HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-10-26; Planning Commission; Minutes- -
Qa.l;ob.er 26,1953
Mr. Frank Chase, Superintendent of the Oceanside-Carlsbad Union
High School District, was present in respon.se to a letter from the
City Clerk ask5ng for definite information as to the District's pro-
gram for establishing a high school in Carlsbad, to assist both the
Commission and the City Council in their over-all planning. He
stated that at the outset they had written owners of the several pieces
of property in the tract in which property is being acquired, regard-
ing their tentative plans. He produced a drawing of the tract, indi-
cating that the school district has already purchased 12 acres and
will acquire a toea1 of 20 acres (which is the minimum campus on which
the State would allow construction of a high school), and that their
struction to begin almost immediately, making possible opening of the
school in about three years with an enrollment, according to present
best estimates, of about 400 studentsi.
Mr.. Chase displayed an architect's drawing of the proposed build-
ings and parking areas, indicating that main access to the campus
would be from Chestnut Avenue. It was suggested that the comer of
Valley and Chestnut should be rounded to avoid a sharp tm at that
poh~t:. It was also suggested that it might be better planning to face
the campus on Monroe Street, with the athletic field on Valley, in
view of the topography of the area which would indicate that property
above Monroe Street would classify a8 "view" property, and as a result
it would not be good planning to have the rear of the campus, including
the athletic field, facing Monroe. Mr. Chase stated that the Board
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definitely feels that when the enrollment at the present campus
reaches 1100, the school should be divided, which, from a11 present
indications will be about 1957'. Asked about their feel- regarding
commercial development being allowed in the area, Mr. Chase stated
that they would much prefer not to have any retail outlets such as
snack bars or similar establishments which would draw students from
the campus between classes and thus create administrative problems.
The sewage problem was discussed and Mr, Chase was advised that
there had been some preliminary discussions and a rough estimate made
of the cost of bringing the sewer up Chestnut Avenue, and of the Gall-
inger offer to stand ~6,000.00 of the estimated 9%25,OOO.OO cost. Mr.
Chase stated that the District did not at present own any of the prop-
erty on Chestnut, but that it was his personal opinion that the growth
of the area will be so rapid that the Board will adquire the rest of
the property faster than is now thought likely'. He stated they would
appreciate being contacted and informed of anything developing on the
sewer matter or any other question bearing on their plans.
Secretary Stringer read the application of Harry F-. Kelly for
variance to permit reduction of front yard setback from 50 feet to 44
feet to allow extension and improvement of an existing garage, said
addition to be 20 x 26 feet, with toilet facilities for the use of.
outside workers, on property described as a portion of Tract 240, Thm
Lands, located at 1173 Chestnut Avenue. Can, Sutton moved that a
hearing be set on Monday, NovBmber 9, 1953, at 7t3O P. M., on the ap-
plication of Harry F. Kelley for variance in front yard setback from
50 to 44 feet. Seconded by Comm. Stringer. All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Stringer read the application of Robert and Mae S.
Heatherington for rezoning from R-1 to R-2 of a portion of Tract 113,
Carlsbad Lands, located at 3222 Harding Street, Carlsbad', The Com-
mission discussed the feasibility of lncluding a larger abea than
specified in the applioation, and Comm. Gronseth moved that a hearing
be set at 8r30 P. Iq. on November 9th to consider reclassification from
R-1 to B-2 of the property described in the application, and at the
initiation of the Planning Commission, the remaining territory from Grand
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Seconded by Comm. Sutton. All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Str~ger read Notice of Public Hearing on the application
of Carlsbad Ijiutual Water Company to construct a pump-house and storage
tank on a portion of Lot 28, Carlsbad Estates.; There were no protests,
oral or written'. Comm, Sutton moved that the Plannbg Commission recom-
mend to the City Council ,the granting of a special use permit to Carlsbad
PIutua1 Water Company to allow construction of a pump-house and storage
tank on a portion of Lot 28, Carlsbad Estates. Seconded by Corn. Stringer'.
All ayes, motion carried.
The matter of the Twin hs* request for special use permit to allm
erection of signs alcmg the freeway was reviewed. Thls applicatlon was
not set for hearlng due to the fact that the City Attorney ruled that no
permit could be issued for erection of signs in the locations desigrzated
in the application, all in R- zones'. The opinion of tW City Attorney in
the matter of the Foster Kleiser application for permission to erect
advertising signs was recalled, wherein he interpreted the ordinance as
allowing advertistng signs in C.. and M- zmes onlyi. The Commission also
disdussed the proposed sign ordinance which the City Council is consider-
ing at the present time, and expressed the feeling that ordinances per-
taining to laad use should be initiated by or in consultation with the
Plannbg Commission', It was agreed that the Chairma n of the Planning
Commission should write a letter to the Hayor and City Council to this
effect, also indicating that the Commission feels that in appointtng a
committee to make recommendations as to a site for a civic center, the
province of the Planning Commission had been invaded. Comm'. Gronseth
dictated a letter, to be signed by the Chalrman and sent to the Council..
The Secretary read a memorandum to the Planning Commission from the
City Clerk referring the Santa Fe lease on the off-street parking matter
to the Commission for study and recommendrrtion~i. The sketch accompany-
ing the lease was studied. Max Ewald stated that whereas the proposed
lease specifies 21 feet in width, the committee had measured it off and
found it to be about 23 feet wide. After discussion, Corn*'. Cockrill
moved that the Commission go on record as having reviewed the proposed
park4ng area matter as it pertains to land use and planning thereof,
and recommend that it is good planning; but that the Commission is not lyl
-3 -
position to review the lease or recommend any expenditure of moneg’.
Seconded by Corn. Stringer-. All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Stringer read Notice of Public Hearing to consider re-
classification from R-1 to R-2 of a triangular portion of Tract 115,
Carlsbad LamTs, on the east side of Pi0 Pic0 Drive, between Elm and Oak
Avenues, lying southwesterly of Parcel 1 of Assessoris Map Book 35,
page 41, on file in the office of the City Clerk-. Corn. Stringer moved
that a recommendation be mde to the City Council that rezoning of the
above described property from R-3, to R-2 be approved; with the explma-
tion that through an oversight this parcel was not included in the re-
classification initiated by George and Adaline Prudhomme, et al, and the
Planning Commission,. Seconded by Comm. Cockrilli. Five ayes, Corn’,
Gronseth nay, motion carried?.
Secretary Stringer read the petition signed by four property owners
on Tuttle Street, asking that width of the street be reduced from 60 feet
to 40 feet for purposes of grading. After considerable discussion, Corn.
Gronseth moved that a recommendation be made to the. City Council that the
request for reduction in street width of Tuttle Street be denied, and
that the graded area be not less than 36 feet, in accordance with Ordin-
ance 9025; that, while the street may be wider than is absolutely necesm
sary, it does not prohibit the use of the land on each side of the
traveled roadmy by the property owners, and the Commission feels that it
would not be a step in the right direction to reduce it.
A letter from the Pine Tree Lumber Company, referred to the Commis-
sion from the City Council, asking that re-openiag of State Street to
southbound traffic be considered, was read‘. Mr. Barter reminded the
Commission that he and Police Chief Palkowski have already made recom-
mendations for the slowlng of traffic through that area to 25 miles per
hour. It was suggested that if re-openlng is considered, a traffic
island and traffic light similar to that at the north end of Oceanside
be installed‘. After discussion, Cornm’. Suttozl moved that the letter from
the Plne Tree Lumber Company, pertaining to the re-opening of State
Street, be referred back to the City Council with the suggestion that
the- advisability of said open-g be considered by the Chief of Police
and the Director of Public Works, md the advisability of bstalll#g a
The matter of the application of Dan Perkins et a1 for rezoning of
property at 3431 Valley Street, extended at the initiation of the Plaming
Commission to include all of Tract 244, Thwa Lands, not presently zoned
R-ll, was further discussedf: Comm, Sutton, who had attended the City
Council meeting at which the matter was considered and ordered returned
t to the Planning Commission for further study, reported that both Plrs,
Perklns and her nephew, Mr. EJieLsen, had told the Council they were in-
terested only in making a legal transfer of a half-acre of the Perkjns
property to MY, Nielsen, Since they had learned this could be done with-
out reclassification (although no building would be permitted on the half-
acre) they had no purpose in pushing the rezoning'. Mr. Ewald commented
that he felt Mrs;. Perkas did not completely understand the situation'.
Secretary Stringer read letters of protest signed by property owners in
the area, as follows: Cleo. F, Davis, E. C, Pedley, Fred H, Collier,
and Mr. and Nrs. Ivan Buster, After disoussion, Corn, Sutton moved that
the matter be deferred for further study, and that the City Council be
so notified. Seconded by Corn. Cockrill. All ayes, motion carried,
MF, Barter displayed a drawing of Mr. Cannon's "Tierra del Oro"
subdivision, Record of Survey of which has been accepted by the City
Council. Mr, Barter reported that since acceptance by the City of the
subdivision, Mr. Cannon has purchased the Jacobson property at the south
and, in violation of his agreement to leave the south end of the private
road open for access puryoses, has continued the road approximately 100
feet to a cul=de-sac*. After considerable discussion, Cornm. Sutton moved
thae no build- permits be issued on the property formerly owned by Mr.
Jacobson, adjoin-g nTierra del Oron on the south, and that no action
be taken by the City until the matter has been gone over by the Plamlng
Commission, if the City Attorney so advises;. Five ayes, one nay (Corn,
Baungartner) motion carried.
at Mr. McClellm's office. Max Ewald stated he felt a representative from
the Planning Commission should attend, and Comm. Stringer was appouted
to attend the San Diego meeting.
Corn', Sutton advised that Dr. HIiller of the San Diego County Planing
Congress will be in Carlsbad tomorrow (Tuesday) at the Chamber of Corn-
merce dinner to discuss; the Superior Court matter.
There being no f'urther business to oom before the Commission, Corn.
Sutton moved, Comm. Stringer seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. All
ayes, meeting adjourned at 9:40 p. m'.
Respectfully submitted,
ARNIE STRLNGm, Secre taryl,