HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-11-22; Planning Commission; Minutesgartner, Publio Works Direotor Anthay. Absent, Corns. Smith and
COM. Stringer moved that reading of tbe glinutge of the meeting
of November 8, 199 be waived, an8 that they be apppooed as written.
Seoonded by Corn. Baurogartner. All ayes, motlon oarriel.
Chaimm Cookrill reported that he ha8 oontaotea by teleph-e
Mr. Kalidkar of Gordon Whitnall & Assooltates, plannigg aonmltantm, re=
garding the possibility of obtaining sane planning advioe and guidanae
for the $~OOO.OO budgeted for this pu-ose. He stata Hr. bl ioh
seemed very muoh interested and not at all dlsaouraged by the faat that
only $1000.00 is available at this tine for the study; and that 8 meet-
ing has been set up with Mr. Kalioh at the City Hall on Thursday,
Deoamber -8, at ?ZOO P. M., with any other City offiolalsrrelooaere to
Seoretary Baulagartner read Notlee of Publlo Hearfng om the ap-
plioation of A. L. levares, 3135 Roosevelt Street, for reolassifioatlon
from R-3 to C=l of property desorlbed a8 all of Blouk 32, Carlabad
appearanoes in support of the petition, although praotloally all af-
feoted property mers had eigne4 the petition as wnsenting to the
rezonimg. The property ua8 outlined on the map and the point 81s-
oussed that rezoning to C=l woulil open the way for what might be om-
sidered obJeotlonable buslness operations irr olose pmxilplty to the
Boys' Club in that blook. Coma. StrUger also expressed hesitamby to
establishing c-1 zolalxig without alleys, for reasons of fire pmteo-
tlon and oangeeting the street with delivery truaks, 'eto. Sboe the
applioant was not present, Comm. Ledgemood moved that aotion be post-
poned on the agplioation of A. L. Nevares until the next regular meet-
ing aa haember l3th, at 9:OO P. M. SewmBed by Corm. Stringer. All
ayes, motion oarriecl.
Seoretary Baumgartner surmaarized the petitlon of C, D. Field,
-1- ___~_..I__ "" - ..~-
2691 Crest Drive, Blohard Soheetz, 2515 Wilson, and horge Parberrg,
Jr., 2629 Wilson, for reolassiflbation from E02 to B-1, of all of
Ullsonia Traot not already zone6 R-1 or SOU, and a portion of Seo,
31, Township 11 South, Rage 4 West, (Paroels 35-147-7 and 354.674 ,
said petition being signed by eleven other property mer8 88 om-
sating to the reolaesifloation. Comm. Stringer moved that tb ap-
plioatim of C. D. Field et a1 be set for hearing at 7tls P. We ob
Deoember 27th. Seeonded by Comm. LeB@nuooB. Mr. C. Do Field ex-
plained that he would/awag for several weeks in late November and
early Deoemberj hsnoe the Belay ln setting the hearlQg'. Vote on the
motion: all ayes, motion oarried.
Seoretary Baumgartner read the applioatlan of Calvin J. Young
and Aseoolates, P. 0. Box 337, Carlerbad, Cdlfornia, for realasslfl-
"tion from Zcmes E-2 md B-U, to %,rinaw zone, or property de -
eroribed as 10 an4 11, Bel& Vista, an8 a portioa of Lot )I,
Ranoho HedionBa, (Par081 75-105-7) . Appearing alth Hr. Young
were Hax Bwalcl, bn Ebright , C, C. Walter8, and Leo Williams, SO-
owners of the property, Mr. Ewald mad from 8 pamphlet a aefiaitlon
of the "Xarlna" z-e, also from the WaUh Report" regarding the
urgent neea for small boat harbor faoillties, Mr. hthony quotea an
authoritative souroe that at present there is one boat for every
seven faallies in Southern California, and it is antloipated that in
ten years there will be one boat for every three famillea. Mr. Sualil
also read frora the proposed Xarbor Coramission ord3nanoe, now under
oon8fUeration by the City ~ouaoll, providing for aonourrent Jurisdiotlon
on shoreline planning withla a per3seter of 300 feet from the water,
or to the oenterline of the nearest *met!. There waa 8 great deal
of diSaUSSiOZ3, the appliO6Ultlr StPeSSing the tlPga6z Of getting the
property properly zoned 80 that oanstruatlon and development oan gee
under way before "Spring HollUay" in May, at whloh time the Committee
plans to have from 100 to 150 boats on the water. Ckirman Cookpill
explainea that inasmuoh as the present zoning orcllnmoe aooltalns no
%r%naR zme , it would be neoessary to oreate suoh a zag, whioh
would require at least two munths befom It aould bsoolne effeotive,
and the reala881fioati0~1 itself would require approximately three math
to effeotlve date of the or(iinanoe aooOmpli8hlY1g the rezonjllg, &Ug
approximately five aonths before any development aould begin. It was
deolded that Corn, Stringer as the Commission's Harbor representative
should form a Camittee to go to Newport an8 gather all the infoma-
tlon possible and make a report at the next meeting an Deoember 13th.
Mr. Ebrlght asked that the Conmiasion go on reoord that, while it Is
llaposslble to aot on Mr. Young's request at this time, the members are
In favor of zmlng the harbor area for Marina ~88. Members of the
Commission felt that suoh aotlan would be superfluous, but Chirum
Cookrill assured the appllaants that the Cosrmlssion will give all the
tlme possible to the study of this pmblem and its full e~upport to
passage of an ol?8lmnoe,.:bre&O-Eng a Marina zme, but mtil suoh an or-
tUnanoe is passe&, no applicrations of this nature cmuld be anrasldered.
Mr. Anthony brought up the question of the unzoored area whioh inoludes
the Allan Kelly land, stating that Mr. Kelly oould apply for a pemnlt
an8 put in anything he desired,
Hax Ewald submitted ror ths Commission's etucly a sepia prfnt of'
the proposed County Regional Center aperimposed upon the paml of
la218 offered the County by Hr. W. Do Cmm.
#re A. L. Nevares, 3135 Boosevelt, 083118 In and was advised that
hearing on his petitlon for reolaaaifioatlom from B-3 to C-1 of Blook
32, Carlsbad Townsite, had been poertpopea to Deoember 13th at 9 Po H.,
and he was advisetl to bring in other pmperty owner1 at that tlme to
strengthen his appllorntl.on. Corn. LeagemoOa brought up the queatictm
of sewage disposal in the mse of oollllPleraIa1 zoning of the harbor rea.
Mr. Anthony state6 that if the Chestnut Street line goes ln, wlth a
booster plarrt, the bamr area ooula be taken 0- of from there,
Mr. hthay submitted for the stuay and ~~om~datioa of the
Commission nagps outliniag three areas the mutual boundary line be-
tween Ooeanside and Carlsbad whioh it ls desirable to olapify for pur-
poses of polioe responsibility and street maintenanm. He explained
that two of them are merely strips of pavement, and the other is the
oloverleaf at Vista Way; that he had dlseusseU the sltuatloen with the
Chief of Poliw andl it 1188 tbir reoommendatian that it be rellnquishe&
to WaSSiUe, SinOe It ha8 been the some of several aool8mt8.
-3 -
stated that Mr. Ebrlght had been In and atated that lm muld 1lke to
have Us property (the old oemetery property) taken Into Ooeanslde.
Mr. Anthony demonstrated how by atraighten&zlg out the boundary Pam-
llel to Vista Way this property om be relinquished to ~OeansidsO
After dlsousslon, It was agreed that the Commlsalm reooplllana that
the proposal as sent In by the City of Ooeanside, as marked on the
mapa arid a8 dlsouesed with the Publlc Works Direotor, be aooepted,
and that Hr. Anthony ocrnvey the gist of the Commi8alon1s dlaousslan
to the Cornoil.
Chafrman Cookrill annomeed the annual dimer meeting of the
County Plannhg Congreer~ at the T& and Country Club on bomber 6th
at 6:30 P, M.
There belng no f’urther business to oome before the Conmisslan,
the meetirrg was dealamti adjournea at 9:35 Po n.