August 8, 1955
The meeting was called to order at 7:lO P.M. by Chairman Stringer!
Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Baumgartner, kdgerwood,
Smith and Swirsky, Public works Direotor Anthony and City Nanager Nelson'.
Absent Cornm, Cockrill and Englemann.
Cornm, Smith moved that the minutes of the July 23rd meeting,
as read by Secretary Swirsky, be approved. Seconded by comm'. kdgemood.
A11 ayes. Motion carried,
Searetary read "Notice of Publio Hearing" on application of
Herbert L. and Patricia cole for special use permit to allow
construction of a cabinet shop and retail store on the m* of
Lot 27, Seaside hnds, looated on the east side of State Street
south of Laguna Drive, in a C-1 zone'. A staff report from %?@on
Whitnall ik Associates, signed by Mr. Kay klioka was read; There
were no protests, written or oral, Item 4 of Section 11 of
%dinance No. 371 (Zoning Ordinance) as reviewed in the report
was discussed, This section permits 25% of floor space in my building
in the c-1 zone to be used for manufacturing purposes If the re-
maining 75% of the floor spaoe is used for retail sales of the
manufactured commodity. corn. ,Smith moved that, In view of the
faot tkt there are no protests, and the mcommendations mads
by Mr. Kay blicka of Gordon Whitnall l?c Associates, that a special
use permit, to allow construction of a cabinet shop and retail
store in a c-1 zone, as set forth in application of Patrioia and
Herbert p, Cole, be reoommended to the City Council for approval.
It is pointed out that it is the understanding of the Commission
that the applioant .will comply with the requirements of sec, 11 of
Ordinance No, 371, requiring that 75% of the floor area will be
devoted to retail sales.
Communication was read from the San Diego County Planning
C.,ommisslon dated July 14, 1955, oontaining notice of revised
sehedule of meetings for the san Diego County Planning Commission.
Seuretary Swirsky read a memorandum from the City Council
signed by Mr. Herbert E. Nelson, City Manager, regarding a
presentation from Mrs. kma Sutton, representing the Women's
Club, of the offer of the present site of the woman's Clubhouse
for Furchase by the City for the future looation of the Carlsbad
Library'. A aopy of the leBter has been forwarded to the Library
Commission but a meeting of that Commission has not been saheduled
since that ds.te so no decision has been made!. Mr. Anthony stated
that, in his opinion , tire looation is not desirable, due to
the fact that the street will be widened and'trafflu in tlvrt
area wil be a hazard to children'. It was also pointed out in the
discussion that all of the lots fronting Elm hreet are potential
business lots and under the new zoning ordinance will require
adequate parking. The site in question is approximately 140 feet
wide and 100 feet deep and woulfi have to inolude both the strutlture
and the parking faoilltiesi.
The Commission prooeeded to the hearing on the George kd;rJr
applice-tion for variand. "Notioe of Public Hearing' was read.
Application requests variance to dlow reduction in south side
yard setbaok from 10 feet to 5 feet on Lot 11, Brook "c', palisades,
looated at EJw Corner of intersection of Maple Avenue and Garfield
Street, in an E-2 zone6 Mr.. George hdry and his contractor
Mr. Roy Crom appeared in support of the application . A staff
report from Gordon Whitnall & Assooiates was read and discussed.
Plr'. Crm spoke in support of the application and stated
the.t he had shown the plans to neighboring residents In the
area and that they are frankly pleased that the building 1s going
in. There were no protests either oral or writtenf. It was
pointed out that the applicants lot backs up to four other lots on
the west which front on Maple Avenue and this means th.t if the
applioants are given a reduotion on the side yard to five feet,
it wlll box in the adjaoent lot whloh must meintain the required
front yard setback, The subject property consists of a parcel
48.6 feet wide facing hrfleld Street with a depth of 110 feet
on Maple Street, which is only l* feet short of the minimum lot
width being considered by the Planning Commission in the new
zon lng ordinanae'.
After discussion, it was decided that possibily it would be
reasonable to grmt the aplicants the 113 foot differential because
of the substandard lot width, but to pant the entire amount re-
quested oould not be justified, Coma', Smith asked if it would be
possible for the applicants to have a house designed or their
present plans revised to fit the lot if this addition 1* feet
could be granted, wr, Crom felt tbt some revisions in the plans
could be made and stated that the applicants wish to go along with
any reoommendations the Alanning Commission may wish to make,
comm, Ledgerwood offered a motion that, in lieu of the variance
as requested, the applioants be granted a variance from 35 to 33&
feet from the center line of the street, for the reason that it
is a substandard lot and the diffioulties experienoed by the
owner in placing a house on the lot, Seoonded by comm, Smith'.
All ayes. Motion oarriedj
Mr. Robert Watson presented a letter from the Pacific Investment
Company, signed by Mr. w, D, Cannon, President, requesting an
enoroachment permit over Tierro Del Orro Street to allow the
construction of an entrance to Tierro Del Oro; stating tht he will
agree to maintain and repair said improvement and hold the City
of Carlsbad harmless from any liability which may arise as a result
of the construction of said improvement over a public street,
hblic Works Director Anthony reported that he had looked over the
plans and would pass on it structurally, if the City wants to give
comm, Smith offered a motion that the application for an
encroachment permit over Tierro bl Oro be referred to the City
Manager for immediate disposition, In view of the face that the
subject is not deemed within the Jurisdiotion of the Planning
Commission but comes rather under proviasions of sign Ordinance
No. 8020. Seoonded by Corn. Ledgerwood. A11 ayes. Motion
~fscussion was resumed on the proposed library site. Cornmi
Smlthnbved that, in view of the faot that the gibrary Commission,
which is a primary Rgency for seleotion of the looation of a
library site, has not as yet had adequate tine to study the
looation of a new library, it is meommended that the fianning
Commission take no action on the letter from the Counoil at this
time or until such time as the Library commission prooeeds on this
matter. Seaonded by corn. Baumgartner'. Addition was included
in the motion to read -0 it is further recommended tkt a oopy
of the minutes be sent to the Chairman of the Library Commission'.
A11 ayes. Motion oarried.
A uommunication was read from the park and Tree Commission
regarding tree planting as a requirment an building permits
issued on new property. Discussion was held and the legality
of suoh a requirement was questioned'. corn, Baumgartner offered
a motion thst the matter be referred to the City Attorney for
investigation, with a note requesting his recommendations concerning
the legality of the matter, Seconded by Corn. Smith',. A11 &yea,
Motion carried.
Discussion was held on Poinsettia Beaoh unit #I., tentative
maps for same which were submitted previously, It was pointed
out that, at the time the tentative maps were submitted by Mr.
Paul Ecke and his englneers, reoommendations were m8de by the
Fire Chief and the public Works Direotor regardfng wRter pressure,
health standards, and street Improvementsf. Mr. Nelson reported
that, to date, the final maps with proper signatures have not been
received and final approval cannot be given until receipt of such
maps 0
Chairrnm Stringer took a poll vote of the members of the
Commission as to whether the mtter of s.pprovd of the Poinsettia
Beach unit #1 maps should be considered at this meeting or should
be calendared for the meeting of September 12th, It WRS the
decision of the members of the commission, that sinoe the final
maps with official signatures have not been presented, actiun
should be delayed until September 12, 1955'. chairman Stringer
suggested the matter can be brought up at the August 22nd meeting
with a briefing by Mr. &y blicka at that time',
Corn. Smith commented that there is 8 definite procedure
for approval of subdivisions by the commission and that the
requirements set forth in Ordinance No', 9025 should be followed":
Comm, Smith inquired as to yrocedure for granting a leave
of absence to a member of the Commission, He plans to be absent
for a period of two months from September 12th to November 15th.
It was decided that such a leave of absence is permissable and
approval was given.
The meeting was adjourned for 8, ten minute recess and discussion CI
was resumed at 10:.50 pew,
Mr, Allan Kelly arrived, at this time, and entered into the
discussion of the commission regarding the acquiring by the City
of a master plan. He stated he is interested in the City requirements
for a street which would link his property, whioh fronts the
upper lagoon, with the extension of Park Drive along the Pirate
Cove property, At the present time, he has an easement of 25 feet
across this property, around the hill in a Southeasterly direction,.
It was pointed out that it might be possible to exchnge a build-
ing site on the hill for another 25 feet for right of way, which,
with the 25 foot easement would provide the 50 foot stmet requirement',
Mention was also made of the fact that it might be possible for
the city to acquire some of his property for access to the lagoon.
There is a pie-shaped piece of land approximately 200 to 250 feet
in length, fronting his propertg, which is owned by the San Diego hs
and Slectric Company. Mr. Sherwood, of the Company had advised him that
they would have to call for bids on this parcel and it could not be
sold to an individual. This property is included in the lease with
the City’.
In regard to the aoquiring of a master plan by the City, Mr. Kelly
was of the opinion that the work should be undertaken by the members
of the Planning Commission or that other planning consultants should
be contacted to see if a moye reasonable figure on the proposed master
plan could be obtained.
Comm. kdgerwood commented that, if a master plan is acquired, will
the City be in a position to purchase the property which is designated
for civic buildings, parks, etc‘. The time element was discussed and
it was the opinion of the Commission that the plan should be completed
as soon as possible in order to be of the greatest benefit to the City.
The firm of Gordon Whitnall and Associates have submitted a tentative
price of $15,000’.00, with a credit of $3600~.00 being allowed for the
present project, as such is normally the first step completed in establish4
ing a master plan’.
It was pointed out by “h? Swirsky that the tentative figure of
$l5,OCthOO was made by the firm with the idea that the master plan for
Carlsbad would be oompleted at the same time as the Oceanside master
plan, thus saving the company manpower and transportation expenses’.
The question arose as to whether an agreement of this kind could
be entered into without calling for bids from other planning consultants
and investigation as to price range5
No final decision was reached on the acquiring of a master plan,
but the Commission felt that the money should be set aside in the current
budget to be expended when a definite decision is reached and the
service contracted for’.
An inquiry was made of Mr. Nelson as to whether the City is In
a position finaaoially to undertake such a venture and it was his opinion
that, over a three year period, the City could finance iti Chair-
Stringer inquired if any members of the conmission recalled that a
figure of $9,000.00 had been mentioned by Mr. Kalicka at a previous
meeting. It was decided that the minutes of the previous meetings
should be reviewed for this information’.
corn’. Baumgartner offered a motion thet the Planning Commission
recommend to the City Council tbt $5,000‘.00 be earmarked In the
ourrent budget for the use of the Planning commission in starting
to acquire a master plan as outlined In the State Planning and
Conservation Aot, Seconded by corn’. hirsky. A11 ayes. Motion
The meeting was adjourned at ll:l5 p.H4:.