HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-13; Planning Commission; Minutes', M!ETING OF: r.ATE OP MEETING : TIME OP MEETING: MINUTES PLANNING COHM1SSIOW January 13, 1982 7:00 f>.M. PLACE OF MEETING• Cit:1• Counc i 1 Cham~ers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORD!R The aeeting wa■ called to ordPr by C~airman Farrow at 7:01 P.M. ROLL CALI. Pre■ent -Chainuan Farr•~ .. , C011111issioners L'Heureux, Jose, R""'hoti■, Marcu1, a,~,t Schlehuher. co-i11ione1 Prie1tedt arrived at 7:17 P.M. Cx-Of~icio Me~ber1 Jae, Rag,man, Plannini Director; and Dan Rent1chke, A■1i1tant City Attorney, were also µresent. Staff Members pre1ent were: Mich~~l Holzmiller, Principal Planner Bill Rofaan, A11uciate Planner Richard Allen, PrincipMl Civil Enginer Gary Wayne, Planning A11i1tant PLEDGE OP ALLEGui.CE vas led by Chairman Farrow. ~LANNING C<»tMISSION PROCEDURES Chairman Parrow explained Planning Caa.i11ion procedure, in it, capacity aa an adviaory co-i11ion to the City Council, and id£ntified tho1e matter, delegated to the Planning C~i11ion for a final deci1ion. Chairman Farrow further explained the prucedure ob1erved by the Coaai11ion during public hearing iteaa. lf!W PUBLIC REARlttGS: ITIN OUT OP OMIR 2. CT 81-42/CP-1881 COX. Reque1t for a 20 unit Tentative Tract Map and Condo■iniua Per■it o~ property located on the 1outh 1ide of La Coata Avenue, weat of Nueva Caatilla Way in the RD-M Zone. Chairaan Farrow indieated that Staff had received a nqueat for vithdrnal of thia ite■• Chairaan Farrow opened the public hearing at 7:07 P.M., •d extended the invitation to ■peak. Since no one wiahed to apeak on the -tter, the public hearing••• cloaed. flse coaaia1ion approved the reque1t for vithdraval on CT 81-42/CP-188, Cox. ..... Farrow L'Reureux Maree• Roal>otb Jo:,e Schlehuber I I I I I I I I I .. •' , •' I .. ~ ' I J . ' ·,·{ ' " ' 1., I~ 1:· '" MINUTES January 13, 1982 Page 2 1. HP-150(B)/CT 81-47/PUD-35, TREETOPS UMLIMITED. A requea t for: 1) A Master Plan Amendment to change the phasing boundarie1 of the CalaverM Hilla Master Plan. 2) A 230 unit Tentative Tract Hap and Planned Unit Developaent in Village, C & D of the Calavera Hille Ha1ter Plan, located in the southern portion of the Calavera ~ill1 Ma1ter Plan area, approxi-tely 600 feet ea1t of the ea1terly tenninu1 of Tamarack Avenue in the P-C Zone. Co-iuioner L 'Reureux indicated he would abet air, on thia item, aa he i, Coun1el for Mr. Roy Ward, ovner of the balance of the property in que1tion. With the aid of a tran1parency 1howing the location of the project, Michael Rolniller gav~ a 1taff report on the -tter, indicating that the developaent of this project will initiate the need for 1everal require-nt1 that apply to the overall Ha1ter Plan area. Re added that they are very important requireaent10 and Staff i1 recomending compliance with•-• a, condition, of the project. In 1uaury0 Hr. Rolz■iller explained that the fir1t require-nt i1 the dedication of a ten (10) acre park 1ite, 1hovn a, Village F on the Ha11.er Plan, and i1 Condition No. 27 of the Resolution approving the project. aecondly, there i, a requireaent to record a parcel ■ap, which would delineate the location of a fire 1tation 1ite in Village !-2 of the Ha1ter Plan, which would then be offered to the City for purcha1e, and ia offered under Condition No. 45 of the Re1olution approving the project. Hr. Rols■iller further indicated that the Haater Plan require, the co~1truction of a 2-acre RV 1torage area, in either Village !-1 or !-2 of the Ha1ter Plan. Re added that an error wa1 ude in the 1taff report by leaving thi, out a, a condition of approval of the project; therefore, Staff ia rec~nding the addition of a condition to Raaolution No. 1911, which would be Condition No. 52, to read, "Prior to occupancy of any unit, within thia project, a recreational vehicle 1torage area aball be provided in Villa1e !-1 or !-2. Thi, RV 1tora1e area aball have a ■ini-■ area of 2 acre10 and be constructed and acraanad to the 1ati1faction of the Plannin3 Director," (Later durin1 thi1 hearing, the Coaai11ion -,dififad thia condition to leave the location of the RV aite unspecified at thia ti-, to be jointly agreed upon by th• applicant and Plannina Director at a future date.) In conclusion, Mr. Rols■Uler indicated the following correction• to tho reco-ndad condition, of approval: 1) Colli&U.tfonllo, 13, RG1olutionNo. 1c;11; aciding« .. xiiiua haiiht-ror7ha fences of eix feet (6'). 2) eoodition Ito, 26, leaolution No. 1911; revi1in1 the f~r•t aeat•nc• to read, "Prior to the iaauance of buildiq par■ita for any units within contruction Phaae B of Pbaae I of thia project, the developer ,hall conatruct a aecondary acce11 road to the aubdiviaion fro■ Gla11ow Drive at th• north 1ubdivi1ion boundary veat adjacent to th• park aite to r ... raclt Avenue." I • @ I ' I i MINUTES January 13, 1982 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Holzmiller alao indicater that there waa a lP.tter aent ~o the Planning co-iaaion from Coata Real Municipal Water Diatrict, in oppoaition to &ome of the wording in the •taff report reiarding the City provi~ing water aervice to thia project. The Planning Director reaponded to the letter from Coeta Real Municipal Water l>ietrict, and ir.dic,te~ that the change from th~ City of Carlebad to eerve water to thie project ie baaed on the fact that the City feel• it ha, the legal right to eerve the property. Re added that the reco-nde~ condition eeeentially put, the project on notice to deal with the City of Carlebad in deeigning a water ayete■ for thP project. Director Hagaman added that thP. current agreement · etween the City and Coeta Real Municipal Water Dietrict expire, March 11, 1982, and Staff feel, it ie appropriate to begin putting the property owner on notice to deal with the City of Carlsbad in deaigning the water 1yatem. Director Hagaman al~o indicated thct the Mayor i, in the proce11 of di1cu1eing the matter with Costa Real. In re1ponee to C011111i11ion query rega,ding the acceaa, Mr. Hol~miller explained that Lhe acce11 would be temporary only to the extent that at a l~ter tiae when more of the area develop• and the plan, are finalized for the park 1ite, they -y want to eli■ir.~te the 1treet at that time. Cor.:aieeioner Joae referenced the fir1t paragraph of page 5 of the 1taff report, and Ccndition No. 42 of Reaolution No. l911, r~garding the private atreete and drivevaya, and atau . .f hil opinion that one contradicu th•? other. Mr. Rols■iller reaponded that t~ere are three differer.t type• of access proviaiona propoae.f in the aubdiviaion; public atreeta, private atreeta, and privat~ drivewaya. With r~sard to the private drivewaya, he e,plained that the only parking that would oc~ur are in parking baya that are off the driv-•y; therefore, 1,eople would not park in a driv-•y, they would park in a parking bay. Re added that the driv-•y• would be poated, prohibiting parking along the aide of the curb along the drivewaya. In concluaion, Mr. Hols■iller explained that the only place thera will be on-atreet pariing that ia not in park~q bay• will ~eon the private atreeta and public atreeta, aa they are ,ide enough to allow parking along the curb on one aide of th■ 1treet. eo.ia1ioner IOllbotia indicated that•-will be covere~ under the new PUD Ordinance. ec-i1eioner Joae ref•renced the Negative Declaration on the Blk, end atated that although he ia in agree-nt with 1_,_ it 1hould ■how 10.. con1i1tency with regard to traffic, no!1e i■pect, and air pollution, and be -eked accor4inaly • oirector Hqaan explained that the Maat~r Plan haa an zn•iroaaental !■pact aeport in which theae i1auea were .Wreaeed, and proper ■itigation -a•urea were de1igned into the N,11ter Plan. The purpoae of the Negative »elcaration la the envir~ntal anely1ia waa to aacertain if there la anything beyond that point that waa ideatlfiable. MINUTES Chainaan Farrow opened the public hearing ~r 7:30 P.H., an extended the invitation to speak. The co-iaaion recognized Mr. John Shoemaker, 3900 Harney Street, San Diego, representing the applic&nt. Hr. Shoe-ker stated that the conditions reco-ended by Staff are acceptable to the applicant; however, expressed concern with regard to the newly reco-ended Condition No, 52 dealing with the recreational vehicle storage area. Re stated that the applicant feels there are other areas within the project that would be better suited for same, and requested that the location which ha• been deai~nated •• E-1 or E-2 be changed to an area that ia satisfactory to the Planning Staff. Michael Rolzailler indicated that Staff would have no problem vith regard to the applicant•' request. The co-iaaion recognized Mr. Roy Ward, Calavera Rills. Mr. Ward atated that they are in general agreement vith the propoaed conditiona, and will provide the dedication of Village F aa a 10 acre park. He expreaaed concern; however, that the Maater Plan does not address the adjoining developer or land owner i111provin~ the street adjacent to the park. Re requeated that Staff review •-• aa he vaa under the iapreuion that the public facilities feea vere uaed for such purposes. With regard ~o the RV park, he indicated that they are prepared to aet aaide and parcelize a site, at such ti- •• it ia agreed upon by all parties. With regard to the acceaa road, Mr. Ward "uggeated that conaideration be given to allow him to grant an easement to the developer, ao that the City vill not have to be involved in•-• With regard to water aervice and the City expandins ita aervice area, Mr. Ward inquired aa to who vill approve the water ayat-plane. Director Hagaaan reaponded that he doea not believe the public facilitiea fee ia deaigned to pay for the other half of the road, and atated hia opinion that•-ia an appropriate condition. With regard to the water aervice, be explained that the City will take over the deaign of ·--· Mr. ward atated that they will th«n he aerving two Maater Plan•• and auggeated that•-ia an unfair condition of a Tentative Map. until the iaaue ia clear. Nr, Richard Allen explained that the on-aite water linea within.the developaent would be City of Carlabad diatribution lin••• ad the iaprov-.nt plane would be approved by the City. He added that it would not affect 811Y of the aajor trunk linea which are tran-iaaion tin••• .tlich would r-in with the Coata Real Municipal water Diatrict. He added th•~•-would be better addreaaed at t~e Council level. aince •-• ia Council poliCJ, sine• no one el•• wiahed to apeak on the -tter, Chai~n farrow cloeed the public hearing at 7:38 P.M. r l ·,, ,, ' MINUTES January 13, 1982 P&ge 5 In re1pon1e to Caa.ie1ion query regarding the .,ovner providing the developer with ~he nece1sary eas,-nt, Mr. Allen 1tated that •-would be a problem as it' ie going to be a public ecce11, and there are likely to b•e liability probleu. ' With regard to future maintenance of private road~1•y1, Mr. Allen re1ponded that the hoaeovner will have addit1on~l maintenance to pick up. '· The Coaai1sion approved the Negative Declaration iu1.,ed by the Planning Director, and adopted the following Re1olution1, rec~nding approval of MP-150(B) and CT 81-47/PUD-35 to the City Council, based on the findi ngs and subject to the condition, co:·tsined therein, with tl-.e following revi1ion1 and additions: 1) Revi1ion of Condition Ro. 13 of Reoolution No. 1911, to include a maxi•• height for the fences of 1ix feet (6'). - 2) Revision of Condition No. 26 of Resolution No. 1911, to read, "Prior to the i11uance of building peraits for any unit, within con1truction Pha1e B of Phase I of thi1 project, the developer 1hall con1truct a 1econdary access road to the 1ubdivi1ion fro■ Gla1gow Drive at the north 1ubdivi1ion boundary ve1t adjacent to the park 1ite on T_.rack Avenue." 3) Revi1ion of the language of Condition No. 42 of Re1olution No. 1911 with regard to the private 1treets and driveway•, 1hoving conformance with the PUD Ordinance. 4) The addition of Condition No. 52 of Re1olution No. 1911, providing for an RV 1torage area; and revi1ion1 of the location of•-• in accordance with Staff'• reco-ndat ion. USOLUTIOII RO. 1911, R!OOMM!MDING APPROVAL OF A 230 UlflT T!lffAt'IV! TRACT MAP AND PLARNED UNIT D!V!LOPMDT OIi PIOPIRTY GP!RALLY LOCATED OR TH! SOOTRBU POlrl'IOR or TR! CALAV!RA RILLS MABT!R FI.Alf AR!A, APPIOXDCATKLY 600 rHT &AST OF TAMAIAClt AVDU!. APPLICANT: Tl!!TOPS URLIMIT!D. USOLUTIOII 1'0. 1912, UCOtlC!NDING APPROVAL OF A NAITBI PI.AR ANnDNDT TO TR! CALAV!RA RILLS MABT!R PI.AR TO CRANGB TH! PHASING IIOUNDAII!S TO ALLOW VD.LACI C TO Bl D!V!LOP!D AS A PAIT OF PRAS! I OIi PIOP!llff GD!RALLY LOCATED APPIOXIMAT!LY 600 P!IT BAST or TU IAST!RLY TERMINUS or TAMARACl AV!NU!. c~11i011er JOH indicated he ab1tained on the matter·, .,. he haa re1ervation1 in reference to the ea•-nt, and the iaaue o~ tho water 1ervice. 3. CUP-2101 CIICUS VAIGAS. Reque1t for approval to hold a three day clrcu1 event at the PlaEa c-ino l •al Shoppina Center in the C-2 Zone . With the eid of• tran1p1rency 1hoving the location of tb• requ11ted CUP, Bill Rofaan gave the 1taff report, ••••ntlally u contained in the writton report. .:;:- ., . Farrow lt L'Reureux lt Marcu1 X Rombotia lt Joie lt Schlehuber X Friestedt X X • -~ MINUTES January 13, 1982 Page 6 Mr. Hofman responded to Comnission question• regarding ••fety, traffic control, and parking at laat year,' event. Re indicated that Staff h•• interviewed the Police and Fire Department• with regard to any problem• with laat year,' circu1, and they have indicated that there were no probleu, and that the aite i1 one of the easieat to control with regard to traffic. Therefore, Staff doe• not feel there i1 a need for any additions• condition,. Chainun Farrow opened the public hearing at 7:48 P.M., and extended the invitation to apeak. Since no one wiahed to speak on the -tter, the public hearing wae closed. Ca.aiaeion di1cua1ion reflected the delegation of the Planning Director ad■inietratively 1upervi1ing the event on a yearly baai1. Cm.iaaioner L'Reureux atated hi• opinion that the delegation ehould have a ti■e limit impoaed, and 1uggeated a five year ti■e limit. The Comniuion adopted the following Reaolntion, approving CUP-210 baaed on the finding• and 1ubject to the condition• contained therein: with the following modification,: I) That the Conditional Uae Permit be i1sued for fivP. (5) one (I) year period•, 1ubject to yearly review by the Planning Director, authorizing the ad■iniatrative review of the Conditional U1e Per■it and application, a, lo~g as it ia held at the aame 1ite, and relatively in the aaae format a, contained in theae conditiona. 2) The Planning Director i1 authorized to i■poae additional condition• aa warranted, with the right to bring aame back to the C~i1aion within the five year period for further direction from the Co.aiaaion. 3) The Planning Director ahall -ke a yearly report to the c~iaaion aa to the 1tatua of the CUP. 4) The applicant h.~ the right to appeal any condition to the Planning C~ia1ion. 4. RJ!SOLUTIOM RO, 1910, APPROVING A CORDITIONAL USE PIRMIT TO PIIMIT A CIRCUS !VINT IM A PARltING LOT ON PROPERTY GIN!RALLY LOCAT!TI ON TR! W!ST!RLY !DG! OF THI PLAU CAMINO RIAL SHOPPING C!MTIR ADJACENT TO MARRON ROAD. APPLICANT: CIRCUS VARGAS !IR 80-91 MACARIO C.~ON PAll. Certification of !nvirowntal I■pact Report for a project generaly includiq: 1) A Park Plan; 2) A General Plan Aaend■ent; and 3) A Specific Plan. With the aid of a tranaparency ahowing the location of th• project, the ateff report waa preaented by Gary Wayne, eaaentielly u contained in the written report. Cbairaan Parrow opened the public hearina at 8:02 P.H., •d extended the invitation to apeak. Since no one wiahed to apeak on the utter, the public hearing waa cloaed, Parrow X L'Reureux X X Marcua X Roat><>t i1 X Joae X Schlehuber X Frieatedt X I • I MINUTES January 13, 1982 PaRe 7 Co-ia1oner L'Reureux expreaaed concern with regard to hov the City ia going to effectively maintain viable agricult,1re, and an intruaion into that area with people in a recreational aituation, whether it be active or pauive. Ha. Lynette Sanchez, repreaenting Larry Seeman and Aaaociatea, the !IR Conaultant, addreaaed the Co-i11ion. Ha. Sanchez explained that there i1 a mitigation ■ea1ure in the !IR which require, the City, at the tiae that it ia at a a>re detailed level of planning, to develop a 1y1te■ which would detour on controlled acce11. With regard to the boardwalk area vhich ha1 the biggeat posaibility for intruaion, Ma. Sanchez stated 1aae i1 a planning ieaue, and ia aoaething the City vill have to conaider. She added that•-would be better addresaed by the Park Plannera, and Staff. Ha. Sanchez continued to reapond to co-ission questions regarding water quality, and siltation of the Agua Rediond~ Lagoon. The co-iaaion adopted the following Reaolution, reco-nding that the City Council certify EIR 80-9: R!SOLUTION NO. 1913, RBCOtlf!NDING CERTIFICATION OF !NVIRONMDTAL IMPACT UPORT (!IR 80-9) FOR A PROJ!CT G!N!RALL Y INCLUDING: 1 ) A PAll PLAN: 2) A G!M!RAL PI.Alf AM!NDM!NT; 3) A ZONE CHANGE; 4) ARN!XATION; Alm 5) A SPECIFIC PLAN . APPROVAL OF MINUTIS: Minute• of the Regular Meeting, held December 23, 1981, vere approved aa aubaitted. ADDITIONAL BUSIN!88 c-iaaioner Marcua referenced the letter publiahed in a local newapaper re1arding the architectural appearance of a 3-unit condo■iniua on Garfield Street. The co-iaaion requeated that the Chair.an vrite a letter to the newapaper, indicating that they did not approve, or even review the project. ADJOUlllllll'T -- By proper -,cion the aeeting waa adjourned at 8:13 P.H. 1teapectfully Ann It. Alleaan, Minutea Clerk Farrow X L'Reureux X Marcua X X Roabotia X Joae X Schlehuber X Frieatedt X Farr<>w X L'Reureux X X Marcus X ROllbotia X Joae X Schlehuber I Frieatedt I Farrow X L'Reureux I Marcua I I Roabotia I Jo"e I Schlehuber I Frieatedt I (j)