September 16, 1958
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P,M. by Chairman Swirsky. Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Fennel, Jarvie, Baumgartner, Stringer, Hayes and Ebright; also present was Secretary Price and Planning
Consultant Gordon W hitnall,
Chairman Swirsky informed the Commission the purpoee of this meeting was
to have Mr. Whitnall present the Master Plan for the city of Carlebad.
Mr. Whitnall presented the Master Plan in booklet form entitled lC;ommunity
Development Plan"., Mr, Whitnall rrhted thia report repreeents a proposed
Comprehensive General Plan €or the City of Carlsbad; it is not an interpretation
of his thinking, but the fhinking of the community; the report explains the basic
purpose of a comprehensive general plan (master plan); it doe8 not represent
the future city nor doe6 it represent the control; under the State Law cities and
counties are not permitted to adopt a precise plan until a maoter plan has been adopted, In the past mctnths much of the time has been absorbed by the Planning
Ccrrmmiseion and the Council in adjusting rough spots in the zoning, and he
hopes that the Commission and the Council will now be able to plan on the major projects for the City. Because of the climate and topography, there is no place per square inch that has the opportunity that Carlsbad has, and felt the aestheac value should be encouraged. In closing Mr. Whitnall pointed out that a master plan is a guide, and ite purpose is to encourage continuity and consistency in all projects which contribute to the development of a city, and further, it im the link that connecte thz paet, the present and the future.
Chairman Swirsky thanked Mr. Whitnall and asked the Commission if there
were any questions they wished to ask Mr. Whitnall at this time, It was the general feeling of the Commission they should have more time to study this report before making comments,
It wa8 moved by Gomm. Ebright and eeconded by C-m. Stringer that the
meeting be adjourned, .All ayes, motion carried. The meeting wae declared adjourned at 6:52 P.M,
Respectfully subrritted,