HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-10-11; Planning Commission; Minutesaye 8, mot Ion oarried. byor MoClellan wqa premnt arid stated that he had been worklZig on appointments to replace Corns. Oarola and Wnseth, who have resigned, but 88 yet IB not madly to -make the& Seoretary Bauqgartner read the applloatlon of Henry and Pauline Wueete for rezoning from B-2 to R4 of Lot.8 39, 40, 41 and 42 of Blwk A, hearlng be eet on the Wueste applloatlon on Ootober 25th at 7:lj P, M, for reolasslfloatlon from B-2 to R-b of Lots 39 , 40, 41, and 42 of Blook A, &yea LmU Company Addition; an8 at the lnistanoe of the Plaslnlng Corn- mlsslcm all the remaining territory south to the present C=1 zone, said property being located on the west side of Ooean, south of Beech Avenue. Seeorsded by Corn. Stringer. All ayes, motion c~(~rrled. Seoretarf Baumgartner read the applloatlon of' Henry and Paullne Wueete, Altatlena, California, for varianoe to pernit reduotion In north and south side yard setbaok to 5 feet from property lirae , on ppoperty desoribed a8 Lots 39, 40 , 41, 42, Bl~k A, Hayes Land Company Addition to Carlebad, looated on the west side of Ooean Street between Cedar and Beech Streets. Comm, Stringer mooed that a hearing be set on the Wueste application for varianoe at 7rl5 P. PI. on October 25, 1954. Seocxndd by Corn. Baumgartner, All ayes, motion oarried. Searetary Ba-rtner read Notloe of Publlo Hearing on the appll- oatlon of Albert E. Steln, Sr., Sr., San Marlno, Callfornla, for vapiqmoe in front yard setbaok from 50 feet to 40 feet to aUow construotlon of a retail business building on property desorgbed as the Southweeterly 140 feet of Lot 32 of Seaside Lands, ersept the Northwesterly 32.80 feet, located on tbe east alae of State Street 100 north of Grand Avenue, in a C-1 Za6. Hayor MoClellan submitted a pEan of the bulla* to be oonstruot- ea and explained 8etai16, &atizIg that it will leave vamt about 40 feet north of the drug store; that the etore front would set baok 6 feet but ths Faof will czome out to tbs property line, 1a-g up with the tbatre bulldi#g, After difmussion, Corn. Grmseth anoved that a peoommsndation be made to the City Council that the =quest of Albert E, Ste-, Jr,, fop varianoe I23 front yard setbaok from 50 feet to 40 feet on the PpOpertJr desorlbe8 In the applioation, be approved. Seoonaed by Comm, Str-ger, The offer of Hr. W, D, Cannon of a paroel of property near Terra- mar to the County of San Diego, OIL whloh to oonstmot a Comty Regional Center, was disoussed. All members expressed themselvea a8 being favor- able to the IBea. Corn. amneeth moved that the Commissiom send a memo / to the Counoil reoommendating that the Ciw Counoil -approve the proposal of Mr. Cannon for the aonstmotion of a County Regional Centep, a6 oon- rjrtntotion of suoh a oernter will not be st varianoe with %he Planning Com- slssion's plans for best land use. -Seoondd by Coarm. Ledgemood. All ayes, motion oarried. Comm, C3ronseth 8tated he wished to go on -reoorU a8 bellevlng that the Planning Commission should make a rul-lng that no front, side or rear yard varianoe ahoulcl be granted, exoept for the improvement of existing houses or where topographloal reaaon8 malce it ~feoe~sary. Mayor MoClellm oorrrmsnUed Conm. OMnreeth for his many eemiosrs to the Jommunitfr and expresrsed regset at his resignation, Chairman Cookrill stated that the exlstlng planning Commission was fully oognizant of the valuable semioe rendered by Co~. Oronseth and is extremely regretful tdat he will not oonsent to oontaue to mme. COX, wnseth stated he hoped he would be oalled upon for any help in am advisory aapaolty whioh -2- he aIgM be able to give, COX, Qrm8eth UaS exoussd at 8tlO f. El, Le Osburn was preeent and subgaitte4 for the Plsnning coaealssion*s eonsideration a aopy of Ordiaanoa #831 of the County of Sas Diego, Seotion 16 of whioh gives permission to install 8 kitchen in a guest house to be wed by relatives or non-paying guests, upon the making of 8 oovenant that the building will not be used or sold Independently of the main property. Be stated that the City Attorney ha8 suggested that he request the Corn- mlersion to determine whether this prowision is applioable. After so- discussion, Mr. Osburn was adviered that the ComPllssion felt that sinoe its maommendation had been mde to the Camoil, the matter was out of its jurisdlation and tht It wa8 strlotly up tothe City Attorney to rule on the legality of Seotion 16, Ordinanse 831, County of San Diego, (August, 1951) a8 It applies to this ease. He stated that as an alternatlve he mag move the wall of the building bok & feet and ask for the nsaXiprul31 redtao- tion In rear yard variaae to l2& feet, whish, If granted, woulcf legalize the building and permlt him to sell it or uere It independently of the other property. Secretary Baumgartner read the request of Anmy & Navy Amdemy for varlanae in front yarU setbaok of 17a feet from a proposed building to the south boMer of pavement of Paoiffe Avenue, Mr. Anthony stated that he had looked over the situation and found that tb street is only 23 feet wide, although It appears on the plap a6 a 50-foot street. Slnoe the property In question (Lots 117 to 129, Inoluslve , of Granville Park #Z) Is looate8 ip an B-2 zone, it was agreed that a speaial us8 permit woulcl be neoessary before oonstruotlon of barraoks crould be allowett. he An- thony stated he had 80 aavirad the applioant. Coma. Stringer movecl that a hearing be Set on the applloation of Amy & Navy Aoademy for a gpeslal use permit to allow oonetruotion of student housing in an B-2 zone on the property desoribed In the applieation) on Ootober 25th at 7:30 P, M. Seoonbd by corn. bdgemooa. All ayes, motion aarrisd, Mr. Anthtmy was askea to see Col. Atkinson and further explain the astion of the Commaission. The Seoretary read the applioation of a, 9 HoLean, 2740 Arland Road, for varlanoe to permit reduotion in slae prd setbaa and front yarU set- baok to allow aomtruotion of 811 additional dwelling on property descri&a -3 - 4 as Lot 6, Wileonfa Traot. It was disoovered that this property is in an E-2 zone, requiring one aope per diwelllng, and would require rezoning to B-1 before an additional dwelling croul& be allowed, After a telephone call to Mr. ClauU Helton, pepresentlng the applioant, it was agreed to hold the application over until the next meet-, pendiag filing an ap- plioation for reolasslfloation. The Seisretary read a letter from Mr. Frank B. Smith protesting any reerlaeelflcatiarr of property 0x1 PI0 Pi00 for business, It was'point- ed out that as yet no petition for rezoning on Pia Plm haa been reaelved by the Coemrission, Mr. Anthony reportea on the offer of the Qalllngers to contribute $8500.00 toward extension of the smer llne up Chestnut Avenue to their subdlvision, if the high. sohool distriot will pay its proportionate share of the ooat 80 the work oould be oormnenaed in the very near futm. There being no Further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was aeolarea adjournea at 10:.00 P, H. V