HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-12-23; Planning Commission; Minutes1-
December 23, 1958
The meting was called to order at 7:32 P,M. by Chairman Swirskyo Present besides the Chairman were Commissioners Ebright, Baumgartner, Fennel and Stringer. Absent Commissioners Hayes and Jarvieo
Minutes of December 9 1958 The Commiss ion requested that the minutes be corrected. "To as fo lows:
ar On page' 5, second paragraph, the name "ifks. Geissinger" be corrected to "IWE,. Gaiser".
It was moved by Com~ Fennel &d secondod by Corn, Ebright that the minutes of Deceribcr motion carried, 6, 1958, be approved as-corrected. -Five ayes,
HEARING - Variance
Notice tion o in the
of hearing was reado The Secretary certified as to the publica- f Notice of Hcaring and the mailing of notices to property owners
areae The Socretary then read the application submitted by the
OI~CBS setting forth the reasons for requesting the reclassification and ths cod iti ons ]*elat ive rhem to ; and the nam s and addresses of property ownws who had requested their properties be included in the reclassification pef;itioned for, There were no written protests.
No one present wished to make any comment,
The public hearing was closed at 7 :38 PeM.
It was moved by Cornu. TSbright and seconded by Corn. Stringer that Resolution No, 100 be adopted recomendin~ to the City Council that the rezoning as req.lested by Carl R. Erown be allowed for the follow- ing reasons :
1, Even thoudl it has been the policy of the Comiss ion not to have opposite zones fronting each other, in this instance it appears more practical that the area concerned be rezoned for multiple dwellings,
2, The majoriLy of the pmperty in the area is being used for multiple dwellings
3, The owners of the property concerned have unanimously re- quested this zone c hange ad it appears In be the most beneficial use of the property,
Considerable discussion was given this matter. During the dbcussion, two problems that exist in the area were pointed outr One was whether or not the initiative should come from the Planning Commission for rezoning the area adjacent to the mea in the request of Carl H. Brown, The second was acquf-ring the mcessary right of way for the cievelop- mnt of Washington Street. %e Chairman stated that these problems would be discussed later in the meetinc, an3 asked for a roll call vote on the motion non on the floor. Chairman Swirsky, Commissioners Fkrimt, Baumgartnel-, Fennel and Stringer voted "yes" Comissioners Hayes and Jarvie absent. Resolution Eo. 100 adopted.
4- Use of utility easemnts - Seacrest Estates.
I?€?. TED RO3IXSON stated that he represented Seacrest Estates and that It was their unders1;andinC; that the City of Carlsbad has an ordinance requiring timi; a1 public utilities be placed in easements at the rear of property lines; that the San Die@ Gas and Electric Go. is quite arbitrary and wish to place them in the streets which Seacrest considers a mistake,; that it was their original plan to place the utilities underground, but the cost was prohibitive; that they asked that the Planning Commission recommnd to the City Council to do what- ever is necessary to enforce the ordinance as they would like to use the easements and felt if the City would take a firm stand that the
Gas Company wuuld place their poles at tb rear of property lines,
The Chaimm stated that there had been considerable discussion on this matter before, and that the San Diego Gas and hlectric Co, had been advised of the ordinance concerning this matter, The Secretary stated that the San Diego Gas and Electric Coo had been advised by letter, md that Xrr, Evans had come to the office and presented the Sam reasons that hcld been presented before to the Commission fcr not using the easements : and f'urthcr that the Gas an3 Electric Co, could register their comp:.alnts with the Commission at the first meting in Januwy if they des ired, The Secretary then stated that a nevi sub- division nap had been received, and in the trnnsrnittal letter to tho Gas and Electric co,, their attention had been called to paragraph 204 of Ordinance 9050, :IO it was qufte posstble that the Company muld have representatives at the meeting on January 13th.
It was moved by Corm. Ebright and seconded by Corn. Stringer that the San 3ie.p Gas ad Eectric Co., as well as Seacrest Estates and other subdividers, be invited to have representatives at tb meting of January 13th so that they could show cause as to vhy public utilities should or should no.; be placed in ensenents as required by ordinance.
The Chairman s tated that in view of past experience, he thou&t it might be well to request the Council to go on record as taking a stand on tb use of utility easements so the San Diego Gas and Electric Co, would know the City is going to take a strong stand on this issues
MR. ROBINSON stated that other utility companies do place tbir poles at the rear of propcwty lines and it works out very well; that the utility company appaDoached the matter merely from a standpoint of ac- cessibility as it wzis more convenient for them to have the utility
lines in front; but the overall benefit should be considered and placine them in the rear was not a handicap,
MR. JOE BRAY stated that there is a 12, easermnt readily accessible which had been takes. away from the property owners, and if the ease= nents mere not coin:; to 6e used, thi property shouid be returned to the property ovmers; that the Gas and Electric Company wa~ld have a lot of' stronG arguments, but in these newer subdivisions it would be rare beneficial to the City to have the poles at the rear cf the proper- ty lines,
Considerable d iscusa ion was givsn this matter, durinG which it yas pointed out that thE Planning Comission had diligently required the easements on the subdivision maps, but the utility company had thsn contacted the subdivider and obtained another easement from him; and also that it wmld be advisa3l.e to request the City Council to con- tact the Sm Diego Gas ami Electric Coo regarding the use of easements.
Comma h%right amended his previous mtion by adding to it that a memorandum be sent t;o the CiQ Council requesting that .they write the
San Diego Gas and Electric Co, advising that the utility company will be required to abide) by the ordinance on easements. Corn. Stringer seconded the amendmmt,
Additional discussion was given this matter wherein the advisability of sending an invitation to tb utility company was questioned. Corn, Ebright then withdrew the first part of his notion, retaining tb amendment onlyp Tho Chairman asked far a vote on the motion as it now stood. Five ayes, motion carriedo
5- Right of \Yay for Washington Street,
Considerable discussion mas given the matter of acquiring the neces-
sary right of way for the development of Rashington St, with bhe ad- vantages to tb City as a whole and the section in particular being brouf&t out, It WQLI moved by Conm. Fennel and seconded by Corno Pamugartnor that a tlomrmclum be sent to the City Coumcil rocourxmding that the necessary right of way be acquired to mke 'Vi'aohington Street a throu@ street. E'ive ayes motion carriedo
6- Reclassification frc,m C-2 to R-3 of property on Odx Street adjacent and opposite to the property included in the request of Carl fi. Brown.
During the discussion of this matter, it was pointed out that most of thls area has been developed in multiple or sin:$e family residences, and that the policy of the City had been not to have a C-2 zone oppo- site an R-3, but it would not be objectionable in this case. The sug- gestion was also mc.e that it could be rezoned to R-P, The Comission then agreed that the matter needed further investigation, and the Chairman requested the Secretary to mah an investigation of the area in order to have an idea of how the people feel about the matter and report back to the Conmission.
7- Discussion of Rhitnall contract,
The Chairman read excerpts of Mr. Whitnall's letter wherein he stated he would not be available to the Commission on a per diem basis, and settin,.; forth his reasons; and also stating on a contract basis he muld be in Carlsbad one day a month, an3 wauld ndce con- tact on the day a month he would spend in Oceanside,
Considerable discussion was Given this matter dur hz which it was pointed out that !.bo ';!hitnall had been of considerable hap in ths past and that there nas st-ill a peat deal to be done in order for Carlsbad to devclop into .the type or city that is dosimd, not only for tho pesent residents, but !'or those who will livo here in the future; and as there were sufficbnt funus in tho budget to carry
was felt the Comaiseion should take advantage of his services.
out m. !',' 'I-jhitnall )s program Troa January 1st to July lst, 1959, it
It was moved by Com,~. Ebri&t and seconded by Com. Fennel that We Whitnall be employeci as Plmnine, Consultant for the period from January 1 to July 1, 1959, for the reasom previously stated, Five ayes, mot ion carr iedp
8- LINMAR VILLAGE, The Secretary stated that a pmposed new subdivision map would be presented at the next meeting, The location af the sub- division is at the E.oUthwest corn= of Tamarack and Jefferson. If they are mquired to dedicate 12' for the development of Tamarack, they stand to lose 3 lots,
9- The Secretary callec. attention to the memorandum from the City Council rega:=ding the Chamber of Commrce letter requestiny; study of Industrial Zoning Ordinance, and was instructed to hold it over for the next meeting.
10- Written ComtnunicaUcnsa -
There were no written co~n~ications~
11- Oral Communications,
There were no oral comunications.
12- Adjournment, Ey prcper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 1O:lO p.Me
Respectfully submitted,
"_ J, 11. PRICE, Secretary