HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-24; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF THE CARLSBAD CITY
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. , by Chairman Ewald. Present
besides the Chairman were Commissioners Davis, Ward, Palmer, Jarvit and Sonneman. Absent, Commissioner Grant.
Approval of Minutes of July 10, 1962. A motion was made by Commissioner palmer and seconded by Gommiseioner Ward thatthe minutes of July 10, 1962 be approved as submitted. All ayes, motion carried.
Written Communications .
The Secretary reported that the third Quarterly Meeting of the San Diego County Planning Congress will be held at 7:OO P.M. , August 9, 1962 (Thursday) at the Stardust Motor HoteL (Terrace Room), 11 10 W. Hotel Circle, Mission Valley. The speaker of the evening will be Mr. Sheldon (Skippy) Cramer , U. S. Army Engineers Los Angeles District, who will talk on Flood Control Problems in San Diego County.
Oral Communications.
There were no oral communications.
HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION Request of Opal V. Law and Douglas Law in accordance with Ordinance No. 9060, to consider
acfiange of zone from R-1 (Residential) tax-3 fi/lultiple -Family Residential) on property iocated.on the South side of Magnolia Avenue t>etween Jefferson Street and Roosevelt Street,
said property being Portion of Thum Lands , Tract 231 , Map 1681 in the City of Carlsbad.
Notice of hearing was read. The Secretary certified as to publication of notice of hearing and the mailing of notices to property owners in the area . The Secretary then read the application setting forth the reasons for requesting the zone reclassi-
There were no oral or written communications on this matter,
ARCHIE KOYL, 834 N. Pickeriw , Whittier stated that he ie purchasing the property and that Mrs. Law's property had just cleared escrow and Douglas Law's property wae still in escrow. Mr. Koyl presented an architectural rendering and preliminary drawings of the proposed two-bedroom units and convalescent home, which will be added next to the Village. being built at Magnolia and Roosevelt. He stated that they plan ta enlarge the Village by adding two -bedroom units, which are needed,on the one parcel of land, and the convalescent and nursing home on the other parcel. They have the approval of the State of California for the convalerrcent home and the approval of the FHA when the zoning is approved. The plan is de- signed to match the recreational hail of the Village. The cost of the convalescent home and the 2-bedroom units will be approximately $900,000 for the two projects
and between these two projects and the Village there will be over $2,000,000. spent in this area. It is designed so it will have shade or sunshine at any time of the day.
The Secretary explained on the map the Location of the projects and the surrounding
LEE BARLOW e 701 Magnolia stated that he owns property adjacent to this property on the easterly side and is in favo;. of this reclassification.
DOUGLAS LAW stated that he has been here for 41 years and this is the biggest
thing since he hae bean here.
No one spoke opposing this reclassification.
The public hearing was closed at 7:48 P. M.
Cornmissioner Sonneman questioned the amount of land involved and was informed that one parcel contains 1.88 acres and the other parcel is 1.95 acres. She stated that it would complete the picture and adds to what is going on; neighbors approve and it would be a necessity.
It was agreed that the following facts exist:
1. That such reclassi€ica'i!.on will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located.
2. That such reclassification will not adversely affect the comprehensive general plan.
3. That it would be in the best interests of public necessity and convenience.
4. There was no opposition to this request.
The foilowing resolution was presented for consideration:
R-3 OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAI?, was unanimously adopted on Commissioner Davis's motion, seconded by Commissioner Jarvie.
HEARING - TAMARACK EXTEKSION - Request of City Plan ommis sion b 'ffesolution of Intenti 29 to amen "$6 t e
LarLsbad Ci-ier Street Yla o 6~ re-
locatinn the proposed extension of Tamaract - Avenue easterly of ita present terminus,
said extension. to be desiwted as a- .*- secondary " street. at HiEhland Drive to
Pzrk Drive at a poiqtaroximately 1.100'
Guth of. intersection of ark Drive and
and on Birch Av_e_nue&Sunnyhill Drive to
Scyline Road and- $&ncontinue_d easterly to
El Camino Real southerly ofchestnut
Avenue; an_d.-&uwing the-dAsietion of said Tamarack Avenue jrsm Pia- Pic0
easterb._to, its propoged intersection with El Camino Real from a Maior Street to a
Secondarv Street with a right of way width of 68' and a raved curb to curb width of 48',
- Monroe Street, thence to Birch Avenue.
The Secretary certified as to publication of notice of hearing and that notices had
been sent to property owners in the area. The Secretary reviewed Resolution of
Intention No , 29 initiating this amendment.
The Secretary read the following 21 letters of protest:
Mrs. Milton M. Gair John L. Wick
4050 Skyline Drive, Carlsbad 4080 Skyline Road, Carlsbad
Gerald C. McClellan P. 0. Box 97, Carlsbad
Wm. E. Morehouse
4014 Skyline Road, Carlsbad
J. H. Carmichael Esther and John Mallett
4105 Skyline Road, Carlsbad 3920 Skyline Road, Carlsbad
Jack R. and Ruthanna Estes Otto E. Sporrer
1199 Tamarack, Carlsbad 4061 Skyline Road, Carlsbad
R. R. Robinson Mrs. A. L. Boyer
Joseph L. O'bryan & Paula J.O'bryan Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Moore
4 134 Skyline Road, Car lsbad 4 100 Sunnyhill Drive, Carlsbad
W. J. Reid June R. Thurnau 3850 Highland Drive, Carlsbad 4 120 Sunnyhill Drive, Carlsbad
Mrs. Eli,aabeth Gerhard Elsie M, Kelly
4061 Skyline Road, Carlsbad 4060 Skyline Road, Carlsbad
Mrs. R uth M. Malla.rd
4051 Skyline Drive, Carlsbad Lop~zillf: Briggs (Mrs. Donald Briggs, Sr .)
John S, Lockwood Dcmz,:!.d A. Briggs, President
4073 Skyline Road, Carlsbad Briggs i-md CorPoration
Mrs. Gertrude S. Lockwood
4073 Skyline Road, Carlsbad
The Secretary read a petition protesting this amendment and containing 29
The above letters and petition are on file and are part of the record of hearing.
Chairman Ewald asked the Engineering Department to explain on the maps the
misunderstandings that were expressed in the letters.
City Engineer, Lowell A. Rathbun stated that Tamarack Avenue is presently designated as a Major Street from Pi0 Pic0 to Highland Drive with 4 travelling lanes and with parking on either side. The Planning Commission agreed to prclpse this be changed to a Secondary Street with two lanes of traffic, with parking on
either side. The distance from Chestnut to the proposed new road is approximately 3/4 mile on El Camino Real. According to the Master Plan there are three pro- posed routes entering El Camino Real; Elm, Chestnut and Terramar Drive. The Engineering Department was directed on April 16, 1961 to prepare a new route for
the extension of Tamarack to El Camino Real because the cost of the route planned
by Gordon Whitnall to intersect with Chestnut would be prohibitive (approximately
$160,000. for acquisition for right of ways). The present route is for the most
part on undeveloped property (costing approximately $20,000, for acquisition of property rights of way). It is difficult to meet the required grade and alignment sb&r.ds ,on any route. Tamarack as proposed would be a secondary street from Pi0 Pic0 to El Camino Real with 48' paved curb to curb width allowing for two 14'
traveling lanes and 10' parking strip on either side. This would be constructed on
a 68' right of way from Pio Pic0 to Sunnyhill Drive; and because of the development of the property from Sunnyhill and Skyline, the right of way would be 62' feet in
this section.
ALLEN KELLY stated that he had listened to many letters protesting this route and
wished to go on record as stating that this is an illedvised plan. He thinks there is
a need for a through road to EL Camino Real but believes that engineering-wise this is a poor route.
HARRY McMILLAN, 4070 Sunnyhill Drive stated that as one of the residents of that area, he wished to go on record as opposing this route.
MRS. JOHN WICK, 4080 Skyline asked if it was necessary to have east and west road in thgs area within 3 miles of each other. She does nbt think it was right to have this in a town this size and asked how much this road was going to cost the City.
Chairman Ewaid stated that in the undeveloped area the developer would bear part of the cost.
City Engineer , Lowell A. Rathbun stated that in rough figures on the per front foot basis it is $8. on a normal local street; additional widening would be $7. to $8. per
front foot, making a total cost of approximately $24. to $30. per running foot. A
40' street is required of subdivisions with the subdivider participating to center of
PATRICK ZAHLER, 4095 Sunnybill stated that this road is currently being called a secondary route but it will be used as a major street and is opposed to any route going through this area.
COUNCILMAN JACK HUGHS, 3870 Valley stated that he lives two houses north of the proposed Tamarack extension. Carlsbad is the people who live here doing things together and making their home in a quiet area which they have chosen because they believed it would be a safe place to raise children. If the City is planning this road for the convenience of the people living there, they would rather not have this road
as a secondary street cannot help but become a major street. The route would be
better closer to the lagoon although a few turns will be made and it should be on a
secondary street, Not many homes will be in jeopardy by the lagoon. The Planning Commission and the Council are there because the citizens had faith in them and the
City should spend time and money improving the streets we already have. Carlsbad must not lay dormant and must progress but not at the expense of taxpayers.
MRS. ARTHUR WOLLRICK, 4150 Skyline Road registered objection to this route on the same basis as they did the previous major route as they came here thinking
it would remain a small town and likes the quietness and thinks it is a wonder area and is glad to be there. In her opinion traffic in the Highlands would lower their
property values .
DON BRIGGS, JR. , in rebuttal to City Engineer, stated that the rights of way cost for the route intersection with Chestnut were $160,000. and the present proposed rights of way cost were $20,000 according to the engineers. He believes the cost
of this route would be considerably more than they say and questioned the amount of
lanes that would be traveled.
COUNCILMAN JACK HUGHES stated that he knows of no one in the back country
who has pushed for this. This proposal was announced at the Council to feel out
the people. The people feel the Council want to push this through. The Commission has heard the voice of the people at this meeting and should abide by them.
The public hearing was closed at 9:OZ P. NI.
Commissioner Jarvie stated that he understood that Committees were to talk to the property owners in the area and to see how they felt about this route. At the last hearing, there was some sense in most of their opinions. La Jolla and Laguna do
Tamarack to Park Drive as planned, and then follow Park Drive South to an area near the lagoon where it could then tnrn east to El Camino Real.
Commissioner Sonneman stated that when she was on the Council she had gone out with the Engineers and others to look over the alignments and such and it seemed ’ like it would be good for the City and would be an access to the back area. It would not be necessary to condemn any residences. She did realize also that people were opposed to it, and did not know what the deepest cut would be on any of the property.
Mr. Rathbun stated that the deepest cut would probably be 8’ to 10’ at Skyline. In the undeveloped areas the subdivider would pay for 40’ of the road but at Birch the City would participate with 54% of it. The City needs an east-west street from the
ocean to El Camino Real and this route was chosen because it was considered the most desirable. Their objective was to establish a precise route even though it might possibly be three to five years before it would be completed. The city is expanding rapidly and it will be too expensive to acquire rights of way after sub - divisions are put in. It is possibLe they may be able to complete Tamarack from Highland to Park Drive in a year, and from Pi0 Pic0 to Park Drive in two years.
Commissioner Sonneman stated the Master Plan has not been adopted but that
points of it have been adopted and that it was difficult to over -ride all of the protests but felt that *at a future time the road would go through there. She believes the road should be put through to Park Drive but the rest of the route should not be considered
at this time.
.. not have through streets from the ocean. He suggested that they could extend
Commissioner Ward was on the Committee that recommended a Secondary street to Park Drive so we would have a right of way established. In view of the opposi- tion, would delay it at this time.
Commissioner Palmer was not on the Commission when it was considered the first time but agrees after hearing these protests that a through street would have too much heavy traffic.
Commissioner Davis stated that he has given this a great deal of thought and has reached a conclusion that we do not need an east-west street except for Chestnut
and Palornar Road as the City is not large enough to need this. He believes a much
better route can be found as Birch Street is not suitable for this route and that the
cost will be more than the Engineers estimate. He believes that the MaStr Plan is
Chairman Ewald stated that the Master Plan is a guide, not a permanent route, designating proposed routes and there will be a hearing on Elm Street which will make this hearing looks small. Hearings are for the people and everyone should be heard.
It was pointed out that they would have a professional planner in the near future.
Upon motion by Commissicmer Jarvie a seconded by Commissioner Palmer, Resolution No. 256 was unanimously adopted, denying the amendment to the Master Street Plan relating to the extension of Tamarack Avenue to El Camino Real via Birch Avenue for the following reasons:
1. Overwhelming objections by the citizens affected indicated that this route
should not be extended through the Highlands.
2. That it would not be in the best interests of the affected property owners or
would it be considered good planning to run a secondary or major street through a highly classified residential area in view of the fact that said extension of Tamarack
is in such close proximity to the intersection of Chestnut and El Camino Real as to render it inadvisable.
ROBERT L. WATSON, 4098 S. Sunnyhill Drive asked what they are doing with this and if it would go to the Council.
Chairman Ewald reported that there will be further studies made in this area as the issue is dead now.
Commissioner Sonneman stated that credit should be given to the engineers who have worked hard on this and are doing a good job following -&=x the directions
of the City Council.
A short recess was called at 9:35. Reconvened at 9:45 P.M.
Commissioner Jarvie asked the engineers about the blind curve on Adams Street
by Pirates Cove, below Whitey's Landing.
C . R. ''Toby" Thornton, Assistant City Engineer stated that this is not a part of the subdivision.
Mr. Rathbun stated that part of Adams Street improvement was left up to agreement between the City Engineer and the subdivider's engineer. The subdivider is asking
for City participation and this will come before the Planning Commission and Council
upon completion of improvement plans.
Old Business.
(a) Report on zoning East Carlsbad Annexation 2.2.
The Secretary reported that he had writt Escondido Plaza regarding zoning on their property and has not had a reply. has on numerous occasions tried to get in touch with Kay KaMcka a,nd has not been successful at this time in finding out
what zo- would be suitable for his property.
Commissioner Palmer reported that he has made a study of the SO acres belonging to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and recommended that it should be zoned M. He has made a survey of the land of the water company and the Dam site has risen 91 from its base. There are 600 acre feet of water completely surrounded by trees, and is isolated from the rest of the property which could be zoned R-A or R-1 He has a list of approximately 14 owners in the annexation.
Commissioner Sonneman reported that she had contacted some of the owners and the Cantarinis have only about an acre of their property in this annexation and would not object to R -A zoning. The Dawsons have approximately 1 10 acres but none of it is farmed as it is pretty rocky in places and they have a few cattle. Their present plan is to keep all of the land above the 5' level for their own property and to will the balance of the acreage as a gift to the University of California. The land is rocky and the Dawsons would prefer R -A zoning. Mr. McCarthy,representing the "Tootsie K" has approximately 25 acres in the annexation and was not concerned at this time with the zoning.
Mr. Thornton presented maps of East Carlsbad 2.2 to the Commissioners.
It was pointed out that the County has never zoned this area and the "Tootsie K"
would probably prefer R -A zoning.
Commissioner Palmer stated that the Carlsbad Municipal Water District would want the entier 50 acres zoned M and as it is secluded, it will not bother R-1 property. They plan on planting trees around the entire perimeter.
The Secretary stated that in his opinion it would lead to less difficulties if zoned M
now than to wait like they just did in Terramar with the Gas Company. Conditional
Use Fermits may be misleading to adjacent property owners.
Chairman Ewald stated that the Dawson property and the "Tootsic K I: property are
adjacent to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District property and the Water District
will need more land and not less.
The City Engineer stated that the City has the same facilities as the Water District and would require similar zoning for their filtration and chlorination plant at the Calaveras Lake as it is a part of the City's water system.
Commissioner Sonneman stated that the Calaveras area would make a wonderful recreational area, and feels that true zoning would be better than Condition Use Permits.
The Secretary stated that it could be zoned industrial but if the property was sold it
could be part of an ordinance that the industrial zoning would be removed.
, There was a discussion regarding "M" zoning and expanding.
The Secretary stated that the property comes in as R-1 when the annexation is completed, but feels that R -A would be better for most of the area.
Mr. Rathbun called attention to Section 1506 , Page 354 of the City Code--General Provision of Public Utilities.
(b) Report on height limitations on buildings was carried over to the next meeting.
~" Deletion . - . - of Auto Courts from Ordinance No. 9060.
Chairman Ewald stated that there are no auto courts in the City.
It was agreed to amend Ordinance No. 9060 by deleting the words "Auto Court~"
€or the following reasons:
1. The term has become obsolescent and fallen into disuse.
2. The retention of this obsolescent term in the land use ordinance results in
ambiguity and confusion and therefore it serves the best public interests as a whole to delete it from said ordinance.
The following Resolution of Intention was presented for consideration: Resolution of Intention No. 31. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE PLANNING
FINDINGS OF FACT WHICH REQUIRE THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO ADOPT THIS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION, was unanimously adopted on Commissioner Ward's motion , seconded by Commissioner Sonneman.
(d) Recommendations of the Engineering Department on tentative street width on Washington Street between Tamarack1
Mr. Rathbun stated that he believed they should consider opening a street on railway property only from Cedar to Tamarack as the main rail line is too close
to the right of way tine at Beech. Most of the right of way would be from the property owners on the west side of Washington. They have a limited right of way of 30' now dedicated from Cedar to Oak and from Pine to Chestnut. He suggested that it would be desirable to get the other 30' from the rest of the area to open up additional property. They recommend a 54' right of way, with two moving lanes of traffic and with parking allowed on the west side, with curb and gutters and sidewalks. There would be guard rail or fence along the east side of Washington
near the railroad and only emergency parking would be necessary along there. South of Tamarack all right of way would have to come from the property owners. They estimated that the distance to be improved on Washington Street would be
about one mile. Under such a proposal the Railraod Company would expect the City
to do the improvements.
Mr. Thornton stated there are approximately 5 existing dwellings in the way of this road. The policy of the Railroad Company has been to give 50% of the right of way but no improvements. The railroad signal device at Beech would be in the
way of any street improvements, therefore, they would not dedicate the full right
of way and recommends it go to Cedar as some activity has been shown there.
Chairman Ewald stated that they should. not consider the cost at this time.
Upon a motion made by Commissioner Someman, seconded by Commissioner Davis, it was unanimously agreed that a memorandum be sent to the Council initiating action for the acquisition and development of opening Washington Street from Tamarack to Cedar.
(e) Report on cast of red s and publiehing them with notices of vrrfanccs
and reclorssrfrcationg
The Secretary reported that the cost for engraving a small plat the size of the one Commkeioner Sanneman had submitted from a San Diego paper would be $5. plus
$1.75 per inch for publishing it and the paper would have to have it in their office one additional week before the hearing and that would make it three weeks before a hearing. The Carlsbad paper does no engraving and it has to be seat to San Dicgo.
Commissioner Sonneman stated that she thought it would be a good idea as the
people would know which property it was and it would spell it out for them.
Commissioner Davis stated that judgement would be required to see which cases
would need it.
The Secretary reported that the cost to the City of publishing one resolution was
$650. The law is specific that you have to use the paper in your town for legal notices, except in cases of emergency.
Commissioner Sonneman stated that the applicant could be charged additional for this service and believes the thought was good.
(f) Lagoon zoning_.
Chairman Ewald stated that the Commission should discuss this after each meeting and study this further and not jump into a decision.
The City Engineer was requested to prepare an improvement plan for the foot of
' Hoover Street.
I New Business.
(a) Cornmissioner Davis asked the engineering department about the improvements on State Street and Jefferson Street and that a memorandum should be sent to the Council suggesting improvements on Chestnut to El Camino Real.
Mr. Thornton stated that the questiouof the width of secondary streets is often asked the engineering department when tentative subdivision maps show a seondary street. Developers see the red line on the Master Street Plan and ask if it is a precise plan. The question is whether we will accept a 62' right of way or a 68'
right of way.
The Seiretary stated that it was up to the Planning Commission to set it up for a public hearing for extending Chestnut from Monroe Street to E), Camino Real.
Commissioner EWald stated that it shows on the map that it is a major street. Chestnut should be designated as a secondary street from Monroe to El Camino
Mr. Thornton suggested that the Planning Commission consider designating a
precise plan on Chestnut between West Haven and El Camino Real as a secondary
street or a major street as the area on the southerly side of Chestnut near EL
Camino Real is about ready for possible development. He also suggested that the Commission consider deleting as a major street the Tamarack Extension from Highland to Chestnut. There is an urgency on Tamarack from Pi0 Pic0 Drive to
" - 10 -
Highland for a precise pian as the area on the southeast corner of Pia Pic0 is about ready for possible development and also the southeast corner of Adams and Tamarack. Tamarack is designated as a major from Carlsbad Boulevard to El
Camino Real via West Haven and it would be better if it remains a major from
Carlsbad Boulevard to Pi0 Pic0 because of the overpass. Mr. Thornton talked to Mr. Reising about widening the overpass and he had said %o". He talked to him
again the other day and if this street is designated a secondary, they may have a
battle to get it widened. Mr. Thornton would like the streets to be precised so
they can inform the people what the precise plans are for these streets and recom-
mended that Tamarack from Carlsbad Boulevard to Pi0 Pic0 remain as a major
Upon motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Sonneman, it was
unanimously agreed that the Commission start proceedings for precise plans from
Monroe to El Gamino Real on Chestnut as a secondary; that Tamarack from Carlsbac Boulevard to Pi0 pic0 should remain a major and that from Pi0 Pic0 to Park Drive
on Tamarack should be a secondary with a 68' right of way.
There was a discussion about the care of trees in parkways, water meters, fire hydrants, traffic regulation signs and driveway approaches,
Commissioner Davis stated that he felt that sidewalks contiguous to the curbs ruins the looks in a.residential street area but was all right in a business area.
It was pointed out that Tamarack, from Pi0 Pic0 to Park. Drive could have a 68' right of way as part of it already have the improvements in, and there would be parkways.
(b) Future width .of secondary streets.
Mr. Thornton reported that the secondary streets in the City now range from 62' to
80' right of way, the majority of the streets, however, vary from 62' to 68'. If a standard street width was adopted for secondary streets it wouLd prevent future misunderstandings regarding street widths and would help developers and subdivi- ders plan more precisely. In order to be eligible for state gas tax funds, the curb to curb paved width of a secondary street must be 48' Secondary streets built with
a 62' right of way allow for 48' curb to curb, 5' for each sidewalk, 1/2' for each curb , and 1 1/2' on each gide,between the sidewalk and property, for utility poles, hydrants, etc, Curbs will be continguous with gutters and there will be no space provided in the right of way for trees.
Upon motion by Commissioner Ward, seconded by Commissioner Palmer, it was
unanimously agreed to send a memorandum to the Council to adopt a policy of 62' for all future secondary streets, excluding those secondary streets which are
currently planned with 68' right of way.
By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 11:22 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
J. H. PRICE, Secretary
BY @&L Eecordmg Secretary