HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-04-09; Planning Commission; Minutes/ I Meeting called to order at 7:OO Pb Me by Cblnoan Swirskyo Present be- dides the Chalrman were Commissioners Yourell, Jamie, Stdnger, Baw- 80nsultant: Italfcka, . City Engineer Kubota, Abent, Corn s ssioner Fennel, Coarni, Strlngsr moved that minutes of the roguhr meeting of March 26oh be approved as mba%tedo Seconded by Cam. Xourell, All ayes, motion carried, ' Chafmn Snirs announced the opeain ofthe second publfc hearing on tihe Raster Street P x n, and Notice of Pub B fc Hearin UBS read by Secretary'&ald, Mr. Sward read a letter from Harry G. Frense, 3 f 67 Highland Drtvs, protest- fng the widening of Hi$&land Drive to 66' on the grounds that it .mad be detrimemal to his property, due to the location of his house, entrance to which would be imediatelg upon the street, Cbafnaan swirsky invited comments an the proposed Kaster Street Plan from members of the audtence, and the following opinions were exprssaed: artner, Engelamn; Plaulning Secretary Emld City Mana er Nelaon, Planning .. I ! MRS. CECXL DUHIVE, 548 Tamarack. Avenue, questioned the necessity end advisa- mitp of des$r ating Tamarack a priaraary street md adening St to 84.' feet, pointing out t at. it is strictly a reafdential street, with many children growing up in the mea, and that the traffic volume does not lustifp the proposed widen3ngb DAVID DUNNE, 3016 Highland Drtve, aaked whether the Ma8ter Street PXan as approved the %ity, or a precise plan fnvalving streets on whfuh State gas tax fzds would be used, would require State approval, BIr6 Kalicka stated fbat in neither case is State approvol requtred, There being no further commts from the audience, Chairman S#irsky declared RECLASSfFfCATION - PARK DRIVE - .HAYLINCjS. Secretary Ewald read Notice of Public Hearing to consider the applfcat€on of Alma Haylings, 4015 Park Drive, for reclassiffcation from Rcl (15,000) to Rcl (78500) of Blocks 0 and H, BELLA VISTA, and a portion of Block I, RANCRO AGUA HWIOWDA. There were no written or oral protests. Mrs. HayUngs appeared in support of her petition and stated that all property-owners Witbirr the area except a few abrsentge omem who could not be contacted, had jozned in the request. Mrs Zalicka reported that hls firm had no specific recommendation in the matter but: re- minded the Commission that during stucip ef the master eoning plan thfs soning had been consfdesed for the area in question, due eo its pmxbit to schools and the character of the land and present development but that C K e people at that time dfd not favor it, No comments were recefved from the floor, and the Chafman declared the hearing closed at ?:24 F. Me During dirscussion by Commissfoners, it was brought out that the property covered by the applfcalion is contiguous to a 7,500 square foot eone, and drops off to the east fnb a canyon, ARer discussion, Corn, Mgelmann moved that Resolution #'lo be adopted. recommending to the City Council. the reecming of the area described in the petition of Alma Haylings frorn R-l (15,000) ,. to R=-1 (7,500) for the reasons that the eerr;btory is contiguous to 1,500 square foot soning, that the, east side of Park Drive drops .off into a canyon, and that property-owners within the area are In favor ofthe reclassification, Seconded by Comm, Stringer, - the hearing closed 8t 7~15 Pa Me 3.: '. ' I n W Six ayess no nays, Corn, Feme2 absent, Resolution adopted, PROPOSED AMENDMEXTS TO ZONING URUIMANCE. Secretary Ewald read Notice of hblic Hearing to consider proposed amendments to Ordinance #9060, as follows: "SectSon llO1,i+o Permitted signs shall be limited to identification of occllpants, type of use or commodities sold OT serviced an the premises, or the lease, sale, or tental of the premises.n "Section 1501,10 LXNITATI0N ON ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT, No building permit shall be issued for any structures to be erected on a lot having less than 40' frontage on a street, or on a lot located at the temin- us of a street that should be extended, until such building site shall have been approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad." SIDNEY FULLER, 3025 Valley, asked whether the proposed limitation would fvenue through his property (500' x 2409) Mr. Kalicka explafned that since he has ample frontage (2401 on Valley), his property would not be affected by the proposed amendment. There being no f'urther comments from th8 audience, Chairman SwiP~ky de- clared the hearirg closed at 7:40 P, #, After a short discuss$-an b~ the Commission, Corn, StrOQger moved that Resolution #11 be adopted recommsnd- ins to the City Council thae Ordinance #go60 be amended as indicated, Seconded by Comm, Yourell, Six ayes, no nays, Corn. Fennel Absent, Reso- lution adapted, RESTRICTION - )TORSES, Secretary Ewald read a petition car:ying si natures riqtzsting Chat Ord!fnance #9060 b.e mhnded to restrict keeping of horses to leks of X& acres or more, Chairman Swdrsky appointed the following conmittee to mdce a study sf the sftuation End prepare ;, report for the next meetfngx Corn. Jarvie, (Chairman), Corn, Engelmam, and Corn, Stringer, Kr, Thomas Thompson, 402'7 SkylSne Road, protested any delay in action by the Commission, stating he had been annoyed by phone calls denouncing him for his stand in the mattes, and he hoped a thorough canvass of residents of the area would be made as soon as possibh. One nernber of the audience asked permission k;~ sign tire petition, which was returned to the party sub- rcigtting it so that further sfgnatures could be obtained. Nro Ewald read a letter from the $an Riego Chamber of Commerce dated April 5, wging Commissioners to attend a meeting on April 24, from 9:30 AM to 4:OQ PM, at the EL Colrtez Hotel., to discuss area rievelopment problems. Secretary EwaLd read a letter from the City Manager to all dep&krtPaentS ask- ing that budget requests for 1957-58 be turned irr as soon as possible. Cum, Baumgar%ner was asked to work with Mr, Ewaad and submit a proposed budget report to the Comisslon, After a 5-ninute recess, the ComPssion was recopvened at 8:lO Po Me City Enginear Kubata wbmittecl copies of curb cross-sections to.members, to be s.tudied and d%scussed, at the next meeting, revent his obtaining a building permit in event of the extension. of Elm 0 residents of Skylfne Road and Sunnphilk Drive dated March 28, 1957, including lunch, which would be a proper expense against the budgeto Nro Ehald reported that the Harbor Commission has adopted and submitted to the Council for approval a set of rules and regulations; and that the City Attorney Is drafting an ordinance embodying same, The meeting was declared adjourned at 8:15 Pa Pi, Y