HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-25; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of:
Date of Meeting:
Ti.IN! of Meeting:
Pl.AlfiD[; <lMUSSI~
May 25, 1983
7:00 p.m.
Place of Meeting: City Council Charmers
'ffle Meeting was called to order by Chairman Schlehuber
at 7:00 p.m.
PLEOOE CF ALIB:;INCE was led by Chairman Schlehuber.
Chairman Schlehuber announced the Planning Comnissioo
Procedure as printed on the reverse side of the Agenda
and gave a short SlftlllrY of the Procedure.
Present: Chairman Schlehuber, Comnissiooers
Marcus, Farrow, Rawlins, Jose and
Absent: O::mnissialer Ra!tx>tis.
Staff Melltlers Present:
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner
Mik:e Howes, Assistant Planner
Paul Klukas, Assistam. Planner
Ex-Officio Mentlers Present:
Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager
Richard Allen, Acting City Engineer
Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney
1. V-347, ~ISTER -Request for four variances to
the ZOning Ordlnancie for a ptq)OSed condominium
oonversioo at 4555 Cove Drive in the R-W za,e,
Paul Klukas, Assistant Planner, gave the staff
presentatioo oo this item, using a transparency showing
the locatia, 11111p and a transparency showing Cove Drive
and the parking spaces.
Olairman Schlehuber opened the public hearing at 7:09
p.m. and iaaued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Lym ~ir, Architect fer the project, 34167 Pacific
CDUt Bighlley, Dima Point, addressed the Comnissim,
atating the variances should be granted, acoording to
at baa been done there mother properties. Mr. Muir
paued out oopiee of a map showing Bristol Cove,
partiotlu-ly Cove Drive and subject property.
Mr. R0C'y Achan, 4555 Cove Drive, owner of the property,
idlkeued the 00.1esion, stating he thooght the intent
at. the Ordinance was to persuade owners to i.nprove
their prq,erty, and this project would aC<Xllll)lish this.
Be lldllld he thought the intent was to increase the
89'llilAbility of off-etreet parking. Mr. Rohan said to
acx,0llpl tah the required perking space, a partial
dlmlitian of the b.Jil.ding would be required, which he
felt IMI ., r ~-.ptiooal cittum1taooe.
May 25, 1983 Page 2
As far as the size of the lot, Mr. Rohan stated his lot
is pie-shaped, which maJces it wider than 50 feet at the
front, which is the width allowing taooem parkiug.
Mr. Rohan stated the pre-zcning was creating a hardship
and ilrpoeing greater restrictioos than oo the
surrounding property. He felt he was atteflt)ting to
meet the intent of the Ordinance and was requesting
tandem parking, which was in effect in numerouo places
in Brisitol cove, and which w'.lllld be in hanrony with the
intent of the Ordinance and General Plan.
1'le granting of these variances would inprove the
neighborhood and alleviate the parking, too'l()!! the
density, inprove safety and traffic flow, and would be
an upgrading fer the area.
Mr. Rohan stated they intended to t l:!lrove two bedroam
to allow for the eight required parking spaces. 1'le
haneowners' associatioo supports this prqx,sed project
fully. A letter was handed to the Conmissioners for
their perusal.
Mr. Rohan stated he purchased the prq>erty in Dece!l'ber
and the parking was a "mess•. 'nle building is vacant
at the present time, awaiting the outoome of this
request, to determine whether they will reirodel for
apartments or condaniniUl'IE. 'lttere are "no parking"
sicms oo Cove Drive and there is no place to park.
1'le variances are necessary to ronvert to rondominil.lllE.
camlissioner Jose asked whether the taooem parking would
create problelll3 and Mr. Rohan answered the spaces would
be assigned. camdssioner Jose expressed the roncem
this woulcl ,4-et a precedent, and Mr. Rohan said it is
allo;i,ed there now. Co.mtlssioner Jose said there was no
lot that fell into the same category as this one. He
oont inued, Rtl!ting that even with seven bedroam, there
oould be fc..arteen cars. Mr. Rohan explained that he
..ou.ld be oonplying with the Ordinance as far as
required spaces.
Q\airman Schlehuber asked Mr. Rohan if he intended to
put sprinklers oo the building in the rear. Mr. Rohan
indicated the Fire Department had said they might have
a probl.e111 reaching the back of the building, but the
aprinkl ing system would eol ve that problem.
om-tuioner R4wlins asked whether the ooapact parking
_. coveted, aid Mr . FdWl answered ooly partially.
'then wuld be f ive spaoetJ fully oovered and the other
three would be partially oovered. 1'le building design
1a at an 1nJle anc, the access by the a:mpact-.:;pace would
be aoceptable to the Fi re Department.
Sinoe no one else wished to speak oo this matter, the
pablic teetialny was closed at 7: 24 p. m.
om-tut.aner Prieetedt asked staff i f all other
at.aidllrdl had been •t other than the variances asked
6:r, ant staff atated they had not fully reviewed the
project at thia ti•.
Nr. Jllir, t:M project architect, stated the project had
at all other requu:..nts for oondcainium ooversioo.
~n«.COIUSSI~ May 25, 1983 Page 3
Qlllaiuimer Farrow asked if staff had any <X'lllllllents to
nake with regard to tt,e properties shown on the 11111p, and
staff caaented all those projects were approved prior
to the acq,tion of the Ordinance by the City Council
that changed the parking standards. camdssimer Farrow
stated he dim't like the tan&im parking, but if this
beallle a condolllini1.111, there would be four nore cars off
of the street in that area.
ca.iuiooer Frieetedt asked staff for: front yard
aetback and side yard aetsback and staff answered ten
feet fer the front and four feet for the side.
Ocali.uiooer Marcus voiced ooncem about ripping out
bedt00111B to get mre cars parked and felt they had not
aol ved the problem.
COlllllissiooer Farrow added it would reduce the density
and the on-etreet parking.
camdssimer Friestedt asked whether the original R~
1.ale allowed tan&!m parking, and staff answered it did.
~ the change was mai,e, the parking was changed fran
ooe to two spaces per unit for a condominhsn, plus a
visita: apace. Tandem parking was eliminated on lots
that had a width of greater than 50 feet.
Olairman Schlehuber asked staff what effect this parking
had on the surrounding lots. Staff felt this precluded
good parking dttsign because of the existing building. In
the other vacant lot properties, the parking can be
designed into the project. Olairmsn Schlehuber asked
whether lot size and n~r of units for surrounding
properties was known and staff indicated the architect,
Mr. Muir, knew this information and would giw the
camdssion a 0011Plete nuHXJWfl. Mr. Muir the , read
through the properties on the 11111p, giving the lot width
and ~r of units for each parcel.
Staff advised the camdssioo that the present Ordinance
allows 45 percent of visiter parking to be oaipact
spaces, but oo this project it would be 50 percent.
Olairman Schlehuber oomnented he would have difficulty
aeking the first and Be<Xlnd findings fer a vari~.nce.
cxmdssiooer Friestedt stated he was against the
encroadment into the front-yard setback and side-yard
aetback. He aiMec1 the Cc:alissioo did not allow that
variance anywhere in the City.
Qlairan Schlehuber added that this was a request fer a
variance in a special area where it is a small, dense
area vith a lot of front yard parking.
'J.be Ckadssion detenained this was the first request fer
yari.noe and oi:nt:ainil.a oonversioo si~ the new
Oldinanoe went into effect.
Qcaliuioner Ralina ocaMnted on the alteratioos that
have been l8l.1lt to the building, and asked the owner
llhether that ... in anticipatioo of an,roval to convert
into C101doaln1.-. '!he architect, Mr. Muir, answered
that new vindowe had been put in to bring them up to
QOde, but that nothing had been done to change the
building toe the atMed pu1ting spaces.
~:n«; CXMtI$I~ May 25, 1983 Page 4
'!he Planning ec-dssia, adopted the following Schlehuber X
Reeolutioo: Marcus X X
Farrow X
aBSOU7l'I~ t«>. 2116, DF}JYI?«; roffi VARIAlCES FOR A Rawlins X
PR:lPClm> CXMXlfflffil'I ~I~ AT 4555 CCNE DRIVE. Jose X
Friestedt X
Alll.IC HEMUH:;s:
2. CT 83-9, ~ -Request for a 138-lot residential
aubdivlsloo located awroximately one mile east of El
caino Real at the eastern terminus of Sumy Creek Im<!
in the R-E 7.all!.
Chairt111n Schlehuber announced there was a requeAt for
contiooa,ce a, this matter.
Bill HOfman, Principal Planner, reported that at a
special City Council meeting, May 24, 1983, an off-
agenda item was ainsidered regarding the Mandana
property and the surrounding properties. '!he Council
was oonoerned with the pattern of developnent and wanted
the Mandana project oontinued to have staff analyze this
portioo of the City and repcct bade to the Planning
carmissia, in two weeks, and then to the City Council.
carmissioner Friestedt il'¥1Uired whether it was the
oonsensus of the Council to send this item back to
staff, and staff answered that il was.
Mike HOlzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, e~lained
further that Council wanted to make sure when the
Planning Comnissia, reviewed the proj,...,-:t, they \-.;\;Xlld see
what was being proposed by Mandana and whether it fits
into the neighborhood.
camdssioner Friestedt cxl111111mted that piece of property
is the ooly R-E 7.all! property there is, so all the
surrounding area would be different.
Mike HOlZll'i.ller added the Council was ooncerned with the
project type and wanted to make c-er+ain the Comnissia,
had the 01Jer-el.l picture.
Mr. Dc:."I A9atep, 2956 lo:IBeVelt Ibid, Planning
Aepx:eSt!ll\tative fer Mandana Corporatioo, addresssed the
cnaisaia,, stating they would agree to a two-week
'!be planning CCllllission voted to oontinue CT 83-9, Schlehuber X
~. two weeks, to June 8, 1983. Marcus X
Farrow X
Rawlim X
Jose X X
Frieetedt X
3. CT 83-5/CP-1281 ~ IA 003'a PlQIBkl'IES -Requc.,at
for a 20-wiit tmtat ve tract-., and ooncbdnim permit
aa pwpes:ty located on the aout-.h side of r..a Ooeta
Avenue, weat of La ecruna Place, in the RIH' 7.all!.
Pml Klukas, Auistant Planner, ga'll't' ~.:he presentation a,
thia ita • contained in the staff report, using
t;nn1pUW1Ciee showing the location IIIIIIPI site and zooing
of the surrounlim area.
PUHmr; Clll4ISSI~ Mlly 25, 1983 Page 5
Comnissiooer Joee asked what else the recreational areas
oontained other than a Spa and walkways. Staff
answered there were baloonies, whictl oount as
recreational areas.
Chairman Schlehuber~ the public hearing at 8:05
p.m. and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr.~ Coat, E. F. Cook & Associates, Ltd., 5858 Mt.
Alifan Drive, suite 200, San Diego, addressed the
Comnission, stating he had ooe question. He referred to
the tentative llllip expiration date given in the
Resolution, ana staff indicated the expiration date is
twenty-four IID'lths fran the approval of the project.
Mr. Jonathan D. Greene, 7615 La Coruna Place, addressed
the Ccmnission, stating he was planning to build on the
lot that would be next to the visitor parking lot. He
explained that all the surrounding lots are single
family residences and he was ooncerned ab:>ut the traffic
flow. He would like sane stipulation to be made to
slow the traffic down, especially as they go over the
sidewalk-1)erhape speed bunps. Mr. Greene also
requested a six-foot block wall along the property line
to hide the cars in the parking lot.
Chairman Schlehuber agreed that a six-foot block wall
would be a good idea, as well as other screening with
r.amdssiooer Friestedt added the wall should be the
length of the visitOI' parking area.
'lhe camdssion J:'eCO':mi:i:ea Hr. Fred D'Altrcp, 7617 La
Coruna Place, owner of the adjacent lot with a house now
under oonstruction. He stated his hafte would have
living quarters upstairs and a sh:-foot wall would not
be high enough to help him. He requested the parking
lot be DDWld to the Ol!nter of the CD1Plex and l!Wl!l'f fran
the prq,oaed area.
'1he next speaker was Sue Can,>a, 7623 Neuva Castilla, who
expressed oonoema fOI' the safet y of the children who
ride bikes in the cul~ sac and pll!l'f on the hillside.
She asked whether parking was to be allowed in the cul-
de-sac itself, as they llight possibly have overflow
parking there. In anawer to her question as to how llllll1Y
apaoes there were in the lot, staff said there were
eight. She acMed that the intersection there is a
dangerous ooe and she felt they were crmlllling a lot of
oordlainiiaa into a mlllll space in an area that is
faily Ol'iented. MB. CIH)a felt there would be a
definite environaental illpact on the area with this
cauisaimer Joae asked about the location of Ms.
Qippa 's piopert:,,, as she said she looked into the
pm:tdng lot frta her badtyard. Ms. CIH)a explained that
her lot was elevated, allowing her to see into that ....
Nra. Gail Greene, Route 3, Box 419, aMr.essed the
ocaet•im, irquiring about the looatioo of trash aontainera for ther pcq.oeed project. Staff indicated
thill had been diacuued and pointed out an area on a
~ ..twre an enclosed trash bin would sit.
May 25, 1983 Page 6
Mr. D'Altrop spoke again, stating the access to the
property should be changed, and that wci •ld ease the
traffic problem. Staff explained that La Costa is a
seoondary arterial and frequent oonflict points are
avoided as llllch as possible.
Since no a,e el::" wished to speak en this matter, the
public testina,y was closed at 8:24 p.m.
Comnissiaier Rawlins stated he wanted the record to
reflect that the Fire Chief should take a close look at
the two fire hydrants required. 'Ibey are quite a
distance apart, and he felt arother a,e oould possibly
be required in the vicinity of the driveway. Staff
pointed out that Cooditioo 128 addressed that problem.
'lbe Planning camdssioo ai:,proved the Negatiw
Dl!!claration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and
adopted the following Resolutioo:
RBSOU11'Itfi ?D. 2122, APPJOl.llN:; J\ 'lwm'IY-mIT ffNI'ATIVE
cnue. Pu.cE.
'1'10 Additional Conditions:
1. AppliO!lllt to install a aix-foot wall along the
length of visitoc puking and turn the oorner for two or
three feet at entrance to project.
2. Speed Ix.mp to be installed at entrance to property
and detailed landscaping.
MiJce Rolzmiller indicated to the people in the audience
that the Planning COl'llllissioo action ~me: final unless
appealed within ten days.
Olairnan Schlehuber called a recess at 8:28 p.m., and
the Ccaliaaion reconvened at 8:35 p.m. with six
o:aituimers pre~t Md Conlllissiorier Raltx>tis absent.
Olab:•n Schlehuber~ that Item t4 would be
trailed at this ti.a and the Ccnnissioo would prooeeJ
with the Discussioo ItelllS.
~!at 1'1WE1
S. PCl>-f', CNt DBE CXH:BPl'S -Request foe a PlaMing eca1 NLii oeterilnitlon to allow fer an increase in the
allaMbl• dlnalty far a 27-unit apart:Jllent project frta
20 &./ac:n to 29.3 du/acre looated at 1014-1016 Laguna
Dl"i• in the R-3 lane.
lllka Bolailler, LaM use PlaMing Manager, reported
Kaff ..auld like the Plaming Ccanissloo to oontinue
thia it., refer lt back to staff, urd explore the
poaiblllty of how the property might work at this
dlnaity • an affaEdable houalr¥J project.
Q\aidlll Sdwlhuber announced !..hat he planned to abstain
fraa .-ting on thl1o1 it• as it llllght involve a oonflict
of ~•t in the future.
Schlehuber X
Marcus X
Farrow X
Rawlins X
Jose X
Friestedt X X
May 25, 1983 Page 7
'l'he Assistant City Attorney stated this would be sent
bade for study as far as affordable housing and to see
if the applicant concurred.
'l'he applicant was in the audience and stated he did
'l'he Planning Camdssion voted to continue PCD-4~<Y\K
TREE CCH:EP1'S and refer it bade to staff for fu er
study. 'l'he item would be rescheduled when staff and
c!R)lioant are prepared for presentation.
6. PCD-45 S'mBILE -Request for a Planning Ccmnission
Determination for the addition of six apartment units
to an existing eight-unit apartment project at 253/255
Talnarade Avenue in the RI>--M Zone.
Mike Howes, Assistant Planner, gave the presentation on
this item as contained in the staff report.
Camdssioner iTose asked whether there was any thought
of converting these units to oondominiune and staff
answered they would not convert. Camdssioner Jose
asked about the widening of Tamarade and staff answered
the applicant had dedicated 40 feet as one of the
oonditions for the widening of Tamarade.
'l'he an,lioant, Ben Stabile, addressed the Ccmnission
oo behalf of the owner of the project. He stated they
had dedicated 42 feet and had cniplied with all
oondi tions.
Colllnissiater Marcus i~ired whether more laundry
facilities were going to be actied. 'l'he ai:plicant
stated they intended t o add m:>re facilities and the
roan would aC:CUim:xlat e this.
'1be Planning Callllission awroved the Negative
Declaration issued by the Land use Planning Manager and
adopted the following Resolution:
~ 00. 2123, APPIOIT]N; AN IlOFASE IN D~ITY Pai 14 miIT APAR'MIN'l' P!CJl!Cl' Fio. 20 OO'S/M:RE 'ID 25.9
[IJ'S,/M:RB 0. PIOPl!!Rl"r GmERALLY tocATED AT 253/255
'1'MIUWlt AVl!NUE •
Mike HolDdller gave the staff report on this item.
'ftlie.,. an informtioo item and Tentative~ of Mar y
lb\talae C.T. 81-19 WM passed out to the
' '
oc..iui.clwn. '!be property is located on the northwest
oomer of Bl c.1no Real and Chestnut Avenue. 'lbe
project will be built in nulti~. 'lbe first phase
1a juat around Jania way. 'lbe final lllllf)8 on the rest of
the project will be autaitted at a later date. 'ttlis is
part of. the single fmtdly developwnt and all lots front
Cl\ Jania.
Schlehuber X
Marcus X
Farrow X
Rawlins X
Jose X
Friestedt X X
Schlehuber X
Marcus X
Farrow X
Rawlins X
Jose X X
Friestedt X
PLNIUN:; al.fl.ISSIOl May 25, 1983 Page 8
Aooess to the develOEJll!!l"lt was discussed, aro Mtlce
Rolzmiller adv l.sed that Janis way waa going to tie into
the developnent, staff re<X:Cffllended that, and there was
objectioo. A gate was proposed to be put across Janis
way and that was not acceptable. '11le applicant then
redesigned the project and this portioo will be
separate fran the rest of the developnent, with
single family lots.
Mr. Michael Lalpart, 2025 Chestnut, asked permissioo to
alMress the cannissioo, stating Chestnut already has
12,000 to 25,000 cars per day oo it, and if that is the
street they pt'ql06e to use, he waidered where they were
goi.ng to put the cars.
Olairman Schlehuber said this does not lead into the
rest of the project.
Mr. Lalpart asked the date the project was awroved and
Olaiman Schlehuber stated staff rould answer specific
project d@sign questioos with him taiorrow, as it was
previously~ at a public hearing. 'ttlis was
merely a rephasing oo an existing tentative tract map.
4. 1.CA-166, CITY OF CARLSBAD -An amenchent to the
7.a\ing Ordina.-.ce revising the P-+1 (Planned Industrial)
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo as
oontained in the staff report.
Oclaiissia1er Jose asked for clarificatioo oo 113, "no
legal clinics" as far as foot traffic. Mr. Hofman
stated the i&!,'11 was to limit uses that enrourage walk-in
type traffic, as they want to minimize that type of
eor.Laaia1er Jose asked whether there was any prospect
of. high-rise fer .crken in the industrial area, and if
eo, llhat height, etc.
Mr. Hofllan said they cb'l't anticipate any high-rise, and
if Wtf were pcq,oNd, it wuld have to be approved by
both t.he Ooa1 Mi.on and the Oouncil.
oa-1wicner JoN asked if staff rould be nore specific
with ~idlntial project& and Mr. Hofman said that large
inlllatrlal areM -.y be able to design a residential
project within it.
o,wiMilllWr Pri•tec!t stated that aaae industrial
pmject:a bllw office auitee with reeidenoae a, the
NOOnd floon. Aa far M a high rise, that wuld have
t.,') be c:,naidand wt.\ it hlA>elled,
Cbaimar\ Sd\lehuber q,aned the public hearing at 9:00
p.a. ,nil 1--the invitatioo to speak.
ctwta:act 8dllehubar noted that Dan Schlehuber was in the
~. but di"' 't wieh to apeak.
llnae no cine wiahed to apeaJt on this atter, the public
-_ part.ion ... cl.c.ed at 9101 p.a.
, ..
May 25, 1983 Page 9
'!tie Planning caaission awroved the Negative
Declaration issued by the Land use Planning Manager and
aoopted the following Resolution:
~~ I«>. 2125, REO:MlffiDIR; APPJlJVAL OF A zcm:
CID ~, NBIDI?«; TITLE 21, CHAP'MR 34, OF 'fflE
~ flDUCIPAL <XDE ~IR; 'fflE P--M ( P~
DIXm'RIAL) zcm:.
'!tie Minutes of the Meeting held May 11, 1983, were
~roved as presented.
By prq>er notion, the meeting of May 25, 1983, was
adjourned at 9:04 p.m.
Respectfully suanitted,
MIOIAEL J. fll~LU.-1..m\
Land Use Planning Manager
Harriett Bal:i>itt, Minutes Clerk
Schlehuber X
Marcus X
Farrow X X
Rawlins X
Jose X
Friestedt X
Schlehuber X
Farcus X
Farrow X
Rawlins X
Jose X X
Friestedt X