Much 25, 1958
Tho meating was called to ordsr at 7330 P.M. by chairman Baumgartwr, Prerent berider the Chairman were Commirrioners Jarvie, Swirsky, Stringer, Ebright and Engelmann; City Manager Nelson, Secretary Ewald and City Engineer Kubota. Absent Commissioner Fennel.
minuter of Adarch 11, 1958 be approved as submitted. All aye., motion It was moved by Comm. &ringer and aeconded by Cow. Ehgelmann that the
HEARING - Rero&utioa of Mention No. 9- Rewne Stein pro%* located on Rooeevelt 9treet north of Grand Avenue. Ea 1/Z of Lot 32 aM
dated March . rtion of LOOX from J. F. Samuelr. at ILX. was read wlrsrrin thav .. NO~SC~ ox maring was read. A portcard
"~_ - ~ ~~ . ~~~- -~ ~ ~- statad they were in favor of this reque& for rreow. The queation of whether the alley adjoining this property had ever been dedicated was askd, The City Engineer infonned Me Commiraion that it had been offored for dedication by the variour prop owners and it war just a matter of preparing the proper documents and Ta dng them executed. It was the mutual feeling of the Commission that the a$plicant should rubmit improvement plana for the
applicant was not present it was moved by Commissioner Ebright and Commission to consider in conjunction with the request for resane. As the
as th. applicant reopened matter. 9k ape, Comm. Fennel absent. seconded by Comm. Strin or that the hearing be continued until such time
Motion carried. L
HEARING - Variance - Robert E. Bratnard. Notice of hearing was mad wherein the applicant requertsd reduction fi aideyard from 10' to 5' of
northeast 200 feet of Block "W", Palisades #2. The Secretary certified there property dcsc-dbed aa th& southwest 100 feet of tfte northweat 100 feet of the
was no written correspondence regarding thio matter. There were no oral
proposed building8 was presented to the Commission €or their review. After protests. The public hearing was closed at 7:45 P.M. A sketch of the
due consideration of the matter a proposed resolution was presented to the Commission for their review. Comm. Swirdcy moved that Resolution No. 57
be adopted, granting said variance, €or the rearon that the requirement of
consistent with other lots in tha area. Seconded by Comm. Jarvia. Six
10% of the width for sideyard setback would be a hardohip and would not be
ayes , Comm. Fomel absent. Resolution No. 57 adopted.
Request for alteration on building located in "C" Zone., The Commirrion was intormed that Mr. and Mrs. uorter Jefferson. desired to make
ordinance this wad not allowed. Mr. Whitaall hated that there were caacs repairs & a residence located in a "C" zone. and in accordBnce with our
where this has been accomplishd by way of an ordinance. Some cities have
debriorato, which gives a poor appearance to the City. found it is better to keep the property in good condition than to have it
MR. HOWARD G. ,WSTER, 2985 Jefferson Street, stated that timy were unaware tnay could not adU to or repair their resadncs , and had already
a part .of the present building and it wa5 juat a matter of enclosing the area atatkd work on enlarging their Uping room 4' x 13'; the roof war already
now uaed as a front porch. He did not feel they should be prevented from improving tbcir property.
MRS. DOSTER. ated they had saved for four para in order to make thia Sapair and enot feel they should ba denied improwmetr to tbir property.
Mr. Whitnrril iiltormcd the Cammlraion ha would send a copy of an ordinance that had been used by other cities cowrlog. ruch conditionr for the Canmiasion to review. It waa agreed by the Comdsaion that an ordinance ba pra8mt.d at the nw&t meeting for the Commission to reviato and that a hearing date k ret at that the.
6- Additlon io Boyj Glib, A1 Bkcic, Dlnotar of Usr, Beys Club of Cartabad waa prer6m' gnu mform8d.thr Commission thy wished to add a gym to the Boy. Club, and in order to build thia gym it would be neceaaary to have the property resoned to a "C" zone so they could build to the property line,. "he property is now locakd in a R-P zone. Comm. Swirsky pointed out thir wan
a recreational use sn8 could bs handled under a conditional use permit rather than a zone change. Mr. Blaclc preamnted a drawing of tha proposed gym ohowing the location of the present building1 in conjunction with th8 propoaed, building.
The Sacretmy explainad to the Commiasion the tearon Mr. Blacic was appar- ing before the Commiarion at thir time waa to obtain some assurance from
' mitting the plans to tho party who will ba donating this money to the Boy8 the Commiasion that they would be permitted to build thir oym before sub-
time as th6 plans had been approved by the donar they rhould rubmit an Club for the construction of thi5 gym. Mre Blacic wa5 informed that at ruch
application for a conditional use permit for said building.
A short receas was declared by &e Chairman. Tha meeting reconvened at 9:OO P.M.
The remainder of the meeting waa devoted to study probhr.
By proper motion the meeting wa5 adjourned at 9:30 P, M.
Respectfully aubmittod,