HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-24; Planning Commission; Minutes.. . .-
1- . The meting was called to order at 7:45 F. 11, by Chairman Dam &wtner. Present besides the Chairman were Comissioners Fowl, Jarvie, String*; also prdsent were Secretary Price and Planning Consultant Gordon "whitxall. Absent, Come. Swirsky, Ebright and Ha yes . ..
2- The Cormnission reque6ted that the minutes of June 10, 1958, be corrected to read, under thn.Stein Reclassification in the state- writ. mid6 by Corn. Hayes, C-2 'instead of R-2. Corn. Jarvie and seconded by Conun. Fennel that the minutes of It was moved by
June.10, 1958, be approved as carrected. Four ayes, motion car- ried o
a. Letter from the Cnrlsbad Union School District was read wherein they requested the approval of a 38 acquisition to tlm Jeffrtrmn Stmet. School propertyD Corn, Stiringer novod that tlre Secrrttaiy be instructed to nsibe the school diatrict stating the
objections, Seconded by Comm. Jarvie, ' Four ayes, notion oarried. approvaP- of the Planiling Colrmlssion of, the 3' acquisition with no
to'. SIIeridan IkrrlanA . TII~ Secretary inform& tlre Commt.ssion 11e had written Sl~eridan. IIeglond for 15 oopies of tho book publiehed
by the State Planiling Commission, and had rmoived an answer baok from Fk" lfeglantl. stating G;lere would be a charge of. $1.50 per copyo The, Secretary pointkd out there was only $15000 left in the budget for such itela, .by commcn consent of the Comutiss5.m the Secretary was instructed to purchase 10 copies of this book.
Comb. Hayes was present at 7r50 Po If.
4- IiEMING OAKRE%. Xotice of lvtaring was read wherein tho appli- cant requested a mar yavd variance from 101 to 5.6* on the eouth- erly boundary of Lot 41, Granville Park. A writton report from Mr, Whitnall W~E presented to each of the .Coremissionsra for their PO- view. The Chairman asked the applicant if she had anybhdng further
eo add to her application. - MRkr GARRETT statsd she felt the application was self-explanatoryb
>IR1 RDDIE VASDUEZ presented B petition with approxi.mte3.y 35 ~tg-
natu~e3, protc&ing thls variance.
PRS. GORDON JOIINSTO& asked how this ever happened? Is tlris in
coanec%ion with th? Downnay property? If there was a mistake on the ~owney property is this any ~eason Chat two clishkes sl1ou3.d be
Comqr3arvin osked Xr3. Gairett why she could not built1
Lo the variance pr3viously panted? according
E1li.S. LILLIAN GARRE3 stated tho& she did not undarstnnd ellat the back yard macle any difference, She 11ad aektsd this quostion at the
time of the other hearinr and was given tlm understanding that it did not make any difference as to tho back yard. -
The Secretary explained to the Cornisdon the past happenings and the mechanics of how this came about.
yomr Jarvie stated that in his thinking the applicant hac1 violat-
varhnce, due to the fact that she had changed her planso ed an wdinance and because of this, she is now asking for anothr
MRS. GARRETT stated she did not change tk plan; that she 'did not feel there had heen a violatlon as to the rear yardo
?fr. lr'hitnall informed the Commission tho only issue before them was. the present application. At the last meting it was decided that no formal application had been filed, therefore no action could be taken; but now an application had bean received. One factor to be consi.dierod in connection with this variance is the property to the south is built 5' from the line, with the specific approval of the City. The only question now is, will you or will you not grant this variance, bearing in mind that the adjacent property was gi-anted a similav variance by the City.
Public Ilearing was closed at 8117 P. He Mr. Xhitnall poinLed out that the ordinance states nothing in rn- gard to tho placement of the building - the lot remains the same
He also pointed oat that the pear yard is face to face with the
side yard of the property adjoining.
Comm. Stringer moved that Reeolution No, 74 be adopted granting a rear yard variance from 108 to 5.6' for the following reasons:
1. Although there was a petition submitted, only a few naaes
werevalid, due to the fact that the other names were not withan 300P of the subjecit pro@rtya
is, will not affect the surrounding or adjacent properties) and 2, That the placement of the houso in the position that it
depth than the ad3oinin.g ppoperty that was permitted.
Seconded by Corn, IYayes. Corn. Hayes stated that in view of the
variance to the Downey property, to deny this variance ~muld be fact that last January the Planning Comisslon granted a similar
denying the applicant the urn of this property. Four ayes, Come Jarvie voting WOI'~ Commissioners Dbright and Swirsky absent. Discussion was d\.en as to whether this notion was legally passedp
The Chairman polnt,sd au% that according t,o the p.u3.es ant1 regula- tions of %he Planrrrlng CorninsLon, an issue of this type requires two-thipds mnjorit;y OF the enkire membership. The notion failed fox- lack of a majesp.iC;y,
Comn. StFiogpP noved 'chat the Commission reconaides the applica-
tion. Seconded by Corn. Ilayes. After considerable discussion,
3. The rear yard of the property will have 6 inches greater
- ~ .. the notion was ~~it&drarm a% khat, tine.
5- Il%VUhc - N?aRADE. Notice of Public Ilearing was read wherein the applicant requested a vas-iame from 600 to S4*7* to allow a lot split on Lot 38, %Aside, Lands, excepting the northeasterly 190
property for their review.' feet. The Commission was presented a plat map of the mrrouncling
Mr. Iihitnall stated that thi.6 property is one .of a considorable num- ber of which many have been divided in two. The properties are ,, substantially greater than normal lots. 110 pointed out this prop- erty is also the location of the proposed plan of the new @rosa
this property and, therefore, this Commission can do nothing to street2 however, there has never been a precise plan to preserve
prohibit this requese, if this lot split is warranted in terms of pattern.
There were no written or oral protests, Cow. Hayes asked if this area wae served by sewers and she was fnfmned that there ar?' sewers in this area. The public hearing waa dec1ared closed at 8250 P. M. It was moved by Corn. Fennel and seconded by Corno Stpingex- that Resolutiozi No. 75 b~ adopted gra:lting the applicant
a variance from fie? to 5&7 for the following.reasonsr (1) Like use 'of like property in this R-P zone is general oveP the entire
area3 and (2) that it would not be detrimental to any of the 6w- rounding propertics6 Fivs, ayes, Commissioners Bbright antl Swirsky absent, hsoluticm #75 adopted.
annex at^^
:all informed the Comis:don tho ordinance provides that in cases
e flarron, 1lr6 Wdt-
whor- an annexation is probable, it des specific provisions for this interim z0nir.g. lire !thhitnall. suggested the Codssion re-
na,tter be set for hearing.. By common consent og tile Conmission quest 'from him a report antl an appropriate ordinance and that the MI-. Ihi.tnaI1 was request4d to submit A Feport and a proposed or- d5nancee Corn. H8,yos informed the Commission that becavse of her relationship with the applican%, she would abstain from sny dis- cussion or vot- on this matter.
considdr this plan and report .back.
all the property in the area. The property owners are going to
Mr. Whitnall further statod the State had recently node a traffia count of the traffic going south on Pi0 Pic0 from Elm which showed a count of over 3,000 ca~s per dayo Pi0 Pic0 from its southerly terminus to the northerly terminus of Las Flores is a secondary strmt., As a consequence, he suggested that the Comission seri- ously ccmsidnr a plan for Pi0 Pico.,
bn widened to 65 feet. Nrs Whitnall informed W. Smith that it FRANK SflITIl asked if it is not in tho llaster Plan that this street
was not. A secondary tliorouglrfarare is a six-lane thorouglxfk~re. As this is only a one-sided street it can be a 60-foot street.
blr. IChitna11 informed the Commission as soon as the Master Plan is finished he is ming to recanatead that two or tlwee items be ccmsid-
ePed immediately. Corn. Cbright was present at 9r10 P, ?fa
12- Discussion of plan for futwe street: nwnbnring. EW. Whitnall eug- bested that he.be inelruokd to submit a roport of a meahanicnl sys- tem ulrhich would be workable for the City; tile longer it goes the more complicated tho matter becones. The Secratary informed the
Ifihitnall was directed to submit a repapt on this mattero Comission there was no map set up shoxing the street numberso Mro
13- of intention of City Council to armrove Kwlu tion #56. ex
Service and Tlortuaries may be Dermissible
&” Zoneg. Mr. Whitnall pointed out the oafdon of the Council was permissible; they are merely asking th Commission for a further report. The Comrdssion cam do one of e190 things; (1) detersnine what you ~5.11 report to the Council; or (2) do nothing* The law states that if the Commisnion takes no action within 40 days, the Council. man act upon it,
Comm. Ifayes stated that the Ccmission is dealing with Ambulance
tuould be a gross mistake on the port of the Planning COGuniSdOn if Srvice and Mortuaries which is strictly oomrcial~ she felt it
they allowed a no~kuary. or ambulance service in an R-3 zone, which
is strictly rcsiJsntial, and shoulcl be placed in a comercia1 zone.
Corn. Ebright stated that it ie not a good policy to allow caGvIRr- cia1 in any resi~lmtial zona.
Commc Stringer moved that a memorandum be sent to the City Counoil recommending that no moreual;ies or ambulance service, or any otB$F canmttrcial enterpriae, be allowed under any crmditions in any R-1, R-2 or R-3 i53ne,s, for the reason that it rmuld be opening up an avesue to permit comercial entarprhes .in the residential zones,
Scaonded by Goam,, Hayes. Five ayes, one no, Comm, Swirsky absent,
mokion carried.
A ehwt Fecess was cloclared by the Chairmano Tho meting reconvened at lot00 P. ?lo
14- Final Subdivisfo_~! Map of &&lladonna rIei&tq* The City Engineer
presented the final map of Belladonna Heights and yoinced out; to bhe Conds.don that a chhnge had been nade in the deeign of the
mission asked if this, map met with a11 staff reqwlremnts. They
subdivision for Unlt #1, which eliminated one stroet. Tho Com-
Map of Belladonna lInighC6 be approved as revised ant1 tlwt tlm w4rn informed that it did. Comni. Bbkighk mwod that the FiMl,
on the revised final map. SRcOndQd by Corn. Stringer. six ayes,
secretary and Chairman be authWizcc1 to g2aco their signatures
Corn. Swirsky abaent., Mot3.on. oarrind,
Corn. Sairsky was present at 10107 PI PL
mission rwon%?the Garrett varianae. Seconded .by Corn. Hayes. Six awe, Corn. Jarvin voting no, riotion oarrind. Corn. fibright asked if the Commission Oould legally act on this matter if this was an adninietrotive error.
tion No.. 76 'bo adopted granting a rear yard varioece from 10' to After considerable discussion, Corn. Stringer noved that Iiesolu-
if;*ing reasankt I"6". in accordance with the roquest of the applicant, for the fol-
(4) GMm"f - Var Corn. Stringer mvod that the Planninh: Com-
1. That the lots in this area are @Ub-&an<lard;
2- That a similar variance had been granted to the adjoining
.SecOmd~d by Co&, liayesD Coma. Swirsky statmi that the Commlsaion
the Planning Commission in thkt when an application is submitted should make their decision on klie facts as praserntedo The duty of
further stated that he had personel%y investigated this property
the Planning Commission allould ootf? upon the facti3 presented. Ire
and had rovicsrrod &he file and felt he uns in ZL position to vote on the mattes.
Comm. Hayes repeated her atstntamnt madn earlier in tho evening in
Jarvir voting. "NQ~, Resolution No; 76 adoptedd, relation to the Donney varianort. Roll Call. Vote$ Six ayes, Comm.
Ffr. Vasquaz requested that a copy of the minutes bo forwarded to the Council. as ha wished to iImtXtl the matter to the Council.
15- Master Plan. Cow. Fennel asked when the Comiseion could expeot receipt of the Master Plan. Wq, !t%ibnall informatl tho Comnission
khe plan was in the hands of the prPnter and he was not aw'%i he would 'hnvo it avnllablri at the next nesting. Corne Jarvie asked if thk major &ncl secondary streets ape to ba rec nsidercd and if this plan will be E1exib1.e. I*. \;hitnaJ.l statsdkm commission thai; consideaation should be given ,ko sme of tho access rOad8, particularly r?l Cadno Real. Chairman Daurqavtner aoked if the County has dnalgnntd El Camisao Real. as a main thoroughfare. Pfr. !ihitnall &&.ad he wa5 going to the County and sen what t1loi.r khinklng Is on this mattero