HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-12-20; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COM.MSSION " c_ Decemk%r 20, 1957 1- The meeting mas callad to order by Chairman Baumgartner. Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Fennel, Jarvie. Swirsky, Absent. Commissioner Stringer. Ebright and Engelmann; City Manager Nelson, City Engineer Kubota, - I "irsky to expririn the ~Ofa on the motion ma'be by Comk. Stringer wherein he moved that the Commission adopt Re solution No. 43 recomrnend- ing the requested zone change to the City Council. It was seconded by Comm. Jarvie. Four ayes, one "no". As there were only 5 members present, the require a 213 majority oote. and this would not constitute a 2/3 majority Planning Comrattant had informed oht Commission that this matter wouM vote. Uacrefolr the motion was lost. Comm. Swtrsky stated tibat in the meantime, thte City A#orney' had ruled that because of one member of the 4 man vote did conatitdo a 213 aplalorlty vote. Therefore, Resolution No, 43 Commission Paving resigned, and AO reappointment had been made, this was adopted as of December 10, 1957. 3- Carlabad - by The City Engineer presentem vacation of st::eets bounding UPOR %her Carlsbad by the *a proparty for sion concerning tba *ir revim.. A memorandum from &4 City Engineer wa~ read wherein he recommended the following: of way width c8f 84 feere thus a 'retinquishment of 8 feet ob property would be in order. Also he recornmeadd aXeen%ive c,banges in the driveway approaches in order to epiionhate a very undesirable traffic patierrna that now exfsts. development of a 60 foot right of way street would be appropriate.. 2. Cedar Avanue. The relinquishment of 10 feet on Cedar Ave, for the 3, Grand Avanue, The narrowing of Grand Avcsnqe to a 60 foot right of way would mot bar detrimental for the overall plan, There would be a 'k- Grand Avenue, linquiahmmt of 20 feet and full improvements for phs entire length of and consequkrS1y' is not sufficient for a full improved street of niiaimw 4. Ocean Strcmt. Ocean Street now has a rigu of way width of 40 feet. acquisition of IO feat of right of way along tat% westerly boundary of the shndbards. Accordingly, the Enginnosring I)lepaf?anent raco-ends the propex-By. In w3ditiian, curb and guars wtrcpukd bar desirable. 1, Carlabad Blvd, Thfe street as a major staaet will require a rigbk thc Park and :Recreation Department, and at their suggestlon, provisions The memorandum further stated that this project had ken reviewed by had been madra for the uniform spacing of tree wells. tba Carlsbad !by the sea was read, wberein they concurred with the Latter dated hcembar 16, 1957 from the Architects and Engineers for tion of 10' along Ocean Street aud the 10' sidewalk with tree wells. It recommendafions of the Engineering Departmmt except for the acquisi- was their opinion that a 10' sidewalk would be an excessive burden as to expense and at tbp same time is an impracticable method in the location of tree planting 'because of root probkms and rupture of the sidewalk. They recommended that a 5' sidewalk be installed and doing away with the tree wells. As to tlae acquisition of 10' dong Ocean St., UKy recommended against this as it would cause the Home to shift the location of the propooari 4 bungalows and would cause the removal of the existing badge. was read whe.eein thy protested any vacation of etrecb on Cedar Avenue. Lettar dated lhcember 6. 1957 from the San DIego Gas & Electric Company Grand Avenue and a portion of Garfield, as they maintain and oprate a 66,000 volt electric transmission line. Thay furtbrr shted that Lhay would have to protent them proposed vacations until easements providing for these existing electric power pole line LaciUties could be drawn and suc- cessfully negotiated with the proper%y owners. The Cornmission felt that they should consider the request for vacation of streets made by the Ocean Manor Apts., wherein they requested vacation this was in thcz same area of the Carlsbad by the Sea. Also a previous of 20' on Grand Avenue. 10' on Elm Avenue and 10' on Garfield Street, as request dated July 18, 1957 made by BP M. Christiansen and Kay F. Christiansen :lor %a vacation of tk southerly 10' on Cedar Street. ertend- ing from Carbbad BLvd, northeasterly toward Washington Street. MR. WALKER, representing the architectural firm for Carlsbad by the detrimental $CI tho peoplca living in the Home because of their age, As to !ha, was prersnt and stated that they felt the tree wells would also be the 10' acquisition of propeey along Ocean St,, the proposed cottages were apprdmatcly 2300 84. fl? and the acquisition of 10' would change their set back line, and they did not wish to have their view cut off as this was a great se1Hn.Z factor for these cottages. He felt that if the sidewalk. re- quirement along Ocean SO9 were eliminated tkera would be 20' from the center of tbe street 80 their property line. ad for their use hy could see no benefit bran this .sidewalk? It was the mutual feeling of the Commission the aged peop'le living in this Home would walk along Ocean St. The Com- that a sidewalk was a necessity because of Ocean St. being so narrow and mission also iuggestsd that the row of palm trees inside th property tine ba removed ami thereby giving sufficient room for the building of the cottages. how far the buildings of tk Ocean Manor were set back from the street. The Commission askad Mr, Biaree, Resident Manager of #e Ocean Manor, He stated they were set back 15' and if they bad to dedicate 10' as auggested by the Enginewing Department that would only give tlarm a 5' net back, which would ctmtaix~iy be undesi~abh for apartments. Mr. Bierce suggested that perhap0 the sidewalks coutd be instalhd on privata property, aa thy intended Po install curbs, Ha was also asked by the Commission what type of buildings they intended to build, He 5%bd they were going to have just rooms with an office, After considerable discussion the Chairman suggcrtcd that a commitkec ba appointed to bok over and discuss this situation. Chairman Baumgaher appointed Comm. Swirsky Chairman of this Committee. and Comm. Ebright and himself as the othcr two members of &ha commtttes. Tho Chairman declared th matter continued until the meeting of January 14. 1958. 4- SEACREST ESTATES SUBDIVISION. The tentative map of the proposad s~vision was presented to the C Secre3ary read the recommoddrrtions from the Mutual Water Company, and ommission for their reviuw, TM Health Department. No reports were received from the Planning Couaultant and tlao Ftr, Department. A memorandum from t& Engineering Department setting forth certain racomxnundations in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance was pre- Commission for their consideration. ng the Subdivider, was present and re- que8ted cerfmiiona of thee. requirements, as followe: 1 All streets in the ouMirision hse a 50 foot right-of-ay with a mintmum pavemen3 width of 40 feet. They felt tlrat because of tho type of subdivision and destgn, and the fact that the lots were larges Bhat 8 wider the widaa~ tlhcs street the wider tht cut has to be? It waa tbeir iQfentiOn pavement is pot required. Also whenever you have streeta on a hillside, to discourage traffic within the subdivision. as the atreeta were not through 5treeto 2. Tbe Engineer had recomanm&d a ZOO' radius of curvature where Basawood joins'Ridgecrent and they requested a 100' radius. la order to have a 200' radSua they would have to acquire additionat property, 3, Type "GI' curb had ken recommended for the subdirisioa. but because of the design and affect they were trying to obtain throughout the subdivision $bey requested that roll curbs be approved. 4. Tlag Engineering department had recommended thrt the masonry entrance gate fFr Basswood AQ~. should bs conatructed with durable materials and be located i c right of way subject to tlaa approval of an encrosehment. Mr. atated that they would aubmit a design of tha entrance gab at a labar date, ea an entrance gate is for aesthetic purposes only. Corm% Swirsky pointed ou2 tbot the Council does not took f$w Couuciz ?or their approval* on mncroach.maa&a with favor, and he suggested tbat %is item be sent to After corrPi6arabta discuasian Cmm. =rig€& moved that Resolution No. map ob Sgacseat Estates. Unit No. L. subjgct to %Eae foilowing conditions: d, recommending to the Council the apppoval of the tentative to tke Carbbad Public Sewer System. 1 a All buildings constructad iv this subdivision are bo ke tonnected 2, All domestic water supplied to this subdivision comes from the Carlsbad Mulual Water Company, or its successor, any par4 of the subdivision. 3. The sewer and water tines are not to be hid in tle same Prsncla in prewnt pondiag and/or storage of surface wsakr. 4. Proper drainage is maintained throughout the subdivision so as to 5. Approximately 350 feet of 10' main line be fnsOslled bo transmit ample volume to aubdivision site* be installed wiwn ths rubdivision, 6. Appraximatety 5000 feet of 6" and 500 feet of 4" distribution line 7, 1" copper sarvict lateral and 314'' me?.er be insblkd fop each lot. 8. Hydropnounutic system of size to serve ultimate tequlrement of subdivision. 9. That sufficient water stock be aquird in accordance with Paragraph 85 of Sales Agreement between the CiSy of Caalsbad and th Carlsbad Mutual Water Company, 10, That fire hydpants be installed at Ridgecrest Dr. and Seacrest Dr, , at Lot #I, Ridgecrest Dr. at lot line of Laos 50 and 51, RPdgecrest Dr, and Ridgecrest Dr. at Lot 69 and Charter Oak at Lot liae of Lot. 22 and 23, at Lot line of Lots 39 and 40, Soacrest Dr. at. Charter Oak, Seacrest DP. and those classed as local st~cets shall have a minimum pavement widtb 11 All streets in th, subdivision .bail Bavc a 50 foot right of way, of 40 feet. 12. Wbars Basswood joins Ridgecrest the radius of curvature must be at least 100 feet. 13 All lots in the 10,000 aqaare feet minimum lot area zone shll have a width of at least 75 feet. 14$ Rolled curbs shall be coastructed hving sufficient gutter capacitp for adequate ccmveyance of storm drainage. Permanant street paving shll a5 appro- by the City Engineer. consist of two-illrhes (2') or more of asphaltic concrete laid upon sub-brse 15, Storm water draiaage shall ba conveyed to the appropriate drainage chunek by means of a6equat.a gut6ers of adequab capacity and ntcasssq underground storm drains and structures. Where arccsaory. concrete cross-gutters sWl be provided in th. streets. 16- All roquircd street name signs, barricades, and safety devicas shall be providad. 17? All uu&rground utilities to &e laid in the subdivision street8 shall bo in8tall.d bdoro the permanent paving ia hid. 18. Tho revised knktivo map shall show tlho lot widths for lots at the and of cul-de-sacs. 19. Approximate street grades shall be shown for all subdivision straot8. 20. Upon approval of thr hntatioc map. tho dovelopor shall praparo * a revised map to show all features of the subdivision which are thr: conditions 1, for approval of tbr map. Seconded by Comm, SwirsLy. 5 aye;. Cbairmrn Baumgartncrr voting “110“~ Motion carried. Resolution No. 45 adoptod. Mr. Roborts introduced tho owners of tb subdivision to the Commfusion. Comm. Jarvie moved tbat thr lrmting bo adjouraod. Suconded by Ccmm. Fmmel. All ayas. motion carriod. The meeting was adjournad at 10:15 P,M. a