HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-08; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Plaoe of Meeting: CALL '10 CHER: MINUTES ~IK; CDMISSIOI February 8 , 1 984 7:00 p.m. City Council Chanbers '1'le Meeting was called to crder by Chairman Raltx>tis at 7:01 p.m. PLBOOE OF AI.Ul,IAICE ,.-as led by O nmissioner Smith. ROLL CALL: Present: Olaiz:man Raltx>tis, camrl.ssioners Rawlins, Schlehuber, Smith, Marcus, Farrow and Lyttletoo. Absent: Ncne. Olairnan Radx>tis announced the Planning Camdssioo Prooedlre was being shown oo a transparency and asked the audience to ~ a few minutes reading it. Staff Ment>ers Present: <l\arles Gr!Jlln, Principal Planner Walter Brown, Developnent Engineer Ex~ficio Ment>ers Present: Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney Dave Hauser, Acting City Engineer NDf RBLIC BBARnG;: 1. CT 83-40/CP-269 -IA aE'm VI~ -A request fer a &eYenteen tnit tentative tract 1111P and, condcminiln permit on p:q,eity located oo the mrth side of Gi.l:ralter Street bebMen Jerez court and Raleria Street in the RD-flt 210ne. Charl• Gria, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this it• • a:intained in the staff report, using a tranapareKy of. the locatioo map showing the project site and a wll map ahowing the tentative nap. He stated staff had a probl• with the locatioo of the trash encloaure and the ll)pliamt l«IUld explain an alternative type oL trash disposal to the Ccnaission. O\ainan Rallh>t:is q>el'led the public hearing at 7:05 p.111. 8111! iaaued the invitation to speak. Mr. Joe Bandy, 2956 Rooeevelt, tepreaenting the applicant, addreued the c.a.iuioo am explained there would be a trMh chute in the center of the <Xllll)lex with a trMh <Dllp8Ct:0r' tnit. Mr. Bandy distributed copies of. the apece to the ca.iaaionera and further explained there '°1ld be a six~ 011p11City in the c:mpactor and then the t.Js '°1ld be taken oot to ~ rurb once a week. In 11-.r to cpery, Mr. sandy stated the o:mpact<r '°1ld be 1oaat.d in ., area a,ay f.'rca llll'J residents and l«IUld be c:mpletely -,closed. ocaiu iawr Rawlins oautia.! Mr. Sandy about a chute being a fiue IR1 llll'J fire atarted in the truh ~ .auld apud rapidly. He lUJC)Mt:ed that trash .... t. ..,rinklend aquately. MINUTES February 8 , 1 984 Paqe 2 r inoe oo me else wished to speak en this item, the public testinaty was <Dncluded at 7:08 p.m. hairman Raltx>tis suggested making this trash disposal arrarqement subject to the ~al of the Fire Marshal. 'lbe Planning CClll!lission ~ the Negative Declaratial issued by the Land use Planning Manager am adopted the following Resolution, with the trash disposal system to be awroved by the Fire Marshal: ,,,,RESOLl71'ICfi N'.). 2247, APPRJl1]N; A ~ tNIT 'lDlJM'IVE 'mAC'l' Mt\P AND ~ PER'!IT Cfi PK)PERIY GENERALLY I.OCATED Cfi 'DIE NJRmSIDE ~ GIBAAL'reR STREET BE'IWEEN JEREZ CIXJRT AND I04ERIA STREET. 2. AV 83-4 -HtMPHREY -Appeal of a Land Use Planning Manager denial of a variance request to reduce the rear yard setbad( at 3295 westwood Drive. Charles Gri.rrm, Principal Planner, gave the staff presentatioo oo this item as <Dntained in the staff report, llSing a transparency to show the project site. Ch~irrnan Rarbotis q>el'led the public hearing at 7:14 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. ltJ}' Blad(f<rd, 2942 Barding Street, representing the applicant, addressed the camrl.ssion, stating his belief that exceptiooal er extraordinary cirCU11Stances er conditions did exist en this property. Also, he felt the aeoond condition regarding a prq>erty right pee., esessed by other prq,erty owners in the area cculd be met. Mr. Bladtf<rd distributed cq:,ies of a nap showing the pcoperties in the area and explained the shortness of this particular lot and the limitations. Dr. Michael Rl.llphrey, 3295 westwood, addressed the Ccmnission as the applicant, stating the houses at the rear of his lot are oonsiderably lower in elevation, and arr, structure IICUl.d not infringe al the visual space. Dr. lblplrey explained his rea&a'lS for requesting the oonetructial • aitlined and answered ~tions fran the Cmlliaaioo regarding the size and <Xll'lfiguratial of the propoaed addition. Since rx> me el8e wished to speak al this item, the public teethaly was ooncluded at 7:25 p.m. ca.t" uiooer Lyttleton expressed her approval of this requested varimce, • she felt it IICUl.d not illpiJ¥ upon the neighbcn. 'lbere .a a di11CUSSial about the q>er1 space at the rear ...S of. lhia lot aid Coaissiooer Schlehuber asked llhether thi■ cculd be u■ed to help the findings. 'lbe Aaai■unt City Attomey stated this was not relevant to the iaue. He further stated variances are not used to -,ii the Ordinance, and if the Callliasioo felt this project lhauld be allowed, then the Ordinance ahould be WIiiied to allow for that. A di8(.'U8Sion ~ the on-tai.cnen followed, with the oonaensus of q,inim being that the blO findings required f'cx granting a varuinoe oould not be aa. ioltlotis X Rawlins X Sctllehuber X Smith X Marcus X Farrow X X Lyttleton X G MINUTES 1! ;; February 8 , 1 984 Page 3 0~ ~~ ~ COMMISSIONERS ~ ~\\_ ~\ CallftiBSioner Farrow stated he felt this would be an enhmk:ll!ffll!nt and favors the variance system and would be in favor of this request. COlllllissioner Schlehuber noved to seoo this item baclc to staff to try to nake the necessary findings for the variance. Cannissioner Farrow stated he would rather deny the variance and let the applicant appeal to Council. Assistant City Attorney Dan Hentschke stated in this instance when the same vicinity is rrentioned, that rredl'lS the entire City of Carlsbad. Again, he stated there is a difference between an exception to the crdinance and a variance, and if a, exception is desired, then the ordinance ehoold be mnended. Caanissioner Rawlins cx:mnented that ooe house in that area had violated the crdinance and he was ooncerned that a precedent might be set by allowing this variance. 'Ihe Planning Cannission adopted the following Resolution: RESOLOTI~ ti). 2245, DmYn«i AN APPF.AL CF AN AIJIINISTRM'IVE VAR.INC: 'IO IEXO: 'fflE REAR YARD SETMCR ro 12-PEET AT 3295 WESMXX> mIVE. 'ffle COlllni.ssioo, by minute 110tion, reccmnended this project be favorably ansidered <ile to the tq>ography and oonstraints of the lot and the 20-foot cpen space at the rear of the lot, al~h it was oot possible to make the findings for a variance. 3. SP-25~~ -TIO PEPE'S -Amendment to an existing specific an to allow the additioo of a 1,740 square foot patio a, property generally located on the east side of Pio Pia> Drive, between Elm Avenue and Qak Aveooe. Charlee Gril'IIII, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this item as oontained in the staff report, using a tranaparency to shot, the project site. Mr. Grim referred the ec-issia, to the Exhibits attached to the packet and stated that staff re<Xll'lllended Exhibit Y. Chaiman Rclllx>tis stated the Camtission needed to know the legal owner of this property to determine whether there -lff/ oonflict of interest. Marty Orenyak, Dintctor of Building Md Planning, stated the owner is Cf.ta Boyajian and Manny is the lessee. Mr. Orenyak gave the history of the pcq,erty fran the tia it -the Wllyside IM and ooncluded by showing a, the tranaparency his plan for resolving the space and parlting prob!-. It we determined that parking is baaed m iwciprocal agccement between the adjoining prq,erty (COlonial Mall). Rarbotis Rawlins Schlehuber Smith Marcus Farrow Lyttleton lolbotis Rawlins Schlehuber Smith Marcus Farrow Lyttleton (jJ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X _ INUTES PJ:Nlml,; a:MUSSI~ February 8, 1984 Page 4 Chairman Ralb:>tis q>ened the public hearing at 7: 58 p.m. and issued the invitdtion to speak. Mr. Manny Reyes, Vista, the owner of Manny's Restaurant, addressed the cannission stating he had not been aware of the true circumstances at the time he t:odc possession of this restaurant fran the previous owner and "'°1ld like to resolve the eituatioo as soon as possible. In answer to camrl.ssioo query, Mr. Reyes stated no additiooa.1. parking was available as it was too far l!!Na'f fran the restaurant. Re further stated the legal owner was Mr. Wetsa\, who holds the paper en the prq:,erty, but the nmne of Cita Boyajian was a, the deed. Mr. Reyes stated hie partner is Sherman Harris. Mr. Joe Holt, First Nat.ional Bank in North County, addressed the c.amli.SPioo as Mr. Reyes' banker and friend and asked for approval of as ruch area as the Camdeeicn felt possible in order not to affect Manny's business adversely. Since no ooe else wished to speak en this item, the public testinrny was ooncluded at 8:07 p.m. Cannissiooer Rawlins noved that this item be sent bade to staff to trirq bade to the Cannission as set rut, with a 32 fCX>t by 38 fCX>t patio, acoording to Mr. Orenyak, and delineating the n::in-usable areas. Chairman Rcntx>tie seoonded the nntion. During the discussioo ai this nntion, Mr. Orenyak stated this could go forward to Council. Coalllissiooer Rawlins withdrew his notioo and Chairman Raltx>tis withdrew his second. 'l'he Planning Camdssion llllProved Negative Declaratioo issued by the Land use Planninq Mar.ager aoo acq:,ted the following Reeolutioo, as indicated oo Exhibit Y, with an increased patio of 32 feet by 38 feet as suggested by Mr. Orenyak:. Rl9XD1'1<:6 !IJ. 2248, ~m3 APPRJllAL CF SP~IFIC PIM 25(8), PM M AlDITI<:6 CF A 600 ~ ro:71' PATIO. 4. ICA-172 -CITY CF c.ARISIW> -Amentlnent to the Zaung oallninoe to provide for review of ooastal devel.qaerat pemit l!llPlications oonsistent with the Village Area Redevelcpe,t Plan. MiJte Holmniller, Lend Use Planning Manager, gave the ~tatioo m this item as oontained in the staff report. Chaiman Rcllb>tis cpened the public hearing t 8:21 P••• and 1asued the invitatioo to speak. Since oo cne w~ to speak a, this item, the piblic testinaty portioo 1188 ooncluded. R:lltx>tis X Rawlins X X Schlehuber X smith X Marcus X Farrow X Lyttleton X MINUTES February 8, 1984 'ffle Planning CCl'llllissioo adopted the followinq Reeolutioo: Page 5 REBOim'IClf ?«). 2249, ~m:; APPRJllAL CF A ~ cm MEtDIENT, AMl!K)IN:; TITLE 21 , OIJ\PreR 21 • 80, CF 'lHE CARlSBAD fUfICIPAL <IDE, 'IO PRJVIDE FOR REVIE.W CF ~ lE'VEia:tmff PEJlilIT APPLICATI(R; <XHHSTml' wrm 'ME CER'.l'IFIED ~ tEE PIAN FOR 'fflAT PORTICl'1 CF 'lHE COt\STAL ~ WI'DIIN 'lHE VILLAGE~ ARF.A CF 'ME CITY <R CULSMD. 5. ZCA -158 -CI'lY CF CARISBAD Anendnent to the Zonirq oi:dlnance to allow second residential units (Granny Flats) in single-fl!ll\ily zcnes. Charles Grum, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo on this item a.a oontained in the staff report, readirq thro.igh the provisia,s, which were the same as the first time the Ordinance went before the Planning camdssioo, except for pt017isions Dam E. In answer to CCl'llllissioo "1@ry, Mr. Grinm stated the law provided foe 120 days following the first applicatioo for a City to set~ its own r:egulations. Chairman Raltlotis q>eied the public hearing at 8:35 p.m. and issued the invitatioo to speak. Since oo me wished to speak a, this item, the public testim:lny portia, was roncluded. 'Dlt!re was a lengthy discussion by the cannissioners regarding pt'Olrisioo D, with sane cannissioners favoring the provisioo and sane definitely against this provision, feeling this would ruin the R-1 zooe. 'the age limit was discussed with sane camdssioners feelirq there should be oo age limit and others stating there 11USt be an age limit to eliminate a aerond •renw unit•. 'ffle Plannirq cannissioo ~ the Negative Declaratioo issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolution, eliminating line bilo of the Ordinance (~oo D in staff report): ~ ?«J. 2246, ~m:; APPRJI/AL <R A OCfiE caz 1tllHJBfl', HIH>DC TI'lt.8 21, CJ!AP1'ER 21. 42 , SBCTlQf 21.42.010, <Y '11IE CARLSBAD fUfICIPAL <IDE, BY 'ftlB AIJ)ffl(lf <Y SCl&'Cl'IClf 21.42.010(10) 'IO AU.Dll smH> IIIBill!Nl'IAl, rll!LLIK; ttn'1'S IN R-A, R-E, ~ 1 , AND S~ ~ AMAS <Y P-< ZCfiFS UPCfi 'lHE GRNft'III; <Y A <IH>ITI<aL CEE PfaUT. Chairman Rallx>tis requested a letter dated February 2, 19M, fma Lillian Thcapaon and William 'ftlClll)800 be na:le a part of the record. Ocaaiuimer Schlehuber noved the RV parking ccdinance be brclught tad( before the ca.dssioo in six ncnt.!1.s. ccww:t uicner Rwlina aeoouded the lll>tioo. After cliBCUUioo oo this 11Dtioo, with the Assistant City Attomey atati.RJ this 11111& to 0:9! back before the City Council in •ix KJntha and the cc-dssion should rot pRllll)t: the Oouncil. The IDticn met eeoond were withdrawn by ca.nisaioners Sdlletdler met Rawlins. ~tis X Rawlins X Schlehuber X Smith X Marcus X Farrow X X Lyttleton X Radxltis X Rawlins X Schlehuber X Smith X Marcus X Farrow X X Lyttleton X cJ!r: ~---" 6x ~ t:, I J/:JI~ /~~ l?-"4U- ~ S91 ,,f;.tc:J/~E ~£. (? /f' ~ L J ,&,r ?>/ C/7. ~ Z " ~ f MINUTES February 8, 1984 Page 6 'ftle Planning CCJ!Bi.ssioo voted to request of Council whether the Callniseioo oould review the staff report a, the RV ordinance and make re<XllllllE!ndations at that time. DISCtESICJl: Pine Avenue Project Olainmn Ralb:>tis stated there had been acme discussioo regarding this project, 'lllhidl was a, the Agenda at the Jamary 25, 1984, meeting. 'ffle request was made that Ccanisaimer Schlehuber again abstain fran the discussicn. Following a discussioo the oonsensus of the Planning ec..d.uicn was that pedestrian circulatioo should be considered in that area and this information should be fc.:warded in the form of a letter. The minutes of the January 25, 1984, meeting were approved as presented. ADJaJINll!Nl': By proper a:>ticn, the neeting of February 8, 1984, was adjourned at 9:02 p.m • . Respectfully ait:aitted, • MIC:SlilL J. Land DIie Plannincf Mlna]er Harriett Babbitt Min.11:.M Clem ta'l'l.liG8 ARE AUi) 'IN>m> NE DPT CJl FILE Clft'IL 'l1fE MlR1l'BS ARE APPll:JYID. Rantx>tis X Ra,,lins X SChlehu.ber X X Smith X Marcus X Farrow X Lyttletoo X lad:>otis X Rawlins X XSdllehu.ber X Smith X Marcus X Farrow X Lyttleton X