HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-01-26; Planning Commission; Minutes31eeting was called to order by Chairman Robert Sutton at
7:OO p. m. Present besides Chairman Sutton were members C. D, Mc-
Clellan, R, BI. Smith, J. B, Bond, R. IS. Barter, Tom Acma, and Arnie
Stringer, Absent, Col, Gronseth,
Minutes of the meting of January 12th were read and. approved,
Secretary Smith reviewed Notice of Public Hearing on the re-
quest of B. F. Binkley for zone vzriance to permit reduction of build-
ing site area from 10,000 square feet,to 8625;'square feet, and from
10,000 square feet to 9200 square feet, for t& purpose of construct-
ing two dwellings. Ray Binkley was present and w4s questioned by the
Cornassion as to adjacent property ani3 buildings, and the possibility
of acq uiring addftional Itand. to conform to building site requirements.
He stated the dwellings he proposed to build would be 900-square-foot
stucco homes. The Comission was not satisfied that reason exlsted
for granting the variance, as provided by the Ordinance 9005 of ths
Citg: of Carlsbad, Secretary Smith moved that a recormendation be made
to the City Council that the application of Ek. B. F, Binkley for
variamce as advertised, be not granted, because no evid-ence was pm-
sented at the hearing that the size, shape, topography or location of
the lots, or the location of existing buildings, 011 other conditfons
which would cause compliance with the area rsquirements to be impossible,
without practical difficulty or hardship, as set forth on Page 31 Of
Ordinance 9005 of the City of Carlsbad., md as stated. as a necessary
requirement for the grantirig of a variance, by t'he ComlliSsiOn at a
previous rneetfng, Seconded. by Ek. Bond. All ayes, motion carried.
Time of hearing, 38 minutes, 110 protest's*
Secretary Smith aeviewed Notice of Public Xearing on the
Floyd TJ. Jobston request for variances as follows: reduction in
building site area from 6000 square feet to 3250 square feet; front
$ard setback, from. 50 feet to 47% feet; south side yard setback, from
5 feet to 2% feet, and rear yard setback from 25 feet to 12& feet.
- 1-
for the purpose of constructing a dwelling with l$-fOot attached
garage. Evidence brought out at the last meeting was reviewed, and
hlr. Johnston was present and stated that he had owned this lot for
59 or 6 years, bk. Acuna moved that a recommendation be made to the
City council that Mr, Johston be granted variances as requested.
Seconded by Nr. Bond, All ayes, motion carried. No protests. Tim
of hearing, five minutes.
Secretary Smith reviewed Notice of public Hearing on the re-
quest of Mrs. Tess Guidotti for variance to pernit reduction of rear
yard setback from 25 feet to 12& feet, to permit alteration of an
existing building at 2705 xadison Street. Tks. Guidotti was present
and stated that moving the existing building to gain the 12$-foot
rear yard setback requested would be a great financial hardship, and
would involve moving a fence, flowers and shrubs, and other improve-
ments, and asked if the Commission could grant her permission to
leave the house as is with the stipulation that it would be moved if
objections were raised later, TJifrs, Guidotti was informed that a 50%
red-uction is tbmaximni which the Commission could grant, which would
necessitate moving the buildfng forward before alteration could be
permitted. Col. Smith moved that a recommencl.ation be made to tha
City Council that the application of Tess Guidotti for variance 83
advertised be approved. Seconded by %1r. Barter. All ayes, motion
carried. No protests. Time of hearing, 10 minutes.
Secretmy Sxith reviewed. Notice of Public Baring On the
request of Yillard Haymore for variance in north 3id.e yard from 5
feet to 2* feet on a pation of unnumbered Block lying Westerly of
Block 14, Carlsbad Townsite, lOCat8d at 3021 Ocean Avenue, in a C-1
zone. The application was accompanied by two letters, one from Nr.
and 12rs1 W. C, Quebedeaux, and the other from Geo. E. Jackson, ad-
joining property owners, consenting to the extension of Xr, Haymore’s
garage, for which variance is requested. The fact that the extension
between the north wall znd the south wall of a garage on adjoining
property mas discussed at great length from tb standpoint of fire
.. .
hazard, and %?. Barter stated tht a fire wall should be built on the
north side of the garage. KT. Barter moved that a recommendation be
made to the City council that the request for variance of 3illard
Rayrnors of 3021 Ocean Avenue be granted, with the condition that the
garags bo built with a 6-inch concrete brick fire wall, with a 30-
inch parapet, and that cells of the concrete block every Cwo feet
be reinforced with steel ar,d tilled with cement, Seconded by ZGr.
Acuna. All ayes, motion carried. Xo protests, Time of hearing, 20
minutes ,
request of & 1 Fouts, 4090 Garf iel? Street, for variance to perzit
reduction in building site area from 6000 square feet to 4320 square
feet. TZr. Fouts was present and was questioned by the Commission as
to the possibility of removing a portion of an existing building which
protrudes onto the lot, but he stated this could not be done without
seriously interfering with use of the building. Secretory Smith read
Secret r;sT Smith reviewed the Notice of Public Flearing on the
a letter of protest fro= Xr. Fred R Luth of Los Angeles, wb oms
nearby property, protesting granthg of the variance on th grounds
that erection of a third house on this property would be detrimental
to tho property and. interests of neighborbig owners. b, Fouts stated
that his proposed dwelling wo1xl.d contain 850 square feet; and that he
had built the first two houses under County permits , Nfr , Bond .moved
that tkZs xatter be continued for two weeks, to February 9th, so that
all menbers can make a personal insnection of the area prior to that
time. Seconded by Kr. Actma. All ayes, motion carried. One protest.
Time of hearing, 20 minutes.
" .
After a five-minute recess, Chairman Sutton reconvened the
Commission, Nayor hClellan drew the attention of the members to
Section 15.10, Page 28, of Ordinance 9005, dealing with non-conforming
buildings, as a possible solution to Eks. Guido tti's problem, as it
permits alteration of a non-conforming building, pmvided. the horizontal
dimens ions are not disturbed
Secretary Smith read. a letter from L. E. Lloyd and Alberta R.
Lloyd requesting permission to place a trailer on property described
- 3-
as the Southwesterly 63 feet of Lot 6, Block T, Palisades ;%, at
Chinquapin near G'arfield., in an R-2 zme. The letter was accompanied
by str.tements of' consen.t signed by four neighbors. It was decided to
refer this matter to the City couricil, with the possibility that it
could be handled by a condition in the bu.ildiw permit which would. give
him permission to place the Strailer on the lot, with the provision that
final inspection not be giver: until the trailer is removed. I$Ir. Bond
moved that it be suggested. to t Council th.at n!r. Lloyd be granted per
mission to place a traile?, with groper sanita-qr facilities, upon prop-
erty described as the Southwesterly 63 feet of Lot 6, Block T., Pali-
sades, for the period of ninety fap, while he is constructing his
home, the trailer to be removed befo-re the buildiEg is finally in-
spected; and that the Building Inspector be authorized to give the sane
Charles Ledgerwood presented a proposal to the Commission for
extenging Redwood Avenue tkough Block 18, Palisad.Qs, to Washington
Avenue, which would involve owners of property in the block buying Lot
6 as an access, and giving thirty feet from each of lots/13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, and 19 for construction of tlne street through to '7ashdngtan.
12 ,
Secmtary Smith read Ivlr. Ledgerwood's letter to the Commission asking
for specific information as to costs and requirements, and/was informed
that it would cost $1.10 to P1.l.S per running foot for a roll type curb,
end 8d per foot for surfacing. The Commission indicate8 they would look
with favor upon Xr. Ledgerwood.'s proposal, as it represented good plan-
ning, and suggested that he confer further with UP. Barter a s to the
specific: information requestea in his letter. Secretary Smith moved
that Er. Ledgerwood's letter be referred to the Director of Public Works
for reply to specific technical questions asked therein. Seconded by
special use permi? to allow operation of a venetian blind cleaning ser-
vice in a separate building at his residence at 2984 Kadison 3t.reet,
in an R-3 zone, accompanied by letters of consent fron; ibr. and Mmr,
Claude Fennel, L. Kaud Fennel, Parry and. lkrion Brenneman, and Edward - 4-
Urbanski, avners of neighboring property. b$r. C71tler was preser!t and
stated that no signs would be displayed and no disturbance or annoyance
would be caused in the neighborhood by reason of this proposed activity,
Secretary Smith read an opinion of the City Attorney ruling that such
an occupation carried on in an outbuilding coulcl not be classed as a
home occupation and would Eot be permissible in an R-3 zone, Nr, Bond
moved that a hearing be set on February 9, 1953, at 7 p, m,, on lfir,
Cutler's application for special use permit, subject to a ruling of the
City Attorney as to whether such a permit could be granted; and that lh.
Barter be instructed to contact the City Attorney and notify Yp. Cutler
as to his ruling. Seconded by Col. Smith. All ayes, motion carried,
Secretary Smith read the application of Villiam R, Dinclinger
and Vivian I, Dindineer for reclassification from R-2 to R-3 of Lots 2
and 3, Block A, Palisad.es, in order to make more practfcable use of
ocean front property. Since the feeling of the Commission was against
reclassification of such a small area, it was decided. to initiate re-
aoning of adjoining lots on either side. Mr. Stringer moved that a
hearing be set on February 9, 1953, at 7 porn, at the City Eall, on the
applica.tfon of William R. and Vivian I, Dindinger, for reclassification
from R-2 to R-3 of Lots 2 and 3 of Block A, Palisades, and at the initi-
ation of the Planning Commission to include in said reclassification
Lots 1 and 4, Block A, Palisades. Seconded by fib?. Bond. All ayes,
motion Carried,
Further discussion on the subject of Minimum Floor Area Re-
quirement, scheduled for this meeting, was deferred to February 9th,
due to the absence of Col. Gronseth.
Secretary Smith read the application of Anthony L, Itladeiros,
282 Acacia Street, for zone variance to permit reduction of building
site area from 6000 square feet to 5600 square feet, on a portion of
Lot 202, Tkrn Lards, blap 1681, at the Xorthvmst .corner of Garfield and
WaImt Streets. Col, Smith moved that 8 bearing be set on February 9,
1953, at 7 p, a,, on the application of Anthony L. PJadeirorr, 282 Acacia
Street, for variance, Seconded by Idre Stringer, All ayes, motion"
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" Highways, enclosing map sholrJing location of property formerly owned
by Owen Xelton, one-half of which had been requir:?d for construction
of the freeway, inquiring ahether a building permit would be issued
to a purchaser of the other half of the property, containing 5360
square feet, in an R-1 zone. It was decided to &fer the letter to the
City Cle& for reply that the permit would be granted und.er the provi-
sions of the Ordinance as referred to in their letter,
Mr Barter Pepo$€ed that' he had talked with the occupant of
the house at 3117 Garfield, who had complained that a large limb of a
cypress tree 0verhw.g and was endangering his house, but that the man
did not wish to bear the expense of trimming,
Kr Barter also reported that k had seen the Health Officer
froE the County Health Department in regard to health hazards in cer-
tain ai-eas in Carlsbad, due to substandard living quarters, but that
the ITealth Officer had stated that inasmuch as t'e sewers would bo cow
pleted in a month or two, he would defer the matter until th2.t; time.
The question of whether proposed operatims of the Continent-
al Baking Company at Elm and. Roosevelt would. constitute an illegal use
of the property was =:'.rcussed, but no a ction taken,
There being no furtbr business to come before the Commis-
sion, Col, Smith moved for adjournment, bk. Acuna seconding, All ayes,
meeting adjourned at 11:OO p. m,
Respectfully submitted,
~, >$\& k. X.Smith, Secretary