HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-07-27; Planning Commission; Minutes. Meeting called to order at 7r05 p. a, by Chairman Bond. Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Gronaeth, Cockrill, Sutton, Bamgartmr, Heltm, Stringer, Building lhspeotor plax Ewalt, Publio Works Director H. H. Barter. Absent, Corn, Sutto&. Corn. Gronseth moves that reading of the minutes of the meting of July 13, 1953, be dl8pensed with. Seconaed by Corn. CooPrrill. AX1 ayes, motion wrried. The seoretary read the applloation of George and Adaline Pr~dhome, of 1165 Blm Avenue, and Jares A, and Alfoe E. Greenwood of 1166 Elm Avenue, for reo2assificatIo~ from Zone B-1 to Zone B-2 to per- =it ereotion of two-family dwellings at the above looations, being a portion of Traot"l17, Carlsbad Lands. Corn. Sutton moved that a hear- ing be set on the applieration of George and Adallne Prudhome et al for rezoning from E-1 to B-2 of the above-described property, at 7::30 p. m. on August 10, 1953. Seconded by Coram, Helton. ALl ayes, motion ~18~rled. Letter froin the Sas Diego County Planning Congress advis- ing that the next meting of the Board of Direoto~s will be held cm Thursday, August 6, 1953, at Carlsbad, was mad, Comal'. Satton reported that the meeting had been set for 12::3O p. m. at Pete's Restaurant on Grand Avenue and Hlghway 101, the dinnr?rs would be $1.75 per plate in- oluding tax, aad that he wowld like to know by Tuesday of that week who will attend, The seoretary was asked to answer the portion of the let- ter dealing with the appolntments to %he s4-md-g o~mmittees~. Corn, Gronseth reported that the tmiler at AdEuns & Mag- nolia is still be- ocoupied and no constraction had begun on the building. Buildigg Isspeotor Ewald was a&ed to follow through on the matter. Lewis Chase, City Counoihan, asked the Commfssion to give consideration to the advisability of asking the Division of High- ways to deed several parcels of exoess m, lying along the freewag, to the City of Carlsbad, In consideration of the C lty acoeptlng the =in- w-00 of Pi0 Pi00 Drive< It was pointed out that through an oversight -1- u the contract with the Cougty did not Cover aoceptanoe of aoaess roads, and the City, succeeding to the County's Interest within the corporate limits of Carlsbad, is not required to acaept Pi0 Pic0 Drivei. The right- of-way maps were thoroughly studied and tbe uses to which these imgul- arly shaped pieces of land oould be put, if acquire&, were discussed; particularly their value for trading purposes'. The CO~miSSi033 favored negotiating with the State on this mstter to see what am- be worked oue. The naatter of the damage to City streets by heavy equip- ment of Bressi & Brevanda, oontraotora for the freeway cmstructlan, was discussed, and It was felt that the City should go on reoord with the Division of Highwags as requesting that the aontractor!' be not m- leased from his contract until restoration work on the City streets has at Pine Street and Highway 101 where a drainpipe was discrhargiXIg against the bluff and caused oonsiderable e~osloi. Mayor HcClellsn stated that when the highmy is relin- quished to the City, there will undoubtedly be pressure exerted to open up S'tab .Stbet to southbound traffic. Coram, Stringer stated that thebre is currently a proposal being studied by the &amber of Comeroe e0 make a turn-out at tbe railroad bridge", Hayor McClellan also reported that negotiations are in progress to work out something on the Elm Avenue signal, to Bee whether some oredit oould be allowed the City on the sal- vage value of the equipment removed from the si-1, to off"set/the es- part of timated coat of restor- the signal to green and red lights. Cowmilman Chase reminded the Commission of an Wormal 4th, for the purpose of choosing a me for the portion of Hig3way 101 to be releasea to the City of Carlsbad, and asked for suggestions of names from =embers of the Commission. Secretary Stringer read Hotioe of Public Rear- on the application of Gallinger Constmction COW for reclassification from E-2 to B-1 of a portion of Traot 256, Thum Lands, and a portion of Lot J, Rancho Agua Hedionda, being kt 34 of 8 tentative map of OCarlsbad Estates" approved by the Carlsbad City Coumil on July 21, 1953:'; There were no written or oral protests. -Sattorr moved wt *e ~ommis- sion recommend to the City Council the approval of the applioatlon of Gallinger Construction Compa;#y for reolasslfication from E-2 to R-l of the property described in the advsrtisemnt. Seconded by Corn’. Cookrill, All ayes, motion oarriedt Th$ f-1 mp of Carlsbad Xstates, submittea by Gallin- ger Constructlon Company, was studied and discussed: Corn, Qronseth moved that a recommendation of approval be -de to the C its Cotmoil of the final map of Carlsbad Estates, subnitted by Gallinger Construs- tion Company, with draiaage and wades to be aatlsfaotory to the Direat- or of Public Works, and awthoriziw the proper sigaatures’. Seconded by Corn, Str3nger. All ayes, motion oarried. Rr. Barter stated that he would see Byrl Phelps in regard to the drainage’. The matter of zoning to H-1 of a portion of Lot H, Rancho Agua Xedionda, ly-g between the Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way and California Freeway XI-SD-B, bomded on the north by the south bank of Am Hedionda and on the south by Cannon Road, tabled from the meeting of July 13, was reviewed-. COIIIIB. Bamgartner stated that the Charltber had requested that; the matter be deferre& another two week& Comni, Sutton Wated that he had contaeted bo*h Mr. Garber and Hr. Noble, and that the zoning to M-1 was agreeable to them, asd tho-t it would be all ri@t to restrict the area against residential development, It war3 de- cide& to table the matter for two weelcd. The tentative subdivision map subrnitted by E, Thacher, coveping a portion of Traot 233, Thwa Lands, was stuilled and discussed, Mr. Barter stated that Hr,!6bcher had expre8Sed will,hgness to construct a crosa-street at any po%nt designated by the Com+ssion, if it felt one mas necessary. After dl~cussion, Corn, QTonseth aoved that a rema- mendation of appro*al be made to the City Council of the tentative sap submitted by E, Thacher, oovering 8 portion of Tract 233, Thum Lands, with the proviso that a street be provided with the oenter-line of suoh street being approfimately 450 feet south of Chinquapu Street, the e%+ act looation to be aetemined by the Dlrsotor of Public WOP~B. Cord. Helton seconded. All ayes, motion oarriedk There being no fw?tbr business to come before the Cons- mission, COIMB. Gronseth moved for adJo”b, Comra. Stringer secod. a1 ayes, meet- atlJourYlea at 830 p. st; v