HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-11; Planning Commission; Minutes._
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MAY 11, 1977 Page 2 .
(4) Case No. CT 74-21 (A) , Santa Fe Canpany.- &j?- of a revised tentative subdivision map changing the nlpnber of ets fm 2 to 8. Located on the nor&
' . side of Palm AirporC -dl, betwen El Ca'nino F&al PDTION and Santa Fe Road. mlicanfhas requested a con- AYES tinuance of his application. ABSENT
A motion was made to continue this request until
June 8, 1977.
X xxx xx
. continued
(1) EIR-115 (A) /PUb8/CT 77-2/SP-160, ConS~ctiOn Ccsnpany - Certification of an EIR, approval of a Planned Unit DeveIopnent and Tract Map to provide
130 dwslling units an 43.9 acres, and deletion of an '
' existing specific Plan for the same area.
Mr. Mike Zander, Associate- Planner,. gave the staff presen-
tation. Mr. zander pointed out that the first course of action at the time of voting would be to vote on the
EIR-115 (A) . The second action would be for the Specific Plan consideration and then PUP8 an3 CT 77-2 would follw. . Handouts included a mmorandum by the Planning
fran the applicant with two exhibits which are permamnt
- staff revising certain conditions and a mmorandum
' record in the files of the Planning Department.
The b-sic concern frcan the various reviewing agencies
. came fm State Fish and Garrre Deparbent according to Mr. Zander because of the ecological impact of the
. potential run-off siltation and chemical and oil into the Lagoon. Pages F-3 through F-5 in the Final Environ- -tal Inpact Report contain the staff replies to these charges as well as answering ccmroents by the San Diego . Archaeological Society and the County of San Diego, Enviromtal Analysis Division. Staff feels that the impact of the potential run-off dm into the lagoon
has been adeuqately identified and mitigation measures
have been incorporated as conditions of apprwal in the staff report.
The second action was the deletion of the existing Specific Plan 160. This is an existing plan appro- for the area allwing 135 dwelling units on approximatell the sane acreage. Basic difference with the PUD request -. before the Catmission is that all of tk units but tsm are attached and these two are- single units in the premed project. The existing Specific Plan will have to be- ren@@d before actiun (jn the-pmpged m'ant3w~ canbe taken.
" Staff reccmmxls that the Corditions (PUP8) Item 2 be * deleted since the signing is a mndition of the Ord- inance and .does not have to be listed as a condition.
Mr. .Zander reported that the westerly side of Mmroe.
would po'ssibly have been best left for: open space
rather than residential de.yelopent, but that staff deferred to the previous approvals showing developnent
on that portion of Monroe.
'Mr. Bud Plender , Assistant Planning Director, explained that the mster Plan and the Specific Plan
approved prior to the General Plan.
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. page 3 Planning Ccmnission Meeting
May 11, 1977
&missioner Mark Nelson questid the fOllaWing items
in the mvironmmtal Impact &port: Page 46, last senten l'Hmver, saw thinning of eucalyptus. trees in the groove
has bem recam-ended regardless of future developnt, to produce the productivity of the grove." camcissiona
Nelson wished to knuw what-"pmductivity of the grove"
misted of. He challenged the statmmts on Pages d- through d-9 concerning the f am and flora inventory of
Hosp Grove. He called specific attention to Page d-9 under 1.d "Hasp Grove represents a relatively sterile ani decadent'envimnmmt for most native animals and plants."
' M. w~d stated that the EIR was sayhg that
eUCalyptus trees do not produce food for the birds and
animals their resins kill the undergrmth
catmissioner Nelson said he tbought ' the EIR yas not correct in stating on Page d-8 ''No birds occurred within
dense eucalyptus stands and few were seen in open stands.
carmissioner Nelson referred to Page a-3 which states that the project muld use 54,075 gallons of water per 1- . in regard to whether this was ndnJ water allocation or
whether the existing quota was allocated to the increas
*' usage.
Mr. Plender stated the City Council is mrking m vario .aspects of the requirements to conserve water but they ha+ not specifically addressed thmsleves to monitorin growth,of the area in connection with the water and sewer situations.
Mr. Mike' Zander said there is an anticipated requir- for a desiltation basin at the mouth of the storm
drain on Mar- Road. The desiltatim problan will
be subject to the City Engineer's requirements. An
alternative would be to run the off-site drain
where the present storm drain eds .
dawn and connect to the drain at Marron Road.
The alternative to that would be the desiltation basin.
Carmission Jose, referring to Page 9-6 of the EIR, asked if the 1968 letter fran "Clyde-Sherard .
& Associates was still valid. Mr. Zander said the .
soil ccmditions muld remain constant unless there
had been a heavy *earth upheaval.
Tim Flanagan, in answering the question on the s&tus of Elm Avenue' connecting to Monroe and .E1 Camin0 "stated there was no plan right now as a City project to extend Elm beyond Donna for the next four - five
years (mratorim not withstanding). The extension .
' of ~h fran valley: to w- will probably9k ccarcpleted within two.and a half months. There is a proposed project in the capital inpmvewnt program to extend
frm there to El Cdno within the next. five years.
He also stated that a traffic signal require;trrent at
Elm and moe will be installed when the' Wrants are mt .
Carmrissioner L'Heureux questioned staff dn the. impact
the amphitheater muld have on the envimmmt.
He stated the Envimmtal Impact Report had not
given corisideration to the traffic and !*e parking .
that tk possibility of dedicating the ilarge central
. ,page 4
MAY 11, 1977
Mr. Plender stated that it is geologically an whitheam
but that there are no plans presently for using it as a performaning area. Parks and Recreation are interested in the site because of its geologic nature, its interest to hikers, etc. The City in 1974 when adopting SP160 specifically did mt require mre parking spaces than
those sham because they preferred to leave the trees and
there was m idea at that time what the parking, dd
would be.
Ed Ebright, Applicant's Rzpresentative, 2551 State Street, Carlsbad, California said the applicant had revikd the
! staff Ations, the conStions and the changes
c' distributed to the ccarmissioners. He discussed the follow
q' 7.
Phasing of Monroe Street and Hosp Way and haw it connects to El El Camino -1. The Buena Woods
3 - 4 will be broken dam into four phases. Phase one will be the building up of Hosp Way to a certain point. When Phase 2 is developed, Hosp Way will
extend to a further point. At Phase 3 Hosp Way
phase 4 will enccmpass this area and extend to the subdivision boundary. . &location of the recreational vehicle parking area to below the units on the west side. of Pbnrce St.
due to mideration for the first unit.
~ennis court located at HOS~ and mm Streets be101 to Buenawoods 2 and will not be a part of Buena 3-4, Basically architecture will be tied into Phase.- and - sanu3what of a Spanish style Basic difference between this and the previous unit is the separation of the units. Phase one and tm, most. of the units were attached - 4:. units,
saetimes 5 and 3. In mena 3-4 the units will be divided into two units, side by side. There will be five floor plans which include singles, up and dawns, two stories, etc which will preserve mre trees because it is built to the
Density factor. In the 1970 Master Plan, 140 units were approved. The Specific Plan provides for 135. The plan be considered calls requests aI?praval
of 130.
There has been .an agreement with the a-ts that a signal will be put in at the intersection of Hosp Way. and El &al.
There is appmximately 60-80 feet difference between
the floor of the amphitheater and the top of the
ridge where mt of the units will be located. Mr. Ebright does not believe the City has done
any noise or somd studies to determine if this is
a natural amphitheater. There are very few natural anphitheaters being used for performances. Pbst
of those in use have been manufactured.
will continue to the existing Hasp Way and
grading. -
Fbyce wan, President 05 m, 5621 Friars Road,
San Diego, stated that the general health of .the grove is good. He said strictly frcnn a biolo$-cal stand-
- point, eucaLypJus groves are in effec$ without a high ,diversity of plants and animals. 'They: do not have a collectim of food value for fauna and species. &,the mde- mng the tre is very sparce. Mr. Regan stated the EIR was not specifically addressec to the -hitheater because there are ho development
plans for that area fran Parks and "ation.
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CITY OF' CARLSBAD .* '. ' : P1-g wssion mting
Page 5 May 11, 1977 .
m. -land weiberg, Civil Engmr, 431 Hale Avenue,
Escondido stated the street sections which =re proposed
for mnme in 1974 are still appropriate.
Mr. Girard Anear, Retired Firefighter, 3701 Westhaven,
Carlsbad, said that at the time of the first phase of the
devel0-t he had info& the Camissioners that Buena
woods area is one of the biggest fire hazards in the area.
1970 there was a small eucalyptus grove in mcinitas'
where the Village Park is now. wing the smta ~na . conditions the groye caught fire and literally exploded.
Y- the fire departnrent responds to probably . a dozen set fires in Hosp Grove, having as many as five in one day. The only way to save this grove acmrding f.0 mar is to thin the grove out and provide sane access to get the fire fighters in there. He
nsccmmded a fire retardant roof €or every building in
.the grove.
m. H- ~hclmpson, 330 chestnut Street, Carlsbad
stated that ~na Vista Lagoon was put on a high
priority by Coastal Band Act. It was described as a
unique habitat area which should be included as a high priority item. ~r. Thanpson is concerned with the - additional drainage into the creek. He stated the library copy of the EIR does not have the list of
' officials contacted and their responses.
Mr. George Aamns, 2728 Avenuye of the-Am'xicas, Carlsbad . representing the Hcmeuimers of Buena #2 that there had been no concern for the Buena #2 -mise levels. He said
that we mers who purchased their hcnnes adjacent to
Hosp Way border of Buena Woods they were told by Walker
& Lee, =altos, that (1) there would be no further building in Hosp Forest and (2) if there was, there wad'
be at least a 200 ft. greenbelt. Referring to the EIR,
Page 27 - Biological Resources - llImpl€inentation of the project as proposed with the construction of 130 hmes '
Mr. Aarons said the Hcmxwners eie concerned. On Page
result in a gross alteration of the nature of the grove.'
cover and young eucalyptus trees sbuld.be ccarp?leted
38 of the EIR - Visual Aesthetics - "Planting of ground
as soon after grading and construction as possible"
did not propose a time fram for doing this. Page 46 -
Mr. ~arons Was coizcerned with the proposed tennis important to keep as my of the trees as possible.
and that if the statement was true, it was all t;he tnore
L eucalyptus trees'are not native to the United States,
Mr. Aarons said that Mr. Regan made the statement that
- Australia, it has be- naturalized in California. .
. the sta-nt that although eucalyptus is indigenous to
' courts for Buena 3-4 having the lights shine into the hanes of Buena 2 residences. ..
' George Flanders, 2168 Chestnut, Carlsbad ws ,concerned
that the handouts given to the conmissioners at the" Hearing 'had not been available for the general public. Mr. Flanders does not like the units on the west side of MDnroe, and he thinks the amphitheater is too small with parking scarse. He views the dedicated land
being just a buf fer-amng the deqlopw=nts rather- than usable park land for the City. He wdld rather see the City trade the whitheater land for flatter land qt would &e a nicer park in his opinion.
E. Adler, Adjacent Property Owner, 3896 Cherry A=., mng ~each, California 90807 does noti believe that the
Page 6
MAY 11, 1977
has an obligation to define and preserve natural resources.
2. The EIR report clearly points out the irreversible envimnmntal impact which should preclude housing develovt in the area. He qmted "Few rmaining
stands of eucalyptus trees in the San 'Diego County have reached the mturity of Hosp Grove. Further destruction of the grave should be considered virtd irrevexsible.ll =so a quote frim the EIR: "The most
' obvious and essentially irreversible impact associatec with this project is the removal of portions of the natm eucalyptus grove rn cmiring this site." Another quote: 'l,llelemnts in this area will result
in permanent destruction of the unique natural resoun
in the City of. Carlsbad.
4. ~r. mer stated that the entire area is characterize
by underlying sandstone and will the subject property - will experience greater shaking during an earthquake.
5. The area represents my geotechnical problem
including slope instability,. drabiage and erosion.
6. Mr. Adler stated the report had not adequately
considered the noise problem, the air pollution
, . fran the traffic problem and the traffic congestion. 7. Mr. Adler did not feel that the EIR should not be subnitted for approvdl the same night as a tentative
map should be considered as it doesn't give the chancc for appearl.
8. He feels the PUD should be denied because he believes the original Master Plan called for lm density - single family units. The second reason he thinks the
PUD should be rejected is on the basis of the City Council moratorium on new developnent.
9. Mr. Adler said he didn't think it was the intent of tl
Coastal Plan that developnent that falls within .the
boundary whether it is piecemal developnt or the
entire developnt be approved.
10. Planning Department did not mtion anything about
the County Flood' Control district. Mr. Adler felt .
the County Flood Control district, the U. S. AFtq
Engineers, Department of Engineers would be concerne with this pmjkt and should have been contacted..
11. m. mer feels there is very little usable park space in the areai designated far public parks. -
12. ~n the event of a fire, Mr. Mler feels the fire trcv
' would close off the ingress ad egress fran this
13. In surrmwy, Mr. Adler stated that bec use of the. . .!-incanpleteness of the EIR and muse &the -
importarioe of preserving Carlsbad natural areas, becauie of the possible violation of State'and Federi
laws,. he requests the EIR not be certified.
aapnrnxnity because the streets are narruw.
Mr. Mike Zander stated that the amty Flood CantrOl had m jurisdiction in this area.
E18 should be certified for the folluwing reasons in his opinion: 1. It does not adequately point out the possible alternatives . for this site which is a- requireknt of State law.
Project site is a natural' park area, and should be pres- for rparblic p,rk-.and:xeweatia use. Calif-
ornia and federal laws specifically state that the City ".
MPLY 11, 1977 .
Mrs. Joan Separdini, 2635 Crest,prive, Carlsbad, a resident
on the boundary of the developent stated the list. of birds in the EIR is totally inkdequate in her opinion. Her h&
has @en a bird watcher for .six yws in the grove and there are a nunber of birds, rare to the area, in the gmm
The equestrian trail scheduled for the west side of Mnroe
will be used as a mtor bike trail causing a lot of noise, a'lot of erosion, dust, smell and air pollution. Mrs.
Separdini feels that the trail will break up the integrity of that one buffer area for wild life. She . was also concerned with the crmded conditions of Buaa
Vista School.
Mrs. Irene Austin, 2084 Avenue of the Trees, CarIsbad
reqested that the Planning Ccmnission consider planned amnunity rather than wild growth. She stated the traffic in' the area would be. a problem.
< 7.
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In regard to Mr. 'IFncanpsan's- statanent, the answer is that the property is mt in the Coastal Zone. The problem of siltation would actually be lessened
by the developwnt of this particular land in a sensitive matter in regards to EIR reports which include Hosp GrrxTe and Plaza Canin0 Real EIR.
Construction but we= requested by the lender of Kamar Canstruction as a cordition of carrying them further with their loan. €&garding the tennis courts. Mr. Aarons had indicated that the houses would be within 60 feet of the road while the Engineer report is that they are 170. feet
to the road. According to the Engineers the tennis
courts are 500 feet away from the hcsrres d that lighted tennis courts are not unique to Buena woods
since Unit No. 2 already has them.
T"E deed for the tennis courts built in Unitf.#2 is in
Escrow and will be released by Oceanside Federal to tk
Buena No. 2, not to Karrrar Construction.
On Mr. Flander's rerrrarks, there has been an EIR on file since 1.970. There is no strain on public facilities as stated
by Mr.. Adler as mthing is going to move until
additional capability is found. This muld be infilling - not over extension of public facilities.
School problem is not the concern of the City since tk
school district is a separate entity that has .been assigned to provide education for all students. ,Traffic is a recognized problem until the unit is
walker and rn are not representatives 'of Kalmr
The Public Hearing was closed.
Cdssiokr Nelson said he did not agree with portions of the EIR. He felt it was inadequate in the area of
the bird study, and he generally felt that the response to the natural value of Hosp Area to the comnunity was .incorrect. He feels the EIR does not adequately
discuss the area of noise problems, traffic problems,
and that there is no tine frame for replacement of mvsd trees. He believes mre could .be said about the alternatives of the praposed project.