HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-12; Planning Commission; MinutesPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS
July 12, 1978
Page One (L)
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ROLL CALL - Commissioner Jose absent.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF June 28, 1978. .-
A motion was passed approging the minutes with’the following change:
Item (5), paragraph six should read “Commissioner - Wrench questioned the relevancy of including a
Single Family Residence in the definitipn of
Residential Development, and also the poss.ibi.lity
of .excluding non-material variances from school fee
impositions. ”
A motion passed approving Resolution No. 1449 ZCA-
94 Condominium/Condominium Conversion.
A motion,passed approving Resolution No. 1450,
ZCA-87, Pie shaped lots.
A motion passed approving :Resolution No. 1451, i PCD-14, Dr. Francis Murphy with the understanding that the reference .to the City Engineer’s report
, shall be specifically referenced and attached to
I said resolution. I j APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 1452
. A motion passed approving Resolution No. 1452, CUP- ’
153, Lockheed Marine Laboratory.
A motion passed approving Resoiution No. 1453,- ! ZCA-99, School Fee Ordinance, with theunderstanding i that Exhibit A shall be referred to ‘specifically
8 and be attached to said resolution.
*. -I I The appointing of a Vice-Chairman-to act in the
1 i absence of Commissioner Woodward-was discussed. The
i matter was tabled until after the public hearings.
(1) ZCA-98, Public Facilities Fewer Availability, City of Carlsbad. I
’ Mr. Don Rose gave the staff presentation. . I I Mr. Fred Morey, Vice President, La Costa Land
Company pointed out that the proposal does not
-recognize the other sewer districts in‘the- City.
allocation procedures for San Marcos. and Leucadia He proposes that the sewer
I be included therein.
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July 12, 1978 Page Two (2)
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Commissioner Wrench related that Mr. Morey's statements were well taken and agreed that the amendment should reflect same.
A motion passed continuing ZCA-98 to July 26, 1978, for rewording to recognize the. various
sewer jurisdictions within the City as well as'
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their sewer allocation programs.
(2) CUP-42 (F) , Herb Motz
Comissioner L'Heureux related that due to the fact that he had previously represented the skateboard park, he felt he should abstain from voting in this matter.
A motion passed recommending.that the matter be
continued to the meeting of July 26th as the
applicant was not avaiilable to answer questions..
(3) V-281, Graphic Solutions .
Mr. Don Rose gave the staff presentation.
I Mr. Ruben Andrews, of Business Properties stated
that this type of project needs signing and mention-
ed that there are other such.-signs within the projel
Mr.Nea1 Fox of Business Properties, reiterated the
need for the sign and noted that their is a similar
sign across the street. He further stated that the
sign would not detract and., in fact, is necessary.
He further indicated that he felt-that a 25' sign
on a nine acre parcel is not sufficient.
Ann Beach of Business Properties, stated that the sign is needed in order to inform the public that the property is available. ,-
Commissioner L'Heureux,indicated that there is indet a problem with illegal signing within che City and a lack of.sign enforcement.
Commissioner Wrench stated that..a-sign at this poini
sewer moratorium. He related that there seems to bt
a flaw in the ordinance and recommended that staff
look into an amendment to deal with such issues.
He feels that the requirements for a variance are
not met in this instance and there is an indication here for a revision in the code.
woul-d probably be for market research due-to the
A motion passed DENYING V--281 in accordance with -
staff reconmendation.
,. I.
!I motion passed requesting the City Council to
direct staff to-prepare a modification to the Zone
Code to deal with the restrictive provisions on
signs in industrial property, phased projects or any
non-residential development.
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; (4) V-282, John McDonald
i Mr. Don Rose qave the staff presentation.
A mo.tion passed recommending the -,public hearinq continued as per staff recommendation, to July'26, 1978.
(5) GPA-52, City of Carlsbad - Amendment of the Land Use Element to condition the development of all property upon the determination that
. sewer service is available.
Mr.. Mike Zander gave the staff presentation.
Mr. Bob Ladwig of 3289 Donna Drive, Carlsbad, felt that the matter should be referred for futher study and the recognition of sewer allocation programs in
Ither districts. Mr. Fred Morey, La Costa Land Company,agreed that tl
matter should be revised to include the allocation
Mr. Kelly, 4675 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, reported
that he is a landowner with property which 'cannot
utilize septic tanks due to the type of the soil
He asks if two or three houses could have combined sewer capacity which-runs to a common leach line
tank .placed in softer soil:.
Mr. Roy Ward, 3088 Pi0 Pico, related his opinion
that advanced planning within the City is lacking
and that more work should be provided before this
matter goes further.
A motion passed recommending that GPA-52 be
continued to July 26th so the staff can resolve the
1. Definition of "traditional leach" system.
Wording should reflect alternate or individual.
that lots with 15,000 square feet or'more will be
automatically approved., This should be clarified.
2. The wording of paragraph two implies
3. .Various sewer'jurisdictions should be recognized. a.
(6) ZCA-97, P U Zone
Mr. Don Rose presented the staff report.
Ilr. Gary Dyer, 101 Ash Street, San Diego, represent: SDG & E related that his company feels that the sta:
should meet with SDG & E to discuss the amendment ?rior to any .Commission action. .'
Ed Hayworth, consultant for Lake Calavera Hills,
related that the amendment would eliminate the.
ambiguity for waste water treatment facilities now
existing in the code as well as provide legislatic
for the establishment of said facilities. ' He assurc
the Commission that in the development of the projec
all environmental issues will be taken into consid- eration. He urged Commission action on the matter this evening.
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July 12, 1978
Page Four (4)
Mr. Geiger, 5410 Trieste, asked that the sewage
plants not be permitted within, or near residential districts.
Roy Ward, 3088 Pi0 Pico, related that Lake Calavera
Hills developers are attempting to plan these
sewage treatment facilities, as we11 as other
public utilities, in relation to advanced planning and incorporate them into the total projected development.
Ron Riel of Solar Aqua Systems, Encinitas, stated
that his company would urge continuation of the item so that they could meet with staff and discuss the impact of the amendment in relation to their system.
Steve Kissick, 7912 Las Nueces Place, representing
Move the Sewage Plant Corporation, presented two articles on sewage plants in general, and the Hale Street plant in Escondido. He indicated that a recent report sites that over 50% of sewage treat- ment facilities operate below design standards and are therefore non-predictable.
Agnus Gusnard of Woodbine, related that'she had
moved from Alta Mira because of the adverse odor and
urged the Commission to deny any placement'of a sewage treatment plant near a residential area.
Ron Riel of Solar Aqua Systems related that there
are methods of sewage treatment that do work, and specifically.cited the "natural system: as one which performs without; odor.
George Heinz and Linda Evans related concern over
havins a sewage treatment plant close to their prope;ty and &ged the placement of such facilities in commercial zones only.
Dale Forshay of La Portalada Drive, reminded the Commission that their decision will affect many othe areas and districts with similar problems.
At this point the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Wrench questioned staff as tb the
basic differences in the presept code and the
Mr. Zander explained that a treatment facility,
or any public utility, could be placed in any number of places at this time. The proposed amend-
ment would provide a zone designed primarily for the
placement of primary public utilities and at the same time provide for three steps for public
.. ,
A motion passed recommending approval of ZCA-97 for
those reasons as listed in the staff report and in order to clarify the ambiguity of the code, remove the ability of locating a utility in an inappropriat
zone and to enhance the discretionary procedures
of the City in relation to such applications.
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Page Five (5)
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(7) GPA-53, Public Utility Revision
Mr. Mike Zander presented the s.taff report.
Gary Dier of SDG & E expressed concern over the radius of the circle of the "floating U" zone. . He feels that the zmendment should be .postponed for further review and work with his company.
j There was a general discussion of the Commission /- regarding the setting of criteria governing the
1 perameters of the floating U zone.
A motion passed continuing the matter until July
appropriate wording to clarity the exact perimeters
of the "floating U Zone".
(8) EIR-403, Lake Calavera Hills
Mr. Mike Zander presented the staff report.
Commissioner L'Heureux related that because he has *epresented landowners who have property contigious 1 )r who are in the same drainage basin as the project,
Le will abstain from voting.
Chairman Rombotis announced that he owns property
adjacent to the proposed project but does not feel
that .this would pose a conflict to interest and
therefore will vote on the subject.
A motion passed' certifying EIR-403 as submitted by
staff and with the following comments:
, 26th, at which time staff is to have submitted
1. It should be noted .that the mitigation
measures of the EIR cannot be included at this time
and will be answered in the subsequent report being
prepared by Montgomery.
Scenic Corridor, although there are no formal requirements for such a Scenic,Corridor at this time (page 30). 3. The school enrollment figures on page 37
are outdated.
4. Solid waste discussion (page .36)' should nc reflect the County' shredder proposed in.Carlsbad. 5. .Note that McDougal Sanitation (page 36)
is now called Coast Waste Mana9ement.
2. El.Camino Real should be designated as a
(9) GPA-51, Lake Calavera Hills
Mr. Mike Zander presented the staff report.
Commissioner L'Heureux related that because he has represented landowners who have property'contigious . )r who are in the same drainage basin as the project
le will abstain from voting.
Ed Hayworth, consultant to Lake Calavera Hills
project, related that EIR-403.is acceptable based 01 the General Plan Amendment. He further stated that the Lake Calavera Hills has. been updated to meet all possible Ci.ty code changes and revisions. They have encountered a problem regarding.the exact placement of the proposed sewer treatment plant and are now in the process of another complete EIR for this very phrpose. For this reason they would ask
that the City adopt a "floating u" zone recognizing
that there.wil1 be such a facility within the projec -~ . . . -.
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July 12, 1978
Page Six (6) \\\\'
(9) GPA-51, Lake Calavera Hills (Cont'd).
For this reason they asked, that the City adopt a
"Floating U" zone recognizing that there will be such
a fac.ility wi.thin the project but .with no. specific ..
site proposed at this time. He further suggests that
if this concept is adopted at this time, each .
specific instance would be. later evirluated in detail
through the various public hearing processes.
Mike Roston, 6670 El Camino Real, representing
-Douglas Pacific Corporation, urqed the Commission to .move forward with the project so that. his
corporation might move ahead with the planning and building of streets and circulation of the area.
Steve Kissick,-of 7912 Las Nueces, representing Move
the Sewage Plant Corporation, asked-that the Commission carefully consider the parameters of the Floating U Zone and recognize the fact that the odor
may pervade beyond the boundary lines.
R.X. Geiger, 4510 Trieste, expressed concern over
the placement of a public utility near residential property. He questioned as to why the subdivision
was not built four years ago when there was no
sewer moratorium. He further stated that if the
project had waited this long it could wait until the
moratorium was over. He related that guidelines :should. be set establishing any such utility far away rfrom residential areas. He- felt that any facility
which does not function effectively should be fined.
He urged the Commission to consider his requests and
protect the residents in Carlsbad.
Nelson Aldrich, 4410 La P.ortalada, felt that the City
should afford the citizens assurance of an odor-free plant which is visibly pleasing. He further believed that the majority of the citizens did not realize tke impact of such' a plant on their residential areas
and that if the citizens were aware of same there
would be a public clamor.
Bill Evans, Rancho del Ponderosa, stated that he was
not personally affected by this decision but felt tlia the Commission's decision-in this regard wiil be set- ting a precident, a benchmark for the North County. He questioned if more and more such satellite plants would be required before the grbwth and development
of the City would be satisfied. -Be ,felt that if the
Federally funded sewer treatment plants often operate' at only 508 proficiency that privately owned ones
would have an even less desirable level of efficiency
'Mr. Roland Hann, 2804 La Gran Via stated that
,instead of a sewer plant the term should be sewage /factory in that it operates in the same way .and therefore should be located in an industrial zone.. HI asked if the Commission would locate a steel mill in the midst of a residential neighborhood, and feels th,
there is little difference.
r. George Flanders of Chestnut Street indicated that
nother problem lies with increased air pollution fro] he satellite plants and suggested that the Commissio:
onsider the EPA standards and recommendations.
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July 12, 1978
Page Seven (7) _""_ ____ _"._ ~ .. - L. " " - ---"
(9) GPA-51, Lake Calavera Hills (Cont'd)
Roy Ward, 3088 Pi0 'Pico, gave a detailed summary of the background of the Calavera Hills pro.ject, relating that the City loses great amount'of industrial tax revenue daily due to the sewer moratorium. He informed the Commission that his corporation is as concerned regarding the impact of the proposed project as the general public and that they will take all necessary steps in order to devel
legislation and guidelines. He states that the
satellite sewer plant will be placed oniy in that
area which science, logic and reason dictates. He related that by the establishment of such a plant,
EUDs will be freed up at the Encina plant, thus
allowing indistrial expansion.
.the property in accordance with all applicable
,Commissioner Wrench expressed his satisfaction with
:the EIR subject to comments by staff and the Commis-
J sion. He also expressed satisfaction with the land
3 use element of the GPA.. He was not comfortable with
.the proposed Public Utility designation. He recog- i nized t'hat Carlsbad needs sewers but does not think
ithat a proliferation of satellite facilities is the 1 way to accomplish the task. I i i ! 1 A general discussion was had.by the Commission I wherein it was decided that the GPA-51 project be
split .into GPA-51 (A) comprising the land uses
contained in said application except for the
"Floating U" designation and GPA-51 (B) representing
ithe utility designation of the project.
~ A motion passed recommending APPROVAL of GPA-51 (A),
all land uses. cdntained in said application, except
' L for the "Floating U" designation, as based upon the. \ staff report and certifying that the Commission
I had reviewed and considered the information contained
I in EIR 403.
iA motion passed continuing GPA-51 (B)', the utility
'designation portion of said application, until July
~ 26, 1978, pending further study by staff. on GPA-53,
1 /
I Public Utility Revision. ..
I I 1 Commissioner Wrench expressed gratltude ta the 1 general public present at the meeting and urged
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future public participation at Planning Commission hearings. He further stated that the Commission will try, in the future, to put high public interest
items earlier on the agenda in order to accomodate 1 Carlsbad citizens.
i NEW BUSINESS I I A motion passed appointing Commissioner Larson as
Vice-chairman in the absence of Commissioner I I Woodeard. ?I
There being no further business Chairman Rombotis
adjourned the meeting at 12:05 P.M.