HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-10-29; Planning Commission; Minutes!,. .. -1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION 1- 2 3- 4- October 29. 1957 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Baumgartner. Present besides the C.hairman were Commissioners Fennel, Jarvie. Swirsky, Baumgartner Yourdl and Engelmann; City Engineer Kubota, Secretary Ewald and Planning- Consultant Gordon Whitnall. Commissioner Stringer arrived at 7:45 P.M. The Commission asked that the Minutes of October 8, 1957 be corrected to Fair be TJo. 36. It was moved by Comm. Fennel and seconded by Comm. show that the Resolution granting the Conditional Use Permit to William H. Jarvie that the minutes of 0,ctober 8. 1957 be approved as corrected, Six ayes, Comm. StrinE:er absent. HEARING - Conditicnal Use Permit - Carlsbad Union Church. Notice of Ammdson was read, stating that she opposed any additional buildings on the hearing was read. .*etter dated October 23. I957 from Mrs. Alice R. church property un1r:ss sufficient parking area was provided. A development plan was presented i.0 the Commission for their review. BENTON CALDWELL, stated that he represented the building committee of the CaTlsbad Union Church and that parking area was provided on the plans €or the proposed building, and other parking would be provided as new buildings are added, Xt was pointed out that the ordinance requires that one that according to the plans submitted sufficient parking space had been pro- parking space shall be provided for each six seats. Comm. Engelmann stated vided. as the land wkere the proposed Sanctuary is to be built would be used for parE.ng space at the present time. Comm. Fennel stated the Church had phns for the Edznre i'or additional parking space as soon as they were in a pssi'tion to acquire nore property. Comm. Fennel moved that Resolution No. 39 be adopted grrnnting the request for a conditional use.permit to the Secaaded by Cornrn. EngeEmann. Seven ayes, Resolution No. 39 adopted. Carlsbad Union Chui-ch ia accordance with the development plan as submitted. HEARING - Variant- -- Floyd D. Young. Notice of hearing was read wherein my- Youzlg rF@lEZElTvariance for side yard set-back from 6' to 5' and 5 front yard se: hac!< cf 19'. A letter addressed to the Commission from measuring the front yard set back on his application and wished to have the Floyd D. Young was read whe-ein he stated tkat he had made an error in request read 12 L/2' fro:;& yard set back. .MR ALLEN, Terramar, stated that he had no objection e0 the granting of .the variance except that the front yard set back should be 12 1/2' in order to conform with the other buildings ir the area. Mr. WbitEall infor-me6 the Commission that this was a perfect example of a variance. To compel &.his owner to conform with the present ordinance would not be in accocdance with police laws, and that a variance should be granted to allow thi:; owner to build in accordance with other established properties in the area; and that this would merely fill in the gaps of already established buildi.ngs. Comm. Jarvie moved that Res. #40 be adopted granting this request €or a variance of a side yard set back from 6' to 5', and that the request for a front yard set back of 12 1/2' be granted, due to the fact that the buil.ding would conform to the existing properties in the area. and the granting of {.he variance would not be detrimental to any of the other No, 40 adopted. properties in the area. Seconded by Comm. Yourell. All ayes, Resolution 5- HEISLER ESTATES - Revised Plan. Letter from Mrs. Heisler was read ~-uJ wherein she requested that she be allowed to proceed with the construction of two parcels if land lying within the boundaries of the Heisler Estates. Mr. Whitnall was asked the procedure to follow in regards to this matter. said parcels being clesignated as the parcels facing on Basswood Avenue. Mr. Whitnall informed the Commission that this procedure is used quite often in large subdivisions; that all of the ptoperty proposed in the tentative map was not under one ownershipi that these two parcels were the only parcels that fronted on an existing street and that by approving this portion further stated that ;.t such time as this portion was completed that Mrs. of the map you would not be defeating the purpose of the entire map. He Heisler would have to file a final map on this portion and designate it as Unit #.I of the Xeisler Estates, and that the dedication of 10' for street purposes show on the final map, MRS. HEISLER, informed the Commission that she wished to go ahead with that were granted tcv her at the time of the approval of the tentative map by his portion of the subdivision if she could build under the same conditions not be required to install the street improvements. the City Council. wherein she would dedicate 10 feet on Basswood but would Mrs. Weisler was informed that she had the permission of the Planning map, subject to the same conditions imposed by the Council, and upon com- Cornmission to go ahead with the construction of this portion of the tentative pleeion of this portion thab she would be required to file a final map and desig- nate it as Unit #1 of tZle Heisler Estates. 6- CROSS STREET - State Street to Madison Street North of Grand Avenue. A cammC6tee of the Planning C.ommission had previously recommended a cross street from State Street to Madison approximately 700' north of Grand Avenue. This recommendation was sent to the Council for their recommenda- tion, and the matter was returned to the Commission requesting they obtain a report from the Tra.€fic Safety Committee and Gordon Whitnall and Associates The report was read from the Traffic Safety Committee wherein they recom- men.ded that consideration be given to the location of a street closer to Grand Avenue to eliminate the current hazardous practice of ''U-turn" on State Street, there is EO center oE gravity for business in Carlsbad and the area is flat - Gordon Whitnall & trssociates report was read. Mr. Whitnall stated that not level. The City has an opportmity to create a center of gravity, and that if this development is going to be dole that now was the time to do it. -2 '. Ue further stated tkat in considering this cross street that a cross street should be a means of going around the area where the business district is located, and that if the City did not wish to create a business district at this time that the n;.atter of the cross street should be held in obeyance. By common consent the Commission agreed to refer the matter to the meeting of November 26th at which time the final report from the Planning Consultant should be available. 7- REQUEST FOR VA,ZATION OF STREET - W. Do Cannon. A letter from in Terrarnar be va;:ated. A sketch was presented by the City Engineer showing ma U. Cannon was read wherein he requested that a portion of Shore Drive this portion of the ritreet. Through some inadvertency the records show that Mr. Cannon is still paying taxes on this portion of property. Comm. Fennel stated that he felt tlat there had been some misunderstanding as to the owner- to believe that they would have access to the beach through this portion oE land. ship of this property. as the people who bought property in that area were lead that ran through this property and drained into the ocean. Comm. Swirsky It was pointed out during the discussion that there was also a drainage pipe stated that before he could vote on the matter that he would like the following questions answered: 1. That if this property wete to be vacated, to whom would the property revert back to? 2. Could the City vacate that portion of the street and still retain a drainage easement? to the City Engineer for their report and opinion on this strip of land as to Comm. Fennel moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and the drainage problem and as to whom the property would revert back to in case of a vacation, and that the matter be ieferred to the November 26th meeting. Seconded by Comm. Yourell. All ayes, motion carried. 8- REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION AND OFF STREET PARKING.- Carlsbad- we-Sea. A lemoiii the Lu'cheran Services of San Diego, Inc., reeardine the nrowcrtv known as the Carlsbad-Bv-The-Sea was read wherein " " L. they desired to reinstate -their request for the abandonment and release from dedication of a portion of Grand Avenue and Ceda? Avenue. They requested 20' along the northerly side of Grand Avenue and. 10' along the southerly side of Cedar Avenue be abandoned or released from dedication. Also a letter of a variance €or of:f street parking necessary for the utilization of the Carlsbad from Riener C.. Nielsen, Architect for the institution, was read in support Hotel as a Home for the Aged. Cn July 9th they had also requested rezoning matter had been referred to the City Attorney for his opinion as to the proper of Lots 8 and 9 of Carlsbad Tract No. 1661 from Zone C-Z to R-3, which wherein he stated that in his opinion that the proposed use of the property was classification of this property. The opinion from the City Attorney was read in accordance with the proper.zqning of the City of Carlsbad. Mr Whitnall informed the Commission that the Architect had contacted him and .&hat there were three problems involved, (1) that they desired to have the property reclassified, (2) determination made of the parking area required "3 - for this type of institution under our ordinance, and (3) the proposed vacation of streets for expanded building. After considerable discussion Chairman Baumgartner asked that the matter be referred to the Planning C.onsultant in re these three matters. Mr. Whitnall informed the Commission that he would be g1z.d to evaluate these three matters but that he preferred not to make any recommendations. It was unanimously agreed by the Comd mission that they dc?sired Mr. Whitnall to give his recommendations on these three matters and present them to the Commission at their November 26th meeting if possible, Comm. Swirsky requested that a report be made by the that would be required by the City for street purposes. City Engineer in regards to the vacation of the streets and the improvements A short recess was declared by Chairman Baumgartner. The meeting was reconvened at 9:40 P.M. Mr. Whitnall discussed the place of the petition in the determination of planning matters by the Commission. planning of areas surrounding the City boundaries which might in the future PREPLANNING. Mr Whitnall suggested that the Commission consider pre- become a part of tke City, set up preeoning for these areas, and have a map passed upon so khat whenever any of these areas desired to become a part of the City that the information would be available for their use. PRECISE PLAN - ruce Street The City Engineer informed the Commission %at a preczse pbn'biested for Spruce Street, and an offer of dedication was on file for a portion of Spruce Street. The Precise Plan was presented to the Commission for their review. Comm. Swirsky moved that a hearing be set f0.r November 12, 1957 to consider this precise plan as sub- mitted for the exte:lsion of Spruce Street from Yourell Avenue to Forest Street. Seconded hy Comm. Jarvie. All ayes, motion carried. LANDLOCKED PR'ZPERTIES. Secretary Ewald informed the Commission that they should take into consideration a policy in regard to landlocked the owner desired .to split the property or subdivide, Mr. Whitnall was in- property where private easements would have io be used for streets in case structed to submit a report on this matter for the meeting of November 26, 1957. Chairman Baumgartner read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce stating that a meeting which would be open to the public would be held on Cctober 30, some of the members be present. 1957 at Rene's. Ez stated that he would be unable to attend and asked that Comm. Jarvie moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Comm. Swirsky, The meeting was declared adjourned at 11:OO P.M. A Respectfully submitted, M. 0. EWALD, Secretary -4"