HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-03-08; Planning Commission; Minutes-. L!J
Meeting called to order at 7:OO P, M, by Ckyxirmarr Bond. Present
besides the Chairman were comms. Baumgartner, Cockrill, SUtton, Public
Works Director Anthony. Absent, Corns. Stringer, Uronseth and Helton.
Comm. Cockrill moved that readlng of the minutes of the meeting of
February 18th be waived, Seaonded by Comm. Baumgartner. All ayes,
mot ion oarried .
It was dectided, after dlsoussion, to empoorer a member of the Com-
mission of of the City staff to set a hearlng on the application of
Twin Inns, Inc. , for speoial use permit to allow canstmotion of an
advertlslng sm on the Whitmore property at 2357 Jefferson Street,
which application had been made verbally but not In formal applfaatloa
fom, due to Hr. Kentner's absence from the City. Cam, Sutton moved
that Mr. C, A. Anthony and any member of the Plarmlng Commission be en-
powered to set tb time of hearlng in the matter of the request of Twln
Inns, Inc. , for special use permit. Seoonded by Comm. Baumgartner, All
ayes, motion carried,
An application for variance was read, requesting reduction In
front yard setback from 75 feet to 45 feet, and reduction in rear yard
setback from 40 feet to 20 fee%, to permit ereotion of greenhouses on
property located at the northeast comer of Valley and BasswoOa Streets ,
mid applieation being made by Xrs. C. A. Rumbo, mer, and Emmett B.
Gallup and Claytcm L. Emsbaeh, praspeative purchasers. A letter of
explanation, attached to the applioation, also wa8 read, stating that
this site will be used for flower-growfng purposes, beg2nnIng with 811
investment of $2j,000,00 in plants and approximately $50,000,00 In
greenhousea the first year, with a payroll of approximately $20,000.00
to &j,OOO.OO, which should increase to $80,000.00 per year after the
first year, wlth an investment of $100,000.00 In orchid plats to be
transplanted from Santa Barbara, After discussion, during which it was
brought out that the front yard setback should not be reduced beyond
50 feet, which is the minimum setbacrk for the R-zones, 80 as to conform
with any future residential 4evelopment In the area, Cm. Sutton moved
that a hearin@; be set on the application of Mrs, C, 8, Rwnbo et a1 for
. ..
varianoe, :.'a March 22nd at 7:30 P. M. , said variance being for reduo-
tion of front yard setback from 75 feet to 50 feet on Valley Street, and
reduotion of rear yard setback from 50 feet to 25 feet. Seoonded by
Cmn, Cockrill. All ayes, motion mrrled,
Harry Andrews of Freeland, Petersen and Evenson appearea on behalf
of W, D, Cannon, submitting for final approval a map of Ternmar #&,
covering Lots 111 to 130, inolusive , plus Lot A, wag between Lots 117
and 118, and Lot B, uing south of Lot 130, being a portion of Lot sHa,
Bazlcrho Agua Hedionda, lying south of Terramar 81 along the east side of
Carlsbad Boulevad, The question of zmwg was discmssea and it was
agreed that a zonlng requirement be made as a condition of the approval.
Also, it was agreed that Lots A and B would be offered for dedication 88
public street^, whioh offer oould be rejected by the City but aould
never be withdrer#n. After dlmusslm, Cmn, Sutton moved that the Plan-
ning Commission reaommend to the Cltiy Council the approval of final
map of Termmar #4, subjeot to the offering by the subdivider of Lots
A and B, to be dedioated for use as public streets, whloh offer the
Commlsslon reeormgenBs be re3eatsd; and the further stipulation that
zanlng be initiated by the subdivider or by the Planing Commissim
not later than April 5, 1954; and that the proper signatures be author-
ized, Seaonaed by Cmn. Cockrill. All aye a , motion oarried'.
There being PO further business to oome before the Commission,
Corn, Sutton moved for addoummsnt, seocmded by Comm. Baumgartner,
All ayzs, meeting adjourned at 8t35 P, M.
Respeotfully submitted,