HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-08-11; Planning Commission; Minutesr . 0 1- The mwting was called to order at,7:30 P.M. by Chairman Stringer. Present besides the Chairman were Cammissioners Netka, Zahterz Ward, Thomas and Jarvie. Absent Cmissioner Clizbe. 2- The Oath of Allqgieizce was administered by the City Clerk to the new member of .the Ijlanning CmiSCiiOn, ~ommiesdoner Chester C. Ward. Comnfssianex Ward was welcomed to the Planning Conmission by Chairman Strimger, 3a Minutes oE July 28, 1959* It was moved by Cm. Jarvie and seconded by Cm. Thomas that the minutes of July 28, 1959* be approved as submitted. 6 ayes, motion carried, 4.. ORAL COMP1UNfCATIONS: There were no oral cm.unfcationso a,, The Secretary reed D letter from Jennie 1. and Abe Marron, dated August 6, 1959, requesting K-1 zoning on a portion of their.praperty, described as a ' porttan o€ Rancho AI;ua Hedionda, Unnumbered Traceo sccarding to Nap 823. The Secretary then subenftted a sketch of the property in question, stated that it contatned approximately 75 acres; and reviewed what had transpfred previously on this matter, 14a then read a Letter dated August 10,-1959, from the City Attorney, stating that Oceansf.de has RO objection to Carlsbad proceeding with toning hear= ings on &his property, and advising that the Planning Commission could proceed as desired, After some discussion by the Commission on this matter, it was moved by Connn. Zahhr and seconded by bm"nb Jarvie that Resolution of Intention No, 11 be adopted to consider s recommendation to the City Council that the property in- cluded in the request of Jenn%e I. and Abe Marron be zoned "1, The Chairman asked EOP a roll car.1 wteb Harbor Commission had met the previous evening but, due to the lack of a quorU% had transacted no business so had made nu recanmendation regarding this mattero MR, GLISSMAN, of Mhitey's bat'Landiws stated that he was one of the Eirst operators of this type on the Lagoon, and that when he had requested a temporary conditional use permit, he had had to show leases on beach areas sufficient to support his boats; that he has continued to lease property adjacent to h until he now has about 1/2 mile of Lagoon frontage which costs about $2.00 per front foot to lease; that he knew Mr. Johnson has no such leases and has only abou& 12' of Lagoon frontage which takes in his ramp area only with no room for boats to take off and land in his areao Conan. Netka asked NK. Glissman if there was a sewer problem in that areao MR. GLIS9SAN stated that about a.year ago a former city politician had made a statement at a Harbor Cmission meeting that he was going to close UP the IdRoon: that 2 days later he had received a notice to close up because of sewerage; t6at he had contacted the San Diego Gas and Electric Co, and the San Diego County Board oE Nealth and received a one year extension; and that he had been told about s month ago that he could put in flush toilets and redwood tanks where the septic tanks are nowo The chemical toilets have to 80 by October 6tho MRS. JARVIE, 1175 Hoowero asked if a letter had been received from a Mr. Kobert Gwinn. The Secretary stated that it had not been received to his knowledgeo DR. GEORGE MEKKLE, 4225 Sunnyhill Dr.% stated that he had been a member of the Planning Comnission in the past and vas acquainted with the problems of the Lagoon;-that the Sailing Clubs in an effort to get access to the Lagoon, had written letters to the Harbor Commission and the City Council, but nothing had been done; that the Lagoon is leased by the City from the San Diego Gas and Electric Co, and the lease i:j paid for by the City with tax money, but the public had no access to It and there was no swimming area for children; and then stated that the Lagoon was becoming more and rare comnercialized. MKS. !3ONNIE ~IIOPIi'SW, 3985 Highland Dr.). stated that she had requested a con- ditional use permit a few months azo for a small nursery school which would have helped s&e of her neighbors kd others in Carlsbad, but had beenmfused, and she did not see how another permit could be granted in an R-1 zone when hers had been turned downo Mi:. FOX. 4215 HarriRon St., stated that he owned a landing adjacent to Mr. Johnson's property om the west; that Mr, Clissmen leases the property adjacent to Mr. Johnsonos property on the east; that he (Fox) has approximately 300' of beach frontage which just will eccoramodate the few boats that use his facilities; that the water off t:he end of Hoover St. is Cas Co. water; and that the main concern is ehe srm?:! Lagoon frontage owned by Johnsono MR, RLCM;!RD TH@lPSOI?, 3985 Highland Drat stated that requests for both a funeral home and a mate1 had been turned down because of being in K-1 zones, so why give permission to others to do.business in R-1 zones. -2- stated that she had spent 4 years in Hawaii derful; that- she had-settled in CarPsbad because it seemed so much like Hawaii; that she had just spmt 6 weeks in Hzwaii, and due to faulty planning it had become so cmsrcialized it was no longer beautiful; and she thought Carlsbad has all the yossib%lfties of being a beautiful city if the Harbor is planned for beauty as well as utility, and for all the people to useo The public hearing was closed at 8:lO P.M, Considerable discussion was given this matter by the Commission, during which it; was brought out that the present boat landings were operating under temporary conditional u3e permits which had been set up by ordinances; that the Harbor Comnission has equal rights with the Planning Comnisslon up to 150' of the perimeter on the Lagoon; and any decisions made in this area should be made in conjunction with the Harbor Comnission. It was then moved by Corn; Jervfe.and seconded by Comm. Netka that Resolution No. 127 be adopted, recomnending to the City Council that an ordinance for a temporary conditional use permit not be gassed to allow the construction of tt recreational boat landing and marina with operations relative thereto as requested by Harry Johnson, for the following reasons: '0 1, Due to the extremely narrow Lagoon frontage of this property, it is 2. The preseni: boat launching facslities are more than adequate for the 3, This is an K-1 Zone and it would be unfair to the surrounding property 4, The persona to whm Tmporary Conditional Use Permits have been granted not suitable for a commercial marina. number of boats using the Lagoon. owners to add to ti112 csmercial'trses already existing in the areae for odnilor marines have fair sized investments in these projects, and it would be unfair to them to grant permission for additional facilities for which there is no needo Resolution MQ. 127 adopted, reconmending denial, 1 L. Mowell, et a'b, dated August 1, 1959; Rosemary Johnston, et al, dated August 1, 1959; Michael J, Petrie, dated August Iss 9959; Elwood E, and Bess He Trask, dated August 6* P959* The Secretary than stated that the Harbor Commission had met the previous eveningo but due to the lack of a quorum, had transacted reo business SQ had made no recommendation~;.~egaPding this matter; he then submitted pictures and literature which accompanied the application. MA. FRED H. LUTH, 243. Olive, stated that hfs property boarders the Ecke property on tho north side; that Mr. Bonn had bean at their house and explained the pro- posed trailer perk to his wife and to 8- extent to himself; that the site at present is a send bed which will be black topped, fenced, etc; that npproxfmately 100 trzilers on 6 to 7 acres of ground will mean about 14 or IS trailers per acre; Garfield is the only access street of which only about 20° is surfaced, and adding that many trailers I:o the area will create a traffic problem; the surrounding property is zoned K-1; he bought his home about 18 or 19 years ago and there were other retired busintxwnnd professional men in the area who expect to live there until they die; all the streets from Chinquapin EO the Lagoon are blind streets .and there is a clean, park-like atmosphere in the area now so the children play on the strezts and enjoy themselves; >;re Bonn took pictures in the area of back yards, men working on carsp etceo but not of the good homes; that the people in the area are average citizens with average homes, but they were mansions to them; he then stated that Oceanside had had considerable trouble with trailer parks and read gn excerpt frm an editorial is the Oceanside Blade-Tribune of August 2, 1959, as ikiibhas: O'The Earst-buck boys appear before the plannfq conmission with B quickly drawn, fanciful sketch QE E: beautiful motel or trailer park, or some other kind of center- prise, They assure the plannjng board that their project will be an asset to the community bscause it: oSPl "blend in" with PteQhboring homes or business structures* bJhal: finally is erected aEtexr the planning comiasion grants a zoning variance OP a conditicnnk use ptmit sftea bears little resemblance to the pictures or sketches originally displayei, As, we said before, this has happened several times during the last few years, and wary time it QCCUPS, Oceanside looks a little less beautI.ftLl.~a with the idea of showing pQQr homes; he also had some pictures of trailer parks located in aress similar to the Eeke property; that .the area is not a good R-l zone because of the railroad tracks; ttmnt n~arry CI€ the lots had more than single family residences on them; that the area within 2 to 3 blocks was zoned R-2 and R-3; that the tourist trade is one of "Le better businesses in @arisbadp, and as the City is growing in that area it mubd be a better R-2 or R-3 zone; Chat these ate beautiful trailer parks in places like Newport and i'alm Springs and that cany of the better tourists areas consider these trailer parks desfKableo Mr, Bonn then stated that he has some pictures he would like to show both of trailer parks and of the area adjacent to the proposed trailer parko The Chairman declared a recess at 9:OO p.m. in order that Mr. Bonn could prepare the equipment for showing the pictures. The meeting reconvened at 9:20 prm. Mr. Bonn showed pictures of trailer parks similar to the one planned by the Eckes, and also showed pictures he had taken in the vicinity of the Ecke propertyo MR. LUTH stated that Mr. i3onn had not shown the front part of his hame which is worth $2OSQ00 to $300000, but had shown his garage and the back view; that he had shown his nej~ghbor's home, which is smallb and that there were small homes in the neighborhood which were very neat and carefully keptd but they did not make the best: plctures; that he had shown the property in an unfair light for the reason that he (Mr. bnn) was interested in managing the trailer paik and making money on it. MRS. TURgEla, 383 Dais s'tated that in addition to the fact that Mr. Bonn had taken most. of his pdctures from Che back of the homes and not S~QWII pretty residences c:ue,h as- Chat of Xr. ~asCh, she had Cried to register her sister(s child in schosh arsd had been told thcra was a chance she couldnet get. in, so tibb would a trailer pad; do to the schools that were already overcrowdedo i. M~li. HELGESbx3978 Garfield, stated that perhaps he did not live within the legal Ilmits sf the distance of the proposed trailer park, but that practically ell of the trafEic vould have to use Garfield St, as the only other access to the highway would be a foot path, so Ghere would be additional smoke and noise on Garfield', ~nd that he hoped Mr. Luth would be a permanenti resident of Carfsbad some day ff the City was a fit place to live according 60 his standardso MR. BNJGRMAN 2" 4008 Garfield, stated ha thought Mr. Bonn was taking a little dig at the C~m?EssPon as wel?. as his urn ability; that he did not think Xr. Bonn knew where the zoning was as his place was in R-2, not 2-1, amd was builr before the zoning took effect; and that the pictures had not shown the good homese f MiZ. 30MN stated that he did not intend to show these lzomes for anything except that they are in an ta-L zone; and that all of the pictures were taken from the street, and no yards were entered. ___I MR, LULL, 3981 Garfield& stated that one thing that should be taken into con- sideration is the sewerage; that they had a awerage trunk line in front of ehefr .place that neither they nor their neighbors can get on to as the line was jumped up so high on Garfield St. only a few homes on the street could use the sewer; that &he line was not large enough to handle the extra sewerage from the trailer park and that he was not interested in having Garfield dug up again to enlarge the trunk line and lzaving to pay Ear it, and he did not think the neighbors were interested either; that he was not interested in having a trailer park in that section; that there is very limited amount of beach for entertainment and there was no need for trailer parks on a beach, ' .. Mp,, NILLEK, 306 Olivet stated that he had come to Carlsbad about 3 years ago and was so impresset5 by what he saw the first day that he made up his mind this was where he wanted to live; nothing has or will happen to change that; every- thing has been aimed at a goal of improving the City; the view at the end of Garfield would not change with a trailer park 20 - 40 ft. below Garfield, but. the value of his prcperty would drop to about half; that he did notklieve they would put in tiai1er.s of the type shown in the pictures as there was no permantamy in a trailer parka MltS. JEANETTE LULLI 3981 GarEieldt stated that they had a nice home and did not want R trailer park at: the end of the street as it would greatly devaluate the property value; that Garfield is a dead end street and ali streets to the west wxe dead endo so what would happen if there was a fireo KRS. VIRGIL, 175 Chinquapin, stated that if a SO' road was constructed in the trailer park where the foot path was planned. it would take care of the traffic problem;- that if they did ali Mr. Bo& said they were goins to do, it would bring the traLler park up to the proper standards; that very well-to-do people now live in trailers and not the tramps that used to live in them, The public hearing was closed at 9:45 P.M. Considerable discussion wss given this matter by the Comnission during which the Chairman stpted Lhat he felt this was the highest and best use of the land by the property owner; that the planned sewer facilities would mean most of the property on Garfield could hook onto the seuer line; that the only trailer parks that devaluated the surrounding property were those built 15 to 20 years ago; and that the majority of the properties in the adjacent tI-1 zone were non-con- forming properties, It uas moved by Cme Jarvie and seconded t~y Coma Zahler that Resolution Nou 128 be adopted denying the conditional use permit for a trailer park 39 requssted by Feu1 and Magdalena Ecke for the following reasons: The Chairman asked for a Poll call wore: Resolutfon No. 128 adopted denying the conditional use permite 80 OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business" 9- a. The Commission discussed the present uses of the Lagoon and its future development. In this connection, suggestions were made for perimeter zoning and orderly developnent of the area. b. The Chairman requested that the Secretary supply the new members of the Commission with any available literature on planning. 10- Adjourment. By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at lor15 pmmo RespectEully suhitted,