HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-23; Planning Commission; Minutesc
October 23, 1952
at 7:15 p. m. in the City Hall at 3975 HLrding Strest. Present
besides Chairman Sutton vc3re msrnbers H. H. Bzrter, Col. I. H. Gronseth,
J. N. Bond, C. D. McClellan, Arnie StringTr and '201. H. X. Smith.'
Absent, Torn Acuna.
Colonel Gronssth aoved that the minutes of October 9, 1952
be read in brief. Second?d by J. E. Eoilo:. All ;..,res. Motion cLrricld.
rezoning from R-2 to C-1 on property described as: The Southerly half
of Block 7, Car1sba.d Tomsite, EY he believes it is discrimatory to
exclude this block from C-1 zoning v,hen ccdjacent zoning is C-1.
from F-2 to C-l of hbovc desc~ibed property be denipd ;nd inste;td it
be recon'xer&d to the City Council thst t2is zrez be reclzssifipd from
Zone E-2. to F;-l,,. Eecondec? by Colonel Gronssth. All ayes. Motion
Becretzry Smith revievied the applic;: tion of klton A. and M;t.rgaret V.
Gledden for rezoning from E-2 to E.'-3 of p?oy?-?rty situ3tw-i at 335 Oak
Avenue, described as: that portion of ,Tr;ct 99, Car1cba.i Lads;
beginning 240 1 f r Nor tkerly comer sclid Tr:,.c t; extendiz; 80 f E.ou tnxves terly
along Northviesterly line of szid 'I'rc;ct; thence EoUthe*sterly at right
mg19 2001 thence Nor theas terly at right angle 80' ; thence !?or times terly
Et righ angle 2007 to point of begifining, for the purpose of providing
more housing fuc.ilitiPs in this aree. Discussion vas held. Mr. L. E.
BJchrirt who ELS pros,ont also requested a zone chtnge for his property
fron Zone E-2 to 3-2 described 6s: '7Log;tn Village" situsted at the
Thuns Lmds, which is the property on the vLest side of Lincolr, z.na
133 1/3 feet viest of Chestnut in an E-2 zone. Mr. Ftringer moved th&t
2 hesring be set zt 7:CjO D. rn. on November 10, 1952. Seconded bv
Colonel Smith. 1\11 zves. Motion ccrried.
A communicstion \YES rezd by Secretzry Smith from Gretchen
; A~~ .7 th? path of :%vlirx Drive. Mr. 2ond moved that recommendat.ion
be presented to the Cikv Council to h;ive the tree in westion be
and J. B. Bond were named on the tree committee .crith J. 3. Bond acting
Ordirlcnce 830, nev; series, Ordinance 917, nev. series of San Ili.e.cn Countv
adjourned. - 5-