February 2b0 1959
2- Minutes of February 10, 195g0 It was moved by Comm, Jarvie and seconded by Comm, Ebright that the minute:; of February 10, 1959, be approved as submitted, Four ayeso motion carried,
Comm, Ebright stated that he would like to register a protest to the agenda, The Chairman concurred with the protest and stated that, inasmuch as the second meeting of the month was scheduhd for a study meeting, only matters where a time element
was involved would be considered.
a, The Secretary ;:cad a letter from F, Go Baird et al protesting the con-
tinued use of Temporary Use Permits in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Area,
The Chairman stated he believed a similar letter had been sent to the Harbor Commission,
MR, DAVID BAIRD stated -:hat he represented his father; that this petition was different than the one ;3ubnitted to the Harbor Commission; that on advice of counsel it was felt the petition should be sent direct Lo the Planning Commission rather than the City Coancil as the Planning Cornissican had originally made the recommendation to the City Council; that the request to rescind the temporary use
permit was made as the :3hrasfng had been "until such time as the harbor is in-
stituted" which is many years in the future, and that the activities have grown
far and beyond what tho permit was calculated to talce care of and the view from the
homes consists of water covered with boats and 8 to 10 chemical toilets which
situation shouldn t exb.3t in an R-3. Zone, He then stated that the petition to the
Harbor Codssion had rxpssted them to recommend to the City Council that motor boating be prohibited o:a Sundays as the residents feel they are entitled to that
day of peace and quiet, but the Harbor Commission had set the matter over until their next meeting as they had had only 2 standing members and 2 new members present at the previous meeting,
Considerable discussion was given this matter. It was moved by Comm, Ebright and seconded by Corn, Fenne:L that the Harbor Commission bo asked to make an investiga- tion on this specific rsquest and report back with their recommendations before the
Planning Commission ta39 any action. Four ayes, motion carried,
The Chairman roquested that the Secretary determine from the City Attorney the
legality of the Planning Comnissian vs holding any type of hearing on this request
and the pmcedurs to be fo31owed0
bo The Secretary read a memorandum from the City Manager and the attached pt%tion regading vacation of 30° on Pine Ave, between Pi0 Pic0 and Highland Dro
After some discussion, it was moved by Corn, Ebright that the requested vacation of 30g on Pbe Ave, be c.enied because of the precedent established in the past,
The motion diad for lack of a second,
It was then moved by Conn, Ebright that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the requested vacation of 309 on Pine Ave. be allowed, The motion died for lack of a second,
It was moved by Corn, Fennel and seconded by Comm, Jarvie that a committee be
appointed to dce a stuc:.y concerning the requested vacation on Pine Ave. and submit
their recommendations at, the next meeting of the Planning Commission if possible, 3 ayes, Corn, Ebright voting IrNa" motion carried, The Chairman appointed the
committee as follows: Corn. Jarvie, Chairman, Commissioners Fennel and Baumgartnero He then reminded the conmittee to keep in mind that the request is for a 50' street rather than a 600 as required for local streets,
eo The Secretary read a letter from the Kenton Equipment Coo requesting per- mission to put a rental yard on the NW corner of Elm and Jefferson, and stated
that, after talking to their representative, he failed to differentiate between
their purpose and that of a contractoras yard, except that they would be renting
the equipment instead of' using it themselves; and that a contractorDs yard is per-
mitted in a C-M Zone, but the location requested is in a C-2 Zone,
The Chairman stated that. this matter would be discussed at the end of the agenda,
Chairman Swirsu stated that he would turn the chair over to Chainnan Pro Tem Ebright for this discussion, axad that he would take a seat on the Commission, but
would not participate in the discussion or voting,
The tentative map of Vi1.lage Homes, Unit No, 2, was presented to the CormnisSioR
for their review, Proposed Resolution No, 106 was presented to the Comission for
their review, recommending to the City Council the spproval of the tentative nap of
Village Homes, Unit No, 2, subject to certain conditions listed therein,
MR. DON HQLLY stated that he represented the owner, that he had read the Resolution
and was in aocoPd,
The City Engineering Assistant read proposed Resolution No, 106 and discussed some of the engineering poin1;s included therein,
After some discussion, it was moved by Corn, Jarvie and seconded by Corn, Fennel
that Resolution No, 106 be adopted with the exception that the words "to the City
of Carlsbad" be inserted in item 13, 3 ayes, Corn, Swirsky abstained,
It was moved by Comm, Bright and seconded by Corn, Fennel that a compaction test
be required on all subdf-visions anything over a. 2O fill, 4 ayes, motion carried,
Chairman Swirsky resumed his chair as Chairman, ,and Corn, Ebright as Commissioner,
It was moved by Corn, Elright and seconded by Corm, Jarvie that the placement
of utilities in Linmar Village in accordance with the map submitted by the San Diego Gas & Electric Co , be approved, 4 ayes, motion carried,
7- ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no oral communications,
A recess was declared by the Chairman at 8:30 P,M. The meeting was reconvened at
8:M P.M.
a, The Chairman stated that several portions of the Master Plan had been
adopted several. years ago, and the present review was to see if there had been any
changes or additions before setting it for a public hearing, He then stated that
the Streets and Highway25 Section would be considered first and read the recommenda-
tions as set forth at the end of this section as a summary, and said that the State is now studying what is known as Vista Way which will be a freeway, considerable
discussion was given this matter during which it was brought out that there should
be a freeway interchangc? into the commercial area; there should be some interchange
from the airport to the freeway and the commercial area; that it might be worthwhile
of the potential development; the extension of Tamarack could be more to the south rather than connecting zdth Chestnut; and consideration might be given to a secondary street on the east side of the railroad tracks between Tamarack and Oak, It was then agreed that the basic recommendations set forth in the Master Plan reflect the general feeling regardbg major and secondary streets,
. to print the street plans in the paper so that the property owners would be aware
bo The Chairman then read the recommendations as set forth at the end of the section on Public Buildtngs, and stated that the Civic Center Plan still exists except that the City Council had deleted the most easterly portion of the program, Some discussion was givcm this section, and it was agreed that, in general, %% reflected the present arid future activities,
co The Chairman stated that the remainder of the Whitnall Report concerned
area studies and the redevelopment of the commercial center and were for general
information to show possible solutions,
d, It was moved kqp Corn, Bright and seconded by Corn, Jarvie that an attempt
be made to procure mats of the prints in the Master Plan and, id: available, a decision
be made at the next stucty meeting which prints were to be published, after which the Master Plan would be set. for a public hearing, b ayeso motion carried,
9- Kenton 33quipment Go, letter - Cor" After discussing permi.tted uses in a C-2 Zone, it was moved by Corn, Bbright and seconded by Comm, Fennel that a rental yard for general contractors equipment is not a permitted Use in a C-2 Zone, 4 ayes, motion carried,
10- Ad.journment, By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:M P.M,
Respectfully submitted,
'RICE, Secretary