HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-12-13; Planning Commission; Minutes6 Meeting called to order at 7:OS p. PI. by Cam. Stringer, chairman pro tem In the absenoe of Chairman Cockrill, Present besides Comm, Stringer were Comma. Ledgerwood, Smith, Swirsky and Baumgartner, Pub Publio Works Director Anthony. Ab~ent, Comm. Cockrill. Comm, Smith moved that reading of the minutes of November 29th be waived. Seoonded by Corn. &idgemrood. All ayes, motion oarried. Secretary Baumgartner briefly summarized all heldsover items. A memorandum from Col, I. H. Qronseth and Comm. Ledgerwood, en- oloslng a proposed master street plan for Carlsbad, was read, suggest- ing that the Commission recommend to the Council the adoption of an appropriate amendment to the ordinanee which would allow the dedication of streets to the City without ourbing and surfacing. Col. Gronseth was present and stated tbt in his opinion, requiring complete grad- ing and surfacing of streets will limit development and growth; that he felt an owner should be permitted to build on an interior lot if the proper width right-of-way Is dediaated to the City, whether SUP- faoed or not. Acting Chairman Stringer thanked Col. Gronseth and Comm. :&&igerwood for the hard work they have put in on this projeot. Aution on the matter was deferred. Beoretary Baumgartner summarized the petition of Edward N. Morgan and Jeannette Morgan for variance to permit reduction In front yard setbaok from 50 feet to feet to permit construction of a business building at 377 Elm Avenue. The Plorgans and Mr. Claud Heltaq their builder, were present in support of the petition, and the Secre: tary read a letter of consent urging immediate action on the request, signed by Dr. L. H, Fairchild, Mrs. R. E. Cox, D. C, Wiehle, and Jane C, Someman. Mr. Helton stated that in disoussion with the City At- torney on the matter they had felt that Sec, 16.7 of the zoning or- dinance would apply. sec. 16.7 was read, providing that in certain oases variances up to 20$ could be granted by the Director of Planning, without referral to the Planning Commission or City Council, After disoussion, during which it was brought out that it was unlikely that Elm Avenue would be widened on aooount of the present width of the Freeway underpass, it was decided that Seo. 16.7 could be applied to -1- ~ ~ ~.~ . ~ __- ~ ~ ~~ i this application, but that no officia 1 appointment of a PWning Director had been made by the Council, Comm. Smith moved that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the Director of Public Works be named by the Council as the Director of Planning for the City of Carlsbad, in order that variances may be granted when appliable under Section 16.7 of Ordinance #9005. Seconded by Comm. Ledgerwood, Hr, Anthony stated he would be perfectly willing to serve in that ca- pacity, Vote: all ayes, motion oarrled. Mrs. Vermilyea was asked to see that the recommendation is placed on the Council agenda for the meeting of the 14th, if possible. Acting Chairman Stringer reported on the Newport trip taken on the harbor zoning matter, taken by Mr. David Baird, Allan Kelly, Hr, Sparling, B, M, Christiansen, Max Ewald, Joe Cockrill, Cal Williams, and himself% €h described some of the development and installations of both $he old and the new area, and stated that they have no special harbor zone; they have PI-1, (2-1, C-2 , R-1 and R-2 zones, but all are districted, He stated they were shown maps designating the Streetg, with the districts outlined on them. He told of the meeting up there with Mr. Noble , Mr. Berg and the Harbormaster, the result of which was that someone should be brought in to plan and lay out the entire area, preferably a man who is both a marine engineer and a planner. Comm, Stringer stated he hoped to receive a quantity of material within the next ten days to submit to the Harbor Commission, He stated It was suggested that a member of the Planning Commission and one from the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission should be appointed to the Harbor Commission. Searetary Baumgartner reviewed the application of 0, D. NC- Lean, 2740 Arland Road, for variance to permit reduction in side yard setback from 10 feet to fi feet, and front yard setback from 50 feet to 40 feet from center of street, on property described as Lot 5, Wilsonia Tract, now being rezoned to B-1A. After discussion, Comm, Smith moved that the application of G, D, MIcLean, 2740 Arland Road, for variance in front yard and side yard setback be set for hearing an December 27th, 1954, at 7:30 P, M, Seconded by Comm, Baumgartner. All ayes, motion aarried. -2- _I______ ~ ~ . . ".___ "_ ." The Secretary read 831 opinion from the City Attorney that the raising of ohinchillas was not a prohibited use in an B-1 zone, Mrs. Vermllyea was asked to forward a oopy of the opinion to Richard X, Smith, 995 Knowles, in respanse to his Inquiry. Secretary Baumgartner read a letter from Mrs. J, T, Boyd pro- testing mrbs being laid un Spruoe Street In Shangri-la subdivision, for the reason that it would be detrimental to their pruperty, Re- ferred to the Public Works Direotor, Thesecretary read a letter from the County Planning Congress in regard to a meeting being held on December 15th to take prelimin- ary steps. toward a new County Trailer ordinance, Referred to Corn, Smith, as Chairman of the Trailer Sub-Committee, and the Planning Commission Hearing on the application of A. L, Nevares, 3135 Boosevelt, /fop reolassificatlon from B-3 to C-1 of property described as all of Blook 32, Carlsbad Townsite, postponed from the previous meeting. Secretary Baumgartner read EU] excerpt from the minutes of November 29th regarding the matter to refresh the Commission's memory, Mr. J. C, Castro of 3129 Boosevelt Street, owner of addecent property, was present and stated he understood what could be dane with this prop- erty and the purpose of the request an3 wished to support It, After discussion, Comm, Baumgartser moved that the Planning Commlsslon recom- mend to the City Council the approval of the application of Mr. A, L. Nevares and the Planning Commission for rezoning from R-3 to C-1 of of all of Blook 32, Carlsbad Townsite, located between Oak and Ptne Avenues and between Roosevelt and Tyler Streets, since there are no protests, oTal or written, and Mr. Nevares has supporting signatures on his application of what appears to be most of the people In the af- fected area, plus several neighbors aoross the street. Seconded by Corn, Ledgerwood, All ayes, motion oarrled. It was explained to Mr. Nevares that the Council would probably act on the recommendation and set a hearing for sometime the first Tuesday in January, The proposed master street plan was discussed at great length, espeoially the question of whether It should be made possible for an I property holder to build on an interior lot, upon the dedication of a action was taken and the matter was held in abeyance for further study. Mr. Anthony again aautioned the Commission about the possibil.ity of mers of unzoned property in the harbor area taking out a permit and constructing a building to operate some undesirable business, over which the City would have absolutely no control sinoe there is no zonlng. After disousslon, it was agreed that the entire unzoned area oould be zoned to B-A for protective purpoaes, and the San Diego hs & Electric Company industrial plant area and Terramar could be exclud- ed uFon request of the owners and their furnishing the Commission with a proper legal desoription of the properties to be exoluded. Corm. Smith moved that at the initiation of the Planning Conmission a public hearing be held on the 27th of Deoember at 7:45 P, H. to zone all areas within the oorporate boundaries of the City of Carlsbad, not now zoned, to Zone 84, Seoonded by Corn, Swiraky, All ayes, motion oar- ried. There being no further business to come before the Commission, Corn. Smith moved for adjournment, seconded by Corn, Swirsky, All ayes, meeting adjourned at lot20 P. H. Respeotfully submitted, HOWARD BAUMGARTNER, Seoretary