HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-09-24; Planning Commission; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD
DATE: '. September 24, 1975
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M,
A1 1 Present
The minutes of the September 10, 1975 Planning Com- mission meeting were approved with the following amendment:
I Presen
Under Discussion Items, the wording should.be changed from "It was also decided to .discuss the matter of re- turning the fee incurred with the filing of the appeal! to "It was also .decided to discuss appeal fees."
Resolution #1180 - EIR-295.- May Store Shopping Center, Motion Inc. Approved w.ith the following changes: , Ayes
(.f) change ''can" to "should1' ..
(h) change ''can" to "sholild"
(n) add at end of sentence "Carlsbad Business District"
Resolution #1186 - V-252 - La Costa Land Co. '(Alicante Motion . Ayes Hills) .
Resol u tipn #1188 -.Y-.253 -' R,ofiert Snyder 'Appro'ved.
Resolution #1189 - EIA-300 - SUG&E (Encina Tank #7), Approved.
Mation was made and approved unanimously that at. all future Planning'Commission Meetings; there will be a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance after the Call to Order and prior to the Roll Call .'
Motion Ayes Noes
'Motion Ayes
Case No. SP-170 and CT' 75-2 - Sommers Development Corporatton - Continued request for approval of a . Speci-fic Plan and Tentative Tract Map on ,a 21 acre parcel of land to be subdivided into.99 lots contain- ing 94 single family detached dwellings and 5 open space lots on property located northerly of Tamarack Avenue extension and East of El Camino Real.
Assistant Planning Director Bud Plender stated that SP-170 and CT 15-2 were continued itsems from the Aug. 27, 1975 meeti'ng wherein a presentation of Exhibit A was heard. Lot A is not a part of the subdivision at this time, but is a part of theeproperty. One of the
conditions of approval is that Lot A, which is now in
MEETING OF: CITY 'OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: September 24, 1975 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: Counci 1 Chambers PAGE: , '2
the County,. should. be annexed to. the City an'd dedicate to the City for -Open Space easement (L0t.A is $ of the
. . SDG&E Power. Line easement). . He a.1s.o explained that th Plan'ning Commission determined th.at there was a great .amount of Open Space green-area, but most of it was either cut or fill slope and quite steep-. (next 'to use- less as far as active recreation) and from a visual standpoint, too much manufactured grading. These item were therefore continued to see.if the developer: could work out an alternative plan that would not require as much grading.
Mr. Plender slated that the applicant had based the planning of.this development upon MP-125 which had previously been approved. He said that there was a need to get the road through as soon as possible so that the sewer system could be connected. The appli- cant did suggest' to the staff that in the area of the 1arges.t grading that he would eliminate 7 lots which would leave a large natural terrain area even though it would not be too much different than the manufactur terrain. The applicant had also submitted an Exhibit
C dated September 16, 1975 and staff recommended appro a1 of Exhibit C for the tract map and a 'combination of A and G for the Specific Plan.
There was then a' d-iscussion of the erection and remova
Spaces and .parks, landscaping by hydro-seedin-g and irrigation. ..
.of a master televtsion tower, maintenance of the Open
Amo's Sbrnmeks of Rancho Santa Fe, developer of the project.stated thst .Re wauld contou'r cut the .slo'pes
' tffikff WUld makc thk manyfactured slopes look 'like natural terrti'h, tfi-at the enti're area' wou.1 d be. 1 pnd- scaped rqa~hlgh @ Qdro-seedlhg and also by pl.antIng , 3QQ- v~rNus.'sire traes on th..Cs project, By -eliminat-
-iig 7 of tk lsts, 35',O'OQ cufi-it yards of dtrt Mould no bye 'to re. ~gsved. Mr.- S.Qmers sllowed SI Wes of the ww.
Mr. Ronald Beco'ff, Pecoff IWos. 'Nursery- & Seeds, lnc, Route 5, Bo'x 21.5Ry. Escondiido, Cal tforni'a 92025 gave a .slide presentatton and talk abut tkir kmlro-.s-eedin projects' tRrougRout tk world. ' . Y
Mr.: So'mmers then spoke bri'efly about the televi,sion antenna. Re ssid that since the last meeting, there Ts a question of whether a project of over 50 units usi'ng the street as a media of transmittins the lines to re not would come under FCC regulation and he wouid like defer any actron on this until he knows whether o he can legally erett a master T.V. antenna.
There was a discussi'on regardfng walkways to park
. areas, for drarnage and for use by m-aintenance . personnel. . .
The publi'c hearing was- then closed. .
After substantial discussion among the Commissioners, i.t was moved and approved to recommend .to "the Clty Council approval of SP-170 su'bject to the condi'tions stated in the Staff Report.
It was also moved and approved to recommend to the City Council approval of CT 75-2 subject to the con- ditions 1-12 submitted in the September 18, 1975 Staff Report.
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PAGE : 3 PLA.C E : Council- Chambers ..
Case. No. ZC-168,- City Initiated - Various rezonings t assure General Plan/Zoning Ordinance consistency.
. . Assistant Pianning Director 'Bud Plender explained, the request and indicated Mr. Bedaux would give a more de,- .tailed report on each property. ..
Michel Bedaux of the Planning Staff gave a presentatic about inconsistencies. lie stated that there are:'6O or more parcels of land in the City that are. inconslstent wih the General Plan. 'ZC-168 dea.ls with about 31 of the parcels that are' less controversial rezonings. These dnconsi-Stencies were discovered by overlaying th General Plan over the present zoning and determining h properties are inconsistent with the General Plan. Mr Bedaux then showed by way of transparancies those par- cels located throughout the City that are affected by ZC-168.
Mr; Avt Bishop of Japatul Corp. advised the.Commission that Parcel 210-01-31 was owned by Japatul Corp. and n-ot SDG&E, therefore, it should remain as being zoned Commericial instead of the proposed Public Utility. This parcel is cur.pent.1y. being used as storage area by SDG&E. Parcel 206-07-6 was also discussed as it is owned by SDG&E and is =currently vacant. The existing zoning is Public' U.tility (Flood Plain) with proposed zoning to be Open-Space (Flood.Plain). Mr. Bishop .asked the Commiss'ion to delete these two parcels from ZC-168 and let them be included in the next major zone change withethe other properties that-are controversia
Mr-.' It- .E.. ITdrt'man,. B-echnan .I'ns.truments', asked .tke Com- mQ.s,iwn'fop cfayi3i.dqtidn of the rcs osed zoritng chang yegardtpg. Parcels: 20%-.04.-20 and 2 $! '9- .4.-.Q. T.key qre curyent'tg. zond 'M' (>ndustrixl)r witk peO'Posed. ronl'ng
tq E& P-"-(Flqnn.ed 1n.dustri:aI r. Hts questton's were * ad&quettdp qns.pFere_d 'and tRere etas no mope dtscussion regardQq thkse- two pqrcetl s-
TRe 'K&qrtn.g ws closed-
After suIBtantta1 dfscusston Eiy tKe Commi:ss.io.ners a it was moved an.d a roved to recommend to the Ci:ty.C.ounci approval of ZC- Pg . 8 sukject ta the recommendattons in- cor orated in tKe P1 anni:n.g Department's Stqff Report w?tk tKe de1eti:ons of .parcels 2Q6-07-6 and 210-,01-31.
A motion was also made and approved to delete parcels 206-07-6 and 210-.01-31 and that these two parcels are -to be included with other property tRat is inconsis- tent, but not included in ZC-168. SDG&E is to fjle a report regardtng these two parcels and/or an Amendment
' to the General Plan on or before December 16, 1975.'
. .. . .. . . , . . . . . . .
.. . ...
Case No, CUP-111 - Neil Farr - Request for'a Condi- tional Use Permit 'to allow. a ten ride carnival and- . haunted house from October .. 17 to October -25,' 1975.
Assistant Planner Tom Hageman gave the staff presen- -tation and stated staff's recommendation for approval of the request per the co.nditions out1i:ned. in the staff report. '
The appli'cant was present at the meeting, but made no statement.
No one spoke for or against this pro'ject.
lotion \yes
Yotion 4ye s
""..".*I. - ..
'MEETING OF: CITY. OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: September 24, 1975 TIME: 7:30 P.M. ' PLACE: Council. Chambers PA.G E : *-4
~ After discussion by the CommissFoners, it was unani-
~ mously-approved-to adopt CUP-111 as outlfned.and subje
. . to conditions in the staff report with the following a'dditional conditions: .
. #12 Hours of operation foi the haunted -hou'se will be from 6:OO P.M: to 10:30 P.M. Hours of operation for the carnival will be from 6:OO P.M. to .11:00 P.M. daily. .
#13 If search lights or.the like are used, they will be direc-ted away from any surrounding residences.
#14 Restoration of the site and dismantling of equip- ment will be fully accomplished October 26.
The Planni'ng Com.mission also requested' the staff to add any appropriate recommendations that were placed on.the Boys Club..Conditional Use Permit.
street frontage (p.&nhahd7es), and (2) creatlon of .a total. of four lots wit.h less than the minimum 15,000 square feet of a.rea required in th.e R-1-15,000 zone.
Ass-istant PlannerTom Hageman gave the staff presenta- tion and .rec-ommended to the Commission that this re- quest be denied for the reasons outlined'in the staff report.
. -
There was then dis'cu-ssion by the Commissioners concern fng the layout of the panhandle lots, th.e type of zon- tng around-tki,-s partrcular p'i'ece of prope.rty; the mini
~USR lot s.i:ze and possi'hle land use vartance. . ' '
.. . .. . ... . ."., Mr.' 'Swlgucl 'Lfp-tt,' 855 'si'don'i\a- stretit, Leucadia Cgl.iYorn.i'et tken diq1aye.d. to the-Commission .a layout map of" tke .proposed lots. KitR easements and set- backs, tfte pankandle lots would be-atsynd 14,000. sq.ft rattier th:an. tke requtred'l5.,QQQ q. Pekt- Mr. Lipsett poi~nted out th&t tn thts areq, tkerc are. mariy3ots wi-tk yeqqjyemen.ts less tkqn 15',Q.Q.O.. ?eet and that per- kqps thfx en.tcre- area sh-oul d h:e, .laoKed at for ~ossf6l'e rezoni:ng.
Mr .-. 'L. .E. Ll'ddl'e.of 2475 Jefferson, Carlsbad, Califor- a told tke Commission that these were nice sized
The p.ublic heartng was. th.en closed.
. After cqn$irleraEl e.. dts.cussi'4n. Efy tke Commi's.si,gners.'
. retgqrdirtg tRe. entliye, area,'trqffic conjestton on ParE.Dri'we, draiha,ge, spot zonimg, etc,., tt was-moved and unan~~ous'l~-apl3roved to deny.V-254 fbr the rea- sqnp outll'ned in the staff report. .
A mbute Tgatbn wq9 made and unanlmusly qpprovkd dl'rectbg s,tqPf to take a lrrok 4t tRis area for. possi- FTe.- rezonbg .. qo.d--prepara 9 report out1 tnfng same. .. ..
Motion Ayes
Motion Ayes
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