HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-05-10; Planning Commission; Minutesbeshes the chairman were COIQIQS. Qrornseth, Qaroia, Smith, Baumgar~er,
Ledgerwood, and Public Works Director Anthony. Absent, Comm. Stringer,
Comm, Gronseth moved that reading of the minutes of the meeting of
April 26th be waived. Seoonded by Comm. Smith. 811 ayes, motion oarrieb
Secretary Baumgartner read a letter from the Departmsnt of Industrial
Relations, Divlslon of Houeing, advising of the enaotment of Aasanfbly Bill
#7l amendug the State Houalng Aot by suspending for approximately 18
months the present prohibition (Seotion 17702) against using a kitchen for
sleepmg purposes. Tb letter also enolosed a oopy of the Bill, After
disoussion, Comm. Oronseth moved that the letter be referred to Mr. Anthony
for hi6 cornentar and recommendations. Seconded by Comm, Baumgartne~. All
ayes, moticm aarried,
Chairman Cookrill feported on the City Counoil meetlng of Mag 4th
whloh he attended, stating that the find map of Terramar Unit #4 was
brought up for discussion ad consideration, and had been referred bask to
the subdivider with the request that a more detailed deseription be given
of the curbs, gutters, and surfaolng, and tWt it eonfoal in every way to
the subdivision ordinanoe #9025 In conneotian with curbs, gutters, &ao-
ing ad looation of fire hydrants, eto,, and that the work be performed to
the satlsfaotlon of the Dlreetor of Public Works, Also, that proper water
lines be installed. By way of review, the final map of Terramar #4 was
con6ul.L;ed and the secretary read attaohed memos to the City Counoll ma
the Plsrullng Commlssion dated March 10th and March Zfith, and the reoommenda-
tion of the Public Works Direotor to the City Comoil regarcling sidewalks
and water lirzes'. Hrs, Vermllyea reported that Fire Chief Hardin had dio-
tated a letter making a recommendation tbat a'standard 6R fire hydrant at
the property line between Lots 117 and 'AA" , asld that a 6' water main be
laid alcmg Carlsbad Boulevard(.
~b Comlssion's memo to the ClW council, dated March 22nd, reWmIJl~d-
ag that Odinanoe #902j, Sea. VI1d-b be amended to require sidewalks,
curbs and gutters, except that In B- and E- zones sidewalks mag be waived
at the disoretlon of the Plannag Commissicm and the City Counoil, The
matter was discussed at length, some members feeling that requiring sldewlks
and oanorete aurbs might tend to discourage sub-dividers, while others
oontended that good planning requires them and the purohaser of the lot
pays for them, whether tbey are initially Installed or must be put in by
the mer later'. HP. Anthony was asked wbat the approximate oost of a
sideooalk along a 70' lot would be and stated that it would probably oost
about $85;00 or $gO..OO for materialf
ChairlPan Cookrill reported that the Citg Coma11 had requested
the Plannlng commissicxll to Initiate prooeedinge for the granting of a
speolal w0 permit to the City for the purpose of allowing oonstruction
of a poliae and fire station an the recently purohased site, in an R-1
zone. Cam, Smith moved that a heariag be set for May 24th, at 730 p. M'e.,
to oonsider grantag a speoial use permit to the City of Carlsbad for a
polioe and fire station on Pi0 Pi00 Drive between Elm Avenue and Laguna
a special use permit should be required of the Stanley Advertlslng Agenoy
to permit their selling advertising spaoe an the bemohes plaoed at bus
stops for oomenlenoe of patrons of the Oosanside Transportation Company,.
No applloatiun havug been rewived for special use permit from the Stan-
ley agenoy, and sinoe 8ome of the five benohes already oarry advertising,
it was deolded that this was a problem of enforoement and that Mr. Stanley
should be written a letter froni the City office, advislng him that his
advertising on the benohes is Illegal without a speoial use permit,
Corn, Baumgartnep read a letter from Dr. Hiller regarding consol-
idated County zcmlng ordi.nanoe reoently reoommended to the Board of Super-
visors by the County PlannlngAkmgress'. Referred to Corn. Stringer a8 a
member of ehe Zonlng Nomenolature Committed.
8 Chairman Cookrill announoed the following appolntments to the
respeotive oommitteea
Robert M. Smith - - - - - Trailer Parks Committee Howard BauIIlgartner - - - Subdivisian Standards Arnie Stringer - - - - - Zoning Nomenolature
The seoretary was requested to write a letter to Glenn A. Rick, Seoretary-
The matter of preparlng the budget for 1954-55 was disoussed,
Chairman Cockrill reminded the Canrissia that the amount set aside for a
planning study in this year’s budget, $3OO’,OO, remained unused, and stated
that he would like to have it somewhat Increased for the oomlng fisoal
year, if possible’, He also suggested the possibility of inoludhg some
mileage and perhaps oost of some meals where trips must be made by members
to other cities, It was pointed out, however, that if Planning Commlssion
members should initlate such a practiae it might run into quite a oonsid-
erable item as other groups giving their services to the City, such as
the Cowoilmen and Firemen, etc,, would be equally entitled to expense
money’. It was proposed that Chairman Cockrill speak Informally to some of
the Council members to ascertaipl tbir feeling on the subjeot’.
It was suggested that in irastanoes where reading Of the minutes of
the previous meeting are waived, the secretary give a brief resume of any
item on which aation was Indicated 80 they may be followed up,
Chairman Cockrill reported on the informal meeting held on Maday,
the 3rd, stating that the master street plan wa8 oapefully gone over by
the four members present, and the suggestiom. made that th Commission meet
one Monday nuht per: math for the sole purpose of studying the street
plan, golng out on field trips to see how the streets aotually lie, area
by area, and then make up a master street map and Bubmlt it to the City
Cownoll with ths Commission% recommendations as to what should be dane’.
The firat Honday of eaoh month was suggested 8s a night for street study
and was agreeable to all present.
There be- no further business to wme before the Commission,
Chairman Cookrill deolared the meeting ad3oursled at 8t45 P. M‘,
Bespeotnilly submitted,