HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-10-25; Planning Commission; MinutesChalrman Cockrill oalling meeting to order at 7~05 P, M. Present be- sides the Chairman were Corns, B, W, Smith, Howard Bawgart;ner, Paul Swirsky, Arnie Stringer, Charles .Ledgerwood, and Publio Works Direotor Bnthony, COBUU, Smith moved that readlng of the minutes of the meeting of hto- ber 11th be waived, but that anything of importanbe be pointed out by the seoretary. SeoondeB by Corma, Baumga~tner. All ayes, motion oarpled. Secretary Bawgartser briefly sketohed the unfinished business from the last raeeting. Seoretary BaumgarWer read oopy of a letter from the City Clerk to the County Board of Supervieors urging that the offer of W, I). Cannon of a par- uel of land in Terramar for the purpose of oonstruatlng a oowntg regional oenter be aooepted, Conam, Cookrill gave a report on the Councril neeti#g of Oetober lgth, asofar as Planning Commission maommendations were oonoemed, statfng that the Counail had aooepted the Commissionis recommdationer in regard to the Nielsen, Hans- et al, and Bowman applications for reolassifioatlon~. Secretary Baumgartner read Notioe of Publio Hearing on the applioa- tion of Henry and Pauline Wueste, Bltadena, California, for reolassifia- %ion from R-2 to R-4 of property described as Lots 39, 40, 41 and 42 of Blook A, Hayes Land Addition to the Town of Carlsbad, looated on the west side of Owan Street north of Beech Avenue. Notice of Publie Hearing oxi the request of the same applioants for varianae to permit reduotion In north and south slue yard setback to 28 feet, and front yard setback to 5 feet from property 13x10, was also read. Seoretary Baumgaraer poinbd out that through emr, only the Wueste ppoperty was desoribed 3x1 the aU- vertisement, although it was the Comarission's intention to include the four additional lsts to the south in the rezoning, After dlsoussion, it was deoided to hold the present hearing on the property advertised, and then set a hearing to mnsider rezoning of the additional lots. There were no protests, oral or written, to the Wueste request, and, after dlsouasion, Corn, Stringer moved that a reoommendation be made to the City Counoll that the applloation of Henry and Pauline Wueste for rezoning from B-2 to R-4 of the desoribed property be approved. Seeonded by Corn. Smith, All -1- x ayes motion oarrladt. Corn, Strfnger moved that a moomendation be made to the City CounOil that the applloatlon of Henry and Pauline Wueste for variance to permit reduotion In north and south slde yard setbaok and front yard setbaok on the property desoribed in the advertisement be approved, provldd, however, that no building on said property shall oome aloser to the street than other buildings on adJoining lots, Seconded by Corn. Smith, All ayes, motion oarrI88, Ssoretary Baumgartner read Notloe of Publio Hearlng on the applloatlon of Army & Navy Aoademy (Col. W. C. Atkinson, presidmt) for speroial use permit to allow the oonstruotion of sahool dormitories in an B-2 zone on property desoribed IDS Lots 117 to 129, inolusive, of Granville Park #2-, Hr, Anthony stated that he had explained to Col. Atkinson that a speoial use permit expires within a year and that oonstruotion must be begun be- fore that tlm, He reported that Col, Atkinson hrad advised him that lt was his undersiazlding that their attorney had had the entire property re- zone& to c-1 at some til38 prior to the inclorporation of Carlsbad, and that tran#er/had possibly been omitted through emr. However, sinoe no ade- to the City's zoning map quate proof 9988 presented, it waa decrlded to prooeed with ths special use permit pending more acourate information, Corn. Baugartner moved that a reoommadation be made to the City Cougoil that the applloatlon of the Army I% Navy Aoademy for speclial use permit to allow omstmotion of sohool dormitories on the property desarlbed, be approved. Seoonded by Coma. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motfon oarrled, After sane dlsousaloa, Corn. Smith mooed that o hearing be held at 7:15 P, PI. on November 8th, at the Initiation of the Planning Conmiasion, to consider redassifloation from B-2 to R-4 of the following desoribed property:: Lots 43 to 46, inoluslve, Blook A, Hayes Land Company Addition to Carlsbad, looated on the west slde of Ooean Street at the end of Cdap Avenue, (south to the eXi6ting C-1 zone)'. Seocmded by Cam, Stringer. AU. ayes, motion oarrid, Secretal?g Baumgartmer read the application of Q. D; Ndam fop re- ~lasslfloati~ from E02 to R-1 of property described as Lot 5 of Wilsonia Traot, lcwated at 2740 Arland Road'. Comm. Smith moved that a hearing be -2- held at 7::30 lp-, M, on November 8th, om the applioation of GO D. bfc&ean for rezoning fmm E-2 to R-1 of Lot 5 of Wilsonia Traot, loaated at 2740 Arl8M Road, Seooaded by ~omm'. Stringer. Comra, Baumgartaer proposed that instead of rezaning the entire lot a strlp be taken along Arlernd Road, deep enough to take -re of residential buil8irrg. The faot that there are several other violations of zoning along Arlana Road was briefly discrussed'. Vote on the motion2 all ayes, motion oarried. L Comm, Bamgartner moved that a hearing be set to ooneider reolassifi- oation from E-2 to R-1, at the lnitiatlon of the Planning Csanaissfon, of a strip 150 feet deep, along the east slag of Arlanil Road from Buena Vista to Highlanil Drive, (Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Wilsonia Tract; auoe there are existing violations of zmlng along Arlana Road. Ayes, Baumgartner, String- er, Ledgerwood. Nays, Cookrill, Soribsky and Smith, Motion failed to aamy. Comm. Stringer euggested that R-lA be oonsidered for this property to elim- Inate the possibility of exoessively narrow, aeep lots, Seoretary Baumgartmer read the applieatfon of (to D, M&an for oar- iaae to permit reduetion ln aide yard setbaczk from 10 feet to 5 feet, and front yard setbaok from 75 feet to 40 feat from the oenter of the street, on property desoribed as Lot 5, Wilaonia Traot. Corn, Baumgartner muveil that a hearlng be set on Mr. McLeanl s request at 7 :3O P. E. on No- vernbs~ 8th: Seconded by Corn. Stringer, All ayes, maticm earrled. A fter sane disoussion, during which it was brought out that no building permit could be issued until the ordlnsnse aeoontplishlng the rezoning be- oomes effeative, the..motion was withdrer#n. , Amadeo Leonard Navares, 3135 Boosevelt, was present to disousa rezcm- ing of his property (Lots 22, 23 and 24, Blook 32, Carlsbad Townsite) from R-3 to C-1 to permit operation of a barber shop thereon, He was advised to submit an application with the proper fee at the next meeting; an8 meantime to oontaot affeoted property mer8 to ascertain their F88&lm, if possible gettlng their consent in writing. Mrs. Vermilyea read a letter f roni the Chairman of ths Planning Commission to Mr. Riohardson regarding the re-openlng of negotiations with Sa# Diego State College to have a planning study of Carlsbad made by one of the oollege o1888ee. It was deoided that if no anmer is forthoomug by the next meeting, the matter Will be brought up for further disoussia as to what 00ur86 to pureue. There being no further busbeers to oome before the Commission, the meeting was deolared ad joumed at 9t35 P, N. V -4 -