HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-01-28; Planning Commission; Minutes1- 2- 3- 4- 5- REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION January 28, 1958 The meeting was 'called to order by Chairman Baumgartner e Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Fennel, Jarvic, Swireky. Ebright. Stringer and Engelmann; City Engineer Kubota was Secretary pro tem. Comm. farvie moved that the minutes of January 14, 1958 and January 20, 1958 be approvod as submitted. Seconded by Comm. Ebright. All ayes. motion carried. HEARING - Variance - Clyde W, Downcy, . Notice of hearing was read wherein the amlicant reauested a reduction in front vard met back from 20 fe& to 10 ;;et and re& yard set back from 10 fed to 9.2 feet on property dNscribed as Lot 40, Granville Park, City of Carlabad. Mr. Kramer. of 1.630 South Tremont, Oceanside, was present and .:Wed that hq was repre- senting Mr. Downey. He submitted a plot plan of the proposed building. Afte,r considerable discussion Comm. Ebright moved that R'e8olution.No. 50 the reason tllat the lots in this area ire substandard, and other lots in the be adopted granting said variance based upon the plot plan submitted, for ayes. Resolution No. 5O'adopted. area have been granted a variance, Seconded by Comm. Fennel. Seven HEARING - Variance - Luise' W. Aguilar. Notice of hear.ing was read w%erexn.the applicant requestea a'reduction in street frontage from 60' to 43.09 feet on property described as a portion of Lot 9, Sunnyslope Tra,ct, Map No. 486. City of Carlsbad, to permit a lot split where existing buildings are involved. A plat map'was preseded to the Commission for their revie.w. to the fact that this was a,condition that had existed for several years, which Comm. Stringer moved that Res. #51 be adopted granting said variance, due cannot be remedied, and since the house was originally built, a street was put through :making the conditions that.now exist. Seconded by Comm. Fennel, Seven ayes. Resolution No. 51 adopted. STRE.ET VACATION, - Portion of Buena Vieta Circle. Committoe.report. xi the meeting ot the Planning r;ommtssion heeld on January 14, 1958 committee had been appointed by the Chairman to study this request for this meeting. The Committee presenkd a drawing of the area outlining the street vacation; and were instructed to report back to tho Commission at portion of the -street requested to be vacated. and recommended that the vacation be granted for the reason they felt this area had been poorly de- signed. After considerable discussion Comm. Ebright moved that the recommendation of tke subcommittee be accepted, and the street vacation be recommended to the Council. Seconded by Comm. Fennel. Six ayes, Conlm. Stringer voting "no". Motion carried. .a 6- STREET VACATION - Carlsbad by the Sea. Ocean Manor Apts. and B. M. dhristiansen. Comm. :Fennel stated that he would like to &stain from any discussion or the events of the previous meetings in respect bo these street vacations. He voting on this matter. Comm. Swirsky was asked by the Chairman to review pointed out that the meeting of January 14. I958 the Commitbe that had ken appointed to study this problem had made certain .recommendations, but because of public interest and the fact that the applicants were not in favor of the conditions recommended by the Committee, the matter had been continued until tbc'meeting of January 28, 1958. Letter dated January 17. 1958 from Nielsen and Moffat, architects and engineers for the Carlsbad by the Sea, was read, statiag they widwd to thank the Commission for the time that was made available to them; they felt the proposal of the Planning Commission was too extreme for consideration by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad by the Sea in reference to the requirement of the paving of all streets to the center line at the expense of the recipients, and the con- struction of new sidewalks, curb8 and demolish and removal of existing to the paving of the streets be waived, and the omission of the five-foot curbs, sidewalks and trees. . They asked that the recommendation relative dedication be considered. Thy requested that upon the completion of the Commission's action and approval by the City Council they be notieed in acceptance or rejabion. order for them to present the conditions to the Board of Directors for their A petition containing approximately 184 signatures of property owners in the City was received, opposing vacation of any of the streets in question, and requesting that .the Commission take no further action in the matter.' Several of the citiznna were present and voiced their objection. to these vacations, After considelable discussion Comm. Swirsky moved that the Commission recommend to the Council in reference to the vacation of the streets under of way. Seconded by Comm. Stringer. Five ayes. Comm. Ebright voting consideration at this time, that the City Council not vacate any of the rights- "no" and Comm. Fennel abstaining. Motion carried. 7- a. Memorandum from City Council re: Street Improvemefit widths. kMemorandum from the ~itv Manager was read. whereln he stated Qat the Council had approved the tentativa map of Seacrest Estates on tk 7th day of January. 1958, .with one change being made by the Council. The sub- divider requested that tBe pavement width of streets within the subdivision hillside. and lhe Council had appravsd this request. The Council at this be reduced from 40 to 32 fket, in view of the fact that the streets were on a time requested that the Planning Oommission study the problem of the right-of-way widthsand improvement widths of streets that might be devol- taken up at one of their study meetings. opd on hillsides in the future. The Commission asked that this problem be b. Memoran6.um from the City Manage? re: Entrance Gates. Memorandum trom tb? City Manager was read wherein he stated that at the time the tentakive map of &acres; Estates was discussed, the question of entrance gates was pre.sented by the subdivider. The Council discussed several alternative methods of City control over such structures and re- quested that their preliminary statement of policy regarding entrance gates , be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their comments and recom- rnendations. The preliminary policy statement was submitted to the Commission. By common corcsent the matter was deferred to a later date. 8- Cannon Street Vacation. Letter dated January 14. X958 from Glenn R. Feist, regarding the petition of W D, Caanon for vacation of a portion of Ponderoso Attorney at Law, stating that he had recentiy contacted Mr. W. D. Cannon Drive, and that Mr. Cannon desired the Planning Cornmission to proceed to make their recommendations on the petition. He further stated that on '=half of several of the adjoining property owners, the position of Mr. Cannon and these property owners should be made clear; there has never been any ob- jection to the use of the property involved by psidents of the Terramar Ama; these people have been considerate and have shown an extreme amount of interest in helping keep the beach clean and sanitary; and the problem involved was the result of the use by other persons not having such an interest and who that the people in awnership of or adjoining the property to be vacated will did not conduct themselves in that manner, and that he wished to point out do everything in their power to facilitate the use of the property by the proper the City Attorney for his opinion and that his opinion had not been received. persons. Comm. Swirsky stated that this matter had been turned over to He further stated that Mr. Feist had been present at the meeting and he had instructed Mr. Feist that this matter would be continued until an opinion had been received from the City Attorney. 9- Letter Mrs. Sawyers I requcst for no zone change. Letter dated Yanuary 14. from Nelle WI. Sawyers and W A. Sawyers in reference to thei; request for reclassification 65 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, was read. They zone with a precise plan would entail. especially the alley requirement. stated that they did not realize the expense and inconvenience of an R -3 Because of these requirements under the precise plan they wished with- draw thei? request for reclassification of Pi0 Pic0 Drive. The Commission instructed the Secretary to contact the other property owners who had re- quested this reclassification of Pi0 Pic0 Drive. to see if they wished to withdraw their request. 10- Rezone request continued - Marie K. Nissen. Comm. Swirsky recommended %at thls ttem be om- from the agenda until such time as the reclassifica- tion for Pi0 Pic0 Drive had been settled. 11- Newman request for ambulance service location - Committee report. A memorandum from Mr. Whitnail reearding the intermetation of Ambuhnce Service in Zone R-1 was submitted to'ihe Coknissionhor review, wherein it was pointed out that Ambulance Service is not a use compatible with uses permitted in the R.-1 Zone, and under Carlsbad's zoning ordinance an ambulance ssrvice should properly be classified as permissible in Zone C-2. It was also pointed out that in some instaaces this use is made subject to a conditional use parmi$. A report was sabrnitted to the Commission by the committee appointed to study this rnat.ter, wherein they recommended the more then or.e vehicle be kept at the location, (2) that the main office of location selectee? s'h~uld be allowed subject to certain conditions, (1) that not operation be maintained elsewhere, (3) &a5 the objectionable noisiness all of the above conditions are oniy applicable so long as the primary use of be kept to a minimum, (4) this use shall not entail the use of signs, (5) and thi6 property is residentiat. After coneiderable discussion and study Mr. the ordinance could be amended so that this could be added to Ma list under Whitkll stated that this could be handled a6 a conditional use permit and the conditional use permits, as Ambulance Service had been omitted from the proning ordinance. The Commission instructed Mr. Whitdl to prepare a resolution eliminating this ambiguity and adding to the conditional use list, and an amendment to Ordinance No. 9060. for the Commission to review at the meeting on February 3. 1958. 12,- State Park Parking Proposal - Park and Recreation Commission report. At the reauest o€ the State mvision of Parks for vacation of a aortion Or Cirlsbad'Bl.vd, for parking area for the State Beach in Carlabid. a drawing the Planning Commission they recommended ghat the drawing be submitted was submitted showing the proposed parking area. At the last meeting of to the Park and Recreation Commission for their report. A memorandum from the Parks and Recreation Commission was read wherein they pointed out to the Commission that this area proposed to be vacated for recommended that the proposed parking area drawing be accepted. It wae considerable discussion Comm. Swir6k.y moved that a recommendation be parking area is owned by the City and was purchased from the State. After submitted to the City Council that the map described as Carlsbad State Park which sets forth the proposed traveled right-of-way and the proposed parking aroa be accepted. Seconded by Cmn. Engelmann. Six ayes, Chairman Baamgartner voting "110". Motion carried. 13- Crosa Street north of Grand Avenue. A proposed plan for the downtown area of Carlsbad was -presented to the Commission. showing a cross Sheet north of Grand Avenue as recommended by the Committee appointed to study this area. The plan as submitted is a part of the Master Plan of the City of Caclsbad which will soon be completed by the firm of Gordon Whitnall and Associates. Considerable discussion was given to the financing of such a project. Comm. Stringer was excused at 11:15 P.M. Comm. Swirsky moved that the Commission withhold any further reports to the Council on a cross street north of Grand Avenue until such time as the Master Plan had been received. 14- By proper motion the meeting was adjouraed to February 3. 1958. The meeting wan declared adjourned at 11:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, M. 0. EWALD :A 2 retary m