HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-09; Planning Commission; MinutesMEETING OF: PLANhiltG COMMISSION DATE : FEBRUARY 9 , 1977 TIME: 7:OO P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. ROLL CALL Commissioner Nelson was absent, with Commissioner.Watson arriving at 7:05 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of January 19, 1977 were approved. The minutes of January 26, 1977 were approved with the following changes: Should be noted at the beginning of Items 1, 8 and 11 that Chairman L 'Heureux abstained, though it was so noted in the vote count. Item #4, motion should include in #3 that "Government" comes between "City" and "functions .I' Item #11, Robert S. Wa-lwick, .add: "on 2 days and on other ' days they cease at 6:OO p.m.'' .. The minutes of January 26, 1977 as amended were approved. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTIONS: Resolution No. 1316, City of Carlsbad (CUP-128) - Approved. Resolution No. 1318, J. R. Meadows (V-267) - Approved. Resolution No. 1319, City of Carlsbad (Les Evans, Agent) - Approved. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Acting Planning Director Bud Plender stated that City Engine( had requested a.s Item No. 8 under New Business a short presentation on public improvement. requirements at the s,t-,oppi ng center. on the east side of El Camin0 Real between Haymar Drive and Marron Road. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) (1) Case No. CT 76-13, Samuel W. Pearlman - Request for approval of a 3-lot,l6-dwelling unit condominium project. The'Staff rec0mmende.d Denial w.ithout prejudice for the . reason that no, school letter is on file. The Applicant concurs with this recommendation. A motion was made to deny this project for the reason that no school letter .is on 'file (Resolution No. 1321). ( New 1 (2) Case No. CUP-1 32, Don Snowbarger (Agent) - Request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow instal- lation of a freestanding sign pursuant to Title 21. 41.075 (b). Commissioner Rombotis stated he would abstain from participation in or voting on this issue. 'resent ,bsent lo ti on \yes ibsent Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Abstain Absent Motion Ayes Absent Motion 'Ayes Abs tai n Abs'en t- r X X 1 1 I i 1 1 i 7 I j CITY OF CARLSBAU MEETING OF': PLANNING COMMISSION : DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1977 TIME : 7:OO P.M. PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS Paae 2 Acting Planning.Director Bud Plender gave the staff report, stating that the Specific P1 an for the shopping center - has an-approved sign program. It provides for one free- standing sign at the major entrance and signs on all the buildings. This building is unlque in that it is on an individual lot, and is desiqrred. such that it does not lend itself to 'the placement of signs directly attached to it. This proposed sign would be a low-profile sign, fitting we1 1 with the proposed 1 andscapi ng. The applicant is asking for considerableless footaqe than the allowable if it were placed upon the wall of the-building. This pkoposed sign is undsual ,in .that it r;rauld be.the first .nonw&.jarificee standing sign in the area, including .in.the Plaza Camin6,Rea "He explained that though the sign program for the area provided 1 specific sign, additional signs of this nature were approved in concept, though the location was not sPeci fi ed . Don Snowbarger, Home Federal Savings & Loan, 701.BroadwayY San Diego, Ca 92112, said that since this sign had a1read.y been approved in concept under SP-l46(A) ;. that it should- be approved tonight. After questions from the Commissioners, it was noted that perhaps this sign would actually be 8' or higher above the sidewalk if it is placed upon a mound. Mr. Snowbarger, at the request of the Commission, agreed to a continuance of this item in order that they can bring in a contour map of the area, showing where mounds, trees, sidewalks, main entrance and the proposed location of the sign, also indicating illumination possibilities. A minute motion was made to continue item CUP-132 to the next regular meeting, allowing the applicant to bring in the requested information. (3) Case No. Z.C-187, Ronald Bonaguidi - Request for approval of a Zone Change from R-3 to R-P (Residential Professional) Associate Planner Mike Zander gave the staff presentation. He stated that the City had advised Mr. Bonaguidi to contact the owner(s) of parcel 31 , adjacent to subject property, to see if they too wanted to come in with him as applicants on this property. They agreed and are now appl icants also: Wayne Li 11 and- Bob Neely. Mr. Zander suggested that one new findinq be added: that the R-P-9 Zone be applied for the reasoi that it would help preserve the integrity of the adjacent residential neighborhoods by orienting access toward Pi0 Pic0 Drive. Tim Flanagan, City Engineer, stated that no parking would be permitted on the west side of Pi0 Pic0 in front of this property. Parking space would also be lost for each driveway and for sight distance from each driveway, particularly to the left. The existing 2-lane roadway has 12-foot lanes and can handle up to 5,000 vehicles per day. It presently is operating at less than half that capacity, so there is. no problem with this project. Mr. Flanagan noted that there is space on the site itself which can be used for parking and the City owns a parcel next to the Shell Station which could also become a parking lot for this area. In addition there is space around Holiday Park for parking. Holiday Park will not be the City's major park in the future so will be getting less intensive use. The HUB Park next to SDG&E will be the most intensively used park in the future. Mike Reedy, Coldwell Banker Company, 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, Carlsbad, representing Mr. Bonaguidi and the owner, gave reasons for this request for a zone chanqe to RP. They are: (1 ) the RP zone creates a buffer; (2) the Q overl'a Mo ti on Ayes Abs tai n Absent II X a X X CITY OF CARLSRRD I- MEETING OF: PLANlLiNG COMMISSION DATE : FEBRUARY 9 , 1977 TIME: 7:OO P.M. PLACE : COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 3 i would ensure proper land use; and (3) these parcels are almosl to the scale of other developed properties in the area which have been we1 1 designed and engineered. Mr. Reedy further stated that they hope to expand their ownership to include the parcels to the east but that has not been finalized. Jim Scanlon, 2955 Elmwood, Carlsbad stated that the whole area should be developed the right way, so should include the property to the east, including his. Bud Plender, in answer to Commission questions,explained that under the Q overlay, the City can control access, but the number of parking spaces is control 1 ed by City Ordinance. A motion was made to approve ZC-187, based on staff recommen- dation with added. condition that the Q Zone overly be appliec to this aroPert.y. (Resolution No. 1328) (4) Case No. GPA-43, City of Carl sbad - Request for approval of five (5) amendments to the Land Use Element.' Mike Zander gave the staff report. He explained that origin- ally the Planning Commission approved these amendments with the certification of the General Plan summary; however, the summary should not have been the vehicle to approve these .lam use amendments. The 5 amendments should have been considered by themselves. The City Council asked the Planning Commissiol to hold another noticed pub1 i c hearing. A motion was made to approve GPA-43, Area No. 1 , for the reasons in the staff report (Resolution No. 1322). A motion was mad,e to approve GPA-43, Area No. 2, for the reasons in the staff report (Resolution No. 1323). A motion was made to approve GPA-43, Area NO. 3, for the reasons in the staff report (Resolution No. 1324). A motion was made to approve GPA-43, Area No. 4, for the reasons in the staff report (Resolution No. 1325). A motion was made to approve GPA-43, Area. No. 5, 'for the reasons in the staff report (Resolution No. 1326). '(5) Case No. GPA-44, L. Bruce Stallard (Agent) - Request ' for a General Plan Land Use Element Amendment to change the designation on certain property from Travel Service (TS) to Extensive Regional Retail (RRE). Bud Plender gave the staff presentation, explaining that the present TS designation allows for a very narrow use, mostly aimed at highway-oriented services. Staff feels that the subject property is particularly suited for this type of use, because of ingress and egress and its proximity to industrial , commercial ' and 'beach areas. The. RRE a1 lows a wide range of establishments and should.be .near high-volume streets. The General Plan 1 imi ts the amount of RRE. Nearly 70 acres is .already so designated near .this area in the Car Country project. The area to the east of the freeway adjacen Car Country would be a more logical area for RRE, rather than this area to the west of the freeway. In addition, the City does not have a zone for the RRE, whereas me ds;; b$hg con-". si dered for the TS . L. Bruce Stall ard, 2620 Second Avenue, San Diego explained that though he and the owrSers of the property had supported the TS designation in the past, they no longer do as they have been unsuccessful in using this for the types of uses Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Abs tai n Absent Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Absent X X X X x X X X X X X I I m x X X X X X CITY OF CARLSBAD MEETING OF: PLANNI,, ., COMMISSION DATE : FEBRUARY 9, 1977 TIME: 7:OO P.M. PLACE : COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 4 allowable in the 'TS designation. Hotels do not like to 1 ocate near industrial parks. The City Counci 1 had advised them previously to apply for a General Plan Amendment instead of a series of zone changes. He stated that they. would not use the property for any detrimental use if granted the RRE designation. Paul Ecke, Sr. 441 Saxony Road, Encini tas, owner of the property, asked for cooperation from the City in a1 1 owing .. him to develop his property. Mi ke Reedy, Col dwell Banker Company, 3088 Pi o Pi co Drive , Carlsbad . stated that with the RRE designation, this property would be available to a great body of people, and Commissioner Watson pointed out that the only zone compa- tible with the RRE is C-2 which a1 lows' 1 umber yards, junk yards, etc. It was suggested by the Commission that a recornendation be made to Citv Counci 1 to beai n work on obtaining an RRE zone Bud Plender, in answer to several questions from the Commissioners, stated that a Qualified "Q" ' overlay zone would not be the vehicle to held . implement the Extensive Regiohal Retail (RRE) Land Use designation. "" "~.~ I ~~ 1 .'. not so limited as in the TS designation. Commissioner Watson asked Mr. Stallard- to come to the City Council to discuss the TS deSignation. Mr. Stallard agreed. Commissioner Fikes suggested that Coldwell Banker's market- ing experience would be he1 pful to the staff. A minute motion was made that that ttie Commission make a recommendation to the City Council that they direct staff to work on coming up with implementation of the RRE zone. A motion was made that GPA-44 be approved, with a change from the existing TS designation to the RRE designation' based on the findings that the property would be compati- ble with freeway noise levels, industrial uses, is of adequate size for RRE and is readily accessible to a large volume of con~umers. (Resolution NO. 1327) NEW BUSINESS (6) Resolution of Intention No. 138 - Street Name Change I A motion was made to ,.a'clopT. Resolution of Zntention No. .138 (7) Resolution of Intention No. 141 - Amendment to City . Code regarding Printers Bud Plender asked that 21.26, 21.28 and 21.42 be struck out A motion was made to adopt Resolution of Intention No. 141. (8) Pub1 ic Improvement Requirements at the Carl sbad Plaza Shopping Center. ~. - .. City Engineer Tim Flanagan informed the Commissioners that 1 1 because. of construction problems a1 ong Haymar Drive adjac- ent'to Parcel No. 2, including the SDG&E transmission tower relocation, it is impractical to require public improvements at this time. Based on a recently enacted public improve- ment ordinance, these improvements can be required as a condition of development of the parcel . The City Engineer advised the Commission that he was waiving the publ-ic im- provement requirements on Parcel 2 at this time and re- leasing the bonds. ADJOURNMENT The meeting .adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Motion Ayes Absent Motion Ayes Noes Absent Motion Ayes Absent Mo ti on Ayes Absent