HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-11; Planning Commission; Minutes" " OB cw PWU co- w Heeting oalled to order at ?:O5 p. M. by Chairman Cookrill. Present beeides the Chalrran were camms. Engelmann, Baumgartner, Smith, Stringer, Ledgemood, Publio Works Direotor Anthmy, Absent, Coam, Swirsky. Minutea of the meeting of March 28th were read and oorreotlon made Of the time of Comm. Baumgartner's arrival at the meeting. Comm, Stringer moved that the miautes of the meeting of Naroh 28th be approved a6 oorreot- ed. Seoonded by Comm. Smith. All ayes, motion oarrled. Seoretary Baumgartner read letter from the Carlsbad Elementary Sohool Distriot dated Maroh 3lst, asklng approval, so far as zoning is oonoerned, of four paroels of property a8 proposed sohool eites. After disoussion, Cam% Smith moved that the School Boara be notified that use of the pro- posed sites for sohool purposes is permitted in an B=2 zone, In whiah all these propertfes are lomted. koonded by Seoretary Baumgartner, All ayes, motion oarrled. Hearing on the applioation of William Martin, 2386 Jefferson, for varimoe to permit reduotion In building site area from 43,250 square feet to 27,720 square feet, In an E02 zone, wa8 ~esurned. Mr. and Eire. PIartin were present and were advised that since the Commission has not heard from either the City Attorney or Mr. Icalioka on this matter, the matter would have to be again postponed. Comm. Baumgartner moved that hearing on the request of' William Pilartin for reduotian of building site area be postponed to April 25th at 7::15 p, x., beoause of the reasons stated. Seconded by Corn. Ledgemod. All ayes, motion 08rrled. Allan Kelly, Horaoe Kelly and Jay Hoffman, mer8 of unzoned property within the City of Carlsbad, were present at the Invitation of the Comls- sion to discuss zoning of mzoned areas. Arnold Brllhart, also Invited, sent worcI that he oould not be present as he was oalled out of town. Allan Kelly submitted a map showing his Ue8iras as to zoning of his ow11 land, suggestlng residential zoning of the high land overlooking the harbor site and ooxnrnercial or light industrial for the low had. He also recoxmended a &-foot right-of -way along the Carlsbad Mutual Water Companya s 1bH pipe line blseoting the area and stated he would oo-operate In this respect. Horaoe Kelly was agreeable to the proposals as they affeatea hip) land; but " 0 obJeot to Rd zoning of the entire area as a temporary measure, No action was taken by the Commission and the map was returned to Mr. Kelly wlth the understanding that it oould be seoured from him later for study. The Seoretary read Noticre of Publio Hearing on the applioatiaa of Silllam M, Uest of 3034 Lyman Street, Covina, California, for variance to permit him to build in oanformity with adjaoent buildings on Ooean Avenue at Oak, in 81 R-2 zone; whioh would require a reduotion to 2'6' from prop- erty liae at the southeast aomer to 15' at the northeast oorner, and side yard setbaok to 3', since the house is set at an angle to ooean Street, as are ad Jaoent houses. After examination of the applioation and disousslon, Corn'. Smith moved that a reoomendatlan be made to the City Council that the request of Mr. West be approved, since the variance would be 6m oonform- lty with similar requests that have been approved for property in the im- mediate vioinity, Secrondea by Corn, Stringer, All ayes, motion oarried. Q. W, and Rose Wade, 4050 Sunnyhlll, were present to request that the PLannlng commission reoonsider its denial of their request for varianoe to perrnit reduction In side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet. They ex- plainea that they had not been advised to appear at the original hearing and therefore had not done 80, but felt that they oould convinoe the Corn- mission that granting of this varlanoe would result in substantial improva- Bent in appearanoe of the building Itself and also benefit the neighborhood by so doing, if the oase oould be reopened. The Comission aebated at length whether the matter ooula legally be reopened, some members feeling that shoe the Coarmlsslon*s reoommendatlon hati not been aotea CUI by the Council, the prewious motlan wuld be resoinded and the matter reoonsldered. Corn, Stringer moved that the aotlcm of the Planning CoItunission ern kroh 28th oonoerning the application of cf. w. and Rose Waae by resoindd, with the prorieo that the oorresponding seoretary get a legal oplnian from the City Attorney prior to any later aoticm beooming legal 001 this matter, Seoonded by corn. 4dgerwoOa. Four ayes, one nay (Smith). Coram. Strlnger then moved that the matter of the G, W. wade and Rose mile applioation be reopened, and that the Commission reoormnenU to the City Counoil the approval of the Wade request, provldiag that the aotfon remind- ing the Commission's aotion of broh 28th le termed legal by the City At- torney; due to the faat that the varlanoe has been approved by the Arahiteo- Committee Of the Carlsbad Highlands, in whioh the property lies, ad . ~~~~ ~ . "" " w there being no obje~$tiO~16 from the adjoining neighbors, and it will improve the area as a whole, Seoonded by Corn. Engelmann. COIIIIIL. Smith stated he objeoted to this method of prosedure a8 he felt it oould result in the Colamlsslo~l being obliged to reopen every 'p18se where the request iS denied and take a seoond aotlon, if the applioant so requeste. Vote on the motion: four ayes, two nays, (Baumgrrrtner and Smith). Ken Ebright, Robert Watson, R. R. Robinson and Lewis. Chase were present and submitted a subdivision aap, HABBoR pm, looated south of Tamaraok, between the Freeway and Jefferson Street, conposed of 21 lots, in an B-fB zone., The secretary read the reoommendation of B, W. Hardin, Fire Chief, that a 6" hydrant be Installed at the interseotlon of Jefferson and Chinqua- pin; the reoommendatim of the Publlo Works Director that the map be approved; and the report from the Public Health Department recommending approval sub- jeot to four oonditions:: (1) that eaoh house be oonneotea to the publio sewer;/that water is furntshed by Carlsbad Mutual Water Company; (3) that proper storm drainage is maintained; and (4) that 8ewer and water lines are not laid fa the 6arm treaoh. Mr. Ed Dulen of 'Puttle Engineers, in whose offiae the map was preparea, was present and explained that in two respeota (2) the map does not oonforra to the Subdivision Ordinanoe; that five of the lots d( hot have the required depth of 100 feet; and that as laid out the street is 30 feet Instead of the required 36 feet. He stated that they oould meet this 1atter.requirement with a 50-foot right-of-ay, 36 feet ourb to ourb. The engineer stated that all lots will be on the sewer. The omm mission asked whether the subdividers aontemplate asking for any varlanoes in front, rear or side yard setbaoks, and they stated theydo not', After diSoU8SlOn, corn. Smith moved that since the Director of hblic Works reoomends approval of the tentative map and the other agencies concerned have approved it, that a recommendation be made to the City Co~oil that the tentative map of HARBOR PARK be approved, rsubject to the following omditians:: I. That the width of the street shall be not less than 36', ourb to arb ; 2. That the location and size of water lines shall be shown on the tentativa maPi)E. .* i. - ' - .. " .. 1. ~ ' .. 3 1. 3'. That the sde shall appear on the map. c " I. and further subjeot to the reoomuendations oontained in the letters dl- reoted to the Planning Commission by the Direotor of Public Works, the Fire Chief, and the Public Health Department; that the Commissi~n noted 5 lots whioh do not comply with Seotion 111-@-5, being less than 100 feet in depth, but wishes to mooramend suspension of this spealfied seotion in this instanoe'. Seoondea by Comm, Baungartner. All ayes, moticm arried. Bob Watson asked an8 was given permission to bring in on fiesday their tentative map of LAGUNA PARK, so that the seoretary may forward ooples to the different agencties, asking them to send la their reoommendations before the metag of the 25th. E, Thaoher and Dm Dresselhaus, his engineer, submitted tentative map of HABBOB VILLAS WIT #1, looated south of Chinquapin Avenue west of the, Freeway, in an R-LE zane, oomposed of' 18 lot8. The Seoretarg read the reoommendations of the Fire Chief, Publio Works Direotor and Public Health Department, eubjeot to the following oondltlons:: (2) that eaoh house be conneoted to a publio sewer; (2) that water Is furnished by Carlsbad Mutual Water Compny; (3) that proper storm drainage is minted; and (4) that sewer and water lines are not laid in the same trench, Mr. Dressel- haus stated that the lots wmld be servedl sewer, brought over from Tam- amok Avenue. After disoussi~, Cnm, Engelmann moves that the tentative map of HARBOR VILLAS WIT #I be reoommended for appros'al to the Cltq Coun- cil, subdeot to the reoommendatlons of the Fire Chief, as regards fire hydrants, and the reoommendatlons of the fiblie Works Direotor and the hblio Health Department, Seoonded by Cam, Ledgemood, All ayes, motion oarried, There being no further business to oome before the Commission, the meeting was deolared adJourned at lor40 PM, JOE B. COCKRILL, Chairman Bespeotfully submitted, HOWARD l3AUMGARTNER, Searetary