HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-09-09; Planning Commission; MinutesSepeember gJ, 1958
1- The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.N, by Chairman Swiraky. Present besides tho Chairman were Conmissioners Fennel, Jarvie, Strfnger and Eb1-ia.b. Absent Gomissloners BaurafSartner md Hayes.
2- Minutos of August 26 2958 It was moved by Corn, Ebrkht and seconded Corn. $,**that the minutes of August 26, 1058
be approvz as submitted. All Elyes, motion carried.
Corn. IIayes vas present at 7:38 P.M.
3- E3:ARIRG Variance,
The Secre tarby stated been continued from the meeting of August 26, 3.958, in order that it could be considered ab the same the as the request for a front yard vaPIance. Notlice of hearing mas read, The Secrebary certz- fled as to the publ2cation of Notice of Hearing and bha mailhe of nottces to adJoining property ownerso Them were no vra?ltt;en m oral protea ts
G, J. KAKPTNER, of ikmptner and fiolly, stated that he did the survey and made up the plat for Mr@ Church, The fmnt ywd variance is requested as the DtvZs ion of Hi&ways oms a strip along this bEo& which does not OBCUP on the other blocks; Xr. 'Church's property has a depression about 3' from the Boulevard; and to conform to the other buildfngs along Ocean DouLevard, The rem ymd variance is requested in GP~W to .get the proper size of the desired build-
kg as 1%. Church netods every available footage,
Tho Secretary statsit that tho City Engineer had no objeatfon to the Tsont yard set back,
The public hearing vas closed at 7t42 P,M.
The Chairman stated that the variance requests more subrzitted sapapately and woulc. be considered separately, andl the request for the redwtian of thc mar yard set back would be considered f bstS
1. Granting the variance wodd result in inadequate yard
2, mere are key lo'to behhcl this propert;y which rrould mean
3. The adjobin5 property 1s eonsh R13 alsoo and 21 all %he
they would bo abutting to Q 1fvj.n~ ma*
property 1s f SZZsii up with bultld9nes wibh inadequate rears side and front yardso "cey vmuld not have the proper light and ab
Considerable discussLon vas ~lvon this matterm The Chairman asked for-a roll call votoj .Chairman Swirsky, COiTblissfon9l?6 darvie, Eaumgartner, Strlngsr, IIayea, and h'%ri$ht voted "yes"3 Corn. Fennel. voted "no.". Resolu-Llon No,. 82 adopted,
The Chaimnan atated the request for mduotion of front yard set back would be considered,
It wa8 moved by Corn. Ebri@t and seoondsd by Corn. Hayes that Resolution No. 82 be adopted &ranting tihe request of Riohmd VV, Churcrh and Jennie B, Stanger for a reduotion of f'ront yard set baok from 20, eo 10582( for the following reasons:
1. It is more important $0 have #e required yard ere8 in the back then 5n tho f mnt. 2, ft is quih possible that bhe street may be reaZigmB which will give theee lots the eet baok requirod by Ordinmoo. 3. A8 stated In the Ordinmoe, it would 8oen dIlscPiminatorg not to allow then to be in line with nearby struotures who have set a precedencze as to fpont yard set; backso '
' Conslderablo dkscusslon was Given thla matter, Corm, Stringelr sugfpsted that a recomaendation be sent to the City Council to the effect that proper action be Cdsm to dedicate the 9,189 now owned by the Dlvislon of Hiehrrayls baok to the propwty omera. The Chairman ritatod bh&b this would bo handloci as ..a separate matter. Corn. Femal pointed out that the street is narrower in this block than in ut;hsrs and consideration should be given to the proposed parking area along Cwlsbad Coulevard. The Clsairnan asked for a roll ca3.1 vote; Chairman Swbsky, Cormissioners Jamieo Raumgartner, Stringer, Ifqee and Zbrl$l$ voted "yesfr; CO~I. Fennel voted "no". Resolu1;ion No. 82 adopted,
4, Written aorrespond,en
a, The Secretary read a letter'frim We, Ed&= Lampton requeatlxr8 that her property bo exoluded froan the Citrfo Center Master Plan,
It was mood by Conml. €%right and eeoondod by Corn, StrSnger that the Pl.anning Commission send a memorandum to tho Czty Councl13 atathg that the Corrminslon is not .in favor of any ohalyges in the Xastor Clvic CenCer Plan; that if the Cfty Council is of tb opinion that they desire .some actlon to be taken Lo exclude this
property, that 2t be incorporated in the same Resolution of IntentLon with the Z&or property; and, firtherr, to pobt out to the City Council that thfs 1et;t;er indicates the hazard of exoludin, propezlty from the IJaslter Civic Center Plan. SL% ayes, corn, arvie voted IO". tlotion carried. mf.
Corn. ilayes pointed out that haviw a Master Plan Bo~a not fnzpase any legal impediment on the property owner. The Chairman stated that state laws require that citios ham 8, Master Plan thich is made up of my segmnts Including zoning ordimnoas, street pXans, etc,
MFlS, Dm.TLER stated that she felt the people whc, have been in CarlSbad for many gears, mho helped to develop the to %n a bought and paid f CL, p~oper’by and improved it aocorvling to t2ag son- lam at the %he should Se given consideration3 that they all loved their homes just aa much ~i9 those Ln other e.eotions whfoh are oomplately rosidentia3.3 and $3 regoned, it muld not be a pleasant secltion ln which to live. She further, staked that ehe did no$ wish to stand in tho way of prog~ess , but, if mmned, it would be the beginn- of a ~lun distriat,
previously petLtionsd to have mooned ti 6e wed for A ‘used car lot; she folt %he section was rsady for rezoning and It would not be detrbnental *bo any proper.t;y o~mers.
La. SIaL etated that there are still, no alleys and that some time ago €t was decided this area oould not be zoned C-2 unless there were alleys. He fu:cther sLated that he still has a petition on file .
The publicr h8adng was closed at 8828 P.M.
After considerable diecussion, It was moved by Corn. Batrmgartner and seconded by Comi Stzinger that R.saolutfon No. Bs be adopted reeomelzcling to i;he City Council that Roosevelt Street between Grad and Laguna no*& be reclassified from RbP to C-2 for the following reasons t
1. There is no evident need for more C-2 property in this mea#
The Chairman asked for a roll oall votes Chairman Swirsky, Cow misstonera Baumgartaar, Stslnpr, Hapa and. Ebright voted nyesnt Commissioner Jarvie voted “110 ; Cornnissioner Fennel abetaLned,
mitted the tentative map of KnowZes Terraoe to the Co*ission for their review and read repar ta from Che EngFneerfng Depart;Mant and Fire Department. Re then read a lottor from Rloheord D. and Audrey Leonard, abutting pvopertg ownera, protestlng this subdlvia ion. The requeslted repor38 from the Oas and Telephone Companies had not been received, but, the Ssoretary stated he had talked wl-th then by phone; that tho TeLophone Coqany stated the request had been put in tho monz file but they had no objections and 8 letter wIl1 follow; the Gas Company said they had bo izzany poople on vacation and had not; mdo their rloporl ye%.
Corn* Fennel asbd abaut the utl1itrg eaaemonts shown on the gap and was Warmed by the Seoretarg that the Gsra and Ezeotvio Company ipl opposod to using such utllity oassments 88 they me impraotioal for maintenance and repa* purpoaes and not tb mat eoormmioal method of installlntj util.i.t;ies. They have,stated that these ease- ments oouI.8 be deleked f’rom tho subdivision ordinance.
6- TENTATIVE SUBDIVISI03 UP * fiowh Temaoe. The Seoretmy, sub-
After oonsi8erabl.e discussion and study, it we188 mved by Corn. Jarvie and seoonded by Corn. EbrlLght that this matter be oarried over to the meting of September 23, 1958, for the reaaonB that It needs firther explanation by the Engineering Departnent of its report , and t o give everyone on the Cormniss ion a ohance to orient him8e2i with the variou8 potnts. All ayes1 motion oarried. The Saorotary was instruotsd to have 8 resolution drawn up for ap- proval at the next; metjag,
A 10 minute recess was deolslred by the Cham. The raeetinc re- convened at; 9:23 P.11,
7- ROBERT COLE atatod that he '~788 the representativo frm St. Nichrtel~a isoopal hurch and submitted 1napa and plans of the proposed Church ?% oonaidera%ion, He then Introduced Mr. ChambQPsI Amhlteot from Palm Sprln(r;s.
Considerable disousslon was given to tb proposed plans and sug- gestod alternates, especially with reeard to tho 6idSnaUs and perklng mea. The Chairman stated that the Engineering; Departmnt would be asbd i~ .a tudy the maps @nd plans and give 8n oral a8 we11 as a written report at the next meeting,
b. The 3eorate~1.y read a letter Worn tb Califarnia Roadside Couno%l regwdlng billboard control. The Chairman direotred the Seoretary to file the letter QB no action wa8 lndiocated.
9- The Chairman asked If anything had been nmked out on Agenda Item6
9 and 10, The Seoretary etated that he had talked with bdr. Whit- nall this aftermoon: Mr. Yfhltnall ha8 the Master Plan and wants t;o bave a joint meeting with tb City Cotmoil and Plannirq Com- nrission on Tuesday, Septmiber 16, 19S81 at 6430 P.M.
of t be mee tlnc of Auguer t 26 1968, wero appr wed and he w Labed to dm an ob eotlon to the statemmt at the bottom of page 3 as follcnvsg he had flllitae severe3, Wuiriea about it, Lnoludlng Che lumber oomparrg that sold him bhe luuber, and no one said he oouldn't." Corn. Darrmigrtrtnor 8t;aWi that if he had heard be Saanlon make that statement at *the necting, he vould have ob- jeoted to it at tho time.
cat 6830 PA The mooting was declared adjourned at lOtW P.H.
10- Oom. Baumgartner stated that ho was not present when tho miautos
11- By proper notion, the meetbg wa8 adjourned to Septonbr 16, 1088