HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-27; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES
January 27, 1982
7:00 P.H.
PLAC! OF MEETING: City Council Chambere
CALL TO ORD!R w■1 -de by Chair.an Farr.ow at 7:01 P.H.
Pre1ent -Chair.an Farrow, Coaai11ioner1 L'Reureux, Jo■e,
R011boti1, Marcu1, Schlehuber, and Frieatedt,
Ex-Offi~io Mci■bera J-• Rag■-n, Planning Director; and
Daniel Hentachke, A11iatant City Attorney, were ~!eo
Staff Member, pre1ent were:
Michael Rolniller, Principal Planner
Bill Homan, A1aociate Planner
Richard Allen, Principal Civil Engineer
PL!DG! OP ALLEGIAJfC! ., .. led l;,v Chairman Farr~.
Qiai~~ Farrow explained Planning Co-ia1ion procedure,
~~ it, capacity a, un adviaory Caa.i1rion to the City
Cr.uncil, and identified tho1e -tter1 delegated to the
Planning C011n1ia1ion tor a iinal deci■ion. ChainM.n
P•rrOI'. farther explained thn procedure ob1erved by the
eo..i11ion during public nearing ite111.
1. V-331 1 AP!LIA!f. Reque1t for a Variance to allow
tand-par1ung°to Met the parking requireaenta for
u apart-nt project on p~operty located oG the
ve~t aide of Harina Drive in the R-W Zone.
With the aid of a tran■parency 1hoving the location of
the ?roject, Michael Rolr■ill~r gave a 1taff raport on
the •tter.
Chairun Parr0t1• OJH!ned Che public hearing at 7:~S P.H.
':ha co■■h■ion r,-copiaed Mr. Rob,ut Barne■, i!\41 w.
Elwford dtMet, La Habra. Mr. Ber4e1 gave ■«
ucqrouad on the -tter, and en update with reaard to
tb• cur~ent 1tatu• o! thr project,
!II• ca.d11icn Nt~opiaed Nr. lay Montanu, or Cor011a,
Qaaerat C.ntrccto~. Mr. Nont■n ·I> indicated that Mr.
lame■ edequ..iely covered all ••p•ct■ of the project, ad
upn11ad wf.llia1H1■ to raapond to liny qu<11P :.on■•
'!ti• co■■ia■ion recoaniaet\ M~. \'haodorJ c. Kimb~ll, 1010
!nd Aft&~•• San Diezn, Attorney rapr«aeatirJ tha
applicCII.CI, Mr, liahall gav .. ac.e additionAl b•ckground
oath• project. eusantiMlly as conta;naJ in the letter
frlMI hr, Van J. Apelian to ~II• Planning DepartMnt of
October 7, 1981, &C&d Hpb.ined the poaition of the
applicant• with reaard to Staff'• raco-■ndation for
4,raial of the Variance. fie added that the applicnta
would not have begun the project, had they not bean led to
believe t hat they could accoapli~h ■-.
Nr, 1iaball concluded that to deny the Variance would
create an unneca11ary hardebip on the property, and
,cated hi• r inion thMt a denial i■ not juetifiabla.
\ ~ 1,..\ o~,:,:~~ ~
COMMISSIONERS ~i~ \\ -------------------------------·-January 27, 1~81
Since no one else wished to epeak on t h e matter, Chairman
Farrow closed t~e public hearing at 7:25 P.H.
Hicnael Holzmiller reaponded lo Co'.!lllliaoion questions
regarding tande~ parking.
Hr. Holzmiller else pcint~~ out a correction to the staff
report, page 1, paral!rap~ :!, firat aentP.n<;e to reac!, "In
Decemb~r 1980, the aprlicent applied for a huilding
permit. " R-e added that the buildr,,g perll'it vu
actually issued on April 22, 1981.
Diecuseian reflected !he curr9nt Or~ .. ance vith regard to
parking requirement,, a,,d the revisions mad!! to sar..e.
Michael P.olzmiller expla;,1;ed that vhen the Ordinance was
_e,1,ied, the quea :i c,n of rlane that had 11lready been
submitted wa~ diecuas!!d, and the Planning Co-iasion and
City Council worded the Ordi.nanc~ to 1•,ovid2 that plane
4~omitted for building peroit~ prior t 0 March 3, 1981,
would go by the old reqairements, and would not be aubject
to the new requirement"·
Co..aiaaion di 11cuuio·n related to the lot conaol idat ion
which led to the parking situution, and co-ia1ion
corcenaul" ceflected their inability to mAke the four
finding• for c. Var:' ance.
In reaponae to Co-iaai.on query regarding vhethl'r Che
ei deyard v.iriee by the aize o! t.he lot, Hr. RohmiHer
explair.tod that there ia one sideyard requirement, and for
interioi lot, it ia four f~ct regardless of the ,i~e ~f
the lot in the R-W Zone. Re added that the R-W Zor.e hPs
different require-nl e than otner multi-family zones,
incbding heigM. which allow!! 111(\re fieitibility in r.he
building ue111ii;n.
In re11ponae to co-iaaion quer y ~r. Honta~o indicated that
•• far r.a a re-deai3n for th~ee ur.its, parking is noc
fe4aible. R~ ad~ed that wir.h the exiating huilding, th~
tuniinx r~diua ia li•ited for under~round parking, and
de,ign of the property ia very li~ited.
Pollov;;.ng dh,·uuion, the Ccn.iuit>n adopted the following
Raaolution, deGyio1 V-331 baaed on t be finding• contained
W!ST SID! or MARllfA lllIV!. APtL!CANT: AP!LIA!f.
ZC-15S/~T 8t-19/CP-1991 EHBP'l'L!k. Request for
app~ov~i cl• tone Chaaae of a portion of the
prcperty f~O!I i-A-10,000 to PJ>-M, a Tentative
SubJivi~ioa Map to create 49 ainsle-f•ily lota and
l coadoainiua lot, and a Condoainiua Perait to
develop 33 uaita on the northweat corner of !l
Canino R•al and Cheatnut Avenue in the R-A-10,000
With th• aid of a tranaparency ahowing the location of the
project , Bill Hofaan aave a ata!f report on t he -tter.
Ra retarenced a__, fro■ the fire Depart■ent reaarding
ace••• and reapoaae ti■ea, and indicated that the project
would provide a aecond ace••• to the propo~ed aubdiviaion,
which they feel ia i■portant for aaorgency vehicle•.
Fcrrow ][
L 'Re111·e1u: l[
.Toaa X
ROllbocia ][ ][
Dchlehuber I
?rieatedt 1.
. ,
' i l
January 27 , 1982 Page 3
In responee to the c1t1zen1 concern, regarding the
exte~1ion of Janie Way1 Mr. Hofman ind1c~ted that the
applicant ha, prepared an alternative de.~ign to hi1
project, which would delete the Janie Way connection. Re
indicated, however, that Staff'• reco11111endation is to
provide the connection.
In conclueion, Mr. Rofuan outlfr.ed the following revi1ion1
to the Reeolution1:
1) Re1olution No. 1916, deletion of Condition No. 4, a,
i t ie not applicable to the Zone Change.
2) Ruolution No. 1917, Condition No. 18, adding the
following eentence, 11A note indicating thi1 condition
1hall be placed on the Final Map."
3) Re1olution No. 1917, Condition No. 21, adding the
following 1entence, 11An Exh1b1t indicating thoee
area, where thi1 deed re1triction ehall apply 1hall
be 1ub■itted to and approv~d by the Planning
Director, prior to Final Map approval.
4) Re1olution Mo. 19}71 Conditicn No. 23, adding the
following 1entence, "An !xh1b1t 1nd1cating tho1e
area, to ~e -intainod by the Romeovner1 A11ociation
1hall be 1ub■itted to and approved by the Planning
Directoc, prior to Final Map approv41.
Comieeioner Ro■boti1 expre11ed concern with regard to
Condition No. 18, relating to the re110val and future of
tree,, 1tating hi, opinion th4t 1ame i• 1o■ewhat
The Aeei~tant City Attorney re1ponded that the re1triction
doe, not prohibit the re■oval of dead tree,, or keeping
the t r~ee in a thriving condition. Re added that Staff
ha1 identified an environ-ntal re1ource on 1ite, and
through Condition No. 18 ha1 attel!lpted to prohibit the
gradin3 and develop■ent of the portion of the lot where
the tree, are located through the creation of building
envelope,, in coapliance with the environ-ntal
require■ent1 to pr41erve the area.
eoa■i11ioner Joie inquired with regard to Jani, Way co■ing
out to Che1nut Avenue on the ve1tern portion of the
property, a, the exhibit 1how1 it to co■e clo1er to !l
C•ino Real, and eapre11ed concern for the 1afety of the
children in the Che1tnut Avenue area goini to and froa
the achoo 11.
r.-Rof■an explained that t he dietauce i, 500 feet froa
the intaraection, which ■eet1 City 1tandard1.
eoa■i11ioner Schlahuber referenced f.ire reapooee ti■ea
frOII Pir• Station No. 3 on r.he1tnut Avenue, and reported
that in hia conve~1ation with !rian Wat1on fro■ the Fire
Depart■ent, h• indicated it wuld only take a ■inute to a
ainut4 and a half fro■ the No. 3 atation, going down to
Monroe up to Gail and around. Re added that Mr. Wat3on
ad indicated 1oae concern with taki ng Lhe truck, throuah
tha ra1idential 1treet1.
Bill eot■an atate~ that Mr. Wat1on never indicat ed a ... to
Staff, and it wa1 hi1 u~der1tandin1 that Mr. Wat1or. would
like to••• the connection.
January 27, 1982 Page 4
Chairman Farrow ~pen~d the public hearing at 8:01 P.H.,
and extended the invita,ion to speak.
The Co-ission recognized Hr. Ronald Null, 2124 !l Camino
Real, Oceanside, Attorney representing the applicant. Hr.
Null gave 1ome backtround on the project, indicating that
the applicant i, al10 :he property owner. Re indicated
that a meeting wH hel d with apprndiu:-:ely 40 hoaeovners
and property owners in the area, to addre•• any concerns
thPy had with the prc;ect.
The Co-iseion recognized Hr. Bob Ladwig, 3289 Donna
Drive, Carlsbad, of Rick Engineering. Hr. Ladwig ~tated
the project i1 con,istent with the General Plan, and
briefly outlined the building envelope areas.
Hr. Ladwig continued to indicate that the applicant ha,
some concern with the following coudition1: Condition
Noe. 30 and 31 appear to be in conflict with each other;
Ro. 31 call• for 1idewalk1 on all public 1treets and No.
30 require• the 1treet1 to be built according to the
1ectione on the u9.
With regard to Condition No. 18 regarding the trees, Hr.
Ladwig indicated that they feel 2" i• coo reetrictive,
and reque•ted that the ainimm c• ize be increa•ed to 4".
Hr. Ladwig al•o reported on the -eting the applicant h~ld
with the hoaeovner• in the area, addre11ing their concern•
for the left turn aov-nte on weetbound Cheetnut Avenue
into c-o Place, and eaetbound Cneetnut Avenue into the
project. Re indicated that he di1c~a1ed •-with the
City Engineer, and they are reco-nding that left turn
lane• be painted in thoee tvo location,. Re added that
the widening that will occur a, a reault of the project
v"ll help the aituatioo; h-ever, the painted left turn
pocket, will al•o alleviate eoae of the concern• of the
hoeeovnere in the area.
With the aid of a wall ellhibit •h-ing the Jania Way
connection, Mr. Ladwig outlined the alternate propoaal to
cul~e-eac Jania Way, Re added that Staff haa not had a
chance to revi-th' propoaal; h-•ver, indicated that the
alternate deaign would be reapooaive to the hoeeovnera'
Mr . Ladwig added that the concerna of the Fire D~partMnt
ahould be alleviated when Donna Drive goea through, u it
would provide ready accaag frow Chaatnut to J~nia Way.
In conclu1ion, Mr, Ladwia uraed approval of the zone
chana• and tentative Mp, and eapraaaed willingneae to
ra1pood to any que1tioo1.
fll• coaai11ioo racopiaad Mr. Georae Sheffler, 2300
Cba1tnut Avenue, Carlabad, the applicant. Mr. Sheffler
iudicated that hie faaily haa ownad the hou•~ for 34
yaara, and 1tated that it ia a unique opportunity to be
abl• to de1lp the aaiahbor~ood you will be living in.
Th• coaiaaioo ~•copiaad Nr. Vince Lacorte, 2295 Caaeo
oriva, Carllbad, lfr. Lacorte atatad h~ ia in favor of the
propoial; however, eapn11ad concern with regard to the
traffic huar4 for people c011in1 out of the project
turnina left, 1tatin• hi• opinion that the 1tr11t cennot
co• thro"lh to Che1tnut Avenue.
January 27 , 1982 Page 5
The Co-ia1ion recognized Mr. A. J. Skotnicki, 3535
Bedford Circle, Carl1bad. Mr. Skotnicki reque■ted
Coaii■1ion con1ideration for mitigation of the impact■ on
the neighborhood, and indicated that the den,ity i■ going
to have a direct iapact on the 1urrounding neighborhood,
particularly with regard to traffic circulation. He
indicated he i1 not in oppo■ition to the propo1ed
condominium development, but ie ~oncerned with r.he total
impact on the exi1ting neighborhood.
In conclu1ior., Mr. Skotnicki urged a redeaign of the
project without hurting the developer, to take the
potential burden off of Jani, Way.
The Co-i11ion recognized Mr. Thoma• Wood, 2130 Jania Way,
Carl1bad. Mr. Wood 1ubP.itt~~ a petition containing 30
1ignature1 of re1ident1 in tht, area in oppo1it ion to any
de1ign which would allow direct acce1■ from Jania Way
through to Cbe1tnut Avenue, ftlr. Wood aho expreued
concern with regard to the fire re1ponse tiae if the
propoaed developaent i1 approved.
Mr. Wood continuei that he ha, no objection to Jani, Way
1erving part of the project, and 1uggeated that 1ame be
redeaigned 10 that Janie Way doe, go into the project, but
ia cul.-de-aac'd in 1oaa faahion 10 there ii no through
accea,. In concl~~ion, Mr. Wood 1tated that he i, in
favor of .the project, hi• only objection being to the
throu8h traffic, and requeated • rede1ign of the•-·
The co-i11ion recognised Mr. J ae, L. Clauaon, 2120 Jani,
Way, Carlabad, Mr, Clauaon expre,aed concern with regard
to the "S" curve on Cheatnut Avenue, and 1ugge1ted that
the c-i,,ion continue the -tter to allow for additional
diacuaaion and atudy. He added that he would have no
concern if Jania Way extended into the d~velupaent, u
long aa it will not be a through 1treec.
The Coi.ia1ion recognised M1. Ruth Levi■, 2267 Caaeo Road,
Carlabad, Ma. Levi, inquired if the only entrance would
be on Cbeatnut Avenue, and if•-would be 1afe.
The co-inion recogniae,t M1. Peg11.., Sarko, 2276 c-o
Road, Carlabad. Ma, Sarko ezpresaed concern with regard
to the aafety of the children coming and going to the
achool1, with the additional traffic that would be created
through approval of the propoaed developaent.
Th• Coi.i11ion recognised Mr, Jrank D. Piaaaa, 3295 Donna
Drive, Carl1bad, He 1tated hi, opinion that if Jania Way
ia opened up, it will iapact on Donna Drive. He indicated
he ia in favor of the propo,~d developaent; h-ever,
inquired if there are any plane to relieve the only outlet
to the Seacreat area over to l!l• Avenue, rather than
coain1 down onto Donna Dri ve, In conclu1ion, Mr. Piazza
requeeted c~nt fr<'a Staff on the -tter.
since no one el•• wi1hed to apeak on the -tter, Chairmen
Plilrrow clo11ed the public teatiaoPJy at 8:44 P.H.
In reaponae to Coi.i,aion query, Richard Allen explained
that th• City baa no propo1ed developaen~ that would
extend "C" Street at thia ti-to l!l• Avenue; however,
aoaat iM in the future develJpaent -y take place, ~ich
-,uld be a aecond ace••• or •1re11 froa thi a developaent,
other than on Cbeatnut Avenue if Janl1 Way i1 cloaed off,
' :
1 .
January 27, 1982 Page 6
Chair,un Farrov expre11ed concern if Janis Way i1 opened
a, propoeed and developaent progre11e1, Cheetnut Avenue
-y be difficult to egre11 onto from the subdivision, and
people will uee the a:,re difficult route through Janis
Way. Further, if Donna Drive i1 ever connected it would
create additional traffic on Janie Way.
Coaai11ioner Frieetedt auggeeted that the co-~11ion
conaider continuing the item, to allow for furLher Staff
review, vith the Ca-i11ion1' reco-ndation regarding the
Janis Way alternative propoaed by the applicant.
Co.ai11ioner Rollbotia 1tated he would like Staff to 1tudy
the feaaibility of a cul-de-1ac for Janis Way, with an
emergency vehicle accea1 between the tvo point,, and come
back vith an evaluation of 1aae, and the alternative,
1ugge1ted. Re al10 atated his opinion that the project
i1 well deaigned, and indicated he 1upport1 the balance
of the project.
c.,..i,1ioner L'Reureux expre11ed concern vith regard to
the adequacy of the environ-ntal analy1i1, particularly
with regard to traffic. Re also queetioned the validity
of the traffic analy~i• if there i1 no connect:on to Janie
Way, a, he interp~et1 it to be entirely predicated upon
provi1ion1 for through circulation.
Ca..iaaioner L1Reureux continued that vith only one acceaa
out of the project, he can foreaee difficulty in turning
left. Re 1tated hi1 opinion that an additional fev feet
of paveaent along the frontage of the property i1 not
going to ■itigate the 1ub1tantial traffic and circulation
probleu th&t ~xiat between El Camino Real and Monroe
Street on Cheatnut Avenue.
In concluaion, Ca..i11ioner L'Reureux 1tated he could not
1upport the project a, originally deaigned with the
through 1treet to Jania Way. Re added that even if the
through 1treet wa1 eli■inated there would only be one
acce11, and•-would put all traffic onto Cheatnut.
eo■aiaaioner Prieatedt 1usge1ted that it would be
Appropriate for the applicant to do a traffic analy1i1,
md .. ke rec~ndationa with regard to ■itigating the
proble• addre11ad by the co-nity.
eo-i11ion di1cu11ion related to the concern, of the
nei1hborin1 re1ident1, ant alternative• for cul-de-1ac1.
aichard Allan explainad that Cheatnut Avenue i1 a highly
daficient atreet and i1 not deaigned aa a collector
atreet, but i1 opecatini at the capacity of a 1econdary
arterial. Re added that with thia developaent the
de•eloper wuld be adding 1pproxi .. tely 24 feet of
additional p .. -nt, and the curve will be aignificantly
flattened out by the develoi-nt, which vill dramatically
fapron the 1i1ht riiatance and -k• the i~teraecti:m
•iaiblc fraa the top of the hill.
Mr, Allen concluded that the other half oc the 1treet to
coaplet• tha width .. y have to be a Capital I■prov-nt
Project, aa a1>1t of the ar ea i1 exiating developaent.
fll• A11i1tant City Attorney addre11ed the environ•ntal
an4ly1i1 of the project, and 1tated hia opinion that 1aae
la not adequate.
. .
January 27, 1982 Page 7
Following diecusaion, the co-ieaion continued the matter
to the meeting o: February 24, 1982, to allow for
preparation of a traffic an,llveil" and circulation etudy
in reference to Janie Way and. the Cheetnut Avenue exit,
unleee earne can be eatiefactorily reeolved between the
Planning Staff, applicant, and reeidente in the area.
'nle C01Bieeion aleo requeeted additional graphic• from the
applicant to ehov the widening of Cheetnut Avenue, and
how traffic proble .. will be mitigated on Cheetnut.
Chairman Farrow called• recess at 9:21 P.M., and the
C01Bi11ion reconvened at 9:28 P.M., with eeven members
The A11i1tant City Attorney gave a report on the matter.
Di1cu11ion related to Coaaieeioner abetentione, due to
conflict of intereet probleu.
F~lloving di1cu11ion on the matter, the Co-ieeion
adlpted the Planning Coaaieeion Procedure• ae preeented
by the City Attorney with the following revi1io,u:
11 Amending Section 21 to read, "Every C01Bi11ion member
de1iring to que1tion the City Steff ehall, after
recognition by the pre1iding officer, addre11 hie
que1tion to the appropriate Staff member or to the
Planning Director or City Attorney. Oue1tion1 ehall
be li■ited to inquirie1 relevant to the item.••
2) Ti■e li■it1 for te1ti■ony be amended to cive (5)
■inute1, rather than ten (10) ■inutee; to include
3) Aaending Section 42 to 1tate that a Coaai11ioner 1hall
re■ove hiuelf fro■ the platfor■ if he i1 diequalified
due to a conflict of intere1t.
Ninute1 of the Regular Meeting, held January 13, 1982,
were approved a, corrected; Page 4, revi1ing paragraph 5
to re'ad, ''With reaard to the llV park, he indicated that
they are prepared to eat Hide end pat·celiae a 1ite, at
euch ti• H it ie agreed upon by all psrties:''
ly proper 1110tion the Meting vu adjourned at 9:48 P.M.
Reepe=tfully Sub■i
0 __,,.,~~~r:...,-,,.
Ann R, Alle■an, Minute, Clerk
Farrow X
L'Heureux X
Jose l{ X
flo■botie X
Marcu■ X
Schlehuber X
Frieetedt X
Farr.:.v X
L'Heureux X
Joie X
Ro■both X
Marcu1 X
8chlehuber X X
7rie1tedt X
Farrow I
L'Reureux l
Joie I
Rl>llbotie X I
Marcu• I
Scl\l,ahuber I
FriHtedt I