March 3, 1958
The meeting was called to order at 5:15 P.M. by Chairman Baumgarher. Present besides the Chairman were Commissiontire Fennel, Jarvie, Stringer , Ebrigld and Engelmann.
REZONE - Eaet side of Madison, north of Grand Avenue - Yourell, et al.
'At tne rneetmg of rehruary ~5, I93KThu
committea to studv tbis matter. Comm. Fanad. Chairman of the committee, rman uaumgartaer appalmea a
presented the report with a sketch of the entiro block attached, d advised the Commisoion's endoraeqnt of the application lor favorable action by the City Counoil basad on the fOllOWiQg conditions:
. -~~~.~ .~~ ~. ~
(a) In relation to the requirement to provide an alley to the rear of
the applicant oecurc a grant deed to the eaetcrly 10 feet of the subject property all City Bueinoas proprty in a C-2 aone, they urgad the raquiremed that
for alley use; and
(b) A Like dead to the southeriy extension of the land dascribed in (a) and running in continuing liilos to Grand Avemse, 100 feet more or less, ad €or the aame 11~8 as above, and further recommended that the applicant in&- cab his wiUingaesr ta grant a like deed to the City for an adjoining 10 foot parcel, easterly F,:hrough bis land, to complete a normal 20 W, alley, when adjoining land should bacoam zona8 1'C-2'1.
In reviewing the sketch showing the proposed alley line from Grand Avenue
to ArbucMe Court, Mr. Yourell informed the Commission tbat.he would be milling to dedicate 10' on the reap portion of thia property, but he would not
on Grand as indicated on tlse sketch. He atatad that he would be willing to be willing to Bave the access from Grand Avenue epat the property h@ owned
dedicate 10' for his portion of the alley on the easterly property line of the property facing on Grmd Avenue. In reviewing this proposal it was pointed
the proposed alley. out this pmposaal by %kc? applicant would make, a jog of appraximately 30' in
After conslderablo discussion Comm. Feme1 stated there bad been a misunder- 02anding as to the location of the propoaod alley, and that the committee's
tirnc a5 &e applicant pwen%s an acceptable plan tho matter should be postponed. report had bucn based upon the accompanying sketch, therefore, until euch
application be postpom-d until such time as tho applicant pteemits a precise Upon agreement with ?he applicant it was moved by Comm. Ebright that tha
plan !n accordesce with t5e requiremanta of Ordinance No. 9060, Seconded by Comm, YXx-in~.?ro :Yi syyes, Comm. Gwiraky absent. motion carried.
9p proper motion tbo :meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
LU. secretary