HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-13; Planning Commission; MinutesNovember lJ1, 1956 Corm, Yourell moved approval of the minutes of the meeting of October 23rd as written,.> Seconded by CODIBI, Engelmann, All ayes, motion carried, VARIANCE - ROBERT We BAIRD, Chairman Swirsky read K,tice of Public Hearing on the application 04 Robert W, bird, 1721 Monterey, Coronado, California, for variance to allow reduction in lot area from 10,000 square feet to 9,660 square feet, and reduction in street frontage from 75 feet to 70 feet, on property located on the east side of Iiighlarnd Drive, between Oak Avenue and Ruena Vista Way, in an it-l zone; purpose of the application be- fag to allow applicant to divide an irregularly-shaped parcel into two building lots, Comma Baumgartner requested that, he be allowed to abstain from participating in the discussion or voting on thAa application, since he is a business partner of the applicant, Staff report from Cirdon WhitnalP 6 Associates was read, recommending that approval of the variance be recommended for the Peae80n that the reductions requested are not substantial and to force him to maintain tho property as one parcel would be inequitable, depriving the applicant of full and equal uec of his lend, Mr, C, Do McCIellan, representing Mr, Baird, submitted a letter of consent signed by three neighboring owners: Mrs, Helen No Reece, 2850 Highland Drive; Mrs, George Stahlman, 2824 Highland Drive; and *so William Do Franklin, 2816 Highland Drive, After discussion, Conm, Fennel moved that the Commission recommend to the City Council the granting of the variance requested by Mr, Baird for the reason that it is similar in nature to the variance granted the same ap- plicant on another parcel recently; that no possiblo damage will be done any neighboring property owner; and that the deveZopment of this fine property will be advantageous to the City, Seconded by Commn, Yourella Six ayes, no nays, Commp Baumgartmr abetaining, motion passed, DXNDINGEK REZONING REOUEST, Chairman Swirsky read the report of the Com- mittee on Industrial Zoning, dated November 9th, recommending that N-1 zoning be applied to the area between Roosevelt Street and the Santa Fe right-of-way, south of Chestnut, to a point approxinzately 125 feet north of Tamarack Avenue; and that R-P zoning be applied to a etrip 140 feet deep paralleling Roosevelt Street south from Chestnut Avenue, and Magnolia Avenue to the easterly boundary of the Gonzales property, provided that a 60-foot street he constructed at the expense of the property owners and dedicated to the City, varaning south through the property from Chestnut to . Tamaracko A letter fran the Chamber of Comnerce was read, recommending that the Com- missiom approve industrial zoning for the area described, contingent upon dedication of a proper access roado A map delineating the proposed zoning was studied Comm, Fennel stated he felt the Commission should make cer- tain that the Carlsbad School District has been fully advised as to the uses to which this property may be put under the proposed zoning; other members agreeing, residential developmer on Roosevel+ Street; (2) " at; the street could & laid out straighter, Idwing no slivers of land; id) it would probably ' less expensive, as the railroad will probably give .a mbstantial part of the street right-of-way; and (4) it would require .less negotiation, Two means of accomplishing the reclassification were discussed; (1) by setting up a Potential M-1 zone and (2) by precise plan, under which the area would be advertised for change to industrial zoning and no building permit could be issued under the requimments had been metc Re: the 50 * width of the proposed street, as shown on the sketch Mr Ka- licka stated that as long as there will. be developed property athitting only one side, and no sidewalke, a SOp streat is adequate, Comm, Stringer COD- manted that the Committee. favored an mtension of Tyler Street to Tamarack, rather than the street delineated on the, sketch, feeling that it would in- volve less mechanics, Mr, C, Do YcClellan pointed out that srme typea of uses permitted in M-1 zoning would be very injurious to tho rrntire area, such as breweries, trucking terminals, same types of food products manufacture, tire or rubbe-. manufacturing plants, etc, Mr, Kalich stated that the City could restriQt and limit the uses on a precise plan biASiSo For the benefit of property owners pre:ant (Mr, GonraIes, Mro NeZBOn, M~Q until $public hearing ie he1 do i I 'Q 5 )# Mr, Kalicka emph;rsized that no decision dould be made Comm, Fennel moved that the Planning Cornissfon indieat& that they will be willing to institute rezoning proceedings upon the pcsperty identified in the Committee report of November 9# 1956, upon the presentation by the property owners of the area of a precjse plan of development, said plan to include a proper roadwayo Seconded bj. Comm, Eagelaasurno A11 ayeR, motion carriedQ The Secretary was instructe:'. to write a letter to each of the property owners involved, advising thvm of the ComnLssion@s decision at this time; and also to advise Mr, Dindinger of the actioa and request him to either appear at the November 27th mecrting or advise whether he desires to continue his application or withdraw rlaae. Corn, Stringer moved that the #ndP fir aaplicatiun for reclassification to M-1 of property on Roosevelt S e% $&f the meeting of November 27th0 Seconded by Coma, Yourell, All ayes, notion carr#ied, Mr, Kalicka pointed out that proper procedure rmuld he $0 deny the rindinger request without prejudice, if he does not wish to withdraw his application, to clear the way for action on the larger areac TENTATIVE MAP - PAKADISB S-STATES, Chairman Fwirsky relinquished the chair to Comm, Yourell for discussion on the tentacive map of PARADISE ESTATES, and withdrew from the hearing, As a businem associate of the applicant, Comm, nnumgartner aXso withdrew, The map, covering 15 lots situat4 at the northwest cornet. of Valley Street and Basswood Avenue, was studied and discussed at length, Mr, Kalicka stated his office had studied the surrorrnding areas very thoroughly and could see no reason why developmer~t of Lhe adjacent land would be restricted in any way by this proposed subdivision, Reports Prom the Gordon Whitnall office, County Public Health Director., Carlsbad Mutual Water Company, Carlsbad Fire Chief and City Engineer were rea<, Tlker-e was considerable discussion BL8 to whather the cul-de-sac street entering the property from Valley'Streat should be extended 100 feet to the eastern boundary of the subdivision, to provide accems for possible developmnt of property lying to the east, Mr. Kalicka suggested that the 6-foot utility easement shown should be widened to d -2- Mr. R. Lo Watson, subdivlider, was present and explained that a aecond unit is, contemplated, in which event a street would be constructed which would pick up some of the interior property owned by Mro Pegley After considerable discussion, Conua, Jorvie moved the adoption of R860htiOn of PmISE ESTATES, subject to conditions contained in the raports of the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company, the County Public Health Director, Carlsbord Fire Chief, and City Fingineer; that all improvements be in accordance wfth the Subdivlsfon Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad; and that all lots coatahled within the subdivision meat the 7500-equare-for~t minimum area and the street frontage requiremeate, Seconded by Cmm0 Stringero Roll cell votei five ayes, no nays, ComrnsO Swirdty and Baumgartner absente Resolution adopted, Ha 0 recomaending to the City Council the approval of the tentative map Btr, Kalicka euggemtod that a Street Name ComJnittse be created to prepare a list of names of sā‚¬feetd, to be submitted to the County for clearance fQF uadr as new (mbdivision) &pestso The ChaQrmen asked the Subdivieion Corn- aittes to act in thie capacityo It warn announoad that the League of California Cities will beet at the Blks* Club in Oceanaide on Friday, November lsth, at 7:15 Po No, for the regular monthly dinner meting, with Maj, Cen Good, Conanandant of Caap Pendleton, as speak- (subject - "THE MARXNE CORPS AND LOCAt GOVERNMENTm) Members plan- ning to attend We- asked to notify the City office 80 that reearvations may be made with Oceanside City Clerk by noon Wedneadp, the 14tho It wa8 also announced that the San Diego County Plmnhg Cong~erd annual meeting will be held on December 6th, probably at the Tom ard Country Clubp notice to be mailed latera that the Progxwsm report fer this year is due Kavaabsr 26th - Secretary ewald to be asked to prepare damec Coma, Fennel suggested that on CU~-~O--II~C or dead-end streetso a key-rrord or symbol be adopted to demignate same, to avoid oonfumioa, Mr. Kallcfca utabd this irs usually done by adding Clm ,word mPlm* or "Courtw and that hs will mend down a report outlining 8tan-d moeedure in .wh matterso U