HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-05-25; Planning Commission; MinutesMay 25, 1953
J!le@ting called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:05 p. m. Present
besides the Chairman were Comn'dssioners Bond, Gronseth,Stringer,
Sutton, Helton, and Public Korks Director Barter. Absent, Mayor Mc-
Gown, Grmseth moved that reading of the minutes of tb meeting
of &y 11, 1953, be waived. Seconded by Comm. Sutton. All ayes, motion
carried ,
Chairman Smith announced that he muld like to be excused from
the rneating shortly before eight olclock to attend. the sewer assessment
meeting. Comm. Gronseth moved that the Chairman designate Comm. Bond
to take the chair at that time, for the balsnce of the meeting. Second-
ed by Cornl. Strinpr. All ayes, motion carried.
Chairman Smith stated that an inspection trip taken recently had
convinced him of the necessity of 811 access or frontage road along the
west side of the freeway, where approximately 13 streets dead-end,
such as was corxtructed along the east side of the freeway, wEibh would
be a great convenience to the public at large and especially to rstail
delivery trucks such as milk and bread trucks, IrTe stated thst since
the Highway Department had caused this situation, it might be possible
to enlist their co-operation in putting in this road, It waa pointed
out that a 30-foot wide street, posted with "NO PARIiITJG" sigs, would
probably be adequate. After d.iscussion, Corn. Gronseth moved that the
Planning Commission recornmen!!. to the City Council that it doas all in
its power to have the Highway Department provide an access road on the
west side of the freeway from Ruena Vista Street to Chestnut. Seconded
by Corn,. Bond. All ayes, motion carried. It wag sugcgested that Kp.
Barter advise persons planning to build on property which would be af-
fected, of the possibility of an access road being opened along the
Secxaetnry Stringer read Notice of Public Hearing on the application
of Paul I, Dindinger for variarice to permit reduction of rear yard set-
back from 25 feet to 15 feet, and a terilporary reduction in building site
aiaaa, pending purc'mse of additional lanrl fP0.n the Stata of California,
" c;z3
descri d on the followinfrJproperky: Lot 6, Block "B", Alles Avocado Acres, lo-
cated at Palm and krdirg Streets, 14r. Dinclinger explatncd t'm t the
mtire lot h.as an ai-ea of 11,875 square feet, on which there is an ex-
istj-ng dwelllng, which would give a building site area for the proposed
dwelling of 5,937.5 sqd:ii+e feet or 52.5 square feet short of the re-
quired area, %. Dindiqo;;r was asked whether. it would be his irlbctrl-
tion to later consider the small pax-cel he contemplates buying from the
State as Q separate building site and apply for a variance thereon, and
stated that he could not say at this time. After discussion, Comm.
Sutton rnoved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council
the reduction in rear yard se*iback fro:! 25 feet; to 15 feet as requested
by Paul I. Dindinger, and that the reduction of Lot 6 to 11,875 square
feet, for two single-family dwellings, be allowed. Seconded by Corrm.
Stringep. All ayes, motion carried. There were no protests,
Secretary Stringer read the application of F?&rbert L, Cole of
4004 Skyline Drive, for special use permit to allow use of premises at
399 Elm Avenue as a cabinet Shop. Cornul, Sutton moved that a hearing be
set on the application or" YierCert L. Cole for special use permit to al-
low operation of a cabinet shop at 399 Elm Avenue,on June 8, 1953, at
7:15 p. m. Seconded by Comm. Strhger. All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Stringer read a letter from MY. Louis Saintg suggesting
the name of "Eisenhower DriTp3" for the access road along the east side
of the freenuy. The matter was discussed. at length, with different
names being suggested. Comm. Gronseth moved that the Planning ComrAssion
recomriend to the City council that the name Fio Pic0 Drive" be consid-
ered for ths access road along the east side of the freeway, Seconded
by 2orr.111. Sutton. All ayes, motion carried.
The question of certain non-conforming large signs in residential
areas was discussed, and EAr. Barter asked to check into the matter .
Secretary Stringer reported that the budget was pererred by the
City council to the Finance and Budget Committee.
Secretary Stringer st8ted. that a suggestion had been made by the
City Council that the rlmning Cotmiss ion initiate a study as to an or-
dinance requiring special permits to keep certain kypes of animals in
the City, involving publishfny: notice of hearing, etc. It was the fsl-
ing of the Conmission that the situation wo'lld! be rather touchy and
6 - -.
and should be given careful study. After some discussion, Comm.
Gronseth moved that the entire htter be deferred., to be considered
in connection with a mvision of the present zoning ordinance. Second-
ed by Corn. Stringer. All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Stringer read Notice of Public Rearing on the applica-
tion of Benjamin H. Cappet for variance to permit reduction of south
side yard setback from 10 feet to 6 feet on property described as a
pobtion of Tract 238, Thum Lands, located at 4123 ITarrison Street.
There were no written or oral protests. Appzicant was not present, and
Comm. Sutton moved that the matter be tabled for two weeks until 31p.
capper can be present. Seconded Sy Corn. Stringer. Ages, Corn. Sut-
tan and Stringer; nays, Corn. Bond, Smith, Gronseth, TIelton, and Barter.
Xotion lost. After a discussion as to whether the renting of rooms in
s. dwelling constituted illesal use in an R-1A zone, during which Corn.
Sutton read from the zoning ordinance the definition of one-family
dwellings, Corn. Bond moved that the Planning Cornmission recomenit to
tb City Council that a variance be granted to Benjamin 3, CapPC' to
permit reduction of south side yard from 10 feet to 6 feet. Ayes,
Cornin. Eond, Smith, Gronseth, Eelton and Barter. Nays, Comnl. Sutton and
S bringer. Xot ion carr ied.
There being no furtkr business to come before ths Commission,
the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:05 p. m.
hspectfully submitted,