HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-26; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF REGULAR ?;IEEX'I'I'JG OF' CARLSBAD CITY PLAK MING COE1KLSSXON 6= August 26, 1958 Cqf"' The meeting was called to order ac 7:32 P.F. by Chairman pro tem Ebripbt. Present besides the Chairnan were Commissioners Fennel, Jarvie, Eaungartner, and Stringor; also present was Secretary PrIce, Absent Chairman Swirsky and Commissioner %yes. .. Minutes of July 0, 1958, July 22, 1958, and Auxuat 32, 1858, It was movod by Corn, Stringer and seconded by COCL?~, Fennel that the minutes of July 8, 1958, July 22, 1958, and Aupst 12, 1958, be approved as subnitted. All ayes, motion carried, Writton correspondence, a. The Secretary read a letter si;ged by ItWs. brio A. liissen, Chairman of LL Property Owners Cormittce, and supported by siL~a- tures of 44 proFcrtg 'owners of the Pi0 Pico Area, as being against the proposed redevclopmnt plan for this mea. Discussion was given this matter. It was zwvecl by Corn. Striqcr anrl sccondod by Corn. Hayes khat letter be forwarded Lo the City Council advising the Council that vre feel we have performed our duty by getting the program into tho hands of the people in that area but, by letter, they have strted %hey are not interested in it. Five ayes, Coinm. Jarvie voting "No", Corn. Swirsky absent. Motion aarrled. b, The Secretary read a memrandum from the City kanager concern- ing the property ,of Ed Zahler, Corn, Baumgar tnw recommnded that this be put aside until later in the meeting. HEARING - Variance,. Request of Richard \Y, Church and Jennie B, The Secretary stated mi applicants had requested that this variance be continued to September 9, 1958, By conrnon consent, the hearing was continued to tha next regular meeting, area from '7. feet. Wotice of harry was read. The Secretary certifkd as to the publication of Notice of 1IearI.n:; axxi the mailing of notices to ad- joinfnp; property ovmers. There were no written protests, I:!R. SE1LE.Y stated he had figxrrsd tho exact size of the house to be built and it would be aithh Cht: city requirements for set back; also, there are 45' lots in tho areae - J. EAVXT EARTCR stated he fe1.t grantinc I21f.s variance wuld hurt bhe area in tha$ the new subdivision being built requiros 60' frontage, Also, the subaividers on Sassvood have had to give 10' to the clty for the street and, if' this pollcy of widening Basswood is continued, it v~ould seduce the size of Smiley's lot from 5,000 squmo feet to 4,500 square feet, md should be taka into con- s ideration, OLIVE HEISLEā‚¬? stated she oms 2 lots a2ch are included in the sub- division on Adams and Basswood, and was requfred to give 109 on Basswood so that Basswood could be a 60' street, !Phis means some of the houses will practically be on the street or will have tn be moved, She felt builders and the planning Comnission skmufd be awn" of this, The public hearfn:; was closed at 7t58 P.M. Corn. Stringer asked Mr. Smiloy if he was aware that he would have to design a hOUS8 to fit a 50' lot, and also of the additional 10' sat back to allow for widening of Basswood. Corno Hayes moved that Resolutton No. 78 be adopted denylnc this variance for t he following reasons : I, The lot is presenay 100' x loof, making 10,000 square feet, 3asswood is a 401 stme-i; and the Raster Plan Lndicates that it will be a 60' street iin the future, nhich wcruld reduce his lot to 9,000 square feet. dard lots because they would h.me only 5,000 square feet in rn area zoned for 7,500 square feet, 39 To create 5,000 square foot lots would be unequitable to other property owners in the area who have homes desimed for lots 7,500 square feet in size, 2, Pf ihe split is allowed, it would create tv.o sub-stan- Seconded by Corn. Eaumgartner. Considerable discussion was given this matter9 The Chairman asked for a roll call vote. Commissioners Baumgartner, Stringer and ):ayes voted ,"yesf1; Cormnissioners Fennel and Jarvie and Chairman pro ee:n Ebright voted "not1. The lnotion died for lack of a majorityo The Chairman announced thac due to a lack of majority on the previous motion, a motion should bo made granting the varianceo Comm, Fennel. moved that Resolution No. 78 be adopted granting the request for a vapiance for the fbllovring reasons: 1, A 50' fronb lot in that area is not a foreig;ner, 2, The depth of 90' al'tcr a 10' set back is granted will 3, It wi.11 :lot be detrimntal to the sur~oumling property, make an adequate bu-ildinz site, -2- 4. It is in harmony with the riehts of 8 property owner to use his. property. Corn. Jarvie seconded the motion. The Chairman asked f'or a roll call vote, Cormnissionem?s Fennel md Jarvie arrd Chairman pro tern %right voted f'y6s"; Comnfsa foners Baumgrartner, Stringer and Hayes voted "notf. The motion died far. lack of a majority. mA3ING - Variance, Request of Edna C, ;inox - Portion of Block Carlsbad TownsiW, on $he e%% sfde of Si;reet between Oak and Fine. for reduction of frontage from 60f to 50'. Notfce of hewing was read, 3c'j10 Secretary certified as to the pub- lication of Notice of nearing mu the mailing of notices to adjoin- ing property owners, There vnwe no vm%tten or oral protests. 1% was moved by Conun. Fennel and seconded by Corn. Stringer that Resolution Xo. 79 be zcdopted gxoapting this request f'or 8 variance for tkk3 follow33n;;:: Peasons: Cornp Hayes pof-nted out .%he dUference in this request and $hat of Srnfleyfs, %n that g~mtiag ;.;rnhley's request would have been detrimental to ot&r propefity owners' in that area, but in this ease other lots in the 3~ea ha? e similar f'rontage and the lots mu3.d be 7,500 sqnwe feet. The Chairman requested a roll cull vote. Six ayes, Hesolu'r,ion No, 79 adopted. CONTINUED HEARSEG - Varoimce. Request by James Scanlon for The Secretary sta 1.c3 received nothing further concesn- fence from 42 inches to 72 hches. it anb evaryone in the cit~ had 8-n it going up and had eald nothing. R6ct3ntlyS 8omeone urote a conftdential letter to ths City trlanager about tb feme. 'No one knows who this Is, end, if he llves in Carlabad, he hao not OCWDB forward to express his reasons far making the objection, Blr. Scadon further stated that none of his ne%ghbors obisct to the fenoe; it does not create a health, public welfare, safety, or traff3c haeard; md, if any- th?.ng, adds to the value of f21~ property in the area. MF, scardon then clted Article 18 of Ordbance $060 ooith refensnce to v80?iances8 repeated' that no one in his Nook objects b his fence, and stated that there are Many fences along that st~ect that are hicbr than 6 feet. tJWO1'2 S. 11, DICAZ, WSTE (Ret stated tfiat he is &. Scanlon% olosest neip&bcer; that the fence ad ins Iris driveway end he is pleased wLth it; thn5 he is tb only on0 the fence could injure, but 5t doesn't bterfere wibh his- view; and that it !is a fino looking fence and s amethine' the city needs. St was moved by Corn. Jarvie alii seconded by Comrn. SIqes th* Reso- lution No, 80 be aciopted graotixq? tkis request for a vwimce for the f olloodng reasons: 1, This fence has been up for a year and none of the people 2, This 1s not a blind c)ornero 3. Bbr. Scanlon has stated he wLl1, tear the fence down any on the street find fault; wlth it, and none proteat, time propertq owners on the street protest. Considerable discussion was piven tlne mtter. The Chairman asked for a roll ea11 vote; Commissioners FBMel, Jarvie an& naps voted nyesw; Chairman pro tan Ebright ad Commissioner Stringer voted "no"; Commissioner Bamgartnfv abstained. The motlon died. for lack at a rnajor1t;g. 9- Report from Whltnall on request of F,bs. Bonnie Thompaon to chan e Ordinance No, 9060 to pemlt day nurseries in an R-1 Zone. mi+ secretary revlewed ths circumstances of Mrs. Thompson's request. It WQS yolnted out tha'c all Cornmissioners had received a copy of Xr. Thitnallts written report, and that they had thorouchly studied it. Constderable discussion ms given this matter. ft nlt~ moved by Comm, Stringer ,and seconded by Corn. !byes that; Rcsolutlon of Intention 30. 7 be executed tu chang O~dhaolce 9060 to allow nurseries in R-JI zones with a Condlltional. Use Permit for ibe followlnl: reason: 1. It wlll allow property owners in the moa concerned a choice as to whether they want a rmrseq or not. The Chairman asked for a roll call vote. Codssfoners Fennel, Jarvie, Stringer and Hayes voted "yea"; Commissioner Bawqartner and Chairman pro tern Ebright voted "no"* Motion carried. The Secretary was instructed bo set this for a public hearing. A 10 minute recess was .de&& by the Chairman at 9:20 P.M. The meetiw reconvened at Qt30 P.M. ,d : 10- Census Tractiw for 1960 Census. The Secretary subnltted for tap- proval mps and plans for censvrs tractins in the 1960 census in Carlsbad a8 worked out between himself, @e County Direotcm? of Planning, and ropresentGtivos of bhs Census Buram. It was moved by Comm. Fennel and seconded by Corn. Stringer that tb uaps and plans be acceptad as prosonteb. All qyes, mo%lian carried. 11- The Seoretm*y submittod the Resolution of Intention from the City Council to rezone Roosevelt between Laguna ani Grand from R-P to that the hoariq be set far Septoaber 9, 1958 at 7:30 P.?,l. All ayes, mobion carried. C-2, It was moved bg Corn. Bamgartner and Seconded by Coma JWvie 12- Written Correapondenoe (Continued), Considerable diecussion was givcn to ths proposed purchase of the Ed Zahler property for the library site is shown irn the &&tar Plan for tl"Civio Center. CWY SONBWAN atated that; &a. llahler had appeared before the City Council and 8 tated that she would def inltely lib $0 have her property F81888ed from the Warster Plan. Her reason for this waa because the Plans had been made Bone tbe ago, nothing has been done toward the purchase of' her property, and, under Lhe circum- stances, they can make no personal plans, Corn, Stringer stated he did not think everything that had been done toward the plmninc of un%form Growth for Carlsbad, brin@.nC 3.n industry, havine bettor hornem, etc., should be abolished. We mat have a I..Iastor plan to holci the value of tha property. The Secmtary read a Memrandutl fron the City Council and stated that It woxld require 8 Resolution of Intention, hold a hcaring on the aatter, and then sent to the Council. Corn. Ebri;.ht stated tha-t; if the Planning Comission still feols the Plana skould not be change<, wo shoulir sand a uornorandum to the City Council statim; that we OILO not in Favor of tho cfianGe. It wa8 moved by Corn. Hayes me seconded by Comm. Feme1 that the Planning Commission send a written comicatLon t~ the City Council, and that; a Comniasioncr mmber agmar before tlrj next Council mesting to state ow position before holding the next hear hg, in the hopes this can be worked out with a mlnimum of expense. Chafrruan pro tern Ebrfght, Comisaioners Fennel, 6tringer and Hayes voted nyesff; Commissioners Jarvie and Eamgartner voted %oTr, Llo tion carried. The Chnirman ap2ointed Corn. Fennel to represent the Planning Commission at tb next City Council meetingo Dy propor motion .the meeting was declared adjourned