HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-08-09; Planning Commission; Minutesa * A
J - Heeting called to order at 7::lO P, M. by Chairnoan Cockrill, Present
besides the Chairman were Comms, Oronseth, Qarcla, Smith, Baumgartner,
Ledgerwood, Public Works Direotor Anthony. Absent, Comm, Stringer,
Seoretary Baumgartner summarized the minutes of the meeting of July
26th, which were approved as summarized,
After a brief' discussion on the subJect, Corn, Gronseth moved that
in view of ths fa& that the Director of Public Works is a member of the
Planning Commission and attends all meetings, that a change in the ordin-
ance be reoomended to make the Public Works Director a votlng member of
the Comnlssion, There was considerable disoussion on the motion, It being
the concensus of opinion that In view of his direct contact with builders
and property: owners, the Public Works Director would be placed in an awkward
position If he were allowed or requirea to vote on Planning Commission
natters:. The motion was withdrawn.
Corn. Oronseth stated that he had been jnformeU by the City Clerk
that a buslness lioense had been issued to Mr. Wtey Glissman on his lot
adjoining the Agua Hedionda lagoon on &lams Street, for the conduot of a
oommercial enterprlse, which territory is at present zaned €3-U; and it is
not ooncelvable why a business license should be issued for a looation not
zoned for buslness'. Corn, Gronaeth moved that a reoommendatlon be made to
the City Council that the business lioense for this location be oancelled,
and that the fee be refunded, and that no license In the future be issued
for the oonduot of business 0x1 any property not properly zoned, Corn, Srnith
stated he believed the Planning Commission should not be put in the position
of eritioizing the City administration, but he would favor sending a memo-
randum commenting on the situation, Seconded by Comm, Ledgerwood, Five
ayes, one nay (Baumgartner), Comm, Stringer absent, Corn. Baumgartner ex-
pla;ining that he had opposed the motion on account of its wording, rather
than Its intent.
Comm, Gronseth brought up the subject of the trailer at Adam and
kgnolia, with the suggestion that the Director of Public Works serve notioe
to vacate the trailer, sinoe so muoh time has elapsed since the permit to
oocupy it during constmation of a home was issued. Mr. Anthony stated
that the owner was building the house in his spare time and was making steady
though very slow progress on the construction.
Corn, Smith, chalrman of the sub-cornittee on revision of the sub-
division ordinanoe (Ordinance #9O25), gave a detailed report on the recorn-
mendations worked out by his oommittee, stating that every seotion of the
ordinanoe had been studied carefully, and that as it was being oonsidered
they were impressed by how good an ordinance it is basloally. The ohanges
recomnended by the sub-czommittee are as follows :
Seotion N-B-X. It is recomnended that the requirement be ohanged
from six ooples of the tentative map to ten copies; and in Paragraph 3 of
that Section, to add the Department of Public Health to those receiving a
copy of the tentative map:, In the same seotion, a new paragraph #7 is
recomendea, as f ollms :
"The Department of Public Health shall set forth in writing recommendations concerning drainage, water supply, 8mg8, and lfUiS8n08!0@
Addition of this paragraph makes necessary renumbering of the follawljng
paragraphs 7 to 10, ae follows: I_
Section IV2-7 shall be Seotion N43- 8 (Add "Department of Public
Healttd. c
Seotion NA-8 shall be Section N-B-9 (Add "Department of Public
Health" 1.
Section Da-9 shall be Section IV4-10f.
Seotion V-C. -, It is reoommended that the second senteilce
of this paragraph be deleted, beginning with the words, @Permanent monu-
ments shall also be set, eteo@.
Seation VIC-2, It is recommended that the last sentenoe of this
paragraph be deleted, beginning with the words - "Copy of the original
field notes of moh sumey, eta.@
Section VII44. Charge to read - nConstruot sidewalks, ourbs and
gutters of the size and type speoif ied by the Director of Public Works,
except that sidewalks shall not be required in B-1, RpU, B-U3 and E-
zones', @
Corn, Smith moved that the reoommendations of this sub-committee be
sent to the City Counoil, recommending that the suggested ohangee be in-
oorporated into Ordinance #9025. Seoondea by Comm. Oronseth. All ayes,
motion carried. Chairman Cockrill oomplimented Comms. Smith and Baumgartnelo
for their excellent work on this assignment.
.) -
Chairman Cockrill reported that the Harbor Zonlng sub-oommittee,
consisting of Gomlt'. Stringer, chairman, and Gomu, Oarcia, is planning a
large public meetjag which will include property owner8 in the area around
the harbor; that Newport Beach officials are willing to work with Carlsbad
and pass on the results of their experience in developing their harbor
facilities so that the City of Carlsbad 0811 profit from their mistakes.
City Councilman Sutton was present and asked the oplnion of Commission men-
bers as to having a member of the Planning Commission appointed as an inter-
looking member of the Harbor Commission whloh is to be formed by the City,
Challrm Cockrill stated it was his thought that the two sub-committee mem-
bers should sit in on any meetings of the Harbor Commission but not be made
voting members.
The matter of creating a new zone In the Granville Park area, to ac-
commodate bopfibrs of the shallow lots fact% on narrow streets In that dis-
trict, was reviewed and briefly discussed, but no action taken.
The matter of notifying affeoted property owners of zone ohanges, by
wail, was discussea at length, The difficulty of obtainlng the addresses
of owners within the legal 3OO-foot radius was brought out, and the sugges-
tion was made tbt perhaps the City coul6 make a contraot with the Water
Board to have one of thelr employees do this servioe; that if the present
fees for ~eclassificatioa are not adequate to cover this serYIoe, they
should be inoreased. As/alternative, if the addresses could not be ob- an
tained by this means, it was felt that it may be neaessary to have a City
employee go to San Diego and seoure them from the asses$or*s records. It
was pointed out that the ordinance states that notice may be given either
by publioation or by meriling post-card notices to legal owners withln 300
feet, but it was felt that in many cases affeoted owners fail to see the
printed notices, No action was taken.
Corn. Smith reported an open toilet, which is unsightly and unsanitary,
between Laguna Drive and Knowles, about where Davis Street would go through.
Mr. Anthony stated he would cheok same as soon as possible.
Mr. Anthony was excused at 8~25 Po PI.
It was agreed to study and further discuss at the next meeting (1)
printlng of maps on all zone changes, (2) procedure on zonlng requests,
and (3) whether post-cards should be sent on all public hearings'.
The matter of the hearing on the request of Anderson & Bobinson for - -
special use permit to allow an advertising sign on a benoh at Grand Avenue
and Carlsbad Boulevard, postponed to this date from June 14th, was ais-
cussed, and it was decided that since the Planning Commission was still
without advice from the City Council as to poliey on the advertising sign
question, no action could be taken on the applioation. Comm'. Baumgartner
moved that the hearlng on the request of Anderson & Robltnson for speoial
u8e pemnit to allow bench advertising, postponed from June 14th, be poat-
poned again to September 13th at 7r30 P. No Seconded by Comm, Garcia. All
ayes, motion oarrled,
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Corn.
Gronseth moved for adjournment, seconded by Corn. Garcia, All ayes, meet-
ing adjourned to 9:05 P, ryI.
Respectfully submitted,