HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-11-25; Planning Commission; Minutes"
November 2tS0 1956
2- Minutes of October 28s 1958. It was moved by Corn. Stringer and
seconded by Comm. Jarvie tht the minutes of October 28# 1,958 be apppoved as submitted, Five ayes, motion cmrfedB
linutes of' November 12, 1958. It was moved by Com~, Jarvie and seconded by Corn, Bam@rtner that the minutes of Fovenaber E?# 3.958 be appmved as submftt6d.. Five aye$# motion cmrlede
Comm. Hayes was present at 7:35 P,M,
3- HEARING = Var,iance. Request 'of Larence V. and Jennie C. Rogers for.reduction in lot width from 60' to Ei%r to Ulow a lot split, sa%d lot lying on the north sfde of Buena Vista Am. I between ?io yico and kighlmd Drive. Notice of hearing YJ~S mad. "he S<cretary certified as to the pub- lfcation of Notice of IIearing and tb mailing of notices to property 3m~lls in tkw! area. The Secretary then read the ovncrs' reasons far mquostinc the variance and the name9 and addresses of property omera vithtn the 300' radius who had signed a petition in favor of grant2ng the variance. There were no written protests. The Secretory stated there is a structure on the lot vhich has more than the maxi- mum pequfred yard set backs and f'ootaze.
MR* LARENCE ROGEflS, 1398 Buena Vista Am. stated that he is the owner
of kh8 propePLy; that the house on the eastorn half of C,he lot is only a small house, and. thore is a fence 44t from that side of the property line, which means $be vacant portion is 601, which will make more space behvoen the two houses. He furthee stated that if the lot split was panted, he would build a house on the vacant portion whfch would Improve the ppoperty considerablys
The public hearlng vas closed at 7r42 P.M.
Considerable discussion was given this raatter. Cam. Hayes askod what the square footage would be if the lot split wore panted, ,and it was determhed that each lot would have 9372 square feet in an area zoned for 7500 square feet. Corn. Stringer asked &. Rocers if the house he planned to build could be built wlthout an additlonal variance, and bfr. Rogers stated it could.
The Chairman pro tern asked far a roll call vote. Chaiman pro taSn Bright, Commissioners Baumgartner, Fennel, Strhger, Hayes and Jarvie voted "yes" : Chairman Swirsky absent. Resolution No. 94 adopted.
4* HEARING - Variame. Request of M. 0. and V. T. Phillip8 for reduc- tion in lot width from 00' to bo', and from 6Ot to 48.825*, to allow a lot split, said lot lyiq on the north side of L3uena Vista Ave. between ho Pic0 and Mghland Drive. Notlce of hearing was read. The Secretary certified as to the pub- lication of Notice of Hearing and the mailing of notices to property owners in the moa. The Seoretary then road- tks omem reasom for requesting the variance and the nemas and addresses of property owners within the 300' radius who had signed 8 petition in favor of granting the variance. There were no written Wotests. The Secretary stated that the existlng structure will comply with the required yard set backs, and them was no problem as to lot area.
MR. M. G. PnIUIPS, 1444 Buona Vista Ave, stated that he would lI*la 10 point out that the lots are 2201 deop and thore mas no hope of a street gofnf: through on the north side of the property bouause of the proposed achOoP.
ft was noved by Coma, StrZnger and seconded by Corm. Jarvio that Resolution No. 95 be adopted granting the request of d. G. and V. T, Phillips for reduct:tora of lot width from 60' to 509, and from 60' to
48.825', for tkre gu~pose of creatine; a lot spllt, for the following reasons :
1. The existing lot is too Large far one howe and there are
2,, The ownez? stated that his plans for a new house will f'lb
3, The area o:? each lot will be In excess of the required
propepties in the neighborhood with comparable frontage to that rsques ked
the 50' lot tdthout sequtring an ~ddithonal vmiance.
squarr, footagee
. r.., ~ . . - ..- ' .!
Some discussion was given thfs matter. The Chafrvnan pro tern asked for a roll call vote. Chairman pro tern Ebright, Com~iasfoners Baurn artnep, Fernel, Stringer, Hayes and Jarvie votad "yes"; Chalr- man &&sky absent, ResoLution No. 05 adopbed.
Corn. Stringer stated he tno113.d like bo state that at one tine he had
town because it soemed to be what tb people wanted, but shce thon he has voted on the nmriI;s and location of' the bot, so his voting f.n favor of this variance did not indicate he would vote in favor of a variance for a lot in anothar part of' tom,
' voted i.n favor of 00 some odd people who wem scatterod all over
The Secretary stated that at %be meet- on October 28th ci memorandum was received f'rom the Ciw Council regarding the placement of curbs for the Union Church, and that the hngineering Department is working on the repar* but due bo a change in personnel, they. have been un- able to cornpleb it,
a. The Secretmy read a letter from the Cmlsbad Postmaster requesting advance informatlon on new subdivisions, including pro- posed street name9 # number of' lots fnvo~ved, and time of bullding completion, The Socre'cary stated this matter had been tnken care of.
Corn, Strineer stated that he had talked with the Postmaster and she
had informed him thekt there are quite a few places in tom where there mo irregularltias in house numberkng. Considerable discussion
CQ~S given this mttor, and it was the decision of the Cormission that the Secretary write a letter to the Postmaster inviting her to iWom the Secretary of discrepancies so that they can be rectified,
b. The Socretory read a lettar from the California Public Utilities Comissim. stating that thq have no regulations ar polfcg regardfslg the use of ut;lllty easements. He then stated that the new City Engheer has hg-.d coneiderablo exparience along this line in boeh Orange and Los Angel-.es Counties, and tbey mrkod out a plan whereby the subdivider and u:tilIty company Get togethes and decide just exaotlg what easements the utility company requires.
P!ftexl considerable discussion, it was mwed by Corn. Stringer and seconded by Corn, Baumgartner, that the San Dfego Gas and Blectzio Company be advfsed that in the future, vhere lots are back to baok
ties fn t;he easements and nob in the street, 6 ayes, motlon carried. a Subdivision, it Q?iU be neoesaary for to put their facili-
c. The Secretary read a lettep from the Carlsbad Unjlon School DPstrict Pequesting a joint meeting by the Bawd of Trustees with
the CIS Plannine; Conmission to discuss school problems connected with the rapid p6wt.h of CmIsbad.
IiR, WILLIAR L, TORRES stated that €r@co?rnaY. discussion meeting was requested to dSscusa a project of school stttes and problems, and statfstical infomation they had received about th.e growth of Carlabad: and that they muld lit% to share the bonefit of' the report wlth tks Commission as well as get ideas from the Comission.
Considerable dfscussion 188 given as % tho time of the jobt meeting with several plms being submttted. 171th the oonsent of &&. Tomes, it was the final decision of .the Commission that 9:00 P.M. at tb next remar meeting of the Gomission on December 98 1958 would be
of Trustees, I&?. Torres was then requested to submit advance infccr- mation to the Secretary on any 8Ubj8CtS that might be brought up which would require some backpound study by the Commi~sioners.
Set 88 the approximate time for the proposed meeting dth the Board
d, me Secretary read a letter from &s. John Pi. IhacconneU, Aoesident, Ladies Union, Carlabaa Union Church, requesting permission to run a Thrift Shop in a buildin on- church property. The Seoretary then stated that the Conditional 8 se termit issued b the Union Church lists a number of qmeific items, but a thrift shop 1s not specifically bfsted thereon, and that it Is a qirestlon of *ether a thrlf't shop frills within the mmdl scope of operation of a church.
Considerable disoussion was given this matter, the main points boing the type of items to bo sold; whethtw it mould be open for busineas at regular houra daily or run on a ruxmage sale basis8 being open only occasionally; .zhether they would be required to register with the State Eoard of Equablzation and pay a sales tax, It waa de= kernined that more InfomatLon mould be needed before a d8oiaiOn could bo madet and the Secretary waB requested to write Q letter tn T1bs8 ItIaeConnelY requcstln:; that a reprosentativo of tihe Ladies Union be present at the nsxt se~u3.m meeting on Docember 9, 1958 at approxi- raat63.y 8r30 ?.X. to answer questions pertaining to the thrift shop.
o. The Secretary statod that the Carlsbad UnPon School District had submitted a letter and nap emliar in the day far apyroval, of a sckool site for tb upper grades, and that them had not been ti- to do mything on it, HQ then submitted the mrip to the Commiasioneps showing the 1oeatio:n of the propoaed seh0ole
use about an Bore for outdoor activities, It was tbn the decision of the Cornmiasion that f’urther discuss ion be postponed until December 9, 1958, at which the the Ecgineer*a rsporl wuld bo presented and the Bomd of Trustoes would be present to amwer any queationa %hat might ar iso.
?. n;ment. By proper motion, the meeting was declared adjourned
Respectfully subnltted,