HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-25; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES MDTING OF: PUDIK co•IS■IO■ August 25, 1982 DU'I or MEETING: TINI or MEETING: 7:00 P.H. PLACI OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER The •eting was called to order by Michael Holzmiller, Secretary to the Planning co-ission, at 7:00 P.H. IOLL CALL Preaent -Harcua, Roabotia, Jose, and Rawlins. Frieatedt arrived at 7:23 P.H. Absent -Farrow, and Schlehuber. Staff Members present were: Bill Hofman, Principal Planner Charles Gri-, Principal Planner Richard Allen, City Engineer Ex-Officio Members present were: Michael Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager Daniel Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney Election of Chair-n pro tem In the absence of Chairman Farrow and Vice-Chairman Schlehuber, the co-ission elected co-iaaioner Harcus to chair the meeting. AG!IO)A ITEM COMMUNICATIONS Michael Holzmiller indicated Staff received a letter from Ji■ Haga-n, Research and Analysis, requesting that one of the Co■■issioners repreaent the City at the Coastal Coa■ission Hearing, to be held Friday, August 27, 1982 at 9:00 P.H., in Marina Del Rey, to present a position in support of the Agua Hedionda Specific Plan. The Co-iaaion agreed that Chairman Farrow ahould repreaent the City at the Hearing. eo■.iaaioner Roabotis was selected aa the alternate, in the event Chairman Farrow was unable to attend. ITDI our OF ORDER 11W PUBLIC H!AI.INGS 2. CT 82-6/PUD-40 AND CT 82-7/CP-2091 IAMAll -l) 115- unit Tentative Tract Nap and Planned Unit Developeent, located on the north aide of Park Drive; and, 2) 46-unit Tentative Tract Hap and Condo■ini~• Per■it on the aouth aide of Park Drive i-diately aero•• fro■ the eztenaion of Neblina Drive. Co■aiasioner Ro■botis indicated he would abatain on the ite■, due to a conflict of interest. The abstention of co-iaaioner Ro■botis created lack of a quoru■• eo■■iasioner Marcus inquired if anyone in the audience was preaent to addre11 the ite■• Harcua Ro■botis Joae Rawlina X X X X X I l j MINUTES Aqu1t 25, 1982 Page 2 The Coi.iaaion recognized Mr. Joe Sandy, 2956 Roo1evelt, Carl1bad, representing the applicant. Mr. Sandy requested a continuance to the next regular meeting, due to the lack of a quorum. The Coi.iaaion continued the -tter to the meeting of Septeaber 8, 1982. COlffIRUED PUBLIC HEAllING 1. er 82-4/PUD-38. BIRTCHER BUSINESS CENTER -Request for approval of a Tentative Subdivision Map and Planned Unit Development to create 7 industrial lots on the south aide of Palo-r Airport Road to the ve1t of Palo-r Oaks Way in the P-M Zone. With the aid of a tran1parency shoving the location of the property, Bill Hof-n gave a staff report on the -tter. Be referenced Condition No. 29 of the Resolution, and indicated Staff ia reco-nding same be revised to read: ''Weat Oaks Way shall be modified by revising the 200 foot radius curve shown adjacent to lot 6 to a 300 foot radius miniaim, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer." Mr. Hofman indicated that a workable solution had been reached regarding the alignment of the private street through this property, the Aladray property, and the Ukegava property. co-i1aioner Marcus opened the public hearing at 7:15 P.H., and extended the invitation to speak. The Comission recognized Mr. Bob Campbell, representing the applicant. Be expressed agreement with the condition, of approval, and indicated that they have arrived at a workable 1olution for all property owner, involved. Since no one el1e vi1hed to addre11 the -tter, the public hearing va1 cloaed at 7:17 P.H. The co-iaaion approved the Negative Declaration i11ued by the Planning Director, and adopted the following Re1olution approving er 82-4/PUD-38, baaed on the finding• and 1ubject to the condition, contained therein; with the reviaion to Condition No. 29 •• outlined by Staff: 3. USOLUTION NO. 1995, APPROVING A TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP ARD PLAMNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO CHAT! 7 INDUSTRIAL LOTS AND 1 OPEN SPACE LOT ON PllOP!RTY G!NIRALLY LOCATED ON TB! SOUTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TO THE WEST OF PALOKAR OAKS WAY. er 82-20/PUD-17(C). GRANT -Requeat for• Tentative Tract Nap and an ••nd•nt of• Planned Unit Developaent for Lot 16 of• previoualy approved indu1trial Planned Unit Development located on the -•t aide of Avenida !ncina1, approxi-tely 600 feet 1outh of Cannon Road in the P-M Zone. Bill Hof•n gave the 1taff report, with the aid of• tran1parency 1hoving the location of the property. Marcu1 Ro.bot ii Joie Ravlin1 Marcu1 Roabotil Joie Ravlin1 X I X X X X X X X • X . r l MINUTES Aqu1t 25, 1982 Page 3 Coaai11ioner Harcus opened the public hearing at 7:19 P.H., and extended the invitation to 1peak. r 'I The Co.aiaaion recognized Mr. Mylo Hau, representing the applicant, who expre11ed villingne1a to respond to any queation1. Since no one else vi1hed to speak on the -tter, Co.ai11ioner Marcua closed the public hearing at 7:20 P.H. The Co-isaion adopted the f~llowing Resolution, approving CT 82-20/PUD-17(C), baaed on the finding, and aubject to the condition• contained therein: 4. USOLUTION NO. 2004, APPROVING A TWO LOT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND AN AMENDMENT OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF AVENIDA ENCINAS APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET SOUTH OF CANHON ROAD. ZC-262/CT 82-15/CP-212, ALICANTE HILLS -1) A Zone Change from R-1-10,000 to RD~ and; 2) A 40-lot/493- unit Tentative Tract Hap and Condominium Permit, located on the aouth aide of Corte De La Viata (Alfil Way), eaat of Alicante Road in La Costa. With the a~d of a tranaparency 1howing the location of the project, Bill Hof-n gave the staff report. COMMISSIONER FRIESTEDT ARRIVED AT 7:23 P.H. C~1aioner Harcus opened the public hearing at 7:24 P.H., and extended the invitation to 1peak. The Coaa.~1aion recognized Hr. Ji■ Goff, repre1enting the Daon Corporation and che applicant, 1241 Elm Avenue, Carlabad. Mr. Goff outlined the -jor feature• of the project, and reaponded to co-iaaion queationa regarding aeparation of the hillaide unite and parking. Co.aiaaioner Rollbotia expreaaed diaaatiafaction regarding the iaaue of aeparation of the hillaide unite, and their vilual iapact. In re1ponae to co-iaaion query regarding the condition• of approval, Hr. Goff indicated that they received a letter fro■ the Coata Real Municipal Water Di1trict (CINWD), and the current condition ia aatiafactory a1 far aa the applicant ia concerned. Be concluded by indicating that the applicant ia in aaree-nt vith all other condition,, and requeated approval of the project. f'be C~iaaion recognised a reaident of Alti•-Way. She co-■-nted that ahe ia happy that the project will have recreational facilitiea in exceaa of what ia required, and ezpreaaed concern regarding the a_,unt of traffic that will be aenarated by the project. She further expreaaed concern with reaard to circulation, and 1tated her opinion that the project 1hould not be approved until further atudy ia done on the circulation iaaue. She c~nted that with the li■ited acce1• in and out of the project, fire reaponae i• down to a nil, and requeated the -tter be tabled to allow conaideration of •a-. Harcua Ro■botis Joie Ravlina I I X X I ·-... · MINUTES Augu1t 25, 1982 Page 4 Richard Allen reaponded that a condition baa been placed on the final -P that require■ the developer to bond and 1ubtdt improvement pl1na for the widening of Alga Road where it ia nov tvo lanea, to be conatructed to four lane11 prior to the occupancy of unit 101. Mr, Allen continued that the City baa bonda and iaprove-nt plane, and the extenaion of Alga Road to the ea1t. and Melroae from Alga to Rancho Santa Fe Road ia currently half under conatruction. He added that the Daon Corporation will be proceeding within the next aix month ■ to a year to put Alga through ao there will be another acce11 out to the eaat. He indicated that a condition could be added to thia project, requiring that the road be coapleted before thia project could have any occupancy. Since no one elae viahed to ■peak on the matter, the public hearing vaa closed at 7:58 P.M. Ccn.i.aaion diacuaaion related to the capacity of Alga Road vith regard to traffic and circulation. Coaaiaaioner Ravlina expreaaed concern with regard to the height of the project. He believed the building■ exceeded the 35' height limit. Staff indicated that the project could not be built if it did not meet the height limit. The Comiaaion approved the Conditional Negative Decl•ration iaaued by the Land Uae Planning Manager, and adopted the following Reaolutiona, reco-nding approval of ZC-262/CT 82-15/CP-212 to the City Council, baaed on the finding■ and aubject to the condition■ contained in the ataff report : s. RESOLITJ'ION NO. 2013, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A 40 I.OJ' TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND A 490 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PERMIT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOITJ'H SIDE OF CORTE DE LA VISTA, EAST OF ALICANTE ROAD. USOLITJ'ION NO. 2014, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CRAiiGE FROM R-1-10,000 TO RD-MON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOITJ'H SIDE OF CORTE DE LA VISTA, EAST OF ALICANTE ROAD. CT 82-16/CP-213 TREETOPS UNLIMITED (VILLAGE J) - leque1t for a l~-lot/222-unit Tentative Tract Map and Condoainiua Perait in Village J of the Calavera Hilla Maater Plan, located approxiaately 1000 feet northveat of the eaaterly terainua of Taaarack Avenue in the P-C Zone. With the aid of a tranaparency ahoving the location of tbe property, Bill Hofaan gave the ataff report. Co_i,1ioner Marcua opened the public hearing at 8:03 P.N., and extended the invi tation to ■peak. Tbe co-i11ion recognized Mr. Gary Watta, Project Manager repreaentina Pacific Scene, 3900 Harney Street, San Diego. Nr, Watt• expreaaed villingneaa to reapond to any que1tion1. Since no one elae vi ahed to apeak on the aatter, the public hearina vaa cloaed at 8:04 P.H. Marcua X Rombotia I Joae X X R-lina I Frieatedt I MINUTES Aquet 25, 1982 Page 5 The C~ission approved the Negative Declaration ieeued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolution, reco-nding approval of CT 82- 16/CP-213 to the City Council, baeed on the finding• and eubject to the condition• contained therein: USOLUTION NO. 2008, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A 15 Uff/222 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PIRMIT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED TO THE IORTHWEST OF THE EASTERLY TERMINUS OF TAMARACK AVENUE. 6. ZCA-147, CITY OF CARLSBAD (DRUG PARAPHERNALIA ORDINANCE). Co-ieeioner Marcus inquired if anyone in the audience was preeent to address Item No. 6, and received no response. THI COMMISSION TRAILED ITEM 6 TO THE END OF THE MEET ING. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS 7. GPA-62(B)/MP-149(J), DAON CORPORATION -Request to aaend the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the La Costa Master Plan from Travel Service (TS) to Community Co-rcial (C) on property located on the eouthvest corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Mision Eetancia. With the aid of a traneparency shoving the location of the property, Charles Gri-gave the staff report, indicating that Staff is proposing to add a condition to the Maeter Plan text to require a Site Development Plan. co-ieeioner Harcu• opened the public hearing at 8:10 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. The co-iesion recognized Mr. Jim Goff, representing the Daon Corporation, 1241 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad. Re indicated that Staff ha• adequately addressed the applicant's concerns, and urged approval of t~e amendaent. Since no one el•e viehed to addrees the matter, the public bearing va• cloeed at 8:11 P.M. The co-ieeion approved the Negative Declaration iesued by the Land Uee Planning Manager, and adopted the following Reeolutione, reco-nding approval of GPA-62(B), and NP-149(J) to the City Council, baeed on the finding• contained in the etaff report: USOLUTION NO. 2010, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL or AN liiiibiiilff TO TRI UND OSI ELEKINT or THE GENERAL PLAN PROM TRAVIL SERVICE (TS) TO COMMUNITY cottmRCIAL FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE INTIRSICTION or FUTUU MISION ESTANCIA AND RANCHO SANTA n ROAD. USOLUTION NO. 2011, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN Dtiibiiiif TO TBI U COSTA MASTER PLAN TO REVISE THE LAND OSI PLAN or LA COSTA SOUTHEAST (TRAVEL SERVICE TO COIMUIITY COMMERCIAL Sl-17) AND TO MAU MINOR ADHUtlSTRATIVE CHANGES TO THI MASTER PLAN nrr AND MAPS ON PIOPDTY GINIRALLY LOCATED AT THE IlfflRSICTION or RANCHO SANTA Fl ROAD AND FUTURE MISION ESTANCIA. Marcue Ra.both Joee Rav line Frieet ?dt Marcue ROllbotie Joee Ravlin" Frieetedt I X X X X X X I I I I I MINUTES Augu1t 25, 1982 Page 6 8. IIR 81-9/GPA-62(A), HUNTINGTON BEACH COMPANY - Requeat to amend the Land U1e Element of the General Plan from Non-Reaidential Reaerve to Planned Induatrial. With the aid of a tran1parency ahowing the location of the property, Charle• Gri11111 gave a ataff report on the .. tter. Coa.i11ioner Harcua opened the public hearing at 8:16 P.H., and extended the invitation to apeak. The Coaaiasion recognized Hr. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, 3088 Pio Pico, Carlabad. Hr. Ladwig urged approval of the project, and expre11ed willingness to re1pond to any question,. The Co-iasion recognized Hr. Don Agatep, 2956 Rooaevelt, Carl1bad, repreaenting the Ultegawa and Kelly properties to the 1outh of the Huntington project. He indicated that their concerns were with ceapect to circulation, and that ju1t review be given to two -jor de,,1.:.-ttiona that have occurred; Hacario to the we1t and Laurel Tree Lane to the eaat. He added that any connection to College and Palomar Airport Road should take into conaideration the existence of tho1e two roads. Hr. Ladwig expre18ed agreement with Mr. Agat~p, and indicated that the owner was not co11111ittal ; however, same could be addressed during the design phase. Since no one else wiahed to apeak on the matter, co-i11ioner Harcua cloaed the public hearing at 8:20 P.H. The Co11111i11ion adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2003, RECO..mNDING CERTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 81-9) FOR A PROJECT INCLUDING ANNEXATION AND A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR 110 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD APPROXIMATELY l HILE EAST OF INTERSTATE 5. The Co-i11ion adopted the following Reaolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2002, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN lMiiibHENT TO TR! LAND USE EL!HEMT OF THE GENERAL PI.AR FROM NON-USID!NTIAL RESERVE (NRR) TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL (PI) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SID! OP PALOHAlt AIRPORT ROAD APPROXIMATELY ONE MIL! EAST OP INTERSTATE 5. UCISS Co.ai.11ioner Marcu1 called a rece11 at 8:29 P.H., and the Co.ai11ion reconvened at 8:38 P.H., with five aeaibera prHent. Marcua X Rombotia X X Jose X Rawlin1 X Frieatedt X Marcua l[ Roabotia X l[ Joae X R-lin1 X Frieatedt X MINUTES Auguat 25, 1982 Page 7 9. GPA-62(E). WERSCHING -Requeat to aaend the Land Uae Element of the General Plan froa Re1idential Lov- Mediu■ Density (RLH) to C~nity-<:~rcial (C). Qiarle1 Griami gave a brief report on the matter. At the requeat of the applicant, the C01aiaaion continued the -tter to the Novellber, 1982 General Plan Amendaent Rearing. 10. GPA-62(C), CITY OF CAllLSBAD (RLH TO RH) -Request to aaend the Land U1e Eleaent of the General Plan from Reaidential Low-Medium Denaity (RLH) to Residential Hediu■ Denaity (RH). With the aid of a tran1parency shoving the location of t',e project, Charles Gri-gave the staff report. He ceferenced page 2 of the Resolution, Finding No. 3(b), regarding the public facilities fee, and indicated that Staff is reco-ending deletion of same. Ca-iaaion diacuasion related to consistency in grading of projects. Ca-iasioner Harcus opened the public hearing at 8:47 P.H., and extended the invitation to speak. The co-isaion recognized Hr. Ed Waile, who expressed agreeaent with the Staff report and conditions of approval. He added that the grading issue is being addreased, and they are working with Staff to resolve any questions. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, the public hearing was closed at 8:49 P.H. The Coaai1aion approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager, and adopted the following Reaolution, reco-nding approval of GPA-62(C), baaed on the findings contained in the staff report: 6. RESOLtrrION NO. 2009, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMElff TO THE I.OD USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FROM RESIDENTIAL LOW-MEDIUM (RLM) DENSITY TO RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DINSITY (RH) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED 500 FEET WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL NORTH OF ALGA ROAD. ZCA-1471 CITY OF CARLSBAD (DRUG PARAPHERNALIA oibIICANC!) -An a-ndaent to the Zoning Ordinance requiring a Conditional Use Per■it for drug paraphernalia atorea. Michael Hols■iller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave a brief ataff report on the -tter. Co.aiaaioner Marcua opened the public hearing at 8:52 P,N,, and eatended the invitation to speak. Since no one viahed to apeak on the -tter, the public hearing vaa cloHd, -. Marcua I Ro■botia X I Joae I Ravlina I Frieatedt I Marcua X Ro■botia X Joae X X Ravlina X Frieatedt X . MINUTES Auguat 25, 1982 Page 8 The Comniasion apprJved the Negative Declaration is1ued by the Land Use Planning Manager, and adopted the following Re1olution, recoDDending approval of ZCA-147 to the City Council, based on the findings contained in the staff report; with the amendment of the Findings, as outlined by Staff: R!SOLtn'ION K~. 2005, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A ZONE CODE AMENDMElff, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE A~OITION OF SECTION 21.42.010(5)(BB) TO REGULATE THE LOCATION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA STORES. RESOLtrr IONS FOR ADOPT ION 11. Rf'r~Ltn'ION NO. 1996 -CT 82-11/PUD-44. The Co11111ission adopted the following Resolution: RESOLtn'ION NO. 1996, APPROVING AN 8-UNIT TElffATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMElff ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE END OF LUCIERNAGA COURT BETWEEN LUCIERNAGA STREET AND ARGONAtn'A STREET. 12. RESOLtn'ION NO. 2001 -CT 82-9/CP-ZlO. The Conmission adopted the following Resolution: RESOLtn'ION NO. 2001, APPROVING A 12-UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LUCIERNAGA STREET WEST OF URUBU STREET. ADJOURNMElff By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.H. Respectfully Submitted: MICHAEL J. HOLZMILL , Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION Ann R. Alleman, Minutes Clerk Marcus X Romboti1 X Jose X X Rawlins X Friestedt X Marcus X Rombotis X Jose X X Rawlins X Friestedt X Marcus X Rombotis X X Jose X Rawlins X Friestedt X