HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:30 P.M. Date of Meeting: June 15, 2009 Place of Meeting: Harding Community Center - Recreation Hall CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Lyons called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Lyons, Commissioners Cooper, Martyns, and Farley Absent: Commissioners Craig, Comstock and Proulx ANNOUNCEMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Farley, the Minutes of the regular meeting held on May 18, 2009 were approved. AYES: Chairperson Lyons, Commissioners Cooper, Martyns, and Farley NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Craig, Comstock and Proulx INTRODUCTIONS None. PRESENTATIONS Bonnie Elliott, Recreation Area Manager, and Steve Miller, Senior Recreation Leader for Special Events gave a presentation on the Community Health & Fitness Expo and Triathlon on July 11" and 12th, 2009. Mr. Miller stated that there are currently 886 registered to participate in this triathlon and it is up 39% from last year. He also stated that the sponsorship contribution has increased by 86% from last year. Mr. Miller stated that they are still looking for someone to start the race and anyone interested may contact Bonnie Elliott by July 1, 2009. Her number is 602-7515. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB# 0609-1 SUMMARY REPORT (ACTION\ To accept, approve and file the May 18, 2009 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Summary Report. Parks and Recreation Commission - 2 - June 15,2009 2. AB # 0609-2 ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION - 2009 Questers Donation (ACTION) Recommend City Council acceptance of a donation for the refurbishment of furniture and period regalia from the Questers in support of Leo Carrillo Ranch. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cooper, AB #0609-1 and AB #0609-2 of the consent calendar were approved. AYES: Chairperson Lyons, Commissioners Cooper, Martyns, and Farley NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Craig, Comstock and Proulx Commissioner Craig arrived at the meeting at 5:40 p.m. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 3. AB # 0609-3 DEPARTMENT REPORT (INFO) Brian Albright, Parks and Recreation Director, reported on recent and upcoming events and project work in the Department which include the following: Cost Recovery Model (Pyramid) Poinsettia Park Tennis Program Drought Impacts on City Parks Monroe Pool Projects Budget Update Major P&R Department Goals for FY2009-10 Events Completed Last Month 1. National Trails Day at Rancho Carrillo Trails on Saturday, June 6, 2009 Upcoming events: 1. Health and Wellness Expo @ Westfield Plaza Camino Real parking lot (near Sears), Saturday, July 11, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 2. Carlsbad Triathlon, Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. 4. AB # 0609-4 NEIGHBORHOOD INTERESTS - (INFO) Bonnie Elliott, Recreation Area Manager, gave an overview of the Harding Community Center, the Senior Center, Holiday Park, and Pine Avenue Park. Brian Albright, Parks & Recreation Director, and Mark Steyaert, Parks Development Manager, discussed the history of the Madison Street vacant land and opened up discussion for interim uses for this property. Virginia Martinez, 3367 Madison Street, Carlsbad, explained that she did not understand why the Madison Street park plans have taken so long. She would at least like to see the vacant land area at Madison Street cleaned up and possibly leveled off with sod. Parks and Recreation Commission -3- June 15,2009 Ofelia E. Escobedo, 1611 James Drive, Carlsbad, suggested that if there are no funds for the Northwest Quadrant area than maybe the city could partner with the Boy Scouts or volunteers to help clean it up. Mario Monroy, 749 B. Magnolia, Carlsbad, stated that the issue with the Madison Street vacant land area has been sports vs. non-sports. He asked if the city would accept passive plans for this property and inform the public. John DiGiacomo, 3471 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad stated that he bought his property because of the plans that were promised for a passive park at Madison Street. He stated that everyone loves a park and we do not need another sports complex. He explained that there has been a lot of noise and parking issues. He also stated that he would like to see an alternative in the interim. Theresa J. Childs, 3331 Madison Street, Carlsbad, stated that she did not understand why the city cannot come up with 2 million dollars for this project at Madison Street. She also suggested that the city charge for parking and reinvest that money for the park. She stated that the area is very dark and needs better lighting for safety. She explained that cameras are needed for the entire park. She further explained that there has been a lot of vandalism in this park. She suggested a substation be at the house located on Madison Street that is now being used for storage. She would like to see foot patrol by the Police Department. She explained that when the police were dispatched to that area it took 20-25 minutes response time when there is a police presence in the downtown area. She asked if grants could be looked into to help fund the park. Julie Ajdour, 3537 Madison Street, Carlsbad, explained that she uses the park alot. She asked why it is so expensive to do an ornamental garden. She stated that she is okay with an interim plan with passive use. Socarro Anderson, 3420 Don Juan, Carlsbad, suggested you move these meetings to a later time starting at 7:00 p.m. for people who work. She stated that this area is the oldest in the city and needs the most help. She stated that she can't understand why the city cannot come up with 2 million dollars for this park at Madison Street. She explained that this vacant land is a "blighted" area. She further explained that by the city leaving this area vacant that crime will increase. She would like this project to go back to City Council and for there to be a solution to this property. Roy Sanchez, (address not given), he stated that nothing happens in the Northwest Quadrant and every other area has a community center. Commissioner Cooper left the meeting at 6:50 p.m. 5. AB # 0609-5 CARRILLO RANCH PROJECT UPDATE - (INFO) Liz Ketabian, Park Planner, gave an update on the barn stabilization project and the new patio expansion at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park. Both projects were completed June 1, 2009. Parks and Recreation Commission -4- June 15,2009 COMMITTEE/CITY COUNCIL REPORTS None. Commissioner Farley offered to give the other Commissioners and Department Heads a tour of the Hamilton Children's Garden at the Quail Botanical Gardens in Encinitas. AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE COMMISSION MEETING • Community garden • Madison Street vacant land • ANAC Financing Options ADJOURNMENT ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Martyns to adjourn the Regular Meeting at 7:10 p.m. to Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility - 6220 Avenida Encinas, August 17, 2009. There will be no meeting in July. AYES: Chairperson Lyons, Commissioners Craig, Martyns, and Farley NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Cooper, Comstock and Proulx Respectfully submitted, Michele Hardy Minutes Clerk