HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-09; Planning Commission; MinutesMeetir¥j of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CALL 'ID CRER: MINUTES ~<DMISSI~ 'NoYellt>er 9, 1983 7:00 p.m. City Cruncil Chant>ers 'Itae Meeting was called to crder by Chairman Schlehuber at 7:04 p.m. PLEOOE CF AIUX;INCE was led by Chairman Schlehuber. Chairman Schlehuber anoounoed the Planning Ccmnissioo Prooedlre as printed era the reverse side of the Agenda am gave a shol"t sunmary of the Procedlre. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Schlehuber, cannissioners Raltx>tis, Marcus, Rawlins, Friestedt arxl Lyttletoo. Absent: cannissioner Farrow. Staff Ment>ers Present: Bill Hofman, Principal Planner Charles Grinm, Principal Planner catherine Nicholas, Assistant Planner Ex-officio Ment>ers Present: Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Plaru1ing Manager Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney Richard Allen, Acting City Engineer 8. MP-150~ -C.AIAVERA HILU; cx:MPANY -Request to amend theavera Hills Master Plan to chanqe densities, village ooundaries, develcpnent types arxl parlc sites in the Calavera Hills Master Plan area. Chairman Schlehuber announced there was a request for continuance oo this item. Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, stated a letter had been received oo this ite111 and staff had not had a chance to evaluate this. 'Itae !A)licant had no oojectioo to a oontinulnoe, and indicated two weeks would be uti.afact:ory. 'ltMt Oaaiuioo oontinued this item for two weeks until Nc:Mllll,er 23, 1983. Chairman Schlehuber stated there should be a field trip in CD1aecticln with this item, and asked for the aa.atuion'• preference as to the date. 'Itae Cmllduumen ll!Jl'98d to meet at the Council Chaat>ers, oo Mandlly, Mou rta 21, 1983, at 2:00 p.m., to take a field trip to thi• prq,erty. Q\aiman Schlehuber amounced that any interested party oould go on the field trip. Schlehuber Rcldx>tis Marcus Rawlins Lyttleta\ Frieetedt X X X X X X X MINUTES Novent>er 9, 1983 Page 2 1. CUP-236 -JHIJll'Mf'S wrmESSES -Request for a conditiooal use permit to allow a church at the end of a future rul-de-sac located to the west of the rorthwest corner of Elm Avenue and Monroe Street in the R-1-7,500 zone. Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report, using transparencies to 8how the property site. Arother transparency was shown indicating the potential developnent on this cul-de-sac. In answer to a question fran Camdssioner Friestedt, staff explained the traffic cx,unt prepared by the applicant was inoonclusive and ro rea:mnendation was made by the traffic consultant, leaving staff with nothing on which to base an q,inion reqardinq the traffic. Camdssioner Ramotis irXfuired atx>ut the oojection to the traffic and whether this applied only to future traffic on the future cul-de-sac, and staff answered that was oorrect. Chairman Schlehuber q:>ened the public hearing at 7: 18 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Attorney Kenneth Barwick, 3434 Grove Street, Lem::r1 Grove, representing the Carlsbad Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, stated he would like to have the traffic engineer address the Comnission regarding the traffic study. Mr. John Mo\llister, 6464 Corsica way, San Diego, addressed the camds.sion, with Attorney BMwidc questiooing him ~arding his qualifications. Mr. Mc~llister is a Traffic Engineer with the State of California Department of Transportation, c!nd stated he was been actively engaged in his profession for nore than twenty-four years. Mr. "°'-llister stated it appeared that utaff's oojection to the traffic inpact in the cul -de-sac did rot take into oonsideratioo the fact that at the time of maxinum buil~t, the street would be 40 ft. or nore fran curb to rurb. He stated that local street would have an estilMted 500 vehicle trips per day and the cul-de-sac would haYe 300 11\llXin.lln. '!be ooni)er of parking spaces in the dlurdl parldng lot would be 77, with 1 50 cars er or vehiclee mking a trip a day-only twice a week- this would leave a lot of. apace for the 500 trips for the t,MSt cl. the residents. He stated it is a local street and rot a rul-de-sac, M the cars would be goir¥;J into the church lot and leaving ao many houra later. He did rot feel the church would adversely bpact. the traffic along the prqx>sed cul-de-sac. In aiawer to ~ry, Mr. MalU.lister 1:1tated he was oot involved in the actual traffic study made oo this proposal. He stated th"" traffic cx,unt appeared to be accurate, and this type of. land use ;~ld rot gt,-nerate a lot ot traffic. A Bton! would generate lftlch nore traffic, with oars <Dni ng and going constantly. ' MINUTES Novefft>er 9, 1983 Page 3 Attorney Barwick stated the church had dedicated to the City a strip of land fran Valley along Elm the entire length of the property, qivinq up access to Elm. 'lttis was a request fran the City to ensure any future property owners rot being able to exit ooto Elm Avenue. Mr. Barwick stated it was unfair for the City to oow object to the traffic inpact a, the future rul-de-sac, particularly when that street will be as wide as any local street in the City. Mr. Barwick asked to have entered into the rerord a copy of a ~t entitled San Diego Associatioo of Goven-.nents and the oaptioo of the document is: A Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generatia, Rates for the San Diego Regier,, Novefft>er, 1981. Mr. Barwick stated that under the designated land use of a church, the estimated weekday vehirular trips is 30 trips per thousand square feet. He stated he used the square feet, inasnuch as the property size is deceptive due to a canyon area that is rot usable. Mr. Barwick stated figures showinq if the maxinum of twenty rouses was reached, that would use 200 of the trip capacity, leaving 300 for the church. 'ltle church would be meetinq basically twice a week, with a maxinum of 78 cars, generating 160 or less trips a, those days. Camdssioner Friestedt ac;ked Mr. Barwick whether this informatioo had been supplied to staff prior to this meeting and Mr. Barwick answered it had rot. Camdssioner Friestedt CXJlll'llented that staff made its reo:mnendatia,s based a, the information at hand prior to the neeting. Attorney Barwick read Condition 'I'«> under Findings a, Page 2 of the Resolutia,. He also quoted fran the Disrussion area of the Staff Report. Mr. Barwick stated the first two residences next to the proposed church site are owned by church ment>ers and lived in~ church ment>ers, creating a ooffer between the church and the available [-uture property. 'ltte peq>le purchasing a lot there in the future will realize there is a church there and will have a choice to ooy er not. Mr. Barwick called attentioo to the church across the street with a parking lot just a,e oar larger than the prq,oeed lot for this church. He added that the ptq>06ed church parking lot would E!ll'pty through their own property and mt create any traffic problem. He stated he felt staff had rot presented any facts to support the oonclusioo that the proposed street would rot be adequate. Mr. Barwick referred to the EIR and the fact that staff had used the word "maybe• in answer to several of the (Jleetioos regarding the traffic i.npact. He ooncluded, eayinq there was ro basis fer denying the church l.l'8e in this area, partirularly after the church donated the ten-ft. strip the City requested. MINUTES Novent>er 9, 1983 Page 4 Camdssiaier Friestedt reiterated for the benefit of the audience that all facts should be presented to staff before they make their reoonmendatioo, and rot at the hearing. titlen those facts are rot available to staff originally, staff makes a recamiendatioo oo facts available to them, which often means that reoonmendatioo will be an lD'lfavorable ooe. Camrl.ssimer Lyttletoo inquired about the omership of the property between Elm and c:bm to Valley, and the Attorney stated the church did own that property. camdssia,er Lyttletoo asked t.'hy they placed the church at the end of the rul~c rather than at the other end of the prq;erty, and Mr. Barwick stated there is a canyai at the other end of the property, and the prqx,eed site would provide a b.Jffer between the church and the neighbors. In the interest of being a good neighbor, the church would rot want to disturb the neighbors with traffic at night or roise, and since the other side of the street is now agricultural, it was felt there would be less inpact with the church at the prqx,eed site. Camdssiaier Rawlins asked about the possibility of developnent of the side of the street owned U)' the church, and the Attorney stated the church would tq>e to eventually sell sane of that property. A transparency showing the four parcels omed U)' the church was referred to, and Camrl.ssiaier Rawlins suggested if all lots were sold to church mentiers, there would be ro problem. 'lbe Attorney answered that anyooe b.Jying there in the future would be aware that a church existed there. Camdssicner RClt'totis stated there are eleven lots across the street that the church ooes rot c:ontrol, and that is the oonflict. 'lbe Attorney stated the present owner has ro objectioo to the church. Camdssiaier Raltx:>tis stated the potential land use across the street was the problem, and the church cannot control that. Ae added he felt it was rot a traffic problem per se, rut a land use oonflict. 'lbe Attorney agreed there is always a problem when a church is to be wilt in a residential area. Mr. Richard B. Maogurn, 2800 Wilson Street, carlsbad, addressed the Ccmnissioo in support of the project. He stated it was the type of develcpnent he would like to see in his neighboroood. Re stated there is a serioos traffic problem where the small street to the north of Bl.Jn <DaeS into Elm. 'lbe sight problem is critical at that point, and it is difficult to see children a:ming out of that street. Mr. Macgurn would like to see saaething oone in that area before a serious accident happens. Mr. John H. Hacker, 4501 SUmy ~ Road, Palm Springs, adc!ressed the camlissioo, stating he helps establish churches for Jehovah's Witnesses. He d.ted exanples of churches in other cities that have been llJlProved, as the churches are designed to resent>le hares, making them caipatible in a residential neighborhcxx1. MINUTES Novent>er 9, 1983 Page 5 Since no one else wished to speak oo this item, the public testim:lny was closed at 7:53 p .m. The Ccmnission discussed the parking ratio, and staff stated the City requires ooe parking space for each three seats in a bJildinq such aq a church. However, staff stated it would be difficult to determine the nunner of passenc:rers for those attending church, aq it could be family groups or just single drivers. I': was noted that nost churches do have a parkinq overflow, and that would be less desirable oo a cul-de-sac. Acting City Engineer Richard Allen stat ed ooe fact had been omitted by the Attorney, and that was that for Sunday, the figures should be tripled to establish the trip f'•--bers. That would make the trip load 324---with each car makinq one trip in and ooe trip rut. Ccmnissioner RClltx>tis aqked whether the church rented its facilities rut to other groups and the Attorney answered they did not; that it was forbidden by the church law. Mr. Barwick stated further that this is a f iWllily-oriented church, and families attend church together. There would be oo teenage drivers racing up the cul-de-sac. Ccmnissioner Lyttleton asked staff whether they q:posed churches in single family areas. Staff stated they were not q:posed to the church ooncept in single family areas, but were ooncerned with this particular location since it ~ld create significant traffic i.npacts oo single family hemes. A rrotion was made to ~rove a new Resolution approving CTJP--236 . The notion failed due to a tie vote. The Planning Ccmnission adopted the followinq Resolutioo, withoot prejudice: REOOLUI'ICN 00, 2187, DENYJN; A a:N)ITICNAL IBE PERMIT '10 PERMIT A aruRCH IN '1HE R-1-7,500 ZOOE CN ProPERTY GFNERALLY l'.OCATEO CN FUIURE 1'CCAULEY IANE, WEST OF 'l1lE OORl'HWEST INTERSECI'ICN OF f<NIDE SI'REET AND EU1 AVENUE, Chairman Schlehuber announced the applicant has the right to appeal this decision to the City Council, and if they wanted to tring it back to the Ccmnission, by deny ing without prejudice, they would have that ~tion. The suggestion was made that if Council denied the appeal, the ar.plicant should return with an alternate plan, using the parcel closes t to the streets. Staff would qi~ tht!III guidance for an acceptable plar, with pre.per inqress and egress. 2. CT 83-22/CP-245 -FRAZAR -Request for approval of a six-unit tentative tract map and oondominium permit located at the northwest oorner of Cacatua Street and Unioornio Street. 1!~~ ~~~i! COMMISSIONERS q,_ ~\_ \ Schlehuber Raltx:ltis Marcus Rawlins Lyttleton Friestedt Schlehuber Raltx:ltis Marcus Rawlins Lyttleton Friestedt X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES PlN-IU~ CXMIISSI~ Novent>er 9 , 1 98 3 Page 6 Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentation en this item as rontained in the staff relX)rt, using a transparency showing the location of the property. He used wall mape showing the property and prq:iosed plan. Chairman Schlehuber cpened the public hearing at 8:09 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. John Frazar, 6992 El Camino Real, Suite 104-361, the applicant, ld1ressed the Comnission, stating he was available for questions. He stated the lot at the rear is 25 ft. lower than this project, which IOlld eliminate any problem as far as the recreational area is concerned. Bill Hofman stated there were standard engineering conditions oot included in the staff relX)rt, which were distributed to the Comnissioners prior to the ~ting. He recx:mrended those be included with the documents. The applicant was reviewing these oonditions at the present time. Mr. Jorgen Hoflund, 2656 State Street, the Engineer en the project, addressed the Comnission, stating the applicant would ronform with the oonditions presented tonight. Mr . F'rederidc lbbinson, 2808 Cacatua Street, stated he lives directly north of the project, and was speaking for several of the neighoors. His roncern was with the parking situation. He stated there is overflow parking from the oondominiums there row, and it is a hazard to the children in the neighoorhood. Mr. lbbinson stated that a ho-car gar.age is oot sufficient, since :arely does a t....o-car garage contai n o.o oars. He felt there would be en-street parking, and felt the requirements should be chatw:?ed to increase the off-street parking. Mr. l«Jbinson stated he felt there should be at least three spaces available for each unit. Mr. Hoyle Daniels, 6434 Chiriqui Lane, addressed the Comnissi on i n qJpOSition to the project, statinq there a re too nany peq,le in that area, and the condominiums bui lt recently are of poor 1Uality. He stated he would want a fence installed to prevent pecple looking into his yard and pool. Mr. Prazar answered sane of the questions, by stating he was fully eware of sane of the oondominium problenB in the La Costa area. The reason for the parking problenB is inprQJer location of the garages. In the oondominium mentialed, he stated the garages &:e separate fran the condaminiw , and the owners find it nore convenient to carry purchases fran their cars fran the street. Mr. Frazar s tressed oonpatibility with the neighoorhood, and assured the neighoors the oonstruction 10Jld be top quality . He s tated cne reason he came in with fewer uni ts was to blend in with the ne ighoorhood. Mr. Frazar stated he woul d put a wall across the rear of the prq>erty. Since oo cne else wished to speak en this item, the public testimony was closed at 8:21 p.m. MINUTES PI.ANNIN'.; ~SSIOI Novent>er 9 , 1 98 3 Page 7 Ccmnissioner Raltx>tis stated he felt the ronditions were not applicable and suggested staff bring back appropriate conditions for this project. The Planning Ccmnission approved the Negative Declaratioo issued by the Land Use Planninq Manager and adc.pted the following Resolution, subject to modification of the conditions presented by staff, to be reviewed by the Chairman at the time of siqning: RESOim'IOI 00. 2213, APPRJIT11,l"; A SIX-lJNIT 'Iffll'ATIVE TRACT 19.P AND cn«x:NINI!J4 PERMIT OI ProPERI'Y GENERALLY LOCAIBD OI 'lHE WEST SIDE OF CACA'l'UA STREET AND OOR'1ll OF UNICO~IO STREET. 3. CUP-237 -RAl'O«) I.A C03TA CABLE TV -Request for a conditional use permit to construct and qierate a cable 'IV earth statioo approximately 1,000 feet east of the intersection of El Fuerte Street and Luciernaga Street in the P--C zone. Charles Grimn, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this item as rontained in the staff report, using a transparency to show the location map. Chairman Schlehuber qx-rled the rublic ~ring at 8:27 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Fred Morey, Vice President & General Manager of Rancho La Costa Cable 'IV, spoke to the Comnission, stating this station will be canouflaged and will blend into the natural terrain. He stated their main concern was to keep the neighbors happy. Since oo one elsP. wished to speak a, this item, the public testim::lny was closed at 8:30 p.m. The Planning Ccmnission approved the Neqative Declaratioo issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and aoopted the following Resolution: RESOU11'IOI 00. 2217, APPRO.Tn,l; A CDIDITirnAL IBE PERMIT 'ro affiriix'.'T AND Ci>ERATE A TV E'AR'rn SfATIOI Cl\l ProPERTY GFNERALLY UXAIBD APPOXIM.A.TELY 1 , 000 FEET FAST OF 'lHE INl'ERSECTIOI CF EL FUERTE STREET AND WCIERNAGA STREET. 4. V-350 · ~ -Request for a variance to permit a 216-foot driveway for tWf" panhandle lots at 1448 Forest Avenue. Charles Grimn, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this item as rontained in the staff report, using a transparency showing the location map. In answer to query regarding the jog in the street frontage, staff answered the appl icant will be dedioatir,;J a strip of land at the front of the lot as a OO'lditioo of the parcel map. Chairman Schlehuber q>ened the public hearing at 8: 33 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Alton L. Ruden, 2733 Mesa Drive, Oceanside, Engineer, addre88ed the Ccmniss~oo, stating Mr. and Mrs. Dedtelman \l!l!!re in the audience and would answer any questions. ~ ~ 0~ ~>,~ ~ COMMISSIONERS ~ ~\°\ ~\ Schlehuber X Ralt>otis X X Marcus X Rawlins X Lyttleton X Friestedt X Schlehuber X Ralt>otis X Mara..s X Rawlins X X Lyttleton X Friestedt X MINUTES NoventJer 9, 1983 Paqe Since oo cne else wished to speak en this item, the public testiloony was closed at 8:34 p.m. The Planninq Camdssien adopted the followinq Resolution: RESOLUl'IOI 00. 2219, APPROVI'tl:; A VARIANCE 'ID PERMIT A 216-ro:Yr DRIVE».Y 'ID AJ..JJJ,J 'IRE CREATIOI OF PANHANDLE LOl'S AT 1448 FOREST AVENUE. 5. CT 83-28/CP-252 -PAR'INERS EX)UITY -Request for approval of a tentative subdivision map and o::>rldominium permit for 25 units generally located en the oorthwest corner of Chirquapin Avenue and Interstate 5 in the RD-M- Q zone. Catherine Nicholas, Assistant Planner, gave the presentation en this item as contained in the staff report. Chairman Schlehuber cpened the public hearinq at 8: 37 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Ken Stack, 23265 Buckland, El Toro, a:Jdressed the Camdssion stating the applicant accepts all conditions, but did have a question en 13. He stated they would like assurance the sewer capacity would be there when needed. The Ment,ers of the Camdssion assured ll'r. Stack there was plenty of sewer capacity in the City at the present time. However, the Ccmnission oould rot make any such guarantees. In answer to query, Mr. Stack stated he would put a six- foot concrete block wall or the equivalent along the rear prq:>erty line. He stated there is a new material that, although oone in cement, resent>les wood and should mitigate the ooise inpact. Mrs. Joan Kelley, 3952 Jefferson, a:Jdressed the Camdssion regarding her concern about the traffic inpact en Jeffersoo. Staff stated this had been stooied, and they four¥'! oo adverse effect. Since oo cne else wished to speak en this item, the public testiloony was closed at 8:42 p.m. The Planning Ccmnission approved thf' Negative Declaratien issued by the Landu~ Planninq Manager and adopted the following Resolution: ~IOI 00. 2220, APPROVIll:; A TENl'ATIVE SUBDIVISIOI MAP AND CXHX:)UNitJot PERMIT FOR 25 l.NITS CN 1. 52 ACRES OF POOPER'l'Y Gm:RALLY IOC.ATED CN 'lHE OORmWE.5'I' CDRNER OF CHINJ(JAPIN AvmJE AND INI'ERSTATE 5. REX:ESS: Chairman Schlehuber declared a recess at 8:43 p.m. and the Camdssien re-convened at 8:54 p.m. with all Carmissioners present except Camdssion Farrow. N~ PUBLIC HF.ARita:.: (Continued) 6. CT 83-~0 -CliE.5'IWlJl' VIIJA5 -Request for an 11-unlt pl velopment en a 2.24-acre site en the south side of Chestnut Avenue between AdanB Street and Highlaoo Drive. Schlehuber X lbrbotis X Marcus X Rawlins X Lyttleton X Friestedt X X Schlehuber X lbrbotis X Marcus X Rawlins X Lyttleton X Friestedt ) X MINUTES PIANNIN:; CIHIISSI~ Novermer 9, 1983 Page 9 Charles Grimn, Principal Planner, gave the presentation a, this item as oontained in the staff report, using a transparency showing the location map. He carmented that the existing Condition 130 will be rem::ived. Wall llllpS were used by Mr. Grimn to show the site plan and exterior elevations. In answer to Ccmnission questions, Mr. Grimn stated the lots "°-lld be postage starrps: with comron areas around the per ureter. Chairman Schlehuber q,ened the public hearing at 9:00 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. ~ard Ebright, architect, 6757 Corintia Street, addressed the Ccmnission for the o.mers, giving the history of the project fran 1977. He explained the cluster-type of units with the large green areas to be maintained as a:moon area, which will back up to the other prq,erties in the area. He stated this would be 111Jch nore desirable than back yards backing up to those properties if there were s ingle-family units there. Mrs. Kathy Borsa, 1340 Hillview Court, addressed the Coornission stating she is q:.posed to the plan as it stands rn,,. She stated she "'10Uld not be q:.posed if these were single family reside:1ces. Mrs. Borsa added that the attached dwellings are not selling well en Hosp aoo she felt these "°-!ld oot sell. hlso, the c1F,Plicant is starting with half of the project and she q:.pose1 having just half of the project axrpleted. In conclusion, Mrs. Borsa stated she was ooncerned about Hillview Court going through and rreeting with WocxUand Way. Mr. Grimn answered that this is a "super block" area and the City is looking at the cirC1Jlation. 'Ille Actino City Enqineer stated the future developrent will affect what happens with the streets. Mrs. Borsa reilerated her (l)p()Sition to Hillview Court going through and the attached dwelling ooncept. Mr. Richard Porter, 1310 Hillview Court, addressed the Coornission in q,position to the project, statinq this would set a precedent. He also stated these "'10Uld be th~ residences with a ooe-car garage, which would oot be adequate. Mr. Porter also oojected to Hillview Court being put through to Woodland Way, stating this would be creating a dangerous traffic situation, especially for the children. He stated he would like to see the plan for the entire area. Staff indicated this was oot possible. Mr. Porter stated he would like to hold this matter in abeyance until the questions of cirC1Jlation with the streets has been establi ed. Mr. D:>right answered the questions regarding JX)ase a,e and two, stating the first five units would be ca,pletely develq,ed with the qreen areas installed-it would oot be a partial deve loprent. He added the omers did not want to b.Jild the entire eleven units until they saw how the first phase sold. To answer Mr. Porter, Mr. Ebright stated there will be garaqes and an area designated for carports. 'rtiis was cbne to lxealc LP the massing effect. MINUTES Nove!Tber 9, 1983 Page 10 There was a discussioo about the easement, which was part of the approval. The Acting City Engineer stated that would be offered for dedication and was a carry- over frcrn the original project. Conmissioner Rrntx>tis ii-quired whether a knuckle rould be made at the end of the street and the Acting City Engineer said that would be acceptable. The Conmissioners agreed this rould be deleted. Since oo ooe else wished to speak oo this item, the public testiJrony was closed at 9:26 p.m. Five letters were filed with the Conmission from people who favored the project. There was a discussion arrong the Conmissioners as to the feasibility of single units versus attached units, but again Mr. Ebright stated the applicant's reasons for planning the project this way. Mr. Ebright stated if the easement dedication were deleted, they rould then nove the units back, creating more area between the two clusters. Conmissiooer Friestedt stated clustering is very acceptable housing in Soothem California and it would involve a great deal of expense to ask the applicant to change to single family residences at this point. He added that this type of project would be a,npatible with single family residences. The Planning Conmission approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolution: RESOUJrICN 00. 2218, APPRJV'JN; ~ 11-uNIT PLANNED DEVEWPMENT OI PRJPERTY <»IBRALLY LOCATED OI 2. 24 ACRES 00 'llfE !D.mi SIDE OF OfES'IWUT AVENUE BE'IWE™ HIGHIAND DRIVE ~ AI:W6 STREET. This is subject to the following change: The proviso N for the dedication of the sootheast easenent is to be eliminated. 'Itlis would be oo the southeast prcperty line leading toward Hiqhland and the applicant shall sul:mi t a knuckle design at the end of the prcfl06ed street that is acceptable to the City Engineer. 7. CT 83-26/CP-250/V-351 -OCF.AN PINE L'ID -Request for a tentative tract map and oondcminium permit for nine attached ~lling urii ts oo • 45 acres oo prcperty located at 347 Pine Avenue, between Lincoln Street and Washington Street. Also, request for approval of a variance to allow decreased driveway width oo the project. Catherine Nicholas, Assistant Planner, gave the preeentatioo oo this item as oontained in the staff report, using a transp,rency to show the property at 347 Pine Avenue. Chairman Schlehuber q>ened the publ ic hearing at 9: 34 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since oo ooe wished to speak oo this item, the public testiJrony portion of this item was closed. Schlehuber X Rarbotis X X Marcus X Rawlins X Lyttleton X Friestedt X MINUTES Novent>er 9, 1983 The Planning Camtission adq:>ted the following Resolut ions: Page 11 RESOllJI'!OO 00. 2215, APP~ A 9-uNIT IBNTATIVE 'fflACT MAP AND CDID>!INn.. PERMIT OI PROPERTY LOCATED OI .45 ACRES AT 347 PINE Avmt.JE. RESOllJI'IOO 00. 2216, APPR:N!N:; A VARIANCE 'IO DECRFA5E THE DRIVE».Y WIIYm FR01 24 FEET 'IO 21 FEET OI PROPERTY LO:ATED 01 .45 ACRES AT 347 PINE AVENUE. 8. MP-150iF) -CAI.AVERA HILLS CCMPANY -This item was continued lor two weeks. 9. Ll5ARDI COOSTROCTIOI RE: CARL.5BAD COIMF.RCIAL CENI'ER. Bill Hoftran reported this was a request for a rrodification of the oondition of aproval. A t r ansparency was used to show the m::xHfication. The applicant is requesting the requirement for a wall to be deleted and landscaping to be used. He stated there was no action necessary by the Camtission, if the Comnission concurred that the change was minor. APPROJAL OF MINlYIBS: The Minutes of the October 26, 1983, meeting were approved as presented. The Planning Camtissioo oontinued this meeting to Monday, Noverrher 21, 1983, at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chl!l'lt>ers, in order to have a field trip en t,e Calavera Hills Carpany item. Camtiss ioner Friestedt announced he was sul:Jnittinq his res iqnatioo effective t.arorrow, Novent>er 10, 1983, as he i s noving to Santa Monica, CA, and is ro longer able to serve as a Camtissioner en the Planning Ccmnission. By pre.per notioo, the meeting of Noverrber 9, 1983, was adjourned at 9: 40 p. m. , to Monday, November 21 , 1 983, at 2:00 p.m. i n the City Council Charrbers. Respectful ly sutrnitt~ MICHAEL J. I Land Use Planning Manager Harriett Batl:>i tt Minutes Clerk MEETIN,S ARE ALOO 'IJ\PED AND KEPI' OI FILE LNI'IL APPRJ\IED. Schlehuber Ra'rtx>tis Marcus Rawlins Lyttletoo Friestedt Schlehuber Ramotis Marcus Rawlins Lyttleton Friestedt Schlehuber Ramotis Marcus Rawlins Lyttletoo Friestedt X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X