
requested staff to include the additional lots, resulting in the ornamental garden. He stated that
they were currently looking at alternative designs.
He displayed the original design considerations and pointed out what was purchased. He
summarized the design considerations including safety, how workshop requests were
addressed, and mentioned that there was a rare opportunity for the City to use acreage in the
Northwest Quadrant for a ballfield. He described the three alternatives in detail and explained
that staff was recommending a fourth option which was to include a Bronco size ballfield. He
demonstrated why staff thought this was the best solution and pointed out that there would
only be an additional 1/3 acre.
Mr. Bradstreet explained the importance of being sensitive to the neighbors and outlined what
would be done to buffer the ballfield from the neighbors. He described where trees would be
located and how the backstop would be away from Chestnut. He discussed lighting and
described how the light would be directed on to the field and not spill over to the residential
area. He also addressed the issue of foul balls.
He explained that the cost estimate would be $1.1 to $1.3 million which would include the
Bronco field addition and a restroom/storage building. He asked the Parks and Recreation
Commission to recommend approval of the proposed Pine Avenue Park Master Plan
Amendment to City Council.
Questions and discussion included the following issues:
• Changes made to the plan originally sent to the City which included a play area for
children who were not involved in organized sports
• Groups who would use the ballfields
• Amount of parking required
• Possible location of a skate park
• Possibility of relinquishing parking places to create more of a buffer or open play space
• Percentage of neighborhood children participating in the leagues and whether a soccer
field would be more appropriate
• Neighbors already living in area had no choice since they were already there and their
concern about how the area will impact them
• Suggestion of installing a movable fence to accommodate all groups and have an area
for the community
• Comment that Pine Avenue was never a passive park
• Location of movable pegs on ballfields
• Clarification of the number of fields in south and north Carlsbad and times of use
• Controlled satellite lighting for the field
• Ballfields at the Safety Center and special permission for its use
Parks and Recreation Commission - 5 - October 17,2005
Virgina Martinez, 3367 Madison Street, Carlsbad, explained that she sent a letter to the
Commissioners and read the letter to the Commission. She expressed her concern that the
proposed amendment for expansion of the park would be detrimental to the quality of life. She
explained that her family lived in her house for over 70 years and that she was not against the
development of the park. She further stated that she participated in the many community
meetings of the approved Master Plan. Ms. Martinez explained that she was against the
changes made to the total design of the park, particularly replacing the ornamental garden with
the Bronco size baseball field. She stated that the community spoke out against an extra
ballfield at the meetings and that it would affect the community character and quality of life.
She also explained that parking would be 150' from the homes and that it was never
mentioned at any meeting that the ornamental garden was temporary. She stated that she felt
that the City should adhere to the original Master Plan and not accept the addition. She added
that within two hours she had at least 50 people sign a petition against the amendment. She
also asked what had happened to including lawn bowling in the park since it was a passive
Alex Martinez, 26741 Banbury Drive, Valley Center, passed out a letter to the Commissioners.
He explained that he was a native of Carlsbad and that he always maintained a relationship
with the Barrio. He added that he was assisting his sister with remodeling of her house and
described his career positions, including being a former director of Parks and Recreation for
San Diego County. He indicated that he felt that the proposed amendment to the Master Plan
was a violation of the master plan process.
Mr. Martinez pointed out that the majority of the neighbors lived in the area for over 50 years.
He added that they were not given enough notice to prepare for the meeting that evening. He
stated that the flyer did not indicate that other options were going to be considered and that
they had been assured that no active recreation would take place near Madison Street. He
urged the Commission to listen to the people who would be most impacted by the ballfield.
John Gomez, 3306 Madison Street, Carlsbad, stated that he owned the property that was part
of the design process. He said that he applauded the process and that there was no mistake
that the passive area was supposed to end up near the residences. He suggested that a
volleyball park could be considered. He stated that he was concerned about lights from the
Bronco field shining into his house and that the trees would not block the lights. He added that
he preferred another option.
Mario Monroy, 749 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, explained that he did attend all the meetings.
He said that the Chairman should not be part of the vote since he spoke in favor of the ballfield
at one of the meetings. He added that another ballfield was not the best thing for the
neighborhood and that it would change the neighborhood entirely. He stated that he liked
option #3 and was concerned about the lighting in the parking lot. He added that he hoped the
Commission would not support this particular proposal and expressed concern about the
soccer field. He also added that the sport community was very aggressive.
Commissioner George asked Mr. Monroy if he ever felt that he was advised that the
ornamental garden was temporary and Mr. Monroy responded no.
Bill Swann, 6988 Sandcastle Drive, Carlsbad, explained that he was a Carlsbad resident for 20
years and that he was president of the Carlsbad Youth Baseball League. He suggested that a
compromise be found. He stated that he was an advocate for adding another ballfield but was
Parks and Recreation Commission - 6 - October 17,2005
sensitive to the residents. He suggested that lights not be added and the park should be a day
park. He mentioned that he would like to see the park benefit all athletics, not just baseball.
Commissioner Comstock asked Mr. Swann how his group was impacted. Mr. Swann
explained that they were skipping around to various fields because of construction. He
described what was happening to the fields and stated that the League was willing to work with
the neighbors to be the best neighbor that they could be. He also described suspicious activity
at Chase.
Commissioner Pacheco expressed concern that children who did not have a place to go who
ended up in gangs.
Commissioner Craig asked if Mr. Swann was open to having the park as a day use facility. Mr.
Swann responded that he was thinking about it. He also explained that he offered scholarships
to those who could not afford to play because he wanted to see children play.
Theresa J. Childs, 3331 Madison Street, Carlsbad, explained that she lived directly behind the
backdrop. She suggested that the Commission should have more workshops and that possible
considerations could include a sand volleyball court, lawn bowling, or a conservatory or gazebo
to augment the garden itself. She said they all agreed that they did not want the particular
entrance on Madison. She added that other parks could accommodate baseball and that there
were mostly adults who lived on Madison. Ms. Childs added that the park should support
adults, especially since there were already two or three fields.
Ms. Childs addressed the issues of businesses and stated that there were no businesses in
the area nor any place to eat. She expressed concern about the traffic since Madison already
went directly through Tamarack and was very busy. She added that she was concerned about
the noise, and pointed out that Chase Field noise did not end at 7:00 or 8:00 in the evening.
She concluded by stating that she was personally for a conservatory.
Joe Canales, 3447 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, stated that the Barrio was the oldest place in
Carlsbad. He expressed concern that the property owners were not given enough notice for
the meeting and that he could have brought a lot more people to the meeting if he was given
sufficient notice. He explained that he was born in his house and that the neighborhood had
the best properties in Carlsbad. He asked about the plans for Chase Field and mentioned that
he was concerned about the lighting, especially since Chase Field lights lit up the whole
neighborhood. He said that Chase Field should be put in the program, perhaps putting in a
snack bar between the two places.
Mr. Canales discussed the alley where the baseball diamond was before the other properties
were purchased and asked about the adult community. He stated that there still would not be
enough fields for the children and suggested that the amendment be put on hold so that
neighbors could be contacted and further workshops could be held.
Kathleen Apodaca-Murquez, 3345 Madison Street, Carlsbad, stated that she also lived at 3429
Jefferson and was concerned about the impact on the neighbors. She pointed out that children
could hit more than 100' and mentioned that she was speaking on behalf of her 91 year old
grandmother. She said that her grandmother was so happy to hear that there would be a rose
garden. She added that she was an advocate for youth and wanted a place for the children to
play. She mentioned that bathrooms would create tagging and a place for children to hang out.
Parks and Recreation Commission - 7 - October 17,2005
Ms. Apodaca-Murquez said that she did not understand satellite lighting, especially since the
lights at Chase Field have been on for many hours at a time. She suggested that the
Commission work together with the community and particularly consider the seniors in the
community. She pointed out that every resident from the street was in attendance and that she
felt they were being disrespected.
Brian Donald, 2410 Stromberg Circle, Carlsbad, explained that he was a baseball dad and real
active in Carlsbad Youth Baseball. He described his roles and said that there was a very good
need for another Bronco size field. He mentioned that he believed that the field as it was
approved right now could accommodate two Bronco size fields and that pony age players
would not be able to use the field because of artificial turf. He suggested that the City could
relocate the existing resources and have them use Calavera. He suggested having another set
of workshops to figure out what to do with the garden. He explained that this was his personal
opinion and that he was not representing any group.
Commissioner Comstock asked if the existing space would be suitable. Mr. Donald explained
that with the original park design, two Bronco fields could be overlaid on the field. He added
that it could work with modification and another facility could be used for the older children to
play ball. Commissioner Comstock asked if lighting would be sufficient. Mr. Bradstreet
responded that it would if they did what Mr. Donald proposed.
Julie Ajdour, 3537 Madison, Carlsbad, reviewed the percentage of fields to the total acreage
for other parks in Carlsbad and asked for the acreage of the Pine Avenue Community Park.
Mr. Bradstreet responded that it was 7.7 acres. Ms. Ajdour stated that it was not consistent
with the other parks and that she thought the original plan was terrific. She also disagreed with
the statement about most children turning to gangs. She pointed out that whenever a youth
group really wanted something, they went to meetings, and asked where were the 11 and 12
year olds who wanted the baseball diamonds.
Leland Peneku, 3635 Contour Place, Carlsbad, explained that he was president of the
Carlsbad Softball Association. He stated that he felt strongly to support Mr. Bradstreet and that
his group also provided scholarships for young girls. He also mentioned that there were senior
leagues. He reminded the Commission to remember that the City was changing and growing
very rapidly.
In response to Commissioner Pacheco's query regarding the amount of scholarships present
to children, Mr. Peneku stated that they gave out six scholarships last year.
Tom Watson, 4927 Salisbury Drive, Carlsbad, stated that he worked with Carlsbad Youth
Baseball and worked closely with staff. He explained that he believed Chase Field was a safety
hazard for children and neighbors and explained why. He added that there was an inadequate
number of fields. He said that he supported the proposal but also respected comments and
opinions of the neighbors. He added that staff may have to do additional planning.
Michael Hedrick, 3557 Madison Street, Carlsbad, said that he was in support of the neighbors
in the neighborhood. He said that it was not a good idea to add another baseball park and
explained why. He said there were a lot of other activities such as skateboarding and soccer
and that there was no space for passive or other activities. He said that the original plan with
the ornamental gardens decided upon with a lot of people was a good idea and mentioned that
the community did not have a lot of time to respond. Mr. Hedrick pointed out that the other
supporters of the baseball field did not live in the neighborhood and that he just wanted to
speak up against another baseball field.
Parks and Recreation Commission - 8 - October 17,2005
Commissioner Comstock asked if Mr. Hedrick was opposed to another baseball field if two
fields could be placed on the site of the proposed field. Mr. Hedrick responded that they would
have to add more parking instead of trees if that was the case.
Tony Gullotta, 3744 Cavern Place, Carlsbad, said that he respected everyone's views. He
added that staff needed to do what was best for the entire City. He stated that his sons played
baseball and the City did not put enough resources in the north because that part of the City
was already built out. He added that the current fields were very crowded and applauded the
plans for parking since there was no parking at Chase Park. He explained that he felt Chase
Field was poorly laid out and said that the City bought the property and not the neighbors.
Lisa Coughlin, 3471 Jefferson Avenue, Carlsbad, explained that her son was going to make a
presentation. Her son said that instead of building another baseball park, they should put in
retractable fences at Chase Field. He pointed out that lights from Chase Field were a problem
and that he did not think they needed five fields in a two block radius. He added that from his
parents' point of view, they should use the money to put in a bridge across the tracks so the
children had a safe way to get to the beach.
Ned Paterson, 3275 Donna Drive, Carlsbad, said that they needed more workshops based
upon what was heard at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. He added that he felt
they should try and accommodate everyone and that he was disturbed that all children did not
play baseball. He mentioned that lighting was a big issue and that he would like to have more
fields, especially since his son played until 9:00 p.m. at night. Mr. Paterson also expressed the
importance of reaching out and pulling some children in to play baseball, and said that he
would like to see two Bronco fields.
Commissioner Pacheco pointed out that there were many workshops held and that a plan was
Chairman Comstock closed the public hearing at 7:30 p.m.
Further discussion and comments included the following issues:
• Recommendation that three commissioners and staff participate in workshops which
would include neighbors
• The park was to be a quadrant park and not a neighborhood park
• Workshops were already held and the Master Plan was already approved
• People of the Barrio said that they do not want five baseball fields
• Speakers that evening asked for another workshop
• Possibility of the Parks and Recreation Commission working closely with the School
District in the renovation at Carlsbad High School which could include baseball and
softball fields
• Whether the parking lot at community center could be considered parking spaces for
the ballfields
• Concern about changing the existing contract
• Suggestion that the field in the industrial complex could be used as a Bronco field
• Explanation of why a bathroom was added and whether it would be a safety issue
• Preference for the old plan
• Possibility of looking at the additional piece and making it workable without stopping the
• Need for open play time and having a place to go since all children did not want to play
in organized sports
Parks and Recreation Commission -9- October 17,2005
• Request for an analysis that would include a hard copy of alternatives
• Suggestion of having a workshop which would be in an informal atmosphere
Commissioner Cooper made a motion to vote on the action item to provide a recommendation
to the City Council for the proposed Pine Avenue Park Master Plan Amendment. The motion
was seconded, and failed: 0 Ayes, 7 Noes.
Further discussion and comments included the following issues:
• Have staff provide the Parks and Recreation Commission with a solution
• Clarification of whether the contractor needed to stop working on the park
• Concern that the rest of the City of Carlsbad would decide what would go into the
community park without consideration for the views of the community
• Review of how subcommittees and workshops have worked for the lagoon and the
skate park
• Clarification of how change orders could be put in for the project
• The need to look at the entire area that benefits the community and the park
• Appointment of Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Pacheco and Hubbard as a
subcommittee to meet with staff to review options
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Hubbard, AB #1005-4 to leave intact the
original Pine Avenue Community Park Master Plan with the exception of
the ornamental garden and all the area included in the red rectangle, the
new acquisitions, which would involve conducting a workshop to get
community input and look at redesign for the most optimum use,
including setting up the subcommittee of Chairman Comstock,
Commissioners Pacheco and Hubbard, and to present their findings
back to the Parks and Recreation Commission.
AYES: Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Pacheco, Hubbard, Lyons,
Cooper, and George
NOES: None
Sue Spickard, Recreation Services Manager, explained that the Parks and Recreation
Commission Holiday Party was scheduled for Friday, December 15, 2005 and the Commission
needed to decide where to have the party.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cooper, AB #1005-5, to approve the date
and location of the December Parks and Recreation Commission
meeting and holiday dinner be held on Friday, December 16, 2005,
beginning at 5:00 p.m. at Carrillo Ranch, with the Senior Center as a
AYES: Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Pacheco, Hubbard, Lyons,
Cooper, and George
NOES: None
Parks and Recreation Commission -10-October17, 2005
On motion by Commissioner Lyons to adjourn the Regular Meeting at
8:10 p.m.
Chairman Comstock, Commissioners Craig, Pacheco, Hubbard, Lyons,
Cooper, and George
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Stark
Minutes Clerk