HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-23; Planning Commission; Minutessultant.
Mllautes of the meeting of by 9th were read. Coma. Smith mmed,
seoonbed by Comm. Cookrill, that minutes of the meetiag of by 9th be
approved as mas. All ayes, motion osmied.
The Seoretary read Notiae of hblio Hearing tm applioations of
Emmett Roberts of Uttier, California, far tar-oe to permit reduo-
tion In side yard setbaak from 10 feet to 5 feet 003 Lots 2 andl 5,
SUANQRIL4 PrubBlviaion, to olear water passl easement with proposed
buildlngs. Mr. bthony stated that applioatiem had been made to the
CarlsbaU Mutual water Coperpany for pemlslslon to enaroaoh 5 feet on
eaoh side of the 20 foot easement, whioh had been granted, but that the
line le very near the atlrf'aoe (18") ana no further enoroatohmnt oould
be granted. Applioant was not present in aupport of hi8 applioatims,
and there were no oral or written protestrs; but the Commission felt
that aotion should mot be taken without further olarifioatlon as te
the Water Campmy's aotia and other questions whioh night affeot
solution of the problem, Comm, Cookrill moved that the applimtlonr
be set aside until the JFble 23 meeting, and that appliwt be requested
to erheok with the Carlabad Mutual Water Company an8 oome to the meeting
with a written staCeraent from the Water Compsay. SeoondeU by Comm.
SmitW. A question was raised 88 to whether oarlanoas ha8 been granted
by the Counail on these two lots at the time of approving the ~HAM~ILA
subdivleion, 88 the iarpoaslbility of adhering to standard setbaoks In
building om the lots ha8 beem raoognice8 at that time, but a oheok of
the Counoil minutes revealed that none had been gz"ltsd. Vote 011 the
motion: all ayes, motion oarri~d.
The Searetary read a letter from Felrrt 8c Feiat, Attorneys at kw,
regplrdlmg exolualon of the Keith Traot from the City of Carlsbad an8
annexatla of saple to the City of heanslde, enolosing OOPY of p9tition
and stating that a lett er sh ,auld be reeeived from the County Boundary
Commission proposlng that the petition lnolude additional land, 'phe
Seoretary read a letter from the Jhgiaetr fer the County Bohdary Com-
mission, Mr. fbnrfah, attaohing map and amaendaU desoription showing
lnolusion of a larger paroel of land than was oontained in the petltim.
The map me studled and dleoussed and dissatisf&otion expmeaed with
ths boundaries, partioularly the lnelusltm of a portion of the Atohison,
Topeka & Santa Fe Ballroad right-ofli#ay, The entire matter was re-
fer-8 to the Pub110 works Director for further stuUy.
The propoared z€unlng ordinaxme submitted by %ritcm Yhitnall ds As-
soolaters m8 studied at aonsi8erable length, and suggestions @e whloh
were noted by b. &li&a. There will be further dieaussion at the
June 27th meting.
Comn, Baumgarber reported? 011 the disoussim at the City counoil
meeting on the zanlag of mzoned lands within the City of Carlabad'.
He stated that nr. Brilhart md the Kellys were present and the matter
of their pending applioations for zoning was dieaussed, the counoll
feeling that themming c~mlssion should oonalUer their requests now,
if the applimts so desalre, rather than malting oompletlm of the
plamlng study. Mr. kliolra reminded the Catlmission that he had advised
UenyUg the applioatlonrs without preJudloe; and he urged that they do
80 on any applioations oomlng In, to afford an opportunfty for thorough
study In the light of the new ~FdWanoe'. He requested that his officre
be sat a oapy of all zoning requests: Corn; Swlreky was asked to notify
Mr. Brllhart that If the appliuatiaol fee is paid and they wish aotion
on the mmdt:? for H-L zoning of the land desorlbed in the petitla,
the com.illissim will prodeed.
commiO hmgartner stated that Mr. cannapp nas present at the Counoil
meeting an8 requestd that a buffer zone be areated between the railroad
an8 Carlsbad Boulevard. Mrs. blioka stated he felt that would be proper.
There being no further buslness to oom before the Cumlssim, the
meeting wag UealareB adjourned at 1l:Is P. M,
brpeotf'ully submltted
We A. STRMC+m, Cham PAa WfBSa, Seoretary
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