HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-03-23; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF MEETING OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION
March 23, 1953
Meeting called to order by Chairman Sutton at 7:05 p. m. Present
besides tb Chairman were Commissioners Bond, Smith, Grmseth, Stringer,
Mayor McClellan, Public Works Direct-or Barter, and City Attorney Smith.
0 ,f:. I,.
Minutes of the meeting of March SkkLwere briefed by Secretary
Smith, and approved.
Secretary Smith read the agenda, and it was decided to take up
first the matters in which those present were interested.
Secretary Smith reviewed Notice of public Hearing to consider the
reclassification, at the initiation of the Planning Commission, of the
area bounded by Las Flores Drive, California State Hlghway XI-SD-BB,
Laguna Drive, and the easterly boundary of Nna Vista'Gardens and the
southerly and northerly pro$ongation thereof, from Zom R-1 to a zone
to be designated as R-lB, providing for single-family dwelliqs on a
building site area of 6000 square feet, with minimum frontage of 50
feet on a dedicated street. Chaiman Sutton outlined the area on the
map. Arthr Snyder was present and stated that he was the owner of'
property within this area, presently zoned R-2, and that he was opposed
to changing this R-2 area to Ft-lB, After discussion, Col, Gronseth
moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council the
reclassification of this territory from R-1 to 3-lB, except that portion
lying north of Laguna Drive, now zoned R-2, Seconded by Col. Smith.
A11 ayes, motion carried, Time of hearing, 15 minutes.
Secretary Smith read a memorandum from the City Council returning
the matter of tb proposed division of lots submitted by G. C, Hill of
3643 barns Street to the Planning Commission for further study, as it
was found that the reconanendation of the Planning Commission, to divide
the four lots into three, could not be cawried out because of a building
under construction on one of the lots. Mr. Hill was present, also Mr.
Boyd, his contractor, and both were questioned as to locations of the
two houses on the property, and it was brought out that. the house now
under construction has a 5-foot side yard, illegal in an R-1 zone.
Different possibilities were suggested but since no solution could be
reached, b. Bond moved that this matter be tabled until April 13th,
so that members could make a personal investigation and field trip,
and that the City Attorney be asked to interpret the situation as out-
lined by Mrs. Hayes, attorney for Hr. Hill. Seconded by Mr. Stringer.
Five ayes, Col. Grmseth voting nay, Motion carried. Col. Gronseth
had earlier made a motion that a recommendation of denial be made to the
City Council, which motion received no second. Time of hearing, 25
minute s ,
Secretary Smith reviewed the Notice of fiblic Hearlw, on the ap-
plication of Bernard L, RObtbson and Anita Robinson for special use per-
mit to allow the construction of a trailer court on the following de-
scribed property, located in a C-l zme: Lot 24, Seaside Lands, 2630
State Street, Carlsbad; and for zone variance to permit a reduction of
front yard from 50 feet to 25 feet on the sa.m property. Mr. Robinson
sulmitted a letter of consent, siped by approximately 90 surrounding
owners and business men, and no om appeared in protest to the applica-
tion. General A. A, Gladden and Mrs. Gladden spoke in support of the
application, quoting statistics taken in a survey by the T. C, M. A.
showing that the average income of trailer residents is above ths aver-
age national income, and cited instances in our own county (San Diego's
xission Bay area, Escondhdo, and others) md other resort areas, notably
in Florida, where trailers are planned for, invited, and properly
licensed and regulabed and are an asset to their communities. Secretary
Smith disagreed, quoting an article by J. H. Couden, Mayor of Manlius,
New York, to the effect that many municipalities are adopting rigid
measures and stiff license fees against trailers to secure f'ran the
occupants a just proportion of the costs of the civic benefits received
by them and for which they pay no taxes and accept no responsibilities;
also that many advanced communities bar trailers entirely. Other mem-
bers were in favor of establishing specific areas for this purpose and
suggested that more time be taken so that the matter corrld be thorough-
ly studied Prom all angles. Mr. McClellan stated that he felt that the
present zoning ordinance would permit trailer courts in either a C-2
or M-1 zone without the issuance of a special use permit, and that, if
it is the desire of the people that no trailer parks should be permitted,
then a recommendation should be made to the CIty Council that the or-
dinance be changed. There was also a difference of opinion amone the
members as to whether the establishment of a trailer court affected only
the immediate neighborhood or the entire community. Bill Fry urged a
realistic attitude toward the trailer situation by designating an area
for trailers and letting them in, and pointed out that the manufacture
of trailers is ncw an important industry, that today’s trailers are a
fine piece of
herdto stay.
up many times
equipment and not a detriment to the comrmnity, and are
He stated that the problem, if turned down now, would cane
again, and urged that a solution be attempted as soon as
possible, Mr. Stringer moved that, since no objections were filed to
the application, the Planning Commission approve the Bernard L, Robin-
son and Anita Robinson applicatign for special use permit for a trailer
court, but that it be with.h3ld until April 13th, and that by that time
some rules and regulations concerning trailer cwrts be worked out.
Seconded by Mr. Bond. Col. Grcmseth moved that the motion be amended to
table the application until the Planning Commission decides whether or
not trailer courts are going to be approved wherever requested, or def-
inite locations selected and recommended for them. UP. Stringer would
not permit the amendment. Col. Gronseth stated that he felt that this
is a very serious problem of the community and its fubre, not just of
the immediate neighborhood, and felt it should be thoroughly studied
from all angles, and, if it is recognized that trailer courts are good
or necessary, to select and recommend to the City Council a definite
location, with proper zoning for trailer courts. City Attorney Smith
stated that he was in process of drafting 8 regulatory ordinance on
trailer courts, requested by tbe Parks and Recreation Committee. Vote
on the motion: ayes, McClellan, Barter, Strinper, Bond; nays, Smith,
Gronseth, and Sutton, Motion carried.
The question of the variance requested was discussed, and it was
decided that a reduction as requested, from 50 to 25 feet front yard
setback, would brhg the construction too close to the street. Mr.
McClellan moved that a variance to permit reduction of front yard Set-
back from 50 to 35 feet be recommended to the Cj-ty Council, on the
Bernard L. Wcibtxmm application. Seconded by Id??. Stringer. Ayes,
- 3-
Mcclellan, Sutton, Strinper, Bond, Grmseth, Smith. Nays, Mr. Barter.
Motion carried. Time of hearing, 55 minutes.
After a 15-minute recess, Chairmm Sutton reconvened the Planning
Commission at 9:15 p. m.
Secretary Smith reviewed the application of Lawrence Felt for
special use yormit to establish a trailer court on property described
as Lots 14 and 15, Tract 97, Carlsbad Lands; an3 letter accompanying
same. Letters of protest were read from the following neighboring
owners: Mrs. W. A. Worton, W. C. Quebedeaux, George Jackson, Benj. F,
Taylor, Millard Haymore, K. L. Becker, Grry Archbold, 0; M. Morris,
Albert Polhamus, Dr, J. W. Miller, ard Mrs. Gerald Sparling. Mr,
Becker and Kr. Jackson spoke briefly, aubstantiating their protests.
Mr. Felt was also present and stated that his property was in a c-1
erne, which permits such use where a special use permit is obtained.
After discussion, Mr. Bond moved that denial of the application of
Lawrence Felt for special use permit be recommended to the City council,
in view of' the numerous protests from surrounding owners that such use
cannot be permitted without detriment to the neighborhood. Seconded
by Mr. Stringer, All ayes, motion carried.. Time of hearing, 30 minutes.
Secretary Smith read the application of John A. Hier, 3264 High-
lwd Drive, for variance to permit reduction of rear yard setback from
50 to 34 Feet on property described as Lots H and G, Cedar Hill. addi-
tion, Alexander Beller Tract, on Forest Avenue between Highlard and
Spruce Street. Bill Pry, contractor for Mr. ."ier, explained reasons,
partly topographical, why the variance is requirad, and stated that
a street is Luo be cut through the middle of the property, off Forest
Avenue; also that Ih?, Hier expects to apply for rezoning of the proper-
ty to Zone R-1. Mr. Claud Fennel was present and stated that the house
be hg built by &? . Hier will be a very fine development for Carlsbad,
Col. Smith moved that a hearing be set on tb Hier application on
April 13th, at 7:OO p. rn. Seconded by Br. Bond. All ayes, motion
Secretary Smith read the application of Security Trust and Savings
Bank for variance to permit reduction of front yard setback from 50
feet to40 feet to allow construction of an addition to the bank build-
ing on property described as a portion Of Lot 10, Tract 106, Carlsbad - 4-
Lands. Mr. Stringer moved that a hearing he set on the application of
Security Trust Pi Savings Bank on April 13th, at 7:OO p. m. Seconded
by Xr, Bond, All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Smith read the application of E. Thacher for reclassi-
fication of property described as the Southwesterly 376.70 feet of the
Northeasterly 990.47 feet of Tract 233, Since the application was not
completed as to zone to which reclassification was desired, Col. Gron-
seth moved that the application be tabled to the next meeting, and Myso
Dusenbury, agent for Kr. Thacher, asked to ascertain the desires of
neighboring owners and then make a specific application. Seconded by
Er. bond. All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Smith read the application of R, H. Sonnemm and Jane
Sonneman for reclassification from R-2 to c-2 on property described as
Lots 29 to 32, inclusive, in Block 56, Carlsbad Townsite. Secretary
Smith moved that the application be set for hearing on April 13th at
7:OO p. m. Seconded by fiIr Bond. All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Smith read a letter from the Division of Real Estate
giving notice of filing of subdivision Palm Vista Map No, 2969 on
Narch 16, 1953, Letter was' filed.
Secretary Sath read a letter f'rom Professor Eisner of the Uni-
versity of Southern California, in reply to the letter written him
as to whether his students would undergake a project on Carlsbad simi-
lar to the one made on Fontana, in which Professor Eisner advised that
it was considered impractical because of the distance between Carlsbad
and the University.
Chairman Sutton stated that he called Professor Liefer of the
State College regarding this same subject, but had been advised that it
was pmtty late in the semester to start such a project; however, that
they would be glad to talk it over with the Planning Commission.
Secretary Smith asked Mr. Barter whether the zoning map was
being kept up to date. Mr. Barter stated that changes were being made
as the ordinances became effective.
It was suggested that the Plmning Commission recommend to the
City Council that the fee posted with an application for reclassifica-
tion be not returned to the applicant in event rezoning is denied.
After discussion, Col. Smith moved that fees charged for either zme
variance or reclassification be not returned to the applicant, mgard-
less of the action taken by the Council on the application. Seconded
by Mr. Stringer. A11 ayes, motion carried.
The question of whether the City Clerk should be authorized to
set hearings on applications for valaiances and reclassification, and
ad-vertise them, without holding same for the action of the Planning
Commission, was discussed, but no action taken.
After discussion, Ccl. Gronseth moved that the second definition
of the "Automobile Court or Campt1, on Page 2, Paragraph 2, of Ordinance
#9005, which reads -
"Land used or intend-ed to be used for camping purposes by automobile transients .
be deleted from Ordinance #9005. Seconded by Mr. Barter. All ayes,
motion carried.
Chairman Sutton announced tb t ths Board of the San Diego County
Planning Congress will meet monthly, at luncheon meetings, and that the
first meeting is on April 2nd at 12:30 at Escondido. He stated that he
wmld like to have someone else sit on the Board,, since he is in San
Diego during the day, but it was pointed out that most of the cities
are in the San Diego area, and it would seem practica 1 for him to re-
present Carlsbad. He stated he would like to have one or two more
members at tend the Es condi do meeting a
It was suggested that some very strict ordinances dealing with
regulation, fees, etc. of trailer courts should be obtained and
studied very carefully.
It was agreed tMt the Planning Commission meet as a Committee
on &nday, hrch 30th, at 7:30 p. m., .to work on the problems presented
by trailer court applications, There being no furtbr business to come
before the Comissian, the meeting was declared adjourned at 1l:lS p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
I X. M. Smith, Secretary