HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-22; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of:
Date c1 Meeting:
T1ae of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
February 22, 1984
7:00 p.m.
City Council Chant>ers
'1be Meeting was called to order by Olairman Raltx>tis
at 7:01 p.m.
PlBIJGE c. AI,Ll!x;INl:E was led by Olairman Raltx>tis.
Present: Olairman Raltx>tis, camdssiooers
Rawlins, Schlehuber, smith, Marcus,
Farrow and Lyttletoo.
Abeent: None.
Chairmn Raltlotis announced the Planning Camdssioo
Procecllre was being shown oo a transparency and asked
the audience to spend a few minutes reading it.
Staff Mellt>ers Present:
Charles Gril'l'ln, Principal Planner
Catherine Nilcholas, Assistant Planner
Walter Brown, Developnent Engineer
Ex~ficio Mentlers Present:
Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager
Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney
Dave Hauser, Deputy City Engineer
1. aJP-239 -PftCIPIC RIVIERA -Request for Conditiooal
Use Perait to allow a 146-unit senior resort hotel oo a
3.6 acre site, inlediately north of 7204 Fl'.)nto Drive
( Coast waste Managelllent >.
Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo
oo this item as oontained in the staff report, using a
tranaparency to show the project site.
In ara,er to cc.nisaioo (1Jery, Mike Holzmiller, Land use
Planning Manager, stated no definite ti.me oould be
given for cmpleting a traffic study, but if the
CO-iuion appLCM:d the oonoept and returned the item to
staff, it wuld be re-noticed when it was ready to Clllle
back to the Planning Coaisaioo.
11,mt 88km to clarify what •~ing in ooncept•
il'190lved, staff indicated that l4)0n Callldssioo approval
of the project oonoept, they wuld IIOf'k with the
applimnt for oonditioos of~-
Staff wa akecl llhether !(JprOVing •in roncept• llll!ant
the OCft0IPt'. al the land me or a senior IUOrt. Staff .,••ted this wuld be IR)[CNal of the cmpatibility of
the project in this area and the oonoept c1 a reeort
Staff clarified their poeitioo oo the difference
between • ~ maidential project in this area
,,..,. the ~ senior hotel in that a n!9',llar
project WJUld not be pnature beOlwae it dJea not need
the ...-ung facilities that a senior project ct:>ee.
February 22, 1984
In --.er to a QUNtiM fran the COlllni.BSion • to
~ther this pro1ect ..culd renain a senior citizen
project, ataff indicated this ..culd be acoonplished
by a periodic review of the CUP.
Chaiman Ralltx>tis opened the public hearing at 7: 16 P·•· and iuued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Nu !berhardt, Balboa capital Corporation, 401 West
•A• Sti.t, San Dieqo, ldl!reeeed the ca.ission, Mking
if a CIOlll)lete MCiineering study were nade to aolve the
traffic pnlbl-, IOJld the eo..iuion <Die bade with
approval. Mike Holailler, Land Use Plaminci Ma'\ager,
stated staff.-. twv.. __ nding denial baaed m their
findings that additional infomatioo was needed
ccnceming eewr, drainage and traffic. He stated
staff tatted a pnliainary feeling fl'OIII the Plaming
caaiaioo, whether the •1ority of the COlllnissioners
are in favor of the ooncept. He roncluded, stating
that if an engineering study were lade without a
reading fraa the caaiuioo, staff ..culd still
reu.. __ cnd a denial.
Mr. l!berhardt stated he 1atted to re elll)hasize aaae
points acte at the laat hearing: naely, that although
this ie teraed a •reeort•, it vill be long-term leases-
six 11:lnthe or a ~th aenior citizens 62 years of
age and over. He stated the lade of SUAX)rting
faciliti• we CXMtred in a handout at the first
hearing, and other facilitiee of this type find seniors
prefer living Wirf ~ oongested areas.
Mr. l!berhardt stated their eagerness to CDIPlY with all
engineering and planning ccnditims. He stated the
history of the project and the delays, stating all
delays a:-e driving the ultiaate <D8t of the project
upward. lie urged the caaiuion to~ the project
in ooncept.
Mr. Don Agatep, 2956 Rooeevelt Street, addressed the 0:-U uiat, tepneenting the prq,erty owner, and stated
he w:lahed to .-r me ~tioo, that of being
. pnature in the general locatioo. Mr. Agatep stated
thia ia not the a\l.y project to take place in southem carlabal!. Be listed projects already approved,
including 8-is, Lningtm and Sllith-vewett, and
■tated the■e project in the iaediate vicinity will be
■tarting within the next few ID\tha. 'ftlere is no way
thia project. CDUl.d be etarted prior to these other
pmjec:t■• Mr. Agatep aleo aentialed the new l:ridge to
be blilt a, Poin■ettia, stating all these projects
indicate this project ie not prenature in that area.
In --,er to (Jlet'Y, Mr. Agatep related the different
aoc111u to the beacti and the propoeed signalization a, carlabal! Boulevam , indioating there is walltinci acoees
to the bNd'I fraa this area.
Since no me elee wished to speak on this item, the
public t:Mtia:Jny .,. aincluded at 7:30 p.m.
0::-laiclner Parrow stated he IOJld like to see a
traffic ■tUl!y done and felt that cl.le to the fact the
Nnion lDlld be •ting 110et of their meals at the
neart:, the traffic iapact IOJ.ld not be that great.
lie felt thia type ol facility ie needed and #}reed with
the ODnCll)t.
Ft!!bruary 22, 1984
Cmaiuloner Schlehuber stated there is a need for this
type of facility ln this area. He stated the traffic
lapact 110Uld probably not he that great, • nany of the
Nnion wuld not haw oars. ~r, he felt public
tnn11port•tim Wllll!l illp)rtant. In oonclusia,,
Cmaiuioner Schlehuber st•ted he thooght it "'°'-lld fit
in w 11 and Wllll!l a QOod ooncept.
In awwr-to Caaiuia, CNNtia: reqardinq the tm
el-,t to build this facility, Mr. D>erhardt stated it
would probably take eiQht IIDl"lths to a yNr.
ca..tuioner Sllith stated he "'°'-11<'1 like to 9f!f> this
project go forwrd.
Cmaiuioner Schl~r nade the following findings
follOIMd ti,,, a IIDtim:
'11,ere are aufficient findings because this particular
■ite wuld I» a prq:,er site for the project • proposed,
lf aufficient a>nditiona are attached. Specifically, the
•tea cbte provide wlking and residents oould utilize the
beach, • they c:e at leut within a ~er of a mile
aC0N8 to the beach. It wuld provide a shuttle systf!III
Ml! other gyllt-to al low people goinq there to haw
praper tr~tia,.
Howaver, deapite that, the mtia, for ~tia,
wauld haw to indicate that traffic circulatia, is not
.taquate. until the traffic circulatim plan is oone
prq,erly to the satisfactim of this o:--..ntuion, it
oould not I» IA)rOW)d, that the sanitary Be1Mr, storm
drain, fire protectia, and other a>ndlltims eet ti,,, staff
-t I» ateQuately reeolved.
'ft'8 reo cndatia, ¥JUld I» there are adequate findings
for the spot and for the place.
'ft'8 Pl--,ing Caaiuia, approll'ed, ln effect, the
conoapt ttwt this ia an mequate site fee the project,
but med staff to t9qUNt a traffic stl.dy and tring
that back to the ca..tuia, to review with other
cmaiuioner Lyttletm asked for clarifioatim • to
Hnior cl.ti.., uaee and Chairman Amtx>tis requested
■taff to tring bad: ecac further inf<Xffllltioo to a1dress
thi.11 iaue.
OMlinan Rcllbotis stated he wanted to eee the rest of
the an!ltiaw Ind traffic study, reserving his right t:o
■ay •no• at a later date.
2. PCD-57 -CJlmIN IEVEUPER3 -Request for ~ of a P~ riaidsaloo Detenninatia, to allor.r
an 11 1/2 foot high wall along the west side of
Intent.ate 5 rxrth of <llinqwlpin Avenue.
Rclltx>tis )
Rawlins )
Schlehub-!r ) ' Slldth )
Marcus J
Farrow i Lyttletm
PINlffll:; CDIUSSI~ Fetruary 22, 1984 Page 4
Catherine Nicholas, Assistant Plarmer, gave the
preeentatim • oontained in the staff report, using a
tranaparency llhowing the site and a 10-ft. pole to
irdioate the height of the wall, which would be another
foot and a half higher. Attentioo was called to an
e::mibit prepared by the applicant, which was displayed
with a, overlay to llhow the effect of the prcposed wall.
Miu Nicholas ooncllded her report by stating staff
felt this cx,uld establish a precedent and create a
carridor effect for people driving through al the
Chairan Rcaix>tis q>ened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m.
ard iasued the invitatioo to speak.
Mr. Don A.gatep, 2956 Rooeevelt Street, representing
Chirquapin, aMretl8ed the cannissioo using two graphics
to llhow the path mise travels and where it would strike
the buildings in <p!Stiat. Re also gave packets of
~apha to each ca.dssiooer, and ooe to staff,
showing the me of walls in other <Xlfflllnities and how
1.-moiping CX>Uld help llllke the effect rmre pleasing.
Mr. 1,gAtep stated walls can be built, or fences, in
excess of six feet, providing traffic safety is mt
illpaired. He stated tennis fences exceed six feet and
at the ptopc»ed Poinsettia bridge, mise attenuating
devioea were ll)PrOYed with oont>ined height in excess of
six feet. He stated the graphic showed mise travels in
a straight line. With a six-foot wall, the mise would
penetrate the aeoond story. With an 11 1 /2-foot wall,
the mise IOlld go over the roof. 'lbis would mt
eliainate the mise, but would reduce it substantially.
'fflere we a diecussioo whether the added height in the
wall would reel.tee the mise level below the 65 CNEL,
with staff irdioating it would oot and that balCXll'\ies al
the NCOnd fl.ocx would need to have ooise barriers five
feet in height.
'ffle eo-tuiawrs discusaed the feasibility of requiring
llature laldllclping, if SJch a wall were approved, to
inaure • auch ecnening of the wall as possible. Staff
irdioated there ws mt aufficient roan to landscape
heavily al the interior and exterior of the wall.
In .... r to ""9l'Y frall the ca.nission as to llllintenanoe
of the l..amalping al the exterior of the wall, Mr.
Agaup stated there would be an access cpening provided
in the wll.
Mr. Ken Stadt, 5120 eapue Drive, Newpott Beach,
adl!t:aaad the aa.duion representing the applicant,
atating the miae nclJction would be significant, and
t:be IFPlicmt-■ willing to cb this at his own expense
to Ullpl'OVe the (Jlality of living in that area.
Mr. Don Agatep ntiterated his oonoem foe the people who
will liYe in ti-.e lmits, stating the higher wall 1110Uld
be the better wy to help IRi.nwze the ooise. He stated
thie would be better than building with oo windows
facing the~-
February 2 2, 1984 Page 5
Chail11Bn Acllbotie stated this issue should have been
~ at the site plan level and the mits should
have been differently ociented especially, since the
ground floor level was for: garages.
Since no a,e else wished to speak en this item, the
public teetimny was ooncluded at 8:21 p.m.
Mike Hollllliller, Land use Planning Manager, stated this
probl• could be aolved another VIit'/• He stated the
applimnt -,ts to exceed what the oroinanoe allOW8 and
he felt this should not be d'.>ne, as it would set a
'ffle Planning Camdssion adopted the followinci
~ tJJ. 2250, Dl!NYIR; A RfXJ(JEST POR 11 1/2 FOOi'
HroR ii>ISE A'l"DH1'TI~ IIU.l, 0. PH)PEkft' CZNERALLY
3. PC:Ir53 -S'IMILE -Request for a Planning
ca..luion Detenilnation to allow a fourteen~it
apart::nent project located at 415 Chestnut Avenue.
Charles Grila, Principal Planner, gave the presentation
on this item as oontained in the staff report, using a
locatioo ap to show the project site.
Chainnan Raltx>tis q,e,ed the piblic hearing at 8:28
p.m. aid issued the invitatioo to speak.
Mr. Ben Stabile, 6116 Camino Largo, San Diego, the
applic:wtt, ar.l!reued the c.a.iBBioo, stating he was in
agre-nt with staff's rec:a-.endatioo.
Since oo a,e else wished to speak en this issue, the
public teetia:lny we ooncluded at 8:30 p.m.
In ... r to~. Dave Hauser, Deputy City Engineer,
stated the pedlatrian bridl}e we a linking of the storm
drain. 'l!Mt a:nUtion WM t.o be dlanged to read they
110Uld cawtruct links of the 8tor1n drain in that
existing drainage charWlel.
'l!Mt Planning Ccwduion an,roved the Negative
Decluation ~ by the Land Use Planninci Manager and
adapted the following Reao.l.utioo, as aaetded:
R11iDD1'IC11 11). 2251, ~ A PLNlml. CXMII$I~
iEZiJiL'ldi 10 WDI A lQJRl'Bl!tHIII' APARDBff
PIOJIC'1' (1' A • 72 M3 SI'1'I!! UlCA'1'BD AT 415 CHl!S'lMJ'l'
4. ~5' -9'1MIIB -Request for a Planning eo-i•lai betiailnation fer an eighteen-unit apartment
project at '75 0-tmt A\l'lftle in the R-P 7.0lle.
Catherine Nicholas, ABBistant Planner, gave the
preuntatim oo this its • o:Jntained in the staff
nprt, ming a location 1111P tranaparency tx> show the
aite. She aMac! the IR)lioant is requesting a ten-·foot
atr.t w.cation, lllhich IDlld go before Council March 6.
lbltx>tis X
Rawlins X
Schlehuber X
smith X
Marcus X X
Farrow X
Lyttleton X
Rclllbotis X
R.wlina X
Schlehuber X X
&Ii.th X
Marcus X
Farrolf X
{¥ttleton X
February 22, 1984 Page 6
Chairman Raltx>ti.s ~ the public hearing at 8:39 p.m.
and issued the invitation to speak. Since ro ooe wished
to speak oo this item, the public testim:>ny portion was
Mr. walter Brown stated the City was reducing the right-
of-w1f'j frail 80 ft. to 60 ft.
1'le PlaMing camrlssion approved the Negative
Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and
adopted the following Resolution:
~ t«>. 2253, APPRJITDl'.i A PLAtfiIN;; a:MIISSICN
APAR'DG!N1' PR:UPx::'I' mJII 10 ClJ'S/ACRE '10 19.29 ru'S,11\CRE
CN PR.lPEk1'Y <amRALLY lOCATED AT 475 ~ ~.
5. Pa>-56 -S'mBILE -Request for a Planning Camli.ssion
Determination & a 31-uni t apartment project at the
southwest corner of Pine Street and the AT&SF Railroad
in the R-3 zone.
Charles Gri.Jlln, Principal Planner, gave the presentation
on this item as rontained in the staff report, using a
locatioo nap showing the project site.
Chairman Raltx>tis ~ the public hearing at 8:46 p.m.
and issued the invitation to speak. Since ro ooe wished
to speak oo this item, the public testi.rony portioo was
'lbe Plannil'ViJ ca.dssion approved the Negative
Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and
adopted the following Resolution:
RBSOIDl'ICN t«>. 2252, APPRJITDl'.i A 31--0NIT APAR'.lloall'
'!be Mimtee of the P~ 8, 1984, Meetil'ViJ were
approved as presented.
Chainan Ralbotis announced receipt of a letter frail
Da¥id Stoffel regarding Calavera Hills and the parcels
dedicated to pub. '!be letter lilM referred to staff
with a regueat to furnish the ca.issioners with a oopy
of the letter and tril'ViJ a report hack to the ca.nissioo.
An IA)Ml WB received flD! the City Council decisioo oo
realigraent of Palcaar Airport lold. 'Ibis act.loo had
been~ by the Plannil'ViJ C<alissioo and the City
Council aid ro, m appeal hM been received. 1'le
Aaiatant City Attx:rne-J stated it was poesib:..e they were
apaling to have the •tter rehead. If that were the
OIN, the it• wculd go through the entire process
February 22, 1984
Mike Rolmiller, I.and Use Plaming Manager, repxted the
ca.iuim had sent a letter to the City Council
stating o:inoem with pedestrian clrculatia, a, the Pine
Street project. Council agreed this should be studied,
and directed staff to d:> a study. Council's feeling was
there ahculd be scae linkage, since there would be walks
on both sides of this blodt. Staff is to investigate
whether the wIJtway <JJUld be a, the railroad right~f-
Wlrf, but not through applicant's parking lot. 'lhe
applicant would work with staff, and if the applicant
does have to put in a walkwlrf, the project was
oontUtimed al that being d::lne. Staff will o:intact the
railroad to find out whether they would allow the
walltvay al their right~f~, with the applicant paying
the eipense.
By proper mtial, the Meeting of February 22, 1984, was
adjourned at 8: 53 p.m.
Reapectfully abnitted,
Land Use Plaming Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Miootes Clerk
(j) '