HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-11; Planning Commission; MinutesMIMUTES QF KEGU!-'. MEETlNG OF CAKB.SBA13 PLAN YCr CQMMXSSHQM -
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December 11 1956
Meeting called to order at 7:OS Po ?lo by Chairman Swirsky. Prosent besides
the Chairman were Commissioners Yousell, Fennel, Jarvie, Stringer, Barn- gartner $ Engelmann; Secretary Ewald, and Planning Consultant Kalicka,
Comm, Jarvie moved approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of Novem- , ber 27tho Seconded by Corn, Engelmann, All ayes, motion'carried,
ITKITTEN COKRESYOXDENCE, (I) Letter from Oceanside-Carlsbad High School District re: removal of
certafn trees from Carlsbad High Schooi site, and copy of Tree Cornmitteels recommendation, read and filed,
(2) Copy of letter to City Council from Chamber of Commerce, dated Decem- ber 7, 1956, supporting the establishment of a BUY AND SAVE IWKKET in Carlsbad and their application for rezoningp was reado Fil-ed until scheduled
(3) tetter from Stanley Advertising Agency requesting permission to erect a bulletin board at State b Carlsbad Boulevard, facing State Street, to be
identical with and placed just behind the board now located at that point,
facing the Boulevard, After a brief discussion, the Secretary was asked to write the agency a letter enclosing copy of the sign ordinance, explaining
in detail the procedure to be followed and asking them to present a plan of
the sign,
HEAKZ_NGCHARICHAKD OSBUKN, Secretary Ewald read Notice of Public Ilearing on application of Richard and Marian Osburn, 3481 Garfield, for vari.ance to permit redu.ction of rear yard setback from 10 feet to 6 Feet 6 inches to allow enlargement of a non-conforming building. Chairman Swirsky quoted from the zoning ordinance a provision permitting enlarginq a non- conforming building, where non-conformity is due to an illegal setback, to
the same setback, provided the addition amounts to not more than 40% of the existing floor space, Mr, Osburn was present in support of his application, and indicated that his yroposed addition would amount to more than 4Q% of
the present floor space, It was agreed, after discussion, thae the applica- tion as presently drawn should be withdrawn and a new application published, requesting variance to permit enlargement of a non-conforming building to more than the legal. maximum, Comma Stringer moved that a hearing bo set for January 8th at 7:OO Po M, on the application of Richard and Marian Osburn
for variance! to permit enlargement of a non-conforming building to more than the leqal maximum, to k,e published at City expense due to a misunderstand-
ing at time of filing the original application, Seconded by Corn, Yourell All ayes, motion carried, Mr, Osburn asked that his application for reduc- tion of rear yard satback be withdrawn. Csmrn, Enpplmnnn moved, Comrn, Yourell seconded, that Ma-* Osbur819 s applicakion for variance to permit rear yard rc- duction bo withdrawn, All ayes, motion camied,
MEETING REI ZONING SOUTti CAKLSBAD, Mr, Kalicka, reporting on the meeting with
the San Dieqo Gas i3 Electric Company and other property owners of the Lagoon area, stated tha?, very little was accomplished inasmuch as no compt.omise point could be reached wikh the Gas Company m: their request for a utility zone for their entire holdings, Ne,,statod Chairman Swirsky will. report to the Council what took place and 'request that in lieu of suck a large group attempting to
work out the problem, a committee of three or four individuals he set up to meat with top executives of the Company who have authority to make decisions,
Mr, Kalicka stated that h9.s firm will recommend that the City attempt to ac-
quire a portion of the Hosp Eucalyptus Grove9 amounting to about 70 acress as a future park and recreational facility; that he had reason to believe that
the owners would look favorably OR the idea and negoQ;iaLe on an option basis which would not require immediate outriFht purchase, He stated that his firm is also recommendin$ that the City of Oceanside consider acquiring and de-
veloping for like ~WPSS~S the portion lying across the fagoom within their corporate limits, After discussion, it was agreed that a letter be sent e0 the Parks 6 Recreation Commission, emphasizing Chat %he Planning Commission is not requesting detailed studies or any sgecif%c recmtmndatfon, but re- questing that they consider the suggestion and report back t~ the Planning Commission by next Monday, if possible, their ideas in the mater,
Mr, Kalicka stated that the Pfaster Plan will soon be ready for discussions before the Commission, and traced on a preliminary map the alignment of Elm and Tamal*ack Avenues as proposed to be extended, ad other features such as proposed @hopping areas, etc, , which will be recommended3 811 of which were briefly discussed,
Chairman Swirsky reminded the Commission of the adjourned raemting to be held on December 17th at 7:OO P, >fa to hear the applicakion of ?4ro Stein for re- zoning on Roosevelt Street, and asked that the Commissioners look over the information in the file and go over the ground to fanifiarize themselves with
the situation,
Chairman Swirsky reported briefly-on the meeting of khe San Diego Planning Congress held in San Diego on Cecember 6th, Corn, Baumgartner commenting that
Mr, Swireky had been honored with the vice-presidency of the Congress for 1957 0
A letter dated December 9th from Lawrence C, Lockley, connected with the Graduate School of Economics, University of Southern CalifornLa, was read, Mr, Lockley pointed out a number of what he considered inconrgj.stencie$ and inadequacies in the zoning ordinance, each of which was looked up in the UP-
dinance and discussed; Chairman Swirsky stated he will answer the letter,
thanking VrG Lockley and assuring him that his comments were welcome,
At 9:lO P, M, the meeting was declared adjourned to December 17th at 7:OO
Po Yo
Respectfully submitted,