HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-12; Planning Commission; MinutesNeeti~ of:
Date of Meeting:
Time of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
October 12, 1983
7:00 p.m.
City Council Chamers
'1be Meeting was called to crder ~ Vice-Olairman
Rontx>tis at 7:02 p.m.
PLEOOE CF ALUOC;IAlCE was led~ Vice-<llairman Rarb:>tis.
Vice-<llairman Rmtx>tis announced the Planning Comnissioo
Prooedtre as printed a, the reverse side of the Agenda
and gave a short sunmary of the Procedlre.
Present: Cllairman Schlehuber, Cannissioners
Ralbotis, Marcus, Rawlins, Farrow and
Absent: Cannissioner Friestedt.
Staff Metmers Present:
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner
Charles Grillln, Principal Planner
Ex--Officio flleldJers Present:
Mike RolZllli ller, Land Use Planninq Manager
Dan BentS<: lite, Assistant City Attorney
Richard Allen, Assistant City Engineer
lilarty Orenyak, Buildinq & Planning Director
Council Melber Presoott introduced the Public Safety and
Service Center Slide Presentatioo.
Chainan Schlehuber announced a ten-minute guestioo and
a,-r period fol.lowing the presentatioo, and one
citizen miked about future expansioo at the new Center.
council Melber Preeoott answered the PSSC was designed
to au, -date the staff needs foe a pcµilatioo of
Nllf Pml..IC B!ARDQ;;
1. ~ 83-11 -CXlffl'Y OF SAN Dim:> -Request to --aBietind Uie BlMll!nt of the General Plan to
clleignate laid • Plamed Irdlstrial, Residential Low
O.Wity a ()pm Space north of Palanar Ah.port Roal! and ••t ~ Bl c..ino Real.
Char lea Gr1-, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo
an thia ita, using a tranaparenc.y showing the locatioo
of. the PEq>et ty, buioally • aintained in the staff
a.iman Schlfflllber q>erled the public hearing at 7:37
p.L a 1uued the invitatia1 to speak.
Nr. Gng a.ntt, 530 •e• Stn!et, San Dieqo, addressed
tM ow.1Ni0n representing the County of San Diego,
atatinJ he -waiable for (J.le8tima. Re called atantial to a letter he had written today adt!resaed to
tlw 00-AMian, c.cpi• ~ ..tlich were distributed to the
i'L/INNJN;:; a:MIISSICN October 12, 1983 Page 2
'l1e Camdssioo questiooed the disposition of the trash
caipactor and Mr. Garratt stated this was being
discussed by the Board of Supervisors and there was oo
decision at the present time.
Mr. A. C. walcllan, Director, Airports Divisicn,
Gillespie Field, 1960 Joe Crosson Drive, El Cajcn,
addressed the ec.dssion, stating a letter oould be sent
to the Solid wastes Department to ask them to appear
before the c.c.rlssicn cn this natter.
Chairman Schlehuber stated this statior: was to be the
answer to future waste problenB and now after six nonths
this statia, might be torn cbm and the millions of
dollars spent for this facility be ignored.
Mr. Frlward Boersma, 7204 Ponto Drive, representing the
owner al. Coast waste Management , rtddressed the
ca.nission, stating a POtential problem oould be created
by this Resolution. Re stated Coast waste had ~reed to
vacate the Palto area, but had a problem as to where to
re-locate. 'ftle service they provide is 3ll essential ooe
to the <Xllffl.mity, and the Palanar Transfer Staticn is a
well-suited area for their type of industry. Now the
County wants to zone this as planned industri~l and tear
this station chm in crder to nake noney fran this
property. Re felt there should be a provision nade for
an essential refuge ea"fPal'lY such as theirs, and there is
a problem of illegal <imping in the Carlsbad area. Mr.
Boermra further stated the transfer station should oot
be delllolished, as it is oot known what might happen to
the land fills, and it is a certainty that a pl~ce is
n@eded for trash.
Mr. BoeTillllll suggested an alternative of leaving the
preeent transfer facility and planning around it, making
it oontiguous to the prq>osed Carlsbad Public Safety and
Service Center. Re suggested oontinuing this matter for
180 days to buy SOE time for Coast Waste. He read into
the record a letter dated June 30, 1982, signed by Mary
Casler, addressed to Paul Eckert, County Board of
Mr. Greg Garratt stated he wished to cxmnent cn the
requaat for a lll<HSay oontinlance and stated this item is
unrelated lft1 IOlld have oo inpact cn what Coast waste
Nlll1g lt: did, • it affected prq,erty other than that
whan the Palcalr Transfer Station is located. 'lllis
.ould not preclude the Board of Supervisors entering into
an r..p ,rt with Ooaet -te Managellient, if they decided
to &, thie. 'ltlie will be before the Board of Supervisors
betan the a at. thia year.
llr. n.rd Boel:w atated Coast waste had information
that the t:nlw.fer atatim 1es to IJe delrolished and the
pcqlK'ty ~ to inllaetrial parlt. In answer to a
queaticn fral O\airaan Schlehuber about the County's
ability t:10 dlmliah the statim at llffJ time, Mr. Boersma 12• and thia ... oertainly their prerogative. Mr • ..,_w c:mnclullld, atating that death, taxes and garbage
.auld continue to t. ._thing that llllSt be dealt with.
oa-twicMr Perra., ~ired about lilhat advantage it
.ould be to CoMt -te to oontinue thie item, and Mr • ... w atated it IDlld mly be buying tune.
PI.\lfin«; CIMUSSICN October 12, 1983 Page 3
Mr. Arie DeJcng, 01mer of Coast waste Management,
addressed the Ccnnissioo, stating this transfer statioo
is an existing facility tought and paid fort¥ public
funds. It is his belief this facility should be made
use of. and should oot be dem:>lished.
In answer to a questioo fran Camrl.ssioner Farrow, Mr.
Garratt stated the County needs to develop this property
to provide sane inOOffle.
After sane discussioo, it was determined there would
have to be a tentative 11111p and specific plan subnitted
for; arrt developnent oo this property.
Since oo ooe else wished to speak al this item, the
public testinaty was cloeed at 8:03 p.m.
Staff indioated in answer to a question fran
Camrl.ssia,er Lyttletoo that they felt this item and the
Palanar Transfer Statioo were two separate items, but
that the County oould ct> what they wanted as far as the
transfer statioo was oonoerned. The suggestion was made
to indicate to the County that the Camrl.ssion favored
the pt"eSent use for; that property and would want a
ax,parable use.
'1'he Camrl.ssial discussed the advantage of having this
transfer station at this location and agreed that when a
tentative ff11P is subnitted they would stroogly re<X)ffl'llend
it include such a facility and would lode for that same
use. It was felt poetpooing this item would oot change
staff's re<XmnP.nc'iation oc what the Planning Camrl.ssion
or City Council woulJ 1oac at as far as the land use al
this prq>erty.
'1'he Planning Camrl.ssion adopted the following
R&9CU1l'ICN Nl. 2191, ~m:; APPRJIJAL CF AN
Mittilt#r ffi '1HB [NE llm EUMm CF 'lHE GENERAL ~
PI04 Cl'l!N SPACE '10 ~ DDJSTRIAL, ie;II>mfl'IAL LCM
OF BL <Mn«> IIW..
2. BIR 83~-70(A)/ZC-276 -~ -Request to ~ the Uae Element of the General Plan to
designate land -Planned Irmstrial, Residential Low
Denaity and Open Space nxth of Palanar Airpcrt Road and
t: <1 !l Caino Real.
Bill Hof'Jnan, Principal Planner, gave the presentation oo
thi.a it:M, • contained in the staff repoct, treaking
the report into two eections1 the EIR certifioatioo and
the general plan -dilent and zcne change. He used
tnNpareneiee llhowing the parcel, the za,e changes and
the •iating and~ 10ning. Re referred to
changee at.Aft a.de, copies of which were included in the
padtet. Mr. Hofaar\ intro&.ioed Mart.ha Wiley, ~
pnpend the BIR, and stated she was available foe
que9tion1 trca the Colllldaaion.
Schlehuber X
lbttx:>tis X X
Marcus X
Rawlins X
Farrow X
Lyttletoo X
PIARm«:; CDIUSSICN October 12, 1983 Page 4
mdslide, Mr. Hofman indicated that the EIR explains that
a nul!slide is a eurficial landform while a landslide is
deeper and has t.'w, potenital of creating greater erosion
proble1113, A nudslide am be mitigated by traditional
gradin\1 practices.
Ms. Martha Wiley explained that page 119 was oot
factual. 'l1'te nud flow was foond to be 1t1.1ch smaller than
showi1 there. It was detennined the <Trading plan would
have to be very detailed because of the possibility of a
lllJdslide. 'l1'te notatioo was made that en page 27 of the
report, it should read North County Transit.
Carmissiooer Farrow irquired about the in-pact en
intersecti~ lll!ntimed in the EIR and whether the
Colllnissioo shouldn't be ooncerned about that in-pact.
Staff tndk~ted the EIR identified these problems as
C\allative pr-oblems and Ms. Wiley ~ that at the time
the EIR ws prepared, irrprovements were being rrade en
those intersectioos, and at the present time the traffic
flow has been irrproved.
Staff was directed to delete the 'lllOrds "specific plan"
fran part two of the EIR, inaS111.1ch as this was oot
included as an applicatioo.
Bill JJofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentation
on the zone change as rontained in the staff report. He
stated the prq>erty to the south of Elm will be before
the ca.issioo within the next two nonths.
Chairman Schlehuber cpened the public hearinq at 8:31
p.11. and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Stan Landess, representing Alanda, 2341 Jeffersat
Street, San Diego, addressed the camrl.ssion stating he
wae available fa: questions and he would like rebuttal
tia at the cloee of the public hearing.
Mr. Nicholas Banc:ht:, 3464 Ridgecrst Drive, addressed the
ccaaiulon in ~itia, to this item. He pt"eSented a
petitia, with 115 signatures to Mike Holzmiller, Land
ON Panning Manager, to be filed with the papers en
this •tter, tnd he referred to a letter in Cf)pOSition
to thia it• whidl had been sent to all the
caaluicnera. Be stated he had relied oo the General
Plan to be IA)lied in keeping this area in single family
reeidanoea, and if ll)U'tJlents are allowed in this area,
the n.igbbcctliOOd wuld be ruined. Mr. Banche asked for
tboN s-JP,le in attendance ..tlo agreed with him to stand,
and at 1-t 3/, of the people in a packed audience
at:ood. After • diacuuim, Mr. Banche stated this 8,8
ael'9 cllwlqaant llight preeapt the Camdssion oo the
nain1ng '2 ac:rN, and the entire area should be
oorwidared at c:ne tiat I not pieolll!IIINl.
Nr. lob Ladwig, 3389 Dorv\a Drive, a:tdressed the
oa.iuicl'I in qipoeition to this project, stating the
entire ptq.ett)' lhauld be oonaidered at cne time •
• Nary rr, 32'4 MMlbflarlt Lane, we n!OOgnized
by the ow-iuion, and apoke in qipoaitim to this
p&Ojec:t, 111:ating tile General Plan should be adhered to
and hi,Jhff dllnaity not allONed. She stated she 11198 oot ontain ltlaut tile difference between a lllldalide and a
Ude, but that <any0I\ hu bec0111e a Yery deep ravine, al9o atated llhe WM oonoemed about silt in
the , 1'\idl baa juet been dredged.
October 12, 1983 Page 5
Mr. Stan Landess, re-addressed the Ccmnissioo for
reruttal, stating the applicant would be willing to oo
the entire prqJerty at ooe time if that were possible,
but mly the north si&> is being oonsidered tonight.
Mr. Gus Nesseth, 3324 Seacrest Drive, addressed the
Camdssioo, stating oo mention had been made as to when
El.In would be oonstructed, and he felt Elm should be put
through. He stated if the entire project were oot
<Dl&idered at me time, where would all the dirt be ?,Jt
that 11118 renoved from the oorth side. He felt the
entire project should be oonsidered at ooe time.
Mr. Gary wrench, 3531 Olarter Oak Drive, Mdressed the
Caraissioo, reiterating the previously stated belief
that this project should be oonsidered as a total, and
not piecemeal.
Since oo me else wished to speak oo this item, the
public testimny was closed at 8: 58 p. m.
Ccnnissiooer Radx>tis stated he wanted to oonsider this
project as a whole and oot 8.8 acres. He felt the
Cannissioo oould oot rmke a fair judgment.
Ccmnissiooer Rawlins agreed this should be considered
under me plan.
'l1le Planning Camdssi oo ~ted the following Resolutioo
certifying EIR 83-5 to the City Council, including all
oor:r:ectioos and p.tbl.ic testilrony:
!VIlOflll!NrAL :fiiiw::T JmlCRl', EIR 83-5, FOR A Plnm'.:'l'
(4-10 OO'S/ACRB) to me ( 10-20 W'S/ACRE) AND A 1X:NE
~ P'10t R-A-10 ,000 'IO IDl(O) QI A 8.8 ACRE PARCEL
EnJ'III CF Bll'.
A motioo ..a mde and aeoonded to deny GPA 70(A) and ZCA-
276. 'fflie mtioo was wi thdrawn.
A diacuuim wa held as to whether the applicant would
rather haw this mtter oontinued, or denied, and the
IFPlioant requeeted five minutes to oonsult together to
ake a dlciaim.
o.J.man Schlehuber declared a fifteell11inute recess
at 9105 p.a. In! the ca.lasioo r:e-«invened at 9:20 p.m.,
with all Ccwaiuionera present except camdssiooer
'!be Planning ca.iuion denied, without prejudice, GPA
70(A) and IC-276.
October 12, 1983 Page 6
3. GPr,/UJ 83··1f'/?'.C-289 -'mYLER -Request to amend the
Land Use Element of the General Plan to designate
prq,erty for Professimal and Related Cannercial (0)
development and a Zale Change fran R-1-10,000 to R-P,
Residential Professimal, oo the northwest oomer of
Highland Drive and Elm Avenue.
Charles Grinwl, Principal Planner, gc::,"t! the presentatioo
on this item as cx:.ntained in the staff report, using
transparencies to show the property locatioo and the
suTTQUMi~ lot sizes with the zone line shown.
Chairman Sdilehuber cpened the p.iblic hearing at 9:28
p.m. and issued the invitatioo to speak.
Dr. Larinoe Tayler, PhD, 3755 Jeffersa,, the !pplicant,
addressed the Onnieeioo, stating his prq>osed project
would enhance the City. He stated the turnout fran the
prq>erty would preclude a left turn. Dr. Tayler had a
drawing of the proposed project which he shOol'E!d to the
Cannieeioo. He stated the ground level would be his
offices, with his residence above that. 'Itie ooe--story
house UJUld be rt!l'IDYed. Dr. Tayler urged the Comnissioo
to l!llPfflYe this change.
Mr. James R. Swab, 2924 Highland nrive, ~essed the
Ccnnieeioo representing seven other property owners in
the area, in cppoeitioo to this proposed project. He
stated Highland should be left strictly residential, as
it is not a neighborhood in transitioo. 'Itiere were
approximately fifteen other people in the auditorium in
support of Mr. Swab's statements.
Mrs. C8roline Shindler, 3081 Highland Drive, was
recognized by the Cannieeioo, and spoke in cppositioo to
the pr:opoeed project, and in cppositioo to changing the
General Plan. She added there are sane historical
reeidenoes al Highland Drive and this area is part of
the flavor of the City of Carlsbad.
Since oo cne else wished to speak al this matter, the
public teetimny was closed at 9: 35 p.m.
'ft'9 Planning Caaiasioo !pproved the Negative
Declaration iuued by the Land Use Planning Manager and
adopted the following Resolutions:
~ tD. 2195, Dl!NYDI. AN ~ 'IO 'lHE I.AND tlll f!Wi ~ '1m! C1!HERAL PLAN FRO! Rl1'I (RESIDml'IAL
ME lllGRlNa> tlUVE.
Rl8CXDT1CII tD. 21'6, tafYI?«; A ~ QI!'~ P'ROI R-1-
10,tlob '10 R--P Of ~TBLY 10,000 SQ. Pl'., CF
.• 311&--t,lY WCATBD QI 'IHE tDmlNES'l' CDRmR CF
BUI AVl!llll Ml> RI~ mIVB.
•• ~ 83-l -CAI.AVERA HILU; -Requeet to aniend the Qenanl lin to diiiije &naltlee, park sites Md q>efl
apam.,.. within the Cal.avera Hille Master Plan area.
Schlehuber X
loltJotis X
MarC\18 X
Rawlins X X
Farrow X
Lyttletoo X
October 12, 1983 Page 7
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo a,
this item as oontained in the staff report, using a
transparency to show the site.
Chairman Sdtlehuber q:,ened the J,'.Ublic hearing at 9:41
p.m. and issued the invitatioo to speak.
Mr. J. Scott '1\Jrpin, 110 West c Street, san Diego,
addressed the camdssioo, fer the applicant, stating he
was available for questioos.
Mr. David Stoffel, 4705 Rdinrurgh Drive, spoke to the
Camrl.ssioo, expressing ooncern about traffic being
routed through his neighrorhood.
Bill Hofman ?}t a wall nap a, the board showing the site
and stat':!d a secondary access would be necessary after 50
units had been ta.Jilt. 'ltlis access was to ~ through the
park site. 'ltlere is a possibility that the road through
the park will be deleted, whim would make rn<.> access.
The park has not been designed as yet, and there will be
an access to the oorth to Elm Avenue when it is
developed. Tenporarily, there would be ooe waytraffic
through t::,~ Cola,y.
Mr. Stoffel stated the residents felt a road through the
middle of the parlc was not viable, and suggested a road
be cut through at the lx>ttan of the area in the narrow
Mr. James Whittaker, 4742 Inverness Court, addressed the
Camrl.ssioo, stating parks are fine, but he felt any
entrance to a park should be fran a nain street to make
it easier to find, rather than fran a side strt:!et.
Mr. Paul Glick, 4718 Rdinrurgh Drive, spoke to the
Ccanisaioo in q,poeitioo to the item, stating there is
a trufic problem there at the present time, and if
there is si entrance oo Glasgow, the problem will be
<XllpOUndad. Re added the entrance should be oo
Tamrack. Mr. Glick I.med the wall map to indicate the
area lilhere he aaggested a road ue put through.
Since no me else wished to speak oo this lllltter, the
public teetiaa,y was closed at 9: 54 p.m.
'!be Planning Caaiuioo IR)roved the Negative
Declaration iuued by the Land Use Plarming Manager and
~ the fol.lowing Reaolutioo:
R1!SCUJ'r1a. t«>. 21~, RBCDMla>IK. APP101AL CR AN Aiiilaefr 10 lfiii flil:> ta PLW' CR 'lBE <:amw. PLAN 'IO
ARBM1 lll'fflIN '1B! ~V!RA KIU..S ""8'l'ER PLAN.
ca-tuianar Railbotia atated the circulatioo problem
eh0uld be cawidered by ■taff at the time the nuter
pan i■ nwi--.d. Qiaiuion&r Maro.ut agreed with Mr.
Aclllbotia, ■uting the ciroulatioo problem is criticel.
Schlehuber K
lbltx>tis K
Marcus K
Rawlins I<
Farrow " I<
Lyttletat I<
October 12, 1983 Page 8
5. <!1/H) 83-9/ZC-285 -'lllJITI' -Request to amend th"'
Lam Use Eleffllmt 0f the General Plan to redesignate
prq,erty fran Residential Low--Medium Density (Rllt)to
Residential High Density (R-ff) and a Zale Change fran R-
1-7,500 to R-3 oo property generally located oo the
south side of Tamaradt.
Charles Gri.nm, Principal Planner, gave the presentation
on this item ae rontained in the staff report, using a
transparency to show the prq,erty site.
A oorrectioo "38 nade a, page two of the staff report,
third paragraph, to dlMge the word "inapprq,riate" to
The mitigatioo of. roise fran the railroad was discussed,
with a six-foot wall recam-ended.
Chairman Schlehuber cpened the public hearing at 10:03
p.m. and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. ti>ert Truitt, 156 Chil'XJUapin Avenue, the applicant,
addressed the carmissioo, stating they were prqx)Sing a •o• OY"erlay to enable Planning to hove good rontrol on
what goes in there. He stated there would be heavy
shrubs plus trees for sound barriers.
Mr. Mike Werner, 911 Tamaradt Avenue, addressed the
Camdssioo in qp,eitia, to this item.
Ms. Audrey Cowen, 3925 Hibiscus Circle, spoke against
this item, stating there will be police, fire, etc.,
problems if ~nts are put in that area, and she
s tated she agreed with the staff's recam-endatioo to
deny this project.
Mr. Truitt called attentioo to a letter received by the
Camdasioners a, this subject.
Si noe no one else wished to speak oo this matter, the
publi c teati.Jna,y was closed at 10:30 p.m.
'ffte Planning Ccmdssioo adopted the follOliing
RBflXD1'ICfi II). 2197, IENYIRi AN AMEtDmNT 'IO 'lHE I.NE tk flW' (ll' id <J!NERAL PLM PIOI RBSIDl!N'l'IAL-!Oi
Ml'lDitJI (RUI, 0-4 W/),C) TO RBSIDl!Nl'IAL HIGH (R-ff, 20-30
00/),C) Clf PIOlBR'1'! CJ!NBRALLY UX'.ATBD ~ 'lHE 9X1l'H SIDE
RllUD'l'IClf II). 2198, Cl!NYIN:; A OE~ PIOI R-1-
7 ,500 (cill-HimY RBSIDl!Nl'IAL) TO R-3 (fllJLTIPLE-FAMILY
DI8CUSSIClf I'l'l!lh
6. IC 28~3-7 -GMAPI~ -Request for the
RD B (Blc}l &i/ac) bensyione and IJA)roval of a
Site O.Wlqaant PlWI for a 22--unit apartment.
Schlehuber X
lbltx>tis X
Marcus X
Rawlins X X
Farrow X
Lyttletoo X
October 12, 1983 Page 9
Cllarles Grinl, Principal Planner, gave the
presentatim m this item, as oontained in the staff
report, llBing a transparency showing the project site.
M.,rt-v Orenyak, Building and Planning Director, stated
the applicant had rot entered into a develq.ment
agreement as yet. 1'ie Conlllissimers discussed the
increased dansity bonus, which was to be given by
wodcing oot 11n agr~t for affordable housing. Mr.
Orenyak stated this agreement was to be for low,
noderate incxne housing, and not •affordable• housing.
The Assistant City Attcrney stated the issue of what
percentage to use is solely a means of establishing a
standard to use in the years to a::ae to determine what
the rents will be. 1'iere are lftlltiple standards because
housing pi:-ioes are not the same in all areas.
Mr. Jadt Bentham, 2956 Roosevelt, addressed the
camdssim, stating facts and figures regarding
•affordable housing• and posted a chart a, the wall
indicating apartment rents in the Carlsbad area. Mr.
Henthorn stated the applicant did not agree with
Ccnditim 1271 that nine units is too many to be set
aside for affordable rents and that the period of time
of twenty years is too long. He asked that Cooditioo
127 be ameuded.
The Assistant City Attorney stated staff would need time
to verify the statements and figures quoted by Mr.
Mr. Ckenyek reiterated the issue here is low and
IDderate incane housing in exchange for a density bonus.
Another diacussioo was held regarding the percentage to
be I.med to detennine the rental sche<llle and the
granting of the density bonus in exchange for low and
a:>derate inoale housing.
Mr. Joe Berlinaky, 3007 waahingtoo Blvd., Iai Angeles,
aipdte to the OW-1 sa im in favor of his prqx>eed
project, stating this 1111111 a good project that would be
good lier the City c4 carlabad. Re stated the twenty-
year period -too la,g for rentals to be subject to
the ataff anUtiaw.
'ftw Planning Cowisaim approved the Negative
Declaration 1-..d by the Land Uae Planning Manager and
adapted the following Reeolutia'\8:
~ 11>. 2199, aixIW.in«i APPIOfAL CF A OCfiE
IA8'I' mm CP IIMDD«i 9'1'REZ'l' mliiB&i PINB AVIHJE AND
'111BSM1f AVIIDl.
11>. 2200, APPIWJY'D«i A SI'ffl CZVBl'.£llMl1N1 PLAN
RUl>DG 8'l'la'I' ·•Pl'tMi&Jilfll!U PlNB AVl!NJ! IN) CH!8'DCl' AVl!NUB.
0c8ld Mloner Rallbotia stated fer the record that
phlloa:ptlcally he -mt in fa\101' <1 the notim as
aud\r that he IOlld have agreed with the an,lioant.
October 12, 1983 Page 10
O\airan Schlehuber announced there would be a tour of
the wtlarm, with Mr, Earl LullR)e, of the State Fish
and Gae Deput:Jllent, as the guide.
'ftM! ca.issiat decided to hold this tour cn Monday,
October 17, 1983, at 2:00 p.m.
'ftM! Miootee of the Septarber 28, 1983, meetL-iJ were
apptoved as presented.
By prq:,er IIDtion, the meeting of October 12, 1982, was
contiroed at 11:03 p.m., until Monday, October 17, 1983,
at 2:00 p.m., City Ball, 'br a tour of the wetlards.
Respectfully sut:mitted,
Harriett Babbitt
Mi.rutes Clerlt
Schlehuber X
lolt>otis X
Marcus X
Rawlins X X
Farrow X
Lyttleton X