HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-28; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of:
Date of Meeting:
Time of Meeting:
Plaoe of Ml!eting:
March 28, 1984
7:00 p.m.
City council Charmers
'ffle Meeting was called to or:der by Olairman Rarb:>tis
at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Olairman Ral'botis, cannissioners
Rawlins, Schlehuber, smith, Marcus,
Farrow and Lyttleton.
Absent: None.
Chairman Ralbotis stated this was a .Joint lll!eting of the
Design Review Board and Planning Callllission. flle
Planning Callllission would only YOte on the tentative map
on the item to be oonsidered, and a joint hearing would
be held. Re roncluded, stating Chairman McCoy of the
Design Review !:bard would oonduct the lll!eting.
Present: Olairman McCoy, Ment>ers Ral'botis,
Schlehuber, Marcus and Holmes.
Absent: None.
Staff Menb!rs Present:
O\arles Grinm, Principal Planner
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner
Catherine Nicholas, Assistant Planner
Bx~ficio Mellt>ers Present:
Mike HolZllliller, Land Use Planning Manager
Chriu Salcaine, ca.unity Redevelopnent Manager
Dan Hentadlke, Assistant City Attorney
DIIV'e Hauaer, Deputy City Engineer
1. CT 8'-6~274 -CARlSMD ~ -Request to allow
oorwtruetlcin a iiilied Ullle reeort cmplex including 1
132 t~ a:indcllini1m units, a 66-unit ootel, a
retail building, and a restaurant, all located oo the
entire city blodt at the aouthwest oorner of carlsbad
Baulevard and Bl.In Awnue.
Chri• Salcane, ec.amity Radevelopnent Manager, gave
the pneentatioo al this ite111 as oontained in the staff
report, uaing a tranaparency of a location map showing
the aite of the project and wall nape showing views of
the buildinga to be included in the entire project. 'lbe
pedting will be m-eite a lftlerground, with the
et:ruetun abcJYe grade along Ocean Aveooe, falling back to.,_.. it ia totally lft!erground. 'fflere will be ro
acoeu off of OoNn, me aooesa oo Carlsbad Boulevard
ard ll00N8 and •it a, Qak a El.RI. 'lbere will be a
planted adian Cl\ Carlabad Boulevard. 'ftle site plan ws
dilplay9d a, a •11 111111> n Mr. salan::ine referred to
thia aite plan to explain how the nietaurant would be
ret:atn.! ~ it ia, with the historical house being
reat:cred to ita odginal 111pln¥t>r.
March 28, 1984 Page 2
An .-erdaent to t.he local Coastal Plan will be required,
since ti.R-share oondcminil.1118 are oonsidered as
condcainiiaa, and staff would support such an merdnent.
Mr. Salatale stated this project was exciting to the
Redevelopnent staff. It will have a pedestrian
at:B>ephere-village at:DJephere, and a lot of pedestrian
aocess and mixed uses. On-street parking will be
provided with additimal amenities, with diagonal parking
on Elal and oaJt and parallel parking 00 Ocean. The
ec.oncBic benefit to the village area will be trererdous
and the City will benl!fit frcn the roan tax, sales tax
and prq,erty taxes.
In answer to a questioo fran Cannissioner Schlehuber,
Mike Holarl.ller, Land Use Planning Manager, stated that
when there is a difference in elevatioo fran the fratt to
badt of mre than ten feet, the zoning ordinance, mder
the height definitioo, gives a ten-foot bonus in this
case. A transparency showing the determinatioo of
building height we used to demnstrate how the definitioo
works. The difference oo this property is 13 feet.
The ordinance also gives a lxlnus oo non-flat rooftops by
measuring to the mid-1)0int of the pitch of the roof.
Caaissioner Smith in:nlired about the width of Elm
Aveooe, stating it is narrow in that block and the
ptq)08ed t.l'lderground parking entrance extends out
into the street. He was also ooncemed about the
Kalt lllitson, Traffic Engineer under oontract with the
City, stated full widening <n1ld be done oo the north
aide of the roadway. Cmaiasioner Smith Mked .-hether
Bl.a Aven.ie would be iJlproved before the underground
parking w• biilt. Be also ccaented oo the nap
jutting out into the street. Chris Sal<a:ine stated
that -done to provide a safety factor" for the
padeatri-at that exit.
oa.iuioner Schlehuber (J.leeticned that cru.y one parking
apaae -pawided fer each a:ntoainim. Staff stated
that tbta -the lliniJul required. 'ftle t~
oandcainillll are to be ~tricted to one BJnth, with the
thaught that tbta would lower the chances for visiton to
beocat • probl-.
ec.ii•ioner 8111th Mked whether the electric poles would
be elillinated and -auaured that utilities
wauld be undm)raund.
O\aita11 NcCoy ~ the pJblic hearing at 7:25 p.11. and
iaued the inritation to lll)Mk.
llr. Jill 11atldna, 355 -14th Street, Del Mar, spoke as the
ll!Plio.t, at:ating he agreed about the utilities-they
an ugly 111d will be biried. Mr. llltkinll deecribed the
pcojeet. 111d lltated thay are excited about the villal}e-
type •~· 'ftlllY t:DCk carlabac!'• plan and tried to .,_ __ wlate lt. lie deecribed the pedNtrian
~ and aaniti• of the (XJll>lex.
PLNIU!l; CXMIISSI~ March 28, 1984 Page 3
Mr. Matkins stated they had ooly gotten together with
Fidel's this welt. He stated that rather than tear that
building down, they are going to inoorporate the existing
building and tring it badt to the elegant building it
In answer to query, Mr. W!ltkins stated he was President
of Winner's Circle R@SCX'te Internatiooal, Inc., who
would be the eventual property owner.
Mr. Don Schoell, Architect, San Diego, space in favor of
this project, showing a poster with photographs of sane
of their -,rk in Del Mar, adding that ecmething of this
similar nature had been planned for Carlsbad. Mr.
Schoell used the wall chart of the site plan to indicate
how the project will be c:riented for views to the ocean
and q>er1 space.
Mr. Schoell explained that the restaurant IIO.lld have
decks to look toltard the ocean and the green areas.
Acoording to Mr. Schoell, there IIO.lld be many different
textures oo the buildings, with warm oolors and heavy
landscaping to create a warm, friendly atmsphere. Re
used the site plan map to indicate the trees shown there
are trees that are already there and 110.1ld oot be noved.
1'le palm trees oo the prq>erty will be re-located oo the
site, giving a well~loped feeling fran the
In answer to query, it wis determined the driveway exit
onto Bhl would be 15 ft. wide and would be a ate-11ay
exit a'\l.y.
COlllliuioner Schlehuber stated that mny letters had
been ntoeived frca the Historical Society regarding this
hiatorioal buildir,,i and oow i.Jl'portant it is to Carlsbad.
Be atated he ..anted the reoord to reflect that the
buildir,,i will be saved.
ca.iuioner LytUetm ~ired regardir,,i the
11A>li<9lt'■ cmait:ant to keep the building, and Mr.
watJd.n■ ■tatel! the buildir,,i is beautiful, but it ooee
need wfurbi■bing. It will be a plus for the project
and the thay will retain it. He stated it could stay
thew fcnryer.
O:w91uicner LytUetm stated, with the agreew,t the
building i■ to at&y, t:Ming off acae a:Utima ..te, and
nnonting a c:hangiBJ, lhe aaked whether the ~liamt
inurdlll! to ■tul!y the c:riginal buildir,,i that akes it
hi■tcrioally ■ignifioant, and retain t:ho■e elements.
Mr• -.:kin■ lltated the lean-to we died and the St<X"age
llh■d--tJwy Wnt mt part of the c:riginal building.
In _. to qua■tion • to the kind of exterior planned
for the l'Ntlunlnt, _._ llltkin■ ■tated it would be old
-.rld dN!4ft ml&! he felt the village plan pramtee
bmawJUa diftr■ity. Pictodal exhibits are planned
fer lnaide the hi■torioal atructuni.
March 28, 1984 Page 4
ca...issiooer Lyttleta\ asked Mr. watkins why, if they
w.re aensitive to the village, didn't they study the
original architecture of carlsbad and design a project
hara:lnious with that, rather than tringing Del Mar
character to Carlsbad. Mr. watkins answered that
Carlsbad is a GerlMn l\l!llle and they had oonsidered both
types of architecture. 'ffle balance of the prq>erty as
it is does oot. cepu~ent good design and they felt
it 1188 oold. 'ffle diversity will make for a wanner type
of architecture.
Judy Carroll, Director of Develcpnent, P.O. Bax 5000,
spoke for the !R)licant, stating she would cover the
oonditims they wnted to address and would give a
schechle of productioo plans. She stated of the 46
oonditims, there were ooly three the !R)licant
'ffle first ronditioo questimed was 278, which Ms. Carroll
asked be waived, as the !R)licant feels that additiooal
five feet is very inportant to them to enable them to
develop landscaping. Deputy City Engineer Dave Hauser
answered the City intended to q:,en that street ~ and the
wall would be pushed back, unless the applicant applied
fer an encroachment permit. camdssiooer Rarbotis stated
the 4 1/2 feet sectioo to the prq>erty line for
utilities, underground electricity, etc., oould be
utililzed for landscaping. Ms. Carroll stated there is a
wall at the prq>erty line n::iw, and they wanted a sidewalk
on the other side of it. With the 50 feet, they oould
soften the inpact.
'ftte aeoond ronditioo queetimed was 29A.-the
inatallatioo of the median oo Carlsbad Boulevard. Ms.
Carroll stated the !R)licant would be pleased to install
the adian, but felt the City m1ould pay half. Chris
salcame explained that the oonditioo was identical to
that iapoeed m the TVin Inns project. 'ftlis was a half
Ndian, with the City Redevelcpnent to pay half.
'l'he thb:d conUtioo cp!8tiaied was 29G-a mdifi011tioo
of the aignal at carlsbad Boulevard. Ms. Carroll stated
the IA)lioant hoped that ws a lliniaal IDdi.ficatioo and
not a re-1!Nign of. the signalizatioo ayatea itself. 'ffle
Dlputy City lrvJineer explained the signal is oot 'I> to
City at.amrda, Ind the !R)licant is reepaaaible for
aodlificat!O'l en the a:iuthlMet comer of Bl.a Boulevard
only. Oni.a 8al<W'lNt stated this sae oonditioo had
bNn aakec! of the '!Yin Inna project and had been r_,,,.., • it wa a aipital illprovwnt. It ws stated
the City I01J.d dMldt en this,• the require.nt should
be equal far both project.s.
Na. canoll indicated that the pro&.tction lldle&lle is to
bnllk CJIQand June 1, a ■tart the hotel and garage Jme
30. 1!le ntail atana Ind 60 c:."Cnltoalni\1111 start ....,_r 30. '1he front half of the project is to be
finulhed ~ l)1ollber 31, Ind the first phw of 60
oonilalllni1a1 Ind back half of. the aite IIIXk to be
oaaplaud ~then of. Nard\, 1985. Phase tM> will
pcOONd • the adtet.ing of. the conctoainima progre••·
P~ CDl(ISSIO. March 28, 1984 Page 5
In ..-.-er to .tlether Fidel's would have to close, it was
stated then! llOUld be limited rem::>deling and it llOUld oot
entail cloeing Fidel's. If the renodeling became 110re
extensive, after t1Dre study, it oould involve closing the
restaurant for a t.ille, but ooly if Pidel 's agreed to
The Historical Society will be IIOrlting with the appliamt
to n!tain the palatial r@Sidence and the specimen trees.
Then! will be a galley of historical sites and o:munity
events, and the busin@88 plan calls for significant
t,u,Jget ..:,unts for cmamity projects.
Ccadssiooer Schlehuber stated he vJUld like it
conditiooed that the basic historlcal site be kept. Re
stated lffJ planned refurbishing should rome before the
caaissioo and oot be left~ to the applicant.
Mmler Rolllles stated that after looking at the auality of
deeign, he had oo reservations about the architects being
able to blend their structures in with the existing
structure. Staff stated Conditions 19 and 20 should be
deleted as they are re<lmdant.
Fidel Montanez, owner and q>erator of Fidel's nestaurant,
adc!resaed the ca.issioo and Board, stating there was a
verbal agceaaent and he was willing to support this,
coq>erate with the applicant, and restore ~-t:uilding to
its original state.
Mrs. Willi• Skinner, 3065 Ocean Street, space as a
resident of. Ocean Street. She stated no a,e has
aentioned the beach--t:M parldng or the oongestioo. She
stated that in the atall!r, the r@Sidents then! can hardly
get in or out of their driveways. She stated she did not
underatmd llt1y Bngineering had stayed with parallel
pmting Cl"I Ocean, and diagonal parking Cl"I oak and Elm.
She ooncllded, atating the traffic .o\ld be increued cri
all of the streets.
Kent 11\itaan, Traffic Engineer, stated that, of oourse,
traffic IICUld increMe. Fidel's ~ footage now
equal.a 1,000 tripe a day and this project will generate
3,000 tripe II day. '!tie apeed liJllit is 25 !Ip\ and
enforcible ~ l•. 'lbere is never enc)U9h parking is this
aw:., partiailarly Cl"I wekenda, but with this parking
plan it lhould t. m orderly.
Nra. Skinner UJ9Nted packing •ters, and speed bUllpe al
0aNl'I StrNt., • there is a safety factor that ahould be
aillt 1111!.
In_. to Mn. Skinner's queetitt1 regarding the
atl'Nt.1'9bta, the Dlp.lty City !ngineer stated they would
be b1'h 1111111 an ..Um with an orange glow.
--• 111:i.t,ner ~ about the ston drain facilitiee al
0aNl'I atnet n ataff stated the eton water will qo
into • •iatin!I drain n nothing will ooaa accoes · to
the WR aide ol the atrNt.
March 28, 1984 Page 6
Mrs. Skinner further stated that the beach in that area
is a stepchild. 'ltlere are ro provisioos for clean tt>
and she felt the residents should rot have to 111tintain
that beach area for the tine-share omers. Also, there
is 15 to 20 feet of ocean frontage, and Mrs. Skinner
asked whether the l!R)licant intended to advertise "beach-
front tiae share aondcninilllS•. Also, she stated, at
the preeent tune, beach-goers walk through her gate and
down her sidewalk to gain access to the beach.
Mrs. Mary Melideo, carlsbad, addressed the Camdssioo and
Boaro asking about the exit ooto Elm and where was the
entrance. Staff stated the 111tin entrance is oo Carlsbad
Boulevard. In answer to a queetioo about the wall oo
Ocean Street, staff stated that the l!R)licant is
proposing to keep it, and there wuld be sidewalks next
to the wall-and parking, too. It was stated that the
City needs the additiooal five feet oo Ocean, oowever.
Marge HowarchJ<XteS, Historical Society, presented oopies
of history of the Cohn hale to the camdssicners and
Boaro Ment>ers and explained the (:tiotographs rontained
there. She stated this represents a very iffpcrtant time
in Carlsbad's history. She stated this hale (X)St
$40, 000 to build and had 18 r0C1113 and inported tile.
The llltP Ull4!ld for the toor last fall was also referred to
and m1 article that ~ in the Journal. Mrs.
BowanhJmee stated these are guidelines for the
applicant to lll!le, along with pictures taken this
Mrs. Frankie Runzo, 355 Elm, spdce in favor of this
Mr. 111tkina stated they wre rot going to advertise
•beach-front• property. He stated with the 11911 and
Htblldt planned, this should help the pdvacy oo Ocean
Since ro cne else w-A.ahed to apuk oo this it•, the
l)d>lic teetiacny Mia ooncllded at 8:31 p.111. and the item w• ~ fcE' DNign Reviw Board diacuaaim.
l!llllber BolaM at.at~ thia wa the first project with all
tbe parking inclucted en the pcq,erty. Street parking
ca,not be cuwidered • part of. required parking in
C.labad, bec:a.lN o1. the bNdH)oers. He stated he wa
canc:.n.d about the truh at:orage areas and felt it wa
not adaquat:a •
...._r Bdllehuber at.ated he ~ed the plan, mbject
to dafinlte cmalt:aant to aep the criginal Cohn hem.
lie felt OOnditicn 27B lhould be retained, with the City
kelping the fiw foot at.rip. He aMad that 29G waa not
naallld, • the City '°1ld P11Y h the adian. Marty CJnrw11t at:ated the City '°1ld ake every effcrt to P11Y
far the otMr half ot. the aadian, but it is 14> to the
City Camldl to clat:el:aine nther they will pay h it •
..._. llalb>tia at.ated thia oonditim ahould be left in
W ataff mu1d ab the No I _ ndatiat.
March 28, 1984 Page 7
'lbe Deeign Review Board~ the Negative
Declaration iuued by the Land use Planning Manager am
a&pted the following Reaolutj .11:
RBSCUJ'1'IQI !I>. 033, APPR:Wm; A ~ PEIIIIT ni:fllSne A (XH)ITICIW, lEE P£llllIT Ml> A aHXJUNlllt
PBll(l'T 10 aHfflU.'T A MIXBD-{JSE RESORl' CDtPLl!:X n«:umn«;
132 TINB SIAR! CIHXJUNitJt llll'l'S, A 66-uaT fDJEL, A
Including the following: Staff will treat this
applicant the ._ as the Twin IMS project with regard
to the adian md signal ainditioos. 'ff1e historical
houee to taain part of the project, with llfff
IIIOdifioation to this house to be trought back to the
Board before it 18 initiated.
By ErOl)er mtion, the Deaign Review Board adjourned at
8:38 p.m.
O\airan Aollbotis called the Planning Camdssion back to
order at 8:39 p.m., with all Malt>ers present.
Ccaiuimer Saith stated he felt Elm Avenue should be
widened down to Ocean Street, md would like this to be
done before this project 18 oonpleted.
'lbe Planning Coaiaaion adopted the following
RBXDl'1tli II). 2263, JIDJNH)n«; APPRJU'AL CF A
IMILM W,. fiU fltwt 132 llll'l'S CN 4.1 ACRES CN
Including the following: Staff to treat the applicant
the -• the TWin Ima project with regard to the
llldian n the traffic signal. 'lbe Historical houae
when Pidel '■ .:.taurant is located to r:911lin part rx
the project, with Sff ■Ddifioatial to cxae back to the
City bafcre it 18 initiated.
Staff to loalt a poaible widening of Elm Avenue to a
unifam width, with lngineering to study this prior to
the oanatructian of. thia project.
In .-r to camy • to w.ether the five-feet 18 needed
on~ Str.t, the Dlplty City Brlgineer stated it
.aul.d bring that aide of the atreet "'tx> City
Chaimlft lalbotia lffl0Unoad It-2 and 6 will be aantilN■d • ....
°"'1na11 Ralboti■ daclared • NOM■ at 8:50 p.m. md
the Planning OnllaSuian RCOnwned at 8:57 p.m., with
all OWliulanen pneent.
March 28, 1984
2. CT 84-2/CP-270 -IA CXE'TA POIN'ffi
'1'le Planning Camlission oontinued Item 12, to be re-
noticed for a new public hearing.
'1'le Planning Camlission oontinued Item 16, V-353-
TBERRim, to be nH'lOtioed for a new public hearing.
2. CT 83-33/CP-257 -NIGJEL Il1.IERICR:) -Request for a
tentative tract 1111p and oondaninium permit for 36 units
on 5.1 acres at the south side of Alga Road between
Manzanita Street c!nd Minosa Drive in the RD-M zone.
Charles Grimn, Principal Planner, gave the presentation
on this item as oontained in the staff report, using a
transparency to show the site plan and wall llllpS showing
the pr:q:,osed project.
Chairman Raltx>tis c:pened the public hearing at 9:03 p.m.
and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Bob Jahn, Huntingtat Beach, stated the applicant
agreed with all ccnditioos.
Since rx> ate else '"i.shed to speak at this item, the
public testinaty was ooncluded at 9:04 p.m.
'1'le Planning Camdssion adapted the following
RBSCU7l'laf !I). 2262, APPR)ITIM; A ffNI'ATIVE 'mACT ~ HID
<XRDmm11 P!ll(IT ~ 36 tfiITS CN 5. 1 ACRES CN PKlPER1'I'
Gl!!ll!Dft!l,Y UX'MU> CN 'JlfE SXJ'l1f SIDE CF AIQ. IU.D 1£'1~
fWftM1I'11' STlBT IR> MD1'.EA CIUVE.
4. CT 83-39~2~-356 -Hl!MUXlt CXHXMINitltS -
Raqueat fer an 1 t tentative tract mp and
ocnblinim pemit1 a variance: to reruoe the froot yard
Mtbeck ftal a lS-foot average to 10 feet, to encroach
into the 10-foot aetbadc a distance of 6 feet at me
locatia11 and to reduce the visitor parking requireent
fn:a 6 apaoee to 5 spaces at a • 54-acre let located on
the aouth side of Belllodt Avenue adjacent to the ~F
Railrcm and adc!reased as 369 Belll.odt Avenue.
Char lee Gria, Principal Planner, gave the presentatiat
on this it• • oontained in the staff i:epoct, using a
tnnaperenc:.y llhowing the site and weall llllp8 showing the
propoeed project and the offset 011~.
In .-r to CJ,1Ntiaw from the ca.issicners, ooe
Ngarding the height of the wall and ooe about ooise
attenaatiat, staff agreed the wall should be 6-feet high
ani! although the City did rx>t require l!fff ooise
atten.aation cxnUtioo, a blodt wall would help.
~tis X
Rawlins X
Schlehuber X
Smith X
Marcus X
Farrow X X
Lyttleton X
laltx>tis X
Rawlins X
Schlehuber X
Smith X
Marcus X
Farrow X X
Lyttleton X
laltx>tis X
Rawlins X
Schlehuber X
smith X
Marcus X
Farra, X X
Iqttleton X
P!NfiIM;CXM(!SSICN March 28, 1984 Page 9
Chairman Rait,otis c.pened the public hearing at 9:13 p.m.
and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Henry 'l\Jbbs, 2224 Running Spring Place, Encinitas,
addressed the Cannission as the applicant, stating he
would be ~ to put '-" a sound wall, and adding that
the windows will be rual-qlazed.
Since no ate else wished to speak on this item, the
public teetilmny was CX>ncluded at 9 : 14 p.m.
Chairman Rait,otis stated standard sound attenuation
would be required for the units that front the railroad,
to ffl!et the 65 decibels.
The Planning COlllllission approved the Negative
Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and
adopted the followina Resolutions:
Subject to additional conditions of ronstructing a 6-
foot wall and sound attenuation.
5. EIR 83-1/ZC-272/ZC-274tSP-190/CT 83-36/CP-273 -DEL
MAR PDWCIAL -Certificat on en an Environmental Inpact
Report and request for approval of preannexational
zoning of C-2 (General Ccmnercial), o (Office), R-1-
20,000 and~ (~Space): a Specific Plan: Tentative
Subdivis ion Map and Non-Residential Condcadnhnn Permit
on the northeast side of El Cmnino Real, north and south
of the prq:,oeed extension of C.011~ Boulevard.
Catherine Nicholas, Assistant Planner, gave the
pr---,tation en this ite111, using a location nap
trarwpuency for the EIR section of the staff report.
I n ...,.r to query, it was stated C street, as discussed
in the BIR, is a right turn in and out: identified as n
Street oo the tentat ive nap.
A tranaparency ahowing the determination of ruilding
he i ght wall UNI!, and in .--.er to query, Misa Nicholas
stated the 1:uildinga were at 45 f eet, due to a 10-foot
allawance for ttw grade difference. A transparency of
the pcq)0Nd zcning by area was shown. It was stated
the apecitic plan provided the achania to g ceed the
35-feet liait, ar.d the City Council throu:Jh the s ite
develqaent plan oould apprc,ye this. St aff roo0111Mnded
the Cc.aiuion go along with the 35-ftlf!t l illlit . '11'9
specific plan ia the ll)l>licant 'a mAIVI to <DM to the
City Council and ~t height in excess of 35 feet.
Auiat:Mt City Attomey Dan Hentachlte stated C-2 zooe
doM not allow buildinge higher than 35 feet through a
apecit'ic plan. 'lt\e C-2 zone "°'1ld have to be amended.
R:mx>tis X
Rawlins X X
Schlehuber X
Smith X
Marcus X
Farrow X
Lyttleton X
March 28, 1984 Page 10
Charles Grim stated the camri.ssion had two cptialS;
one, reannend to the City Council the applicant's
request ex approve it as staff rea:mnends at 35 feet,
with the provision of the specific plan that they rould
request additiooal height by an application and cane back
to the Council for approval.
ttle project oonforim to the prq>OSed El Camino Real
Scenic Preservation Standards now, but '°11.dn' t if
it is approved for nore than 35 feet.
In answer to Ccmnission query, staff stat ed the tcp
portion of the building that encloses the air
conditioning equip11ent and elevator equipnent does rot
count toward the height of the ruilding.
Chairman Ramotis opened the public hearing at 9:39 p.m.
and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Nick Banche, 3464 Ridgecrest Ori ve, ~essed the
Ccnnission for Mike O'Hara, the developer, stating all
requests oonform to the General Plan and rreet or exceed
City standards. He asked a letter fran Mr. & Mrs.
Grosse be nade a part of the reoord, indicating their
slJAX)rt of this project.
Mr. Banche stated there was one issue-that of height.
He stated the Camlission should rea:mnend allowing the
applicant to exceed the limit. ttlere are places where
high-rise is offensi~t this piece of property is
unique and would add to the aesthetics of the City. ttlis
type of <DnStruction ooets nore, but the applicant wants
a quality project. Mr. Banche referred to the ncdel of
the project set up at the front of the Chant>ers and
stated this ncdel had been oonstructed by the applicant
to show the uniqueness of this piece of property. ttle
Jw:>del is to soale with ooe inch equalling 40 feet. He
explained the land to the west of El Clllrlno is higher
than to the east, and there IO!ld be ro interference of
buildings with the hodzoo.
Mr. Banche offered for the reoord, the ~lication and
written sutaissions, staff report and exhibits, the nodel
( substituting a photograph of that), the Grosses'
letter and the epecific plan text, of which staff and
eo.duioners have oopies.
In .,._r to wiether the applicant was a,are of the 35-
foot height lillit, Mr. Banche stated the applicant had
been~ of that for four years, but had wrlted hard
to ~t a project that they felt 1111118 a quality
project and one that llight provide an q,portunity for
the Collliuion to cpt to go around the cxdinance.
Mr. John Ballew, 18025 Skypark Bast, Irvine, addressed
the caaiuion, stating years have been spent in the
pnparatim of this plan, with lots of graphics, lots of
■tudiee, -nded, IDlified and adjusted. '1be crdinances
haN ~ a <X>Uple of times during this tiae. Re
■tated they -anted buildings that would allow for vistas
throughout the prcperty, and oould have designed the
building■ within the 35-foot lillit, but the ooet of
building on this type of site is an illportant factor.
:t! ~
P~ CDIUSSICW March 28, 1984 Page 11 ~ ~-",~ ~
Mr. Ballew stated the applicant wanted a project
sensitive to this area-realizing that it is near the
airport. Re felt the tr~ffs should be oonsidered by
the Ca.issioo and determined whether they are
legitimate and logical. 'lbe idea was to avoid having
the project restricted, and avoid having people drive
down El Camino Real and see just rooftops. 'lbe buildings
on the project ooly rover 16 percent of the property, and
37 percent of the area is in landscaping.
'lbe hotel is a series of ooe-story units going down the
hill, and the aeasurement is taken at the bottan, which
creates a problem as far as the height limit. Mr. Ballew
stated they fit the hotel to the slope. 'lbe specific plan
states three criteria to permit increased height: ooe-
are there other buildings in the area exceeding 35 feet-
am he stated there ney not be other buildings, but there
are other precedents. 'lbe applicant is not building oo
flat pads, but fitting the buildings to fit the slopes;
two-the height of the buildings will not adversely affect
the surrouming properties--Mr. Ballew stated they feel
their buildings will enhance the surrouming properties;
three-the buildings are not umuly disproportionate-am
these buildings are not large. 'lbe five er six buildings
cover ooly 16 precent of the total site.
Mr. Ballew reiterated the cll-Plicant 's intent to develop a
quality project and stated he knew the height was a
genuine ooncern, but by oonfiguratioo am access this is
an unusual site. 'lbe plan as presented helps alleviate
this by pr:eserving the i;:nysical features of the site as
it exists.
One building exceeding the height limit is Building Ir--
because El Camino Real slopes in that area am because
of the ronfiguratioo of the building. It is a oonstantly
cha1¥3ing same, with roof changes, to avoid a wall of
buildings. Mr. Ballew stated the plants oo the rrodel are
to scale. 'lbe buildings are clustered, with undergroum
parking and plants oo tcp. He stated he felt this is the
state of the art in office buildings. He didn't rement>er
the exact height of each building.
Mr. Robert Delorm, 2421 D.mstan, Oceanside, spoke in
oppoeitioo to the placement of the 90--1::alled ooncepticnal
placement of A Street. Re stated that without his
knowledge or oonsent, Mr. O'Hara had created a oorridor
in th<. center of the usable land oo his small parcel. Re
stated this 11111!18 unfair and unacceptable and created a
financial hardship for him. Mr. Delorm asked the
ca.dssioo to prevent this oorridor oo the mall parcel
of his land. ~ssioner Schlehuber stated he had
received the -.u nap Mr. DelOt"III had suwlied and staff
indicated his parcel as the one fartherest to the east
and aouth oo the tentative IMP and stated it was
concept ual in that area. Staff added the road alignment
was fixed by the Inter-American developnent.
March 28, 1984 Page 12
Mr. 'lat Flanagan, 2752 Baniff Court, spdce in favor of
the project. ff@ had roncerns about the traffic, stating
when the 11:oll prq>erty lets out, College will go into the
11:oll prq,erty. He felt if College rould go under El
CS!lino Real, that wuld help, and wondered if staff had
considered an underpass. Mr. Flanagan stated that D
Street wuld also interfere as far as traffic.
11:ent 1'1\itson, Traffic Consultant, stated that oo under or
over passes are being oonsidered. 'Ihe enly ooes
affordable at this time are those over the railroad
tracks. 'Ibis IOlld require a full interchange, with a
lot of right-of-way. Mr. 1'1\itson stated cloverleafs are
not working out en the freeways and this location \oOUld
not warrant an OYer er under pass.
Mr. Joe Sandy, 2956 Roosevelt, representing the
applicant, addressed the Camdssion en two technical
questions: approYal of excess of 35-foot height-and this
can be accurplished by givinq an extra foot of setback
for each foot of height requested. Mr. sandy stated this
applicant was giving that extra setback and has given
more than ten feet in every instance with the exception
of ooe. 'Ihe second question was th~ provision for
heights in excess of 35-feet by approYal of the City
Council. Mr. Sandy stated provisions do exist in the
present ordinance and requests favorable oonsideration by
the Camdssion.
Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney, stated that what
Mr. Sandy said was true in the Office Z<xle, but that the
proYisions of the C-2 zone d:)n't fit this partlcular
project-it is only 8.8 acres and the hotel doesn't fit all
requirements. If the Camdssion deelB this an appropriate
plan and allows the project to proceed to exceed the
height, this CDUld be discussed in the specific plan
subject to an amendment to existing provisions of the C-2
Mr. John Lonegan, Loe Angeles, speaking for the owner of
the prq>erty to the l'IO['th of this project, asked to be
shown where Sunnycreek ~ goes, beqiMing with the
departure fran El CS!lino nxtherly along the creek.
Staff pointed this out at the map and Mr. Lcneqan asked
whether there was an intention to rontinue Sunnycreek
Road frm its pt'e&ent position along the street staff
nientiooed. Staff stated there was oo oondition to cover
that. 'ftlere ws a discussion about B Street and
Sumycreek ~ and staff detendned this was outside of
the diacuasion here taiight.
Mr. Noran Arndt, Rsoondido, stated the intersection of A
with College and the acoees t.hrough the property owned by
Mr. Sc:hwllb had been provided for. 'ftlere would be a
s ignalised int8raect.ion.
Mr. Banche stat ed the Delorm and Barber oonnections have
nothing to do with the O'Hara design, it was the desian
of the City !h)ineer. 'Ibey are required to make the
Barber oonnectioo oa1111enaurate "'-th the third phase. As
to Mr. Pl-,agan'e ooncern, there will be a s ignal at the
College intersect.loo. "'1ry lftlerpass would be
Mr . Banche stated that the applicant accepted Conditioo
March 28, 1984 Page 13
Mr. Banche stated there are three options with regard to
height: Deny and ~ign for 35 feet: wash your hams
and send it to City Council: or say it is a well-oone
project and neets criteria with all tr~ffs and grant
the conoessioo in height.
Deputy City Engineer stated the City Engineer's office
had stated they 1«>Uld liJce to have A. street ronnected oo
up-but it is oonceptual at this time with ro specific
alignnent set.
Cannissiooer Schlehuber asked how the Pillsrury property
fits into this and staff stated they had contacted them
and they did rot want to participate. Access has been
provided for that property.
The Assistant City Attorney stated the roncern with the
specific plan was addressed in a mem:, to the Ccmnission
and addressed the issue of the properties en the last
page. 'ffle wordir¥1 of the specific plan cnuld be changed
to read, if feasible, for phase ten to include the
Pillsbury property.
It was stated that either 60 feet access oould be set
aside ot' dedicate 30 feet of that access and put scme
burden oo Pillsrury to deal with the awlicant. 'Itle City
Attorney's office said to wait-as the property would rot
be landlocked until a later phase.
'ltae Ccnnissioo asked about Mr. Oelorm's problem, and
it was agreed the l!R)licant l«>Uld either have to b..ty the
land or the City <Dndem it-his land can't be taken for
road purposes.
Since ro ooe else wished to speak oo this item, the
public testinony was roncluded at 10:26 p.m.
'ltae Plannir¥1 Calltlission adopted the following Resolutioo:
Coanissioner Schlehuber o:nnented the Willdan Report was
actequate, rut ronfusing and rot well-written in the EIR.
'ffle Plannir¥1 Caaissioo llR)roved the following
iiiiMNaATiaw, u.B QWQ; 'IO O (OFFICE AND
BL CAMINO 1¥.AL, !Dfflt u..~ (X)[J.FX'iE IDJLBVARD.
ioltx>tis X
Rawlins X
Schlehuber X X
smith X
Marcus X
Farrow X
Lyttletoo X
lbltlotis X
Rawlins X
Schlehuber X
smith X
Marcus X
Farrow X X
Lyttletoo X
PI.ANNIN, a:Mo:SSIOO March 28, 1984 Page 14
Ccmnissioner Farrow stated the existing provisions
for @Xceeding the height limit ordinance oo wilding
constructioo fail to address every rondi tioo that could
arise with topography oo oertah projects. He stated
because of the nodel before the Cannissioo oo this
project, and following the slope of the land, he found oo
problen and was in favor of the 45 feet height.
Cannissioner Schlehuber stated he had oo problem with
the C-2 with office ooildings and could support c-2
blending into the hillside.
ChaiI111!ln Raltlotis agreed with the Cannissioners.
Ccmnissioner Schlehuber stated he was ooncerned aoout
the PillsbJry property. He stated he did have a problem
with Building c.
It was roted all Cannissioners had visited the nodel.
Staff stated the specific plan shots the oorrect height.
The Planning Cannissioo directed staff to prepare
awrcpriate revisions and oonditioos for approval and
bring it bade for review, inoorporating height as
prq:>OSed by the developer and nodificatioos as
rec:mmended by the City Attorney; the Cannissioo to
read the language to inplement the height ronditioo
before it ~ to the City Council.
The Planning Cannissioo oontinued the oondominium pernrl.t
and the specific plan.
6. Vf-353 -'fflERRiffi -This Item was rontinued.
7. ZC.A-169/ZC-293 -EL o.Mm:> ~ -An c911encftnt to
the IJOl\ing ornlnance to inoorporate scenic oorridor
studies into the scenic preeervatioo cwerlay zone, to
place this zone oo properties with frontage along El
Calllino Real, and to adopt •El Cmnino Real Developnent
The C~eeioo stated this item would be oontinued to the
next 11111eting, and Chairman Raltx>tis q,ened the public
hearing at 10:46 p.m., to hear arf'J testirony fran persms
not able to attend the next meeting.
Mr. Joe Levatino, 22121 Malioo Lane, addreeeed the
caaissioo, stating hie property is 1,200 feet oorth of
Alga oo El Cai.no Real with a 1,700 foot frontage. If
the aetbadc is put at 45 feet, he asked what he could oo
with the land left, as he would oot be able to ooild oo
it. 'ftlia would take lNllY almet three acres of his land.
Mr. Levatino stated if this item is continued, he would
request it be first oo the Agenda. Staff and the
caaiuioo aaaured Mr. Levatino that itet11B rontinued go
to the top of the Agenda.
Mr. Levatino stated hews oot ootified of this hearir¥;i am staff agreed to determine "'1y his ME was oot oo the
aawecr's rolls.
lolt>otis X
Rawlins X
Schlehuber X
Smith X
Marcus X
Farrow X X
Lyttletoo X
lbltlotis X
Rawlins X
Sd'llehuber X
smith X
Marcus X
Farrow X X
Lyttleton X
March 28, 1984 Page 15
M.:-. Jim Frandsen, 500 Camino de Orchida, addressed the
Canissioo, stating his prq>erty is adjacent to Mr.
Levatino's property and the same t:uyer is interested in
both prcperties, and if t..1e language is left as it is
now, in Sectioos 1 , 3 and 4, regarding qradinq, it would
have a very negative inpact oo any prcposed project en
this prcperty.
Since no cne else wished to speak en this itetn, the
public testim::lny was cx,ncluded at 10:54 p.m.
The Planning Camdssien oontinued this item to the next
meeting, April 11, with staff to address the problenB en
these pieces of prcperty. It was suggested the owners
contact staff and discuss this.
'1he Minutes of the March 14, 1984, Meeting were ~roved
as presented.
By proper notioo, the Meeting of March 28, 1984, was
adjourned at 10:56 p.m.
Respectfully sutmitted,
Lam Use Planning Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
'loltx>tis X
Rawlins X
Schlehuber X
Smith X
Marcus X
Farrow X X
Lyttleton X
'loltx>tis X
Rawlins X
Schlehuber X
Smith X
Marcus X
Farrow X X
Lyttletoo X