HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-28; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETIMG OF' CARLSBAD CITY PLAKNINO COI.%ISSION
October 28, 1958
1- The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.17. by Chairman Swirsky, Present besides the Chairman were Comnissioners Ebright, Baumgartner, Stringer and Jarvie* Absent Conmissioners Fennel and dayes,
2- Minutes of October 14, 1958, It was moved by Corn. Stringer and seconded by Corn. Baumgartner that the minutes of uctober 14, 1958 be approved as submitted, Five ayes, rnotion carriedo
Corne Haps was prescnt at 7:31 P.kL
The Chairman stated
Reclsssittcakion from R-2 to R-3, Lots 6, 7, 7 an ing on the south side of Acacia Street between Garfield ard tb Snnta Fe Ry; and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, block lrO" , Palisades, lyin~: on the east side of Garfield and bounded on the north by the inter- section of Acacia Street and Garfield. Reclassi- fication requested by Grant G, and Amelia Lynn. that this hearing had been continued from ths regular rnccting on October 14, 1958,-in order that all property owners within the 3000 radius could be notifi6d by mail and asked the Secre- tary if this had been accomplished ad the notice of hearing published,, ThO Secretary certified as to the publication of 'Notice of hearing ard the mailing of notices to all property owners in the area, The Secretary then read correspondence received from Leonard and Pauline E, Wood stating that "patchy" rezoning is not right but that a whole
area should be rezoned, or none at all,
MRS. AMELIA LYNN, 331 Acacia St. stated that she was representing the property owners who were requesting the rezoning; that most of them have so much land which is covered by unsightly weeds; and they thought if they could build dwellinss and landscape the property it would be an improvement to the mea.
The public hearing was closed at 7:35 P.M.
After some discussfon, it was rnoved by Corn. EbriL;ht and seconded by Comm, Stringer that Resolution No. 91 be adopted recomondlng to the City Council that the rezonlng as requested by Grant Ge and Arnelia Lynn be allowed for the f'ollorrin~ reasons:
Notice o tion of in tb a ing the for thei
- Varianc
f hearing Notice of rea. The variance, r review.
BEARING - Variance, Request of hrro2 J. axxi Bessie Lo Mitchell for reduction of required side yard from 7,5' to df of Lot 24D Carlsbad bstates, said lot lying on the west side of Skyline Road, between Kesthaven and Alder . Notice of hearing was read, The Secretary certified as to the publica- tion of Notice of Bearhng and the mailing of notices to property ormers in tb area. The Secretary then read the owners' reasons for request- ing the variance, and submitted the plot plan to the Commissioners for their review. There were no written or oral protests.
'8 , D Request of hrro2 J. axxi Bessie Lo Mitchell for reduction of required side yard from 7,5' to df of Lot 24D Carlsbad bstates, said lot lying on the west side of Skyline Road, between Kesthaven and Alder .
; was read, The Secretary certified as to the publica- Bearhng and the mailing of notices to property ormers Secretary then read the owners' reasons for request- and submitted the plot plan to the Commissioners There were no written or oral protests.
MR. ERROL NITCIWLL, 4084 Garfield stated that he and his wife were the ones reque-sting tb variance and the staternents on the application covered the 8 ituation. "
The public hearing was closed at 7t40 P.M.
After some discussfon, it was moved by Corn. Ebriat and seconded by Corn. Hayes that Eesolution No. 92 be adopted panting the request of Errol J, and Bessie L, iiitchell for reduction of required side yard from 7,5' to 6t for the following reasons:
1. The neighbors who are most directly concerned GQ not object,, 2, The lot is not substandard, consequently, the house as planned might improve the valuation of the property rather than de- valuate it ,,
The Chairman asked for a roll call vote. Chairman Swlrsky, Commissioners Ebright, Baumgartner, Stringer, &yes and Jarvie voted "yes". Corn, Fennel absent. Resolution No, 92 adopted.
5- HEARING - Variancee Request of Ray N. Halsey for reduction of' lot
width from 73' to 60q, splitting Lot 1 ad a portion of Lot 2, Buena Vista Gardense TJotPce of hearint, f vias read, The Secretary certlficd as to the pub- licatlon of Ibtics of Healains and tho miling of notices to property ovmrs in the amaC The Secretary then read the owner's reasons for requestinc tho variance. There were no urritbn protests,
JOE COCKRTLL, Buena Vista Gardens stated that he had been ap;:ointed spokesman for most of the propertiy owners in I3uena Vista Gardens; that they protest thfs request for a lot split as a protection to the value of their property; that the subdivision was laid out for
19 lots, in additian to which there were 3 lots at the entranceway which made a total of 22 lots; that this plot plan had been a matter of record for 8 to 10 years, and them has been no division of any of the lots during thab time; those who had purchased property and homes in tb area wanted it to remain as is; there are now 16 homes and
6 vacant lots, and 2 of tb lots are owned by individuals who do n0.t want any changeso He further stated that the lots in question
are at the entranceway to the Gardens and it was felt that splitting them would not give them enough fkontage, hi& would affect the other property, as nos t of the lots Pave over 1001 frontage and the rest do not have less than 7S8, including the 3 at the entranceway,
The Chairman stated that the map shows the 3 lots at the entranceway have 74' frontagea
:tR. COCKRILL stated that the lots would have an area of 10,000 square feet, but that they go to tke edCs of the lagoon, so the uaable area ' which ls visable would be much less than 10,000 square feeto
WESLEY GREEK, Buena Vista Gardens stated that he agreed with IIr, 2ockrill and added tkat these are lcog lots of the project and if they becane substan9ard it was possible that substandard houses would be built thereon*
MR. C. C, IYARD, 830 Buena Vista Gardens stated he agreed with uihat had been said.
r,B. R0BE:IT LOHR, 751 Buena Vista Gardens stated he agreed with what had been saidc
MR. LELAYD TOZIEII, 730 Buena Vista Gardens stated he also agmed.
XR. GEORGE PARKER 701 Buena Vista Gardens stated they opposed the division of the lots as there would be inadequate space for building and, ewen though the lots muld be 10,000 square feet, much of the lanl was by the lagoon.
M. RAY N, IULLSEY, 333 Locust St., Laguna Beach stated that Lot No, 2 has a 3 bedroom, 3 bath honse on it, which house would about fit on the new 60 foot lots whioh would be created by taking 20 feet off of Lot No, 2; that the reason fa? the request is the fact that so many people who have come into the Gardens do not want that much property to take care of and some of the present residents have stated they have too much yard to care for on 100' lots; there is plenty of room on the proposed lots for cf;15,000 to :;20,000 houses; that when the engineer surveyed to see if tb lots would have 10,000 square feet, he did not know about the 75' frontace; that his rentors have let most of the lot becorm a weed patch as it is morc than tho average person can care for; that he thoi:ght it aould be an asset to the area to have tva houses on the property rather than a vacant meed patch such as it has been for the others to go by to @et to bheb om property. ,Lk. Halsey further stated that when he first bought there it was zoned R-2, but at the requelst of 2 or 3 of the owners, it was changed to R-I., He thm stated he objected tn 2 or 3 of the remarks that had been made, but wanted to clam up the reasons for hfa request.
The public hearing was closed at 7t55 P.N.
It was moved by Comm, Hayes and seconded by Corn. Jarvie that Resolution No. 93 be adopted denying the request of Ray N.. Halaey for reduction of lot width from 75' to 60' for the purpose of creat- ing a lot s plit, for tb following reasons:
1, Granting of the varfance would be discrirrinatory to the surrounding property owners e 2, Since that particular 81.88 is laid out in large lots, this would be contrary to the development of Buena Vista Gardenso 3, Granting such a variance would be naterially detrimental and injurious to the property and i?nprovements in tho Buena.*Vista Gardens and not in kooping with the coqmhensive planninG of tho section.
Corn, Ebriat stated that he muld abstain fro3 the discussion and voting on this variance as he owns property adjacent to the section,
Corm. Stringor stated that he has Sone over the grounds and felt that a (,.15,000 house would just &out cover the area of a 60' lot with what there would be before it drops down mer the hill; that the otlier lots in the area are large,. and, theso.&ots. should renain as they are. ..
The Chairman asked for a roll call vote. Chairman SwirskyW Commis- sioners Baumgartner, Stringer, byes and Jarvie tioted "yes ; Cormnis- sionw ?Bright abstained; Comiss ioner Fennel absent. Resolution No, 93 aaopted,
6- 101000 Square Foot Zone on Hi;-Jlland Drive. The Secretary read the recomnendations of the committee pertainins to the 10,000 square foot zone on HiEhlarx3 Drive, ami stated that it has been checked by the City Erqineer and met with his approval.
The Chairman stated that the zoninz :.nap had a strip of property desimated as a 10,000 square foot area, but there was nothing in the Ordinance OP on the map 60 indicate how far that line should go back, and a specific poblen had broucht this to an issueo
Proposed Resolution No, 90 was submitted to the Com2issione;rs for thoir reviewa The matter vas discussed, durinz which time it was determined that this was. the only section in the city rherre there is strip zonfng.
It was moved by Corn. Stringer and soconded by Corn. Jarvb that Resolution So. 90 be adopted, rccoaxending b tho City Council &&at they a,uTove ths proposed zoninz of iiiZhlan6 Drive for the purpose of clarification. The Chairman askd ?or a roll call vote. Chairman Swirsky, CommLss loners Ebricht, IZriungartnor, Stringer, Hayes und Jarvie votcd "yes". Cormissioner Fennel absent. Hesolutlon l?o, 90 adopted.
7- Oral Co:municat ions :
There were no oral communications.
a. The Secretary read a copy of a letter addressed to the Hayor and City Council, from J. B, Askew, &De, Direct* of Public health and Air Pollution Control Offtcer, dated October 22, 1958, requesting that plans for certain types of industries be submitted to their com- mittee so that they could nab recomrmndatlons from an air pollutlon control standpoint
ing a letter from the Carlsbad Union Church addressed to the City Council, regardin:: lmprovenents on Pine and Harding Streets, It vas decided the Commission that addftional informtion was necessary before mcormmndations could be made, and the Secretary was requested to investigate and make a report.
b. The Secretary read a memorandum from the City Adanager enclos-
c, ?he Secretary read a nemorturdura from the City :hmpw regard- in,r street widths which stated, h effect, that where an existing rir-ht-of-way is in excess of the standards that were approved, the exlsting right-of-way be used if possible,
do The Secretary stated that dr. Stein's copy of Resolution No. 72 had been received in the mall, with a notation on $he botton, signed by Albert E;, Stefn, atatlng "I apee to the above conditions".
e. The Secretary read a letter from J. B. Askew, M.D., fIealtb Officer of the City- of Carlsbad, addresseu to the CiQ Council, re-
in Terramar, ConsZderaLle discussion was given this rmtter by the Commission and ths letter was ordered filed. for future reference.
0 aarding a sewer system for Terramar Unit f6 and subsequent subdivisions
9- The Chairm pointed out that the next regular rmetirq ni&t would be Noveder 11, 1959, vrhfch is a le,pl holiday, and therefore the nrseting shorld be held on tlls next subsequent day, Hovelnber 12. He further stated that in view of the fact that there vas a very ll&t agenda for tho first metkc in :lovc&er, it VJE~S, vith the consent of the Comisslon, decided that thwe would not be a quorum present on November 12, and that .the meeting muld be adjourned to Nove&er 25, 1958,
10- Adjournment, By proper motion, the meeting was declared adjournscl
8t 8:s P 0. PA
- 3, H. PRICE, Secretary