HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-11-09; Planning Commission; Minutes- -
Pleeting called to order at 7:OO P. Ma by Chairman Bond. Present
Cockrill and Gronseth,
Comm. Sutton moved the adjournment of the regular meeting of October
26th, and of the adjourned session of November 2nd, as no business could
be conducted at the November 2nd meeting due to lack of quorum. Seconded
by Comm. Stringer. All ayes, motion carried.
Comm, Stringer moved that reading of the minutes of the meeting of
October 26th be waived. Seconded by Comma Sutton. All ayes, motion
Secretary Stringer read the informal petition signed by 25 property
owners on Roosevelt Street between Grand Avenue to Laguna Drive, request-
ing that Roosevelt between these two points be graded and surfaced, A
large number of the yetitioners were present and stated that they were
willing to bear their proportionate share of the cost of improving the
street', Two possible procedures were discussed: (1) the 1911 Improvement
Act, and (2) the possibility of classifying Roosevelt as a "major street",
eligible for construction und-er Special Gas Tax Street Improvement funds,
However, Mr. Barter stated that it would probably be several years before
anything could be accomplished under the "maJor 'street" program as there
are many prior commitments, A brief explanation of procedure under the
1911 Act was made for the information of the petitioners. The immediate
problem of drainage was discussed, and an offer of an easement mado by
Mr. Aten, whose property lies at the low point on the street, for install-
ation of an 18-incl.1 dram through to State Street. After discussion, it
was decided that a meeting be set up to decide on procedure to be followed,
with a spokesman or committee chosen by the petitioning group, Mr. Barter,
and City Attorney Smith to explain the legal mgles, Comm. Sutton moved
th17.t this petition be turmed over to Pkm Barter, who, in the opinion of
the Commission, is the proper City official to handle the matter. Second-
ed by COW, Heltm, All ayes, motion carried,
Secretary Stringer read Notice of Public Hearing on the application
of Harpy Kelley, 1173 Chestvlut Avenue, for variance to permit reduction
in front Y8.d setback from 50 feet to 44 feet to allow construction of
addition to an existing garags at that address. There were no oral or
written protests. Nr. Kell-ey was present in support of his appl-ication,
stating that the addition would be at the rear of the existing building,
and would be used to shelter the car of a school teacher living at this
address, Comm. Stringer moved that a recommendation of approval be made
to the City Council. of the application of Harry Kebley for variance.
Seconded by Comm. Sutton. A11 ayes, motion carried.
port of their petition. There were no oral or written protests, The
Commission was reluctant to rezone Block "A" in the absence of any ex-
pression from the property owners in the block, with the exception of
PIr. Heidegger, and it was moved by Comm. Sutton, seconded by Comm. Helt-
on, that all property presently zoned R-2 in Tracts 201 and 202, Thum
Lands, be recommended to the Council for rezoning to R-3, leaving the
rezoning of Block "Af1, Palisades, to the initiation of residents in the
area, Mr. Crom explained that although Mr. Heidegger's name appeared
as a co-applicant on the petition, he had signed same merely as approv-
ing thF: request, ra-ther than joining in it. All ayes, motion carried.
Secretary Stringer reviewed the applica.tion of John A. Bier and the
Planning Commission, requesting reclassificntion from E-2 to R-1 of all
of Lots 1, 2, 3, and a portion of Lot 4, Cedar Hills Addition, IQp 532.
Chairman Bond read a letter signed by four property owners in the area,
i. e., Ralph and Elinor Dusenbury, Janet A. Dozier, Lena Sutton, R. G.
Huffman, C. K. Brodie, and Robert Hurling, asking that no further rezon-
ing be considered by the Commission in the area north of Buena Vista
Drive and west of Highland Drive to the Freeway, until adequate plans for
future streets to serve the entire area are perfected. The applicant was
not present, but Comm. Baumgartner stated he had been informed by Mr.
Hier that he could not attend due to a prior engagement. He had also
stated that if he is held to the 75-foot frontage on Forest Avenue, he
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would be reluctant to proceed with the reclassification, as his purpose
in applying for the rezoning was to divide his property, leaving only
a driveway on Forest for access to his home on the rear of the property.
Chairman Bond stated that property owners in the area had met on October
28th to attempt a solution to the problem of future streets to serve the
entire area as it is developed, and that apparently the above-mentioned
letter was the result of this meeting. Comm. Stringer stated that he
believed a Planning Commission member should. sit in on any conference
concerning street planning or land use, to convey the Commission's
thoughts. After considerable discussion, Comm. Helton moved that the
Hier matter be tabled to December 14th to give the property owners a
further opportunity to come in with a future street plan for the area.
Seconded by Comm. Stringer. All ayes, motion carried. Corn. Sutton
moved tbt Mr. C. Brodie be notified that the action has been deferred
until December 14th, and that the Plannizg Commission is very anxious to
hear from the affected property owners as to their suggestions for a
street plan for that area in and about Forest Avenue; carbon copy of the
lstter 'to be sent to Mr. Mer. All ayes, motion carried.
Secreeary Stringer read Notice of Publfc Hearing on the application
of Robert W. and Mae S. Heatherington, 3222 Harding Street, for reclass-
ification from E-1 to B-2 of an area increased by the Plaxning Ccmnmission
to include the area bounded by Grand Avenue on the north, Chestnut Avenue
on the south, the Freeway on the east, and Harding Street on the west.
No oral or written protests were received. The area was studied on the
map, and there was discussion as to lack of interest in this and other
proposed reclassifications as evidenced by non-appearance of affected
property owners. Comm. Sutton moved that the application be tabled until
7:3O Po PI. on November 23rd in order that further publicity may be given
to the matter, with the co-operation of the Carlsbad Journal. Seconded
by Comm. Helton. All ayes, motion carried.
The Commission considered a tentative map of "Shangrila Tract" sub-
mitted by Nr. 11. Po Brome for his client, E. C.. Yourbll, covering 12
lots, described as a portion of Tract 6 in La,Pua IYIesa Tract, lying east-
erly of Olove Drive. Comm. Sutton moved that the tentative map of
flShahgrila Tract" be referred to the Fire Department and Director of
Public Works, to be byought back with their recommendations for consid-
eration, at 8 :OO P. M. on November 23rd, Ltl compliance with Ordinance
#9'O25', Seconded by Comm, Stringer', All ayes, motion carried.
Harry Andrews of Freeland, Peterson and Evenson, submitted a map
showing the subdivision "Tierra del Oro",(Record of Survey of which
has been accepted by the City) with an extension to the south, Mr.
Andrews explained'that since acceptance by the City of the Record of
Survey Mr. Cannon has acquired the Jacobson land lying south of T2erra
del Oro, and that they now wish to substitute a regular Subdivision Map
for the Record of Survey, the only change being the extension of the
undedicated street across the Jacobson property, Mr. Sarter strenuously
objected to the extension of the street, with the dead end as shown,
approximately 100 feet south of the original ending of the street,
which Mr, Cannon had previously agreed to leave open as an access, He
also stated that the bonding conpmy was Jnsisting on a report on the
progress of the Tierra del Oro project and he would have to make one as
soon as possible, Mr. Andress asked permission to submit the maphow,
with a letter of explanation to follow tomorrow, After considerable
diacussion, Comm, Sutton moved that the map of Tierra del Oro be referred
to the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief, and that the City
Attorney also receive a copy of such tentative map, and that he answer,
either in writing or in person, the question of whether a subdivision rnap
pg be filed without dedication of the streets, at 8:30 P, M. on Novem-
ber Z3rd, Seconded by Comm, Stringer, All ayes, motion carried,
Secretary Stringer read an application from A, T, Morrill of 2923
Elmwood Avenue, for variance to permit reduction of side yard setback
from 10 feet to 5 feet at the abow address, Comm, Sutton moved that a
hearing be set for 9:OO P, M, on November Z3rd, on the application of
8. T, Morrill for variance. Seconded by Cornm, Strii~ger, All ayes,
motion carried.
Secretary Stringer read a memorandum from the City Council, refer-
ring to the Plannmg Commission the report of the Civic Center Site Com-
mittee'. The report,recommending consideration of a site north of Grand
Avenue, on the east side of Roosevelt, owned by Vince Chalupnik, as a
possible location for a civic center, E. W, Hardin, Fire Chief and a
member of the committee, explained the reasons for selection of this site,
i, e., that it was well located and was large enough for present purposes,
with excel1en.t possibilities for future expansion, l'bx Ewald stated
the City Council that the report has been read and considered, and inas-
much as there were two active members of the committee present (Max
Ewaldi and Howard aaumgartner) who stated that another site was being con-
sidered, that the report be sent back to the Council for further action
by the committee, Seconded by Comma Baumgartner, All ayes, motion
Secretary Stringer read a memorandum from the City Council, referring
to the Plannixg Cornmission for study, proposed Ordinance 8020 (sign or-
dinance), Comm, Sutton read a draft which he had prepared, specifying
that advertising signs should not be permitted in R- or E- zones, and
would be permissible in C- or M- zones only under special use permits,
Comma Stringer moved that this draft be submitted to the City Attorney
as a suggested amendment to Ordinance #9OO5, Seconded by Comm, Eeltog',
All ayes, motion carried,
Comm. Stringer moved that inasmuch as proposed Ordinance 88020 does
not concern land use; that it be referred back to tb City Council as
being out of the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission; that the re-
quest for study of the ordinance was fn the belief that it pertained to
land Use, Seconded by Comm, Sutton, All ayes, motion carried.
Comm. Heltorm was appointed to attend the City Council meeting on
November 17th.
Chairman Bond read the letter from Dr. Miller advising of the annual
meeting of the San Diego County Plming Congress, to be held at 6:45
P, M, on Thursday, November 19, 1953 in the Lanai Room of the Kona Kai
Club, Shelter Island, San Diego; requesting that reservations be made
not later than Friday, November 13, but that later additions can be made
by telephone before 5:OO P. PI, on Tuesday:; the 17th. It was suggested
that Council members be invited, and Chairman Bond volunteered to ask
Wa.yor IYIcClellan whether he or other Council members could attend,
Corm, Sutton suggested tht the Commission study R-A zoning and ask
the Council to consider zoning to R-A the area extending a quarter to
a half mile beyond Mean High Tide Line.
Comm. Sutton suggested that the Commission contiaue meeting every
Nonday evening. It was decided to meet next Monday evening at 7:OO P. Ma
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The matter of the proposed zoning to M-1 of the area around the
Encina plant was also brought up, and Comm, Stringer informed the
Commission of the Whitmore request for establishing/on a temporary
basis, in a building to be moved onto the site by ths San Diego Gas
& Electric Co?,
a cafe
Comm. Baumgartner stated that the City Council is anxious tht the
Planning Commission set up some gort of system of notifying affected
property owners of a proposed rezoning, so that in acting upon an ap-
plication for reclassification, the Council may feel confident that all
interested parties have had sufficient notice'. It was suggested that
an instruction sheet be prepared, urging applicants to contact their
neighbors so that they may express themselves at the Planning Commis-
sion hearing, Max Ewald was requested to work out such a draft, in-
stmcting applicants also to make sure their applications cakwy a true
legal description from their deeds.
The matter of the City being required to publish maps of all zone
changes was brought up and discussed briefly, but no action taken.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Comm,
Sutton moved for adjournment, seconded by Comm. Baumgartner. All ayes,
meeting adjourned at 10:4.j P. M.
Respectfully submitted,